Local Government TV

Monday, November 14, 2016

Trump Election Blowback: Counseling at Lehigh, Confederate Flag in Nazareth

Post Trump, a Confederate flag flying at this Nazareth home
(I obscured the street address)
This is a portrait in extremes.

An out-of-touch Democratic party, completely ignoring working class Americans because they know better, played no small role in Trump's victory. They are exemplified by Lehigh University's Birkenstocks, who oppose all development on the Southside except for urban gardens growing herbal tea. They've been devastated by Hillary's defeat. Things are so bad that the Provost is taking steps to ensure grief counseling, although he is shying away from "crisis response centers" for now.

Here's the Provost's message:
As we're sure many of you have witnessed first-hand, post-election feelings of distress and elation have been manifest on campus the past couple days, and are likely to continue during the naturally stressful conclusion of the present semester and the post-holiday period. While some students have felt anguish, fear, confusion, and anxiety prompted by and during this period of new and changed national circumstance, it has been very evident to many members of the LU family that compassionate and supportive responses to students have poured forth from myriad places within the community.

This process has been happening organically, as people have gathered in the Pride Center, the UCPS/counseling center, many classrooms, the OMA, hallways and spontaneous meeting places, the Women's Center, individual offices (e.g. faculty with students), the Office of International Affairs, and during programming sessions such as the Salam Neighbor film with Zach Ingrasci.

At heart, we are strong believers in the basic resilience of students and are generally hesitant to communicate implicit or meta messages that we doubt the human capacity and students' ability to manage life stressors. As a result, we have not asked counseling center and Dean of Students staff to institute crisis response centers. Rather, we trust that students will find the relationships that work for them.

However, we and faculty may notice students who appear withdrawn or distressed and who do not appear to elicit helpful support from those around them, or who appear to reject support offered and seem to spiral downward. We do want to remind faculty that there are many offices in the Student Affairs division that are staffed by personnel capable of providing assistance to these students. Faculty are encouraged to call the UCPS (83880) or the DOS (84156) office for consultation on how best to respond, or to refer students for assistance to the various offices in SA capable of helping.
Incidentally, the Provost's message was sent on Veterans Day, with nary a mention of them or their sacrifices.

That's one extreme. On the other side, Trump's election has legitimized hatred and bigotry. Here in Nazareth, one racist has reacted to Trump's election by proudly flying the Confederate Stars and Stripes at his South Main Street home. He always had a First Amendment right to tell the world he's a bigot, but Trump's election has emboldened him into thinking that his hatred is now part of our national. lexicon

Unfortunately, he's right.


  1. Sounds like the Provost is serving as nanny to students who are spoiled brats with the emotional maturity of a 12 year old. Higher education is supposed to prepare students for the real world. Lehigh alums should be embarrassed to witness this coddling of young adults.

  2. Seems to me like Lehigh's response is appropriate considering the assaults and harassment of minorities that have been reported over the last few days.

  3. Doesn't seem "extreme" to me. The president elect is a hateful bigot and we just found out that the majority of voting Americans are too. Some people are feeling overwhelmed and depressed by this realization.

    And does every form of communication on veteran's day have to include explicit praise for our veterans? Like, settle down.

  4. Excuse me, but a majority of the voting Americans voted for Hillary. The reaction by Lehigh is ridiculous. I agree that Trump's election has been a fillip for bigots.

  5. Let me guess, free beard and tatoo and sense of angry entitlement with every flag?

  6. Is the Provost at Lehigh going to install a petting zoo of puppies, cats and baby lambs for the children so they can get over their grief ?

    Just wait for these little cupcakes to graduate and then try to get a job in our Obama economy

    Poor babies.

  7. I'd like to thank President Obama for one thing. He upset the country so much that when the opportunity came to make a real change in our nation, the American people took it.

  8. anon 4:52. I doubt he meant, "all". Most are if only in a metaphorical way but certainly not all.

  9. Counseling the mostly privileged liberal.PATHETIC they're not absolutely comfortable on Veteran's Day -The grunts,the poor bastards were being put in cold hostel condition like the Bulge eating Possum on Christmas day out of their helmets. Sniveling children still -at 20.

  10. If nothing else..Trump has opened the door for outright hatred of..the other. In all forms and no one is excluded from this abomination of our nations ideals. Confederate flags are an obvious symbol of choice by the klan and other neo nazi people of that persuasion. Come to Bangor and Pen Argyl and you will see the flags and the license plates and visit the social clubs to hear the denizens revel in using the N-word on a regular basis. Thank you Donald Trump..for opening..Pandora's Box.

  11. You would think the ISIS flag will be planted over the Whitehouse. Simple, the no good lying and deceitful HRC lost. I suggest that these worthless crying liberal babies attend the local Black Lives Matter, the New Black Panthers or LGBT forums; where they can share their grief with other malcontents. I'm sure they'll be welcomed! Middle America stood up to the "entitlement" generation where freebies and government control will be lessened and the political establishment will be put on their ears.

  12. Funny how people waving the rebel flag now chant..You lost..get over it!

  13. Trump's fine with homosexual marriage and he's already backing off his immigration statements. He's been repeatedly called a liar. And he is. Which is exactly the point. He's a lifelong Democrat whom Rs reluctantly supported because they voted against Hillary. Anyone who thinks he's going to govern from the right hasn't been paying attention. Rs who don't already, will quickly come to dislike him, as he holds no governing philosophy outside of deal making and taking credit. They'll be reminded that they voted for the lesser of two evils, and that Trump is still evil. In the mean time, the national Republican Party is as strong as it's been in 90 years, thanks to Obama, Reid, Pelosi, and their amen corner in the media.

  14. The way people are carrying on about Hillary winning the popular vote is like putting the cart before the horse. Here we are almost a week after the election and all of the votes aren't counted yet, when the votes are all counted Trump will capture the popular vote too.

  15. "The president elect is a hateful bigot" --- Whatever you say there anonymously! Still does not change the FACT that Hillary Clinton LOST. No Grand Coronation after all. Suck it up, cupcake.

  16. 5:47, Most Trump supporters are not racists or even xenophobes, but his election certainly has legitimized that behavior. This is reality, not sour grapes. i give him all the credit in the world for appealing to the dark side.

  17. The incidents of racism and white supremecy are few and far between. The real hatred is expressed by the anti-Trump protesters who are burning his effigy, threatening to assassinate him, and using the foulest, most hateful language imaginable. I was unhappy when Obama won twice, but me and my conservative"deplorables" didn't come out with torches and pitchforks, tying up traffic and burning cars. The protesters are anarchists who could care less about our democratic system.


  18. And I thought BDS (Bush Derangement Syndrome) was bad. In their world it's already being made out that Trump is a reality TV star who bankrupted his businesses using money he inherited and won election by being a con man appealing to the worst aspects mobile home park residents.

    Does any of this surprise anyone? It is the typical "I didn't get my way" behavior of the childish Hillary mob? I saw one crying fool ask, "Why don't they just give us what we want?" Really, is that how our Constitution work? Is that how elections work?

    There is a cold hard reality that might wake them from their utopian dreams. Churchill was quoted as saying if you're not liberal at 20 you have no heart. If you're not conservative at 40 you have no brain. Within that timeframe a person realizes what the real world is. Perhaps we could expedite the process.

  19. I give Barack Hussein Obama (mmm mmm mmm) and Hillary Clinton all the credit in the world for speaking out against all the post-election riots, violence and destruction of property. Oh, wait. Obama and Clinton have NOT spoken out against all the post-election riots, etc. What a missed opportunity to act like a real leader.

  20. I agree that Obama or Clinton should speak out against any protests that result in violence. Other than that, voters have a right to express their disgust, as pointless as it seems to you or me. It is called the First Amendment, the one in front of the Second. And incidentally, Trump is reality TV star who bankrupted his businesses using money he inherited and won election in part by being a con man appealing to the worst nature of people. He also sounded some messages that need to be heard, like an out-of-touch government and media.

  21. 8:45 Most Trump supporters are not racists or even xenophobes, but his election certainly has legitimized that behavior.

    No it hasn't. His election "legitimized" the violent protests riots across the country which are spreading as leftist goons having unfettered pre-pubescent tantrums drone on about “peace” and “love.” Targets of the attacks are anything and anyone, including the police. Meanwhile, plans are in the works to disrupt Trump’s inauguration with “civil unrest”.

    If you want to see the racists and xenophobes, just look at the news Bernie.

  22. "The real hatred is expressed by the anti-Trump protesters who are burning his effigy, threatening to assassinate him, "

    I will agree that is terrible behavior.

  23. Do you think that Hillary will have to pay back all the bribes she took as Secretary of State since she can't do the favors to those who gave her money now that she lost the election?

  24. Last I heard, you hero is in no rush to go after her and "lock her up."

  25. "Are you saying that all Trump supporters are toothless, uneducated bigots Bernie?"

    No, many of my friends voted Trump. What I am saying is that his election empowered toothless, uneducated bigots among his supporters.

  26. I don't believe an Attorney General has yet been chosen to put the wheels of justice into motion to Lock Her Up. Also, I'm sure that Obama will offer Hillary a pardon.

    Which will be hilariously funny if he did and she accepts it. After all, the acceptance of a pardon is an admission of guilt, that Queen Hillary has always denied she did anything wrong, playing the ignorance card when she can't recall anything or looks for a rag to wipe her server clean.

    One way or another, her tits are going to be run though a ringer. It's called "equal justice under the law".

  27. No it's not. It's called vindictive prosecution. She already is the most investigated person in history, and your "tits through the ringer" reveal what you're all about. Trump told you what you wanted to hear so you'd pull the lever for him. Now that you have, the con man can ignore you like he did to so many of the people who worked at his casinos.

  28. He should leave Hillary alone. She is suffering already with her blundered campaign.

  29. That was a farce, not an investigation. Attorney General Lynch was caught meeting with Bill Clinton at the Phoenix Airport, and the fix was in. If you don't believe that, we can spend 45 minutes talking about our grandchildren and golf.

    Yes Bernie, her tits are going to be run through a wringer. She's been skating around the law for the past 25 years and it's time to face the same justice that Marine in Leavenworth had to face for taking photos inside a nuclear submarine.

    It's not vindictiveness, it's equal justice under the law.

    “An honest public servant can't become rich in politics.” — Harry Truman

  30. You do know that Confederate flag is almost across the street from my new office in Nazareth. The running joke is that they saw us move in so the flag came out. We also have been told there are active klan meetings in the bar next door. But I'm not worried. I walk up and down the streets of Nazareth and people are continuously breaking their necks as they drive by and see this dreadlocked man in a suit or a group of my African Americans colleagues doing business and introducing ourselves to the community. In fact, this white older gentleman with a long white beard, tattooed up with a big brown cap imprinted with the intials NRA approached me as we were moving in. He asked what we were doing. I told him we had a new marketing business and he was welcome to visit any time. He paused, shook my hand, and told me he hoped my business did well. I guess he thought I was "one of the good ones"... LOL!

    Alfonso Todd

    240 S. Main Street, Nazareth, PA


  31. Hillary and Obama. Haven't heard much from them is right.

  32. He's no hero. He broke the law and now is paying his penance for it.

    Your heroine is about to face the same justice that marine did. The same laws we all face if we commit crimes. Her political influence or stature isn't there to run interference for her.

    Equal justice under the law. It's just that simple.

  33. Alfonso, Good luck in Nazareth! If they can put up with me, they can take you.

  34. well mr trump can work on healing the racial/religious divide he has caused.
    for starters he can pick a large minority college and speak there.
    he can vow to everyone listening that his admin will have nothing to do with and reject the white supremacists and bigots who claim to support the donald.
    trump can them explain to white folks how their lack of culture can lead to bigotry and hatred.
    or the lack of proper parenting is the biggest cause of the waving of the traitor flags and a hatred based on skin color.

    following that trump can visit a mosque and have a meal with Islamic religious leaders and trump can quote from the Quran a passage on peace and fellowship with mankind.
    trump can also pledge that his admin will work to see that Muslims are respected for their religion and that trumps admin will not tolerate discrimination based on religion.
    that would undercut the majority of the fears about trump.
    trump can heal the problems he has caused and truly serve America by atoning for his sins

  35. 10.20
    remember "scooter"?
    so much for justice.
    name the crime you seem to think has been broken?
    Congressional republicans stood on the bodies of dead Americans to waste money and gain political advantage.
    while deplorable that is just the way the right wing rolls.

  36. Considering the most effective killers of American citizen, historically holding the record in terms of body count, flew that flag.

    Again....in my best Bobby Fischer voice, "This is all wonderful news."

  37. Trump went from, a "wall" to a "fence", from "lock her up" to "we'll see", in 4 days. If he reneges on his promises and polices at this rate he will be the best president ever.

  38. 11:41 Are you disappointed ?

  39. No worries, libs will still find a lot to wail about.

    Invest in stuffed bear and coloring book futures.

  40. Ok, millennials are pretty annoying but I wouldn't call the provost's letter "extreme". A lot of people are feeling unsafe and unsure right now and are in very real danger of their lives changing rapidly. Marginalized groups no longer feel welcome in their own country and we stand to lose a lot of hard-won civil rights. These are depressing times and I'm not ashamed to admit that I've cried numerous times over the state of our country in the last week, so I can understand the provost giving faculty a heads up to just be vigilant in addressing the needs of the students.

    As for the anti-trump protests, most have been peaceful (with the exception of Portland). Yes we lost the election, but we didn't lose our right to voice our opinions. The protests tell the world that a whole lot of Americans do not support a racist, xenophobic, misogynistic pumpkin. It's true that the protests won't change anything....trump will still become president on 1/20. But that doesn't mean we can't continue to speak out against his policies and actions.

    On a related note, I wish I could attend a Love trumps Hate rally but I could be (unfairly) fired if I did. Maybe Judge Barratta should also address how his interpretation of the judicial code of conduct infringes on court-appointed employees rights?

  41. the libs will simply demand results from trump.
    trump talks the talk time will tell if he can walk the walk.
    and remember any time that trump fails to live up to his rhetoric the right wing will be the ones sobbing in their beer.
    within six months they might hang the "cuck" tag on him.

  42. I don't see much "fear" at the anti-Trump protests, unless you are an older white person who will be beaten because he is perceived as a Trump voter. No fear from the protesters, just hate.


  43. 5:47, Most Trump supporters are not racists or even xenophobes, but his election certainly has legitimized that behavior. This is reality, not sour grapes. i give him all the credit in the world for appealing to the dark side.

    not racist or xenophobic? Just extremely tolerant of bigoted and racist language towards non-white people. So comforting.

  44. one question will be who will the NRA complain about grabbing guns?
    will no one think of the gun dealers and how without blind fear they will not sell as many guns?

  45. "one question will be who will the NRA complain about grabbing guns?"

    I'm sure the new rationality in the Whitehouse will lead to people complaining, just not the NRA. True, the new rationality will cause a decrease in the artificial premium given to gun manufacturing stocks caused by the former irrationality, but that's life.

    On the other hand, I hear there might be a whole new market of "gun lovers" out there:


  46. @12:34pm
    "11:41 Are you disappointed?"

    In Trump? The political system?

    No, My expectations are being confirmed.

    My only disappointed is in my species.

  47. interesting article
    "It is illegal to knowingly and willfully threaten to kill, kidnap, or inflict bodily harm upon the president-elect, vice-president elect or their families"

    so when does nugent resign from the NRA.
    he wanted Hillary hung.
    guess the rules are different when the right wing acts in a deplorable way.
    of course trump could disavow nugent and his violent rhetoric.
    as to Liberals they have plenty of guns.

  48. and the rules change again.

    "the Pence administration is going to court to argue for its own brand of email secrecy.

    The administration is fighting to conceal the contents of an email sent to Gov. Mike Pence by a political ally."

    so much for trump and transparency.

  49. @3:09 Unless you're a rich white guy, you're shit out of luck. Sorry

  50. All these Hillary Clinton crybabies need to get a crying towel and a puppy.

    Poor babies.

  51. Sniff sniff, sniff snifff. WAAAAHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    Awww kiddies... have a good cry and don't forget your hanky to blow your nose in, not your sleeves.

  52. "I don't see much "fear" at the anti-Trump protests, unless you are an older white person who will be beaten because he is perceived as a Trump voter."

    Wrong .

    But please, tell us more about how hard it is to be a white person in today's America...

  53. I am glad I waited out the Obama Admisntration to buy my new rifle. Gun dealers were making a killing(no pun intended) by jacking up process during the Obama years. They also had a mini-surge in expectation of the Clinton expected win. Now with a republican controlled Washington, prices should drop to reasonable rates since no one is coming to take your guns. As the gun dude at Cabella's told me Obama was great for their business. I believe him.

    How much you wan to bet that Wayne Lapeew and the NRA come up with some weird new conspiracy theory to get those prices back up there again.

  54. To quote Barack Hussein Obama shortly after his first election triumph, "I won."

    Trump doesn't HAVE to do ANYTHING to appease this group or that group whose 'feelings' are 'hurt'. He won. Remember, Obama didn't do a whole lot to 'reach out' to his political opposition. He told them that they could sit in the back but he was driving the car now. Remember how it was eight long years ago, Clintonistas?

    The Deplorables certainly do. So go riot, destroy private property, block a bridge, whatever. You LOST, Clintonistas. Better luck next time with the race and gender cards.

  55. Oh, and the fear mongering ... Definitely do not forget the fear mongering, Clintonistas. Best of luck, then. See you in four years.

  56. To be clear, I wouldn't be protesting or "whining" if Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio or just about anyone else had won. I'm a democrat, but this is a democracy and sometimes you lose. Losing is as integral part of our system. But trump ran on a campaign of hate and bigotry and that I will not tolerate. C'mon, he's appointed a white nationlist as his strategist! Now I know people vote how they vote based on a myriad of reasons. But are you guys really pretending he's NOT racist/misogynistic???

  57. "Trump ran on a campaign of hate and bigotry" --- Whatever you say there anonymously but that still doesn't change the fact that Hillary Clinton LOST. I would ask you to specifically point out where in Trumps campaign literature, etc., that all this so-called "hate" and "bigotry is prominently featuring. But I really just don't give a damn what you Democrats and your Lame Stream Media say anymore, 6:27. Furthermore, I'm not sorry that I don't give a damn what you Democrats and your Lame Stream Media say anymore. Go riot, destroy private property, block a bridge, whatever, 6:27. And have yourself a fabulous time doing it, too.

  58. I think you have every right to be concerned. I am willing to give him a chance to prove that he's not the monster he appeared to be when he was running. At the same time, Democrats need to recognize that they are out-of-touch with their base.

  59. I'm tired of your bullshit, 6:46. And so are many, many others. Enough to win an electoral college. Face reality, your candidate of choice LOST. I cordially invite you, too, to riot, destroy public property, block a bridge, whatever. And you can have yourself a fabulous time, too. So, there.

  60. 6.16
    you mean

    "If Mr. Obama’s separate sessions with House and Senate Republicans on Tuesday did not win him any immediate additional support, they got high marks from Republicans for outreach.

    Republican lawmakers said his efforts were a good start toward building a relationship with them that would be vital as Congress and the administration turned to politically divisive issues like health care, tax reform and the long-term financial problems facing Medicare and Social Security.

    “This was not a drive-by P.R. stunt, and I actually thought it might be,” said Representative Zach Wamp, Republican of Tennessee. “It was a substantive, in-depth discussion with our conference, and he’s very effective.”

    “He knows that the debt and the deficit are huge long-term problems as well,” Mr. Wamp said, “and he made a compelling case. He sounded, frankly, a lot like a Republican.”

    that was Jan 2009
    President Obama did reach out.
    the right wing seems to have a short memories.
    trump can work to atone for his sins and heal America

  61. 6.53
    " I would ask you to specifically point out where in Trumps campaign literature, etc., that all this so-called "hate" and "bigotry is prominently featuring."


    ""I disavow these comments," the Wisconsin Republican said. "Claiming a person can’t do the job because of their race is sort of like the textbook definition of a racist comment. I think that should be absolutely disavowed. It’s absolutely unacceptable."

    Trump has been roundly denounced, by the left and right, for saying U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel may be biased against him because of his Mexican heritage."



    "An increasing number of people began pointing at a person to Trump's right. Soon, hundreds of people who had gathered for his Wednesday evening campaign rally in Kinston, N.C., were frantically waving their “Trump Pence” signs in that direction.

    Trump glanced at the person his supporters were singling out: A black man wearing a suit jacket and sunglasses.

    “That's all right, leave him alone,” said Trump, who at first seemed dismissive of what he saw.

    He quickly pivoted.

    “We have a protester,” Trump declared. The crowd booed.

    “By the way, were you paid $1,500 to be a thug?” he said, seemingly addressing both the crowd and the person simultaneously. “Where's the protester? Where is he? Was he paid?”

    turns out the guy was a fervent trumpkin.
    too bad he was black and that made him a "thug".

    "According to a report in the Rocky Mount Telegram, Cary has struggled with vandalism or theft of the more than 40 Trump signs he kept on his home in North Carolina town about 60 miles northeast of Raleigh."

  62. I agree that my party is out of touch. I was as advent Bernie supporter and I blame just as much of this on the DNC and more specifically, Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

  63. Trump doesn't owe you anything, 6:57. You know you would never vote for him in a re-election no matter what he does and so does he. In other words, your little riot, destruction of private property and bridge blocking escapades eagerly await you. Your dopey narrative has already failed miserably on election day and your outright lawlessness will fail miserably, too. So, once again, have a fabulous time.

  64. Nice little story, 7:15. And your candidate of choice still LOST. Go block a bridge or something already.

  65. But seriously, I ask again...do you NOT think he's racist and/or misogynist?

  66. 8.03
    trump can atone for his racism.but why let facts get in the way of your blind fanaticism.
    just remember if trump fails you in any way you can just call him a cuck and attack him for it.

  67. Omg of course not, who would condone the beating of anyone?! I hadn't heard about this incident but would like to learn more. When and where did this happen?

    Fyi, the opposite of "don't kill black people" is not "kill white people". I'm completely capable of being outraged at all senseless acts of violence. And the DNC and DWS suppressing the will of the people and tipping the scales in favor of Hillary over Bernie, combined with a last minute sabotage by comey is what lost US the election. I get why trump won. He's like a carnival barker he commands a lot of attention and makes big promises. I'm just shocked that so many of my fellow Pennsylvanians were ok with promises to deport all undocumented immigrants, overturn Roe V Wade and deregulate Wall Street.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.