Local Government TV

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Zach Mako's Locker Room Banter

I've written several times before about Zach Mako, a Republican running in the convoluted 183rd State House District. The current incumbent is Julie Harhart, but she's stepping down at the end of the year after 1,000 years in office. Mako is her anointed successor. But he's got some competition. Democrat Phillips Armstrong, a Whitehall Township Commissioner and former educator at the high school, is also seeking the job. In my view, he's the best candidate Democrats have in the Lehigh Valley. So Mako has avoided a debate with Armstrong. It's already too late for one at PBS, but he recently told the LWV that he's free in early November, right before the election. I have no details yet, but will pass them along when I do.

Having seen Mako debate twice during the primary, I can understand his reluctance. He's terrible. He's uninformed and a bit slow on his feet, to put it mildly.

Since those debates, we also know he was bankrolled with money from Harhart and back benchers Joe Emrick and Marcia Hahn. They laundered contribution through State Senator Mark Mustio. It's what I'd expect from State Representatives who are unwilling to stop the gerrymander. Mustio's contribution, and the shady way it was obtained, is fair game. It's evidence that he represents more of the same instead of reform. .
But there may be other reasons why Mako, who is just 27 or 28,  would like to stay out of the limelight. His Facebook entries. They show him as a bible thumper who likes to bang "drunk bitches."

To his mommy, Mako posts this message.

Proverbs 31 is what we were talking about today. Once again the Bible is full of truth, I know it isn't mother's day. lol

But to one of his Army buddies overseas, he posts this.
Zach Mako to [redacted]
What are you new? of course lol just alittle but you jumped over the puddle to man. How have you been? What's new? your in country now correct? like my military lingo. It makes me cool roger. give me a shout I'll look for your sign homes. fuck any drunk bitches yet? don't talk to me if you haven't lol. miss you be good be safe.
[redacted] How nice.

Like I said, Mako appears to be a bit on the slow side. He failed to make these private messages. He also failed to consider the impact his message to a friend might have on that person's girlfriend.

Locker room banter?  Or someone who seems to be encouraging date rape?

In fairness to Mako, these posts were written when he was around 20 and presumably less mature than he is now.   But I am disturbed by other messages in which he refers to female acquaintances as "hoes."

Republicans already have enough sexists and misogynists in office. Let's not add one more to the mix.


  1. Stop throwing chum in the water. The Mako shark will bite you in the ass, beeatch!

  2. The Mako shark is more of a man asleep than you ever were. Lo9cker room talk beats law breaking. He isis a real man. He is no lifetime public school teacher like Phillips milk of magnesia Give it a rest.

  3. Conservative/republican ideology is inherently misogynist.

    Those not condemning Trump are tacitly supporting sexual abuse of women.

    They are the enemy of America.

  4. bo - desperately grasping at any straw

  5. What example does this set for our children? Imagine the concern it gave the girlfriend.

  6. I remember talking dirty when I was 20. I knew then I'd never be eligible for elected office, as we know politicians maintain very strict morals. We don't want elected officials getting shitfaced in bars and bragging about a preference for giving fellatio vs. intercourse. That's Boscola. And we know how it ruined her government career. Oh wait .... she's still around and enjoys Bernie's support. I guess ladies are permitted to be filthy-mouthed. Men? Not so much. Such are Bernie's election silly season situational ethics.

  7. Bernie,
    Dent has chimmed in upon the Don's antics, what is the local Big Don Cunnilingwist's that seems to make his own appointments locally? Than there is the two boy toys that hung around under skirts that havn't chimed in on this matter? The big Ed has not made a statment other than on the gagetry social medi sights, only his calculating miscalculater is pandering for him in counsil?

    REpublican redd

  8. "Those not condemning Trump are tacitly supporting the sexual abuse of women. They are the enemy of America." --- So says some anonymous coward hiding behind a computer keyboard. Tell us more about the accomplishments of Monica Lewinsky's ex-boyfriend's wife after all these years as a 'public servant'. Oh, please.

  9. You should be ashamed of yourself, trying to destroy a young man for words to an army buddy, years ago, Yes, I know you would be happy if all that would run for office would be bureaucrats and public workers whose whole goal in life is to live off the taxpayers, I would not ever vote for anyone who is a member of a teachers union, who advocates elitist benefits for themselves and who view the taxpayers as low life's, who are there for the fleecing.

  10. It seems that some commenting here consider this a partisan attack. It is not. I have been highly critical of Mike Schlossberg, Joanne Jackson and Dave Mattei, each of whom is a Democrat running for state house. I agree Mako was only 20 at the time he made his remark, and point that out in my post in fairness to him. I still find it creepy that he would extol getting women drunk to have sex with them, even at age 20. It's a very bad attitude, and a person like that should not in my view be legislating. I have looked through some of his public comments to women on Facebook, and they are inappropriate.

  11. " Oh wait .... she's still around and enjoys Bernie's support"

    When Boscola got into that Harrisburg bar fight, I broke the story. I do not condone her behavior when she is drinking, nor do I agree with her on many issues. I would never have supported her had she challenged Charlie Dent, as she was at one time planning to do. But people like her because she is still one of them and does not talk down to them. I find that a likable quality, too. Looking at the total picture, I would support Boscola for most offices. Mako is kinda' out there. Seems like a very nice guy, but just not terribly bright. The way he discusses women is just another nail in his coffin for me.

  12. Thank you, Bernie, for telling us the real story. Zach Mako doesn't have the inclination or maturity to be a State Rep. He also is very disrespectful to woman.

    He still lives at home with his mom and dad yet according to a Morning Call article from March 11th he wants to run the government like a household.

    "I think of the state as a household. You've got to get spending under control," Mako said.

    That being said, we should be voting for someone that actually ran a household at some point in their life and we need to vote for someone who has the maturity to know that you should not share degrading posts about women with the world on social media.

    Hey, he should have had at least enough sense to delete these terrible posts before launching his political career. But as you said, "He's uninformed and a bit slow on his feet, to put it mildly."


  13. Thanks for revealing this person for who he is. I hope his constituents will vote for Mr Armstrong.

  14. Yes, Harrisburg needs another lifetime teacher. Another person with no experience in the real world. Lived in the tenure protected lifetime teacher world. Sorry, give me the Shark.

  15. "Republicans already have enough sexists and misogynists in office. Let's not add one more to the mix."

    To be fair Bernie, sexists and misogynists exist in both parties and the discrimination and mistreatment of anyone based on their gender is wrong. Actually the discrimination and mistreatment of anyone, for any reason, is just wrong, period.

  16. Bernie, I'm sure Armstrong and you have said worse when you were twenty. 7 years ago he was serving our country just as he does today. Armstrong has only leached off of the taxpayer and wants to continue that trend. Zach, you said something stupid, but the people of the 183rd know your quality. You are a man of integrity, honor,and trust.

  17. I am voting for a candidate that is serving our country, as a opposed to a life long teacher's union member. Who cares about the locker room comments. Like Bill Clinton is so innocent......look at the war on women by Slick Willy.

  18. You losers in the 183rd deserve another 22 years of an empty suit. A person who taught your kids for a lifetime is now accused of leeching off taxpayers (and yes, dammit, that is the CORRECT spelling) off taxpayers?

    Harhart was the leech. 22 years with damn little to show for it except an overly generous pension. If you're satisfied with that sort of ignorant representation, then Mako is the person you want.

  19. You are in deep waters Bernie, and the Mako shark is circling. We get it. You are no fin of his.

  20. As a woman, Zach has been very respectful towards me. Stop with the mudslinging tactics and discuss the issues. Besides, no one is perfect, including you....Bernie! We all know that Armstrong will be a self-serving person. He will not represent the constituents. He will be another union pension fund sucking a$$.

  21. i have no issue with locker room banter, however, mr. mako had no familiarity with the pa. legislative agenda, what so ever. prior to his announcing a run for the primary, he was not previously engaged in the political process, at all. although, i applaud anyone for their military service, it's not in itself a qualification to serve in harrisburg. already, his expensive mailings and robo calls have begun. he's the republican candidate by chance; miller disqualified grammes, and pissed off harhart. should he be elected, he will become the incumbent by the next election in 2018, and probably repeat harhart's office holding for 20 years. if local voters were less partisan and more insightful, they would rather see zach start learning legislating on a more local level.

  22. It is clear, Mako has no interest in the political process other than mailers and relying on a seemingly gerrymandered district. As I understand it, he has been ducking debates for over a month. Each time he has an excuse even though the dates are flexible. People who have nothing to say make great listeners. We need to send a workhorse to Harrisburg, not a show pony.

  23. People that live in glass houses, should NOT cast stones!

  24. Bernie, you may be walkinga very thin tightrope by publishing Mr Mako's facebook information without his permission. Since you presumably aren't a FB Friend of Mr. Mako's you wouldn't be too have access to his FB posts, public, private, or otherwise. I'm no supporter of Mr. Mako's but I am concerned about the ethics of publishing information that I'm not sure you can actually prove.

    The Crow.

  25. MM is a former state house candidate in this district, having run as an Independent two years ago. Like Armstrong, he excelled in the debate bc he understands the issues. His assessment of Mako is spot on, except that I am bothered about the locker room banter.

  26. 5:33, then you may be as foolish as Mako. Unless someone sets his privacy settings, anyone can see anything and I did. I have two of the screenshots loaded on my blog. I simply searched "posts by Zach Mako." I posted two examples but there are others. Welcome to the Internets. Anyone who is even thinking about public office should check his privacy settings before he comes close to making an announcement.

  27. Yea, I'm sure Hillary Clinton has had nothing but wonderful things to say about all of Bill Clinton's women all these years, too.

  28. Instead of trashing the dude for some old FB posts why don't you go talk to him about the real issues before you judge him unfit. Your assessment seems a bit immature. Here's a novel idea Bernie, if you find out he is reasonable candidate, advise him with some wisdoms. Why not help nurture a new crop of pols that could mature into a positive force for all people. We are all human, so judge as you wish to be judged.

  29. It is not in my job description to nurture a new crop of pols. It's my job to point at the strengths and weaknesses of our government leaders and those who have that aspiration. I have seen him in two debates and he is unfit. I doubt he will ever be fit,as you can see from his barely literate comment to his friend. If he really is interested in government, he should seek local office or ask for an appointment to a board and learn from those who really do serve their communities.

  30. Bernie, I agree with Mr. Molovinsky's assessment. The exception is that I think having credible prior military service should be one, a criteria for President. This young man Zake lives a world 'fueled' of being the best one can be . Aviation folks are almost always above us Grunts evan when they are not flying. The pilots are always on the verge of extreme adventure and one that flew in Afghanistan or Vietnam having been shot at all the time- has to by their survival nature possess character well above that of normal chums that stayed at their parents basement until they were 27.

  31. Like his counterpart in the wild our very own "Mako Shark" never sleeps, at night he paces his parents den mind somewhat dormant but still churning political strategies while his firm body takes a respite from his daily waking routine of intense calisthenics.

    The Shortfin Mako is the fastest species of shark, Zack Mako also runs a sub 4.5 40yard dash and has achieved much higher speeds as a helicopter pilot in the armed services. I find it interesting that a top predator like Zack Mako would hook up with another top predator in Julie "The Cougar" Harhart, this type of mentor ship will likely result in a type of hybrid legislator who would be equally comfortable in all environs both land and sea something Bernie refuses to acknowledge.

  32. All I can say is that if, you have ever been in the middle east. You will witness first hand, the experiences of the mistreatment of women. Women aren't allowed to be educated, to drive a car or to even go out shopping without a male family escort. Women are just chattel. It's sharia law that is practiced under Islam that is the real war on women. So, if a male makes a comment about women that isn't politically correct in this country, so what! I really don't care. The PC police have gotten out of hand.

  33. If you condone having sex with "drunk bitches," you view women as chattel yourself.

  34. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  35. Bernie, when you were 20 and might not have known to push the privacy button -I;m aware that Al Gore did not invent this yet- Well lets you and me list 3 stupid things we did that we now regret and I bet I'll beat you on this bone. His comments were bravado, he was trying to get or relate to somebody already in the military apparently. He didn't say 'he' chased quiff that had too much to drink. He is probably,and I'll wager - a God fearing ,good citizen that has little flaw. His Bible issue is probably because he has had 'A come to Jesus' moment or two as a combatant. You nor I can't judge this young man for that.

  36. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  37. Why is it 6:17 can excuse anything If the person was in the military? Fortunately out system of laws does not excuse anyone. If the only people who are allowed to run are military we have already lost the Republic and the every reason for a military. Mako like Trump is foul mouthed and he gets no excurses.

  38. Trump is really irrelevant to this discussion.

  39. Mako sounds like a clown. What does his being in the military have to do with acting like a fool? Some people can't see the forest through the trees.

  40. 7:52 Is fast exceeding 55 by 20? Usually PSP pleads down before the citation. Glad things worked out though but Harhart should have endorsed Miller in the Primary.

  41. 7:15 am agree Miller would have been a much better opponent then this Mako clown! It just shows that Harhart doesn't really care about the 183rd.

  42. Anon 7;49 Mako was probably not in state militia at time of his commitment found derogatory . He was e-mailing somebody that was trying to assimilate to --some other person for some other reason. Having military service does not give one a free pass but he probably was not enlisted at that time. So your allegation is moot. Isigh my name why can't you-- because your a potato .

  43. I want somebody with 'brass balls ' to fix our school districts for example -they have run afoul too long with non-production and working less than 180 days a year . EASD has committed FRAUD- they keep scaling us up -teachers want higher degree if they want one get it yourself and move up litmus test here to separate the hurd. -fine go get one -BUT SHOW US PRODUCTION.Well they fail to do this -All most no student from EASD EVER gets admitted to IVY LEAGUE SCHOOLS yet a 2nd grade teacher get us to pay for her Masters so she can pick up more salary-What is end result. We need state reps that will change the rules on incompatates .

  44. 5:47 pm According to Mako's bio he started in the national guard in 2008, and he posted this in 2009, which means he was in the military at the time of the post.

  45. Real important issue. is this all they can come up with these days ? The world, the state and our communities are on fire and this is up for debate? wonder why there is no debate on real issues ?

  46. For there to be a debate on "real" issues, Mako has to agree to one. I still have not heard for sure whether he has done so. I am sure Phillips Armstrong is more than willing to exchange views. With the world, our state and our community on fire, I would think there would be several. Also, this happens to be one of those real issues. Do we want a State Rep who brags about having sex with "drunk bitches"? You tell me. Is that not a "real" issue? And if he is not ashamed, why did he take down his entire Facebook page?

  47. Oh what I know, what I know, what I know.

    When you help the squad you get a pay-off that will show. To one so small it's a big deal, do this small thing and help us steal.

    luca brasi

  48. It seems that Mr. Mako, is care more about special interests than the people in the district. He ducked out of November 3rd debate that he proposed the date for, so he could do a Fundraiser.

  49. I had Mr. Armstrong as a teacher and he was one of the better teachers at Whitehall. I know that he is a good man and will do what is needed to fix a disfunctional Harrisburg. We need an inciteful and intelligent representative and I will be voting for him even though I am a republican.


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