Local Government TV

Monday, October 03, 2016

With Friends Like These ...

I liked Rudy Giuliani as New York City Mayor. Though he was an abrasive authoritarian, his competence really turned Gotham around. I'm beginning to think that it's time for him to enjoy his retirement. He is out-Trumping Trump, saying things that I think would even make The Donald himself wince. On Sunday, he told ABC that Trump would do better as President "than a woman." While slamming Hillary Clinton for her husband's infidelity, he justifies cheating by males with an "Everybody does it" excuse on NBC. He is also calling The Donald a "genius" for what might be two decades of tax evasion.


  1. Use the full context, Bernie.
    “Don’t you think a man who has this kind of economic genius is a lot better for the United States than a woman, and the only thing she’s ever produced is a lot of work for the FBI checking out her emails.”

    He pretty clearly was referring to Hillary, and there, he's right.

  2. He was referring to "a woman." Those are his words, and you can eat them.

  3. Again, "...than a woman, and the only thing she’s ever produced is a lot of work for the FBI checking out her emails."

    He's clearly, specifically referring to Hillary Clinton.

    This kind of twisting of words is beneath your usual quality of reporting, Bernie.

    This is the king of things that belong on the Justin Simmons horror stories page.

    You're better than this.

  4. This is the kind of thing that belongs*

    Hmm...this much grammar Nazi-ing might give away my real ID...

    Stannis Baratheon, the one true King of Westeros.

  5. 12.16
    so rudi does not know Hillary's name?
    or rudi is attempting to dog whistle the idea of how could a woman do a better job than a man.
    as to Bill Clinton and his playing around rudi has big balls going down that road.
    both him and trumpie have had some horrid examples of family values.
    maybe they can claim they cheated on their wives because they love America so much.
    gingrich actually claimed that and conservatives bought it

  6. He was not clearly referring to Hillary. Not at all. Given several other statements, it is pretty clear that Rudy is a sexist.

  7. and donnie must have some skeltons.

    “If he is really serious about being president and runs in the general election next year, I will not be silent,” Maples told London Telegraph. “I will feel it is my duty as an American citizen to tell the people what he is really like.”
    The reaction from Trump and his attorney was swift and brutal. They launched a full-court effort in the press to discredit Maples and withheld an alimony payment to “send a message.” The episode illustrates how Trump uses character assassination and threats to quash any opposition. Maples has largely remained silent on Trump’s 2016 candidacy."

    "Jennifer Bretan, a spokeswoman for Maples, blasted Trump to the Post.
    “It’s the sign of real insecurity that Donald Trump feels the need to authorize his mouthpiece to strike out against an ex-wife who he has basically been holding financially hostage. ”
    Meanwhile, Maples’ lawyer, Beslow, took a last shot at Trump.
    “Ms. Maples left Mr. Trump. Mr. Trump did not leave Ms. Maples,” Beslow said.

  8. Saw Rudy on TV a few times. He has lost his mind., I respected him as Mayor and especially after 9/11. Thought he did a great job. Listening to him now, he sounds like a man who is in the early stages of dementia.
    Sorry but the guy is out to lunch.

  9. Do you write checks to the government to pay more in taxes than you are required to Bernie ?

  10. We do not need lectures by the Clintons, who deduct used underwear and cheated on the Whitewater deal, about paying taxes.

  11. Replies
    1. The most unqualified and dangerous person to ever seek the highest office in the land. God help us.

  12. Perhaps now we can move on to talk about Hillary's accomplishment's ?

  13. Are you a "Tax Evader" Bernie because you take the standard deduction on your 1040 or 1040A ?

  14. There's a YUUUGE difference between the deductions regular people take on their tax returns and what people like Donald Trump do to manipulate the system.

  15. I agree with you about Giuliani. He jumped the shark years ago and is trying his best to become relevant again. He doesn't get the attention he used to get and now he doesn't know what to do. I've lost all respect for the guy.

  16. Trump supporters are missing the point. It's not the fact that he used legal tax laws, it's the reason why he had the need to claim nearly 1 billion dollars in losses. If he's such a great businessman, why is he loosing that much money in one year? That doesn't sound like a genius to me.

  17. It seems that in 1995, the New York Times was full of enthusiasm for Donald Trump’s “comeback of the decade” when he recovered from investments that went sour, including in Atlantic City and the Trump Shuttle.

    "The Comeback King" was the phrase the NYT used for Trump.

    Funny how 21 years and running against Hillary Clinton makes things change.

  18. Democrats are also overlooking the big picture, which is not unusual when you play small-ball slimy politics as Hillary does.

    Had Trump not been a smart businessman and taken advantage of the tax laws as written by President Bill Clinton, the success his companies have had in the past 20 years would have never happened.

    Tens of thousands of working-class people would not have jobs. Also, other business's related to his businesses, such as service companies, suppliers, employment agencies and others, would not have flourished, and his philanthropic work would not exist.

    You see Progressives, that's how free market capitalism works. Besides, Trump has paid a ton of property, state, sales, pay roll taxes, and probably other federal taxes as well.

  19. @9:27 what has Hillary Clinton actually accomplished that makes her a great leader ?

  20. Tax evasion?? You mean, using the legal IRS codes to claim deductions, and having those deductions stand up to numerous audits? Do you go into HR Block and say " I want to pay more"? How many other businesses, and business men take advantage of a legal deduction? Lots. They would be crazy not to. I am sure HRC and the Clinton Foundation took some deductions too. Probably deducted Chelseas 900K income, I am sure.... :)

  21. I think the deductions on the used Clinton underwear were a bit too much. I wonder if Hillary and Chelsea also deduct for their old bras and panties as well as Bill's Briefs?

  22. Why would I vote for a guy that hasn't paid taxes and considers himself smart for letting the rest of us make up the difference. The inference of him being smart is that the rest of us are idiots for paying taxes. The same morons who scream about the unfairness of the educational retirement system, because they don't have as good of a retirement plan, are the same ones that seem to have no problem with the rich business owner being afforded tax write-offs that the average working man isn't allotted.
    He wants to lower the tax base on businesses to 15%, but still doesn't address closing those loop holes that already allows corporations to avoid paying their share of taxes.
    He doesn't give a shit about the working class. They are to be used either for cheap labor, or for votes from those too stupid to comprehend anything but fear mongering sound bites.

  23. "
    Democrats are also overlooking the big picture, which is not unusual when you play small-ball slimy politics as Hillary does."

    Thanks for making this about party. Hillary is running to represent everyone, while Trump is running on what is really an authoritarian ticket and does not tolerate opposing views. In fact, numerous R leaders will refuse to vote for him.

  24. 6:13, Trump has dodged federal taxes for nearly twenty years, if the NYTimes report is accurate. A person who evades his fair share should not be President,. But we now know the real reason why he did not want to release his tax returns. He lied about that, too. He did not want voters to know that a billionaire is a txa deadbeat.

  25. The voters are are simply being played for suckers. As is everyone else by Hillary Clinton

    The only people that Hillary cares about are her Globalist donors. They want outsourcing of workers and H-1B visas. She gets her money from them that goes into the Clinton slush fund that she has set up as a "charity". To her, all voters are are those who she needs for votes.

    Say anything to them, it doesn't matter as long as she gets their votes.

  26. A legal tax deduction is not a "dodge". Do you take your standard deduction? If you do, are you a tax "dodge" also Bernie ?

  27. When you claim a $900 million loss to evade taxes for 20 years, you are a tax dodger. You are defending this bum who is also a hypocrite. He pointed fingers at others who paid no taxes while he himself refused to do so. He is a phony and deserves no office, except inside a cell.

  28. 10.09
    "and taken advantage of the tax laws as written by President Bill Clinton"
    so you are saying that Bill Clinton made trump successful?
    and paying property taxes try
    "the self-proclaimed $10 billion dollar man, is still receiving an exemption on his property tax bill only available to individuals or households making under $500,000 a year. According to the latest tax statement for his 30,000 square-foot Trump Tower penthouse, the presumptive Republican nominee is getting a $304 credit from the New York State School Tax Relief Program (STAR) — a credit designed to lessen the burden on middle-class homeowners."

    donald trump is middle class?
    how can he stand the tag.


    "But that book, and numerous interviews over the years, make little mention of a crucial factor in getting the hotel built: an extraordinary 40-year tax break that has cost New York City $360 million to date in forgiven, or uncollected, taxes, with four years still to run, on a property that cost only $120 million to build in 1980.

    The project set the pattern for Mr. Trump’s New York career: He used his father’s, and, later, his own, extensive political connections, and relied on a huge amount of assistance from the government and taxpayers in the form of tax breaks, grants and incentives to benefit the 15 buildings at the core of his Manhattan real estate empire.

    Since then, Mr. Trump has reaped at least $885 million in tax breaks, grants and other subsidies for luxury apartments, hotels and office buildings in New York"


    " Trump's company owed about $30 million in overdue taxes in the mid-2000s and that the state spent years pursuing the money in court. But public records showed the company reached an agreement to pay only $5 million, or 17 pennies on the dollar.
    That was less than two years after Christie, a longtime friend who is now a close adviser to Trump's campaign, took office.

    Brian Murray, a spokesman for Christie's office, told NJ Advance Media last month that the Times "was told repeatedly that the governor was unaware and uninvolved in a bankruptcy matter."

    yep and christie knows nothing about bridgegate either.

    so the donald lets the little people pay taxes.

  29. Trump, Rudy and Newt: paragons of fidelity. Their new book "We Wed Three Wives: a 9 women epic,"

  30. 11.23
    and yet trump needs foreign workers

    "The Mar-a-Lago, a luxury resort in Palm Beach, Florida, has sought the most foreign workers of the nine Trump businesses: 787 workers since 2006, according to the data.

    This month, the resort filed paperwork seeking to bring in 70 foreign workers later this year on H-2B visas to serve as maids, cooks and wait staff, according to paperwork known as “job orders” published on the Labor Department's web site."

    gee guess the donald does not want hard working American maids,cooks,and wait staff.
    remember that when trumpie claims he wants to bring back American jobs.

  31. the only thing i want to know is this: which criminal in the tax gang will be tried, convicted, and punished for the "leak" of trump's tax information? the new york traitor will claim first amendment protection. what protects hillary from being punished for being party to this crime? she obviously knew about trump's tax situation before the "debate".

  32. I love this. The authoritarians couldn't care less that Trump is a tax dodger, but want to crucify the person who leaked the story. Do you realize how much you sound like the authoritarians of the past?

  33. Clinton set up a "residence trust" in NY specifically designed to avoid estate taxes. Even Bloomberg and CBS News reported that the trust is a "slippery but legal means to avoid estate taxes."

    This is at a time when she is going after Trump for using the tax laws AND advocating increases in estate taxes so the wealthy "pay their fair share."


  34. It's clear now that she knew about this during the Debate, she mention it, trumps tax records were probably dug up by her opposition research and she may have been the one that sent it to the NYT.

  35. If you can take your political blinders off Bernie, just for a moment

    Section 6103 of the Internal Revenue Code makes it a felony for current and former federal, state and local officials to disclose tax information to anyone without authorization -- even other government officials. The ban on disclosure also extends to any non-government workers who may have access to tax returns. The protections of Section 6103 cover not only annual tax returns, but also "information returns," such as W-2s, 1099s, 1098s and any other dealings with the Internal Revenue Service.

    Punishable by up to five years in federal prison and a fine of up to $5,000, as well as be made to pay the costs of prosecution. If the guilty party is a federal worker, the law requires that the worker be fired. Anyone found guilty of attempting to pay an official for unauthorized access toa taxpayer's confidential information faces the same penalties.

    So the New York Times obtaining DJT's tax return without his authorization is a crime, as well as publicly posting it.

    But then, since you really don't give a damn about Hillary's other lawbreaking, this doesn't matter to you, does it ?

  36. I'm a little more concerned about the tax dodger than the person who reported him. I think that goes for most of us. But start an inquest. You authoritarians are good at witch hunts. We now know why the Donald was so reluctant to release his tax returns - he's a deadbeat.

  37. And the clinton's underwear is perfectly suitable as a tax deduction.

    And their charitable contributions to themselves is perfectly suitable as well?

  38. How2 do you know Trump is a tax dodger? All of his tax records are being audited. These could be fake documents made up by the Clinton campaign

  39. Mirror , mirror on the wall, whose the most corrupt of them all.

  40. 12.05
    at the least the public knows about the issue.
    unlike trump.
    the donald can release his tax returns for last twenty years and the public can see exactly what trump is hiding.
    imagine the right wing response if Hillary did not release her returns?
    the rnc and their propaganda arm FOX news would be handing out free pitchforks and torches.
    and the right wing would tolerate the audit BS.
    not a chance.

  41. 12.12
    and how do you know Hillary obtained the returns?
    for all you know a patriotic conservative views trump as dangerous and dropped a dime on him.

  42. "The American people really don't give a damn about Trump using the tax laws to his benefit"

    Americans don't like tax deadbeats. Trump liked to complain about tax deadbeats, but it turns out he is one. Stick a fork in him.

  43. A "taxbeat" breaks the law. Trump didn't, sorry Non sequitur

  44. Obama blames Sarah Palin for the rise of Trump. Afraid not. IT's HIS policies and the sell out of our country that have given rise to Trump.

  45. I didn't call him a taxbeat. I called him a tax deadbeat. And he may have broken the law., Could be why he's under audit.

    A deadbeat is defined as a person who deliberately avoids paying debts. That fits the Donald to a T, as in Trump.

    Try arguing with someone who is illiterate like yourself.

  46. Hillary may have killed Vince Foster

    May have, might have could have .. all speculation but no proof of anything

  47. Using material that no one knows if it's real, made up, or stolen. It's all conjecture with nothing but made up bullshit that no one can prove, but may have or could have done but no one knows if he did or not, but that's ok as Hillary is a fucking goddess that is the best thing since sliced bread

    Right Bernie ?

  48. Why are the teabaggers so obsessed with Hillary, Bill and Chelsea's underwear. Seems odd, unless????

  49. When poor and regular folk don't pay taxes they're called moochers. When the rich do it they're called financial geniuses.

  50. If Trump wrote off almost one billion dollars wouldn't it make him at least a lousy businessman?

  51. To Trump a million dollars is like a $10 bill to the rest of us. Whoopie.

    How many businesses has Hillary started ?

    At least Trump doesn't write off his old underwear as a tax deduction. That's Clinton bullshit that goes on

  52. Bernie, if I were to call you up and say --hey, my husband is away for a few weeks, come on over and we'll have some fun -- and you agreed, then THAT would be infidelity, on my part. Rape is a bit different. Calling the male Clinton's activities "infidelities" is a way to obfuscate reality. Some of his female dalliances were mutually consensual, to be sure, but the fact is that Clinton is predatory, has raped and assaulted women. And that his wife Hillary engaged in damage-control on his behalf, using various tactics to shut up the women he violated is on record as well. With your training as a lawyer, you know the difference. I do wish the left and the media would grow up and stop trying to whitewash the Clinton Crime family every which way they can.

    As for writing off losses on one's tax return, in accordance with the IRS tax code, there is probably not a business in existence that has not done that.

    This country has huge problems it faces, they need to be addressed. All this blather and obfuscation is counterproductive and leaves thinking people more disgusted than ever with the usual suspects.

  53. Tax evasion and tax avoidance are different things entirely. Tax evasion is illegal. Tax avoidance is perfectly legal. Upset over tax avoidance often propels government to fix the tax code mistakes it makes - whether those mistakes were genuine, or the result of a political payoff. I can't stand Trump. But his tax avoidance reflects more so the failure of government. Don't hate the player. Hate the game and those elected crooks who made the rules.

  54. 2:50, the veracity of these returns has Ben confirmed on several fronts. The Donald is a tax deadbeat, a bum.

  55. Bebrie34, did your4 buddy Ron Angle ever take any business loss deductions? He is a millionaire and everyone knows he would probably take every tax break he could come up with. How can you defend him and attack Mr. Trump?

    You are not being consistent are you?

  56. 5:03, put down the vodka bottle. This has nothing to do with Ron Angle. I am not defending Ron, but he never had a business loss. That is why he's a millionaire. Trump is a deadbeat and we now know why the bum was hiding his tax returns.

  57. Give it up Bernie. You're not changing anyone's vote with this horeseshit.

    If this is all you have about Trump then you've fooled everyone who reads your blog thinking you were actually intelligent

  58. 7:01 don't confuse Bernie with facts. He is having enough trouble trying to defend and promote Hillary

  59. Why do you hate Mr. Trump as much as you do? You realize Clinton is just terrible, right?

  60. I've just deleted a second comment about Ron Angle. He is not part of this story, never had a business loss and is not a tax deadbeat.

  61. "7:01 don't confuse Bernie with facts. He is having enough trouble trying to defend and promote Hillary"

    What facts? All you are posting are opinions unsubstantiated by facts. I have pointed to facts. Trump reported a nearly billion tax loss.His own camp concedes he pays no taxes while he hypocritically slams the poor for not paying their fair share. I have his tweets. He is a tax deadbeat, and if you look up the word, you will see I used it correctly. We now know why he refused to produce his returns. It would reveal him as the bum he is. This is why respectable Republicans have refused to get behind this demagogue.

  62. Blah blah blah.... Bernie, you have a future on the Clinton News Network.

  63. I would say the true definition of a "deadbeat" is a disbarred, alcoholic bum whose only job is searching titles and writing a lame blog like this one.

  64. Tax evasion, absolutely not. Tax avoidance or tax postponement absolutely Yes! And this in itself is not being a genius or even a very good business man . What he did is common practice. He will have to pay his taxes someday, not just now. I do the same thing but on a much smaller, very much smaller basis. I have enough depreciation on my homes so that it is basically the same amount of my income---hence no income tax is due---- today at least. I will have to pay every dime in tax when I sell it and then the entire sale of the property or most of it will be taxable income at a more favorable tax rate. But I could also turn that money made on that property and then invest and buy a more expensive property and not pay taxes if structured properly.

  65. Well, you happen to be wrong, Constable Crazy. A deadbeat is defined in the dictionary as a person who does not meet his obligations, and that is Trump. he avoided taxes and stiffed hard-working Americans out of what they are owed. You are doing what you always do. When you have lost your argument on all fronts, you make personal attacks. All that succeeds in doing is to make me look better and you look like what you are - cuckoo for cocoa puffs.

  66. MZ, Yes it is tax avoidance and it could be evasion, too, depending on the circumstances. There's a reason he's being audited.

  67. Oh by the way Hillary Clinton took the same deduction for this past tax year in the amount of a tad below $700,000! What business losses could she possibly have.

  68. Dunno. To me, it's a question of extreme. Some people have legitimate business losses. But a $900MM loss over 18 years really frosts me, especially when (1) Trump has refused to produce his returns an (2) he has viciously attacked others who pay no taxes. I believe he is a bum and I suppose we can debate that point. But what is beyond cavil is that he is a hypocrite.

  69. 11.40
    subtle difference between 700,000 and 965,000,000
    also the trumpie returns are for 1995.
    care to guess the number of additional losses he has claimed since?
    until trump releases his twenty years of returns nobody knows how little taxes he paid.
    republicans used to demand everyone should pay federal taxes so they would have "skin in the game".
    those that did not were considered leeches or moochers.
    seems like trump is one of those 47 percent as romney said
    " These are people who pay no income tax"

  70. 11.40
    added bonus.
    seems on a 700,000 capital loss Hillary only was allowed to deduct 3000,
    "A copy of Bill and Hillary Clinton’s 2015 tax return shows that while they did have a nearly $700,000 capital loss carried over from a prior year, they could take a deduction for only $3,000 for that loss. The first page of the tax return also confirms that the Clintons received a $3,000 deduction for their capital loss, and the returns show they paid $3,236,975 in federal income taxes that year.'

    so it seems the right wing wants to equate three thousand to 965 million.
    so how much federal income tax did donnie pay in 2015?


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