Local Government TV

Thursday, October 06, 2016

See You on Friday

From time to time, I suffer from sciatica. This makes it hard to get dressed, to say nothing of walking, writing or driving. These flare-ups last three or four weeks, and I'm getting better. But now I have another problem. I've been on a garlic kick lately, and overdid it. I have been deathly ill and slept the entire day.

See you Friday.


  1. Dearest Bernard.....

    There is a nurse that is out of work and available to nurse you back to good health from West Easton....... she also is a constable.... so if you don't bite the bullet...... she can give you one to relieve your pain.....

    Get well soon you sexy little mountain of man flesh blogger you.......



  2. Bernie:

    The LV needs you. I'll send you a personal note via email.

    Just want to make sure you are OK -- and I will help (if necessary) in any way possible.

    Please keep us all updated...

  3. http://westeastonpa.com/mezzacappa-seeking-borough-work-as-constable/

  4. All the best. Don't hesitate to call on me for anything.in cheaper than Mezzacappa.

  5. Excessive fapping to deviant forms of pornography is the leading cause of sciatica, caught a bad case myself after a month straight of wanking to Mandingo airlock vidis

  6. Are your bowel movements still regular?

  7. Bernie,
    sorry to hear that, as the toilet brigaides and there team of gatherers political hounding is probably, cause and effect? For me it radiates from the neck down and this presidential election is one of the most henious of evils. The recovery process for which ever gets voted in will be a long and undermining devaluation to the great nation of the US of America!
    REpublican redd no party affilliation nor joining or traveling with eithier carnival circus sideshow

  8. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Hope you're up and around soon.
    Jerry and Julie

  9. Feel better Bernie. While there are people rooting for your demise there are many rooting for your quick recovery. Of course those rooting will likely have their own issues. It's karma after all.

  10. Hope for a speedy recovery!

  11. Godspeed and I've heard that there are several strains of marijuana that have been effective in the treatment of sciatica so you may want to go file your illness with the state and grab a medical marijuana card.

  12. Sciatica is a symptom of another medical condition, the underlying cause should be identified and treated.

    Medical marijuana not only causes pain to subside but helps to prevent the development of depression.

    Marijuana Has Anti-Inflammatory That Won't Get You High!

    Richard A. Lovett
    National Geographic News
    June 24, 2008

  13. Sorry to hear that. Rest up, will miss your daily insights.

  14. I do hope you are feeling better soon Mr O'Hare. I enjoy reading your comments and I am sure that many others do as well. Take care of yourself and don't worry about your blog. It will be here when you're feeling up to sharing your views.

    Huggs Jamie :)

  15. Know what helps that pain? Ramen Noodle soup. Feel better.

    Peace be with you.

  16. Dearest Bernie, the world is awash in assorted opinions and oceans of news, none of it good...we can do without your contributions for a while. You probably need a lot more vitamin D -- sleep outside on the grass in your bathing suit while the sun shines, and when you wake up, soak your feet in epsom salts mixed with fresh water. Do this for a week, and you will be unstoppable.

  17. Sadly Bernie will be dead by Christmas

  18. My breakfast and late lunch were just not the same without my daily tasting of the "news that matters". Speedy recovery. -Anonymous

  19. 2:05 PM
    Which American? North, Central or South?

  20. Tossed salad is the best fro fixin what ails ya!

  21. Bernie, I have been told if you lay on a bed of teabags you will draw the poison out. Or maybe it is draw the poison in, can't be sure.

  22. Everyone has to take a break sometime - you deserve it Bernie. Feel better!

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. People are saying that if you leave Nazareth, Pennsylvania and the Country, everyone will be a lot happier! Keep eating the garlic! See you deleted another comment. Pussy O'hare can't take it, only give it. Asshole!


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.