Local Government TV

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Opinions Online Now Restricted to Local Issues

I have a weekly feature called Opinions Online, in which readers are free to comment about any topic they wish. Unfortunately, for the past several weeks, it has been devoted almost entirely to the subject about which we know the least - the Presidential race. Invariably, the discussion has been very unhelpful, with all of us (myself included) talking at each other, instead of to each other.

This is primarily a blog about local news and politics. I feel that, at least at times, it has been a public service because it helps make you aware of things you never knew. I sometimes break stories here, but they are local stories.

When it comes to national stories, this blog is just a reaction to stories already reported elsewhere. You will see no out-of-context wikileaks here, nor will there be interviews with women claiming to have been groped by The Donald, Bill Clinton, Hillary or whomever. I really fail to provide any public service in hosting discussions about this race, except for the discussion. But most people have made up their minds.

This week, I received five pro-Trump, anti-Hillary comments for Opinions Online, all going back to the same IP. I received three pro-Clinton, anti-Trump comment, and those all go back to the same IP, too.

I am publishing none of them. From this moment, this blog is both a "No Trump" and a "No Hillary" zone. Because we are unable to speak civilly, the Presidential race is off-topic, unless there is a direct local connection. Pence in town or sign wars and comments about things like that are fine. But I am sick of reading the hate on both sides.

Opinions Online will pick up again next Saturday, and no comments about the Presidential race will be published.