Local Government TV

Monday, October 17, 2016

Fed Ed Bullies Mota Over No Vote on DCED Appointment

When you're an elected official, and the FBI gets curious about some of the donations you've received, that's a sure fire way to set you on the straight and narrow. That's pretty much what happened to Allentown City Council member Cynthia Mota. Seems like only yesterday that she was among the la-de-das sitting on their asses inside some tent outside Allentown Symphony Hall to celebrate "The Miracle that is Allentown." Then the shitstorm over pay-to-play broke and turned that miracle into Nightmare on Hamilton Street. Three current or former Allentown officials have already pleaded guilty. Mota, who received a generous campaign contribution after switching her vote in the trash-to-energy deal, suddenly got religion. She was among those who called on Pawlowski to resign, and last week, was among the five Council members who refused to confirm an unqualified bullshit artist to head the Department of Community and Economic Development.

After the meeting, Allentown Mayor Edwin "Fed Ed" Pawloski slipped out a side door and made his way to the garage where he was parked. So did Mota. As they made their way to their cars, Fed Ed began screaming at and berating Mota, the sole woman to stand against him. "I can't believe what you just did to me," he yelled loudly, as she was more or less cornered and unable to escape his abusive verbal tirade.

What a man!

During the meeting itself (I watched the video), Fed Ed's conduct was arrogant and demeaning. He repeatedly interrupted Council members, accused them of playing politics and used an Alan Jennings puppet, Dan Bosket, to play the race card.


  1. Mr. Bosket is absolutely loyal to Alan and Alan is absolutely loyal to the Mayor.

  2. The political alliance between the Moody Bible Instute mayor and the city's elected representative from the LGBT community is a curious arrangement. It deserves further consideration as political players begin maneuvering in anticipation of a post-Pawlowski environment.

  3. Not all the rodents jumped ship. Guridy and Affa are still sailing on the S.S. Pawlowski and they will sink with him. Guridy showed his ignorance of the facts and Affa is a train wreck who supports the floundering Mayor to the end. [What illegal gotten money can buy].

    1. at a recent walk for the fallen floridians where every politico stood on the Stone wall stairs down the street came candida in her own APD police taxi proudly sitting in the back seat

  4. City Council members except Guridy and Affa confirmed their earlier no confidence vote. Ever since that vote and the resolution for him to resign, the Mayor has not been able to move any item through City Council. I thought Dr. Maguire did a fantastic job in shutting down the Mayor every time he tried to interrupt him. The upcoming budget meetings will be interesting. I am curious if the Mayor will have the fortitude to attend them or will he more likely send someone else as he usually does.

  5. Redd, Until you start writing in English, I will no longer host your comments.

  6. Maguire is a breath of fresh air.

  7. Yesterday I visited my parents in Allentown and we attended the Allentown Halloween Parade. I was saddened to see Pawlowski walking the parade route alone handing out candy to children, as though he wasn't embroiled in a major corruption scandal with an indictment hanging over his head. Some spectators even received him enthusiastically. Next time this happens, someone in a monkey suit should follow Pawlowski carrying a sign that reads "Fed Ed" with an arrow pointing to him. Normally I would not support embarrassing public officials this way, but he has embarrassed Allentown enough. It's beyond shameful for Pawlowski to carry on as he has.

  8. Bernie did you have a chance to review the transactions in fed ed's campaign accounts?

  9. It's not a question whether I've had a chance. I've written about every one of his reports. I have not written about his October quarterly because it is not yet available online.

  10. the fbi requested all documents relating to the delta thermo project.

  11. Fed Ed appears to still be milking his hizzoner perks - he was seen at the Phantoms home opener schmoozing in a luxury suite.


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