Local Government TV

Friday, October 21, 2016

About Those Timeclocks ... Again

Northampton County employees entering the courthouse have personalized ID cards that are swiped as they come in through a special gate. One County employee suggests that, instead of a biometric punch clock, why not set up a biometric entrance gate? It would be more efficient and would apply to everyone, even if the hours of salaried employees are not needed.  


  1. Because anyone can swipe your card for you.
    Because no one can swipe your finger for you but you

    Simple answer to a simple question

  2. Many people trying to enter one door at one time and having to put their finger on a biometric… Not efficient and you're nowhere near the workstation in many places and that is where the time clock should be close to the workstation. When you clock in it means you are ready to work and are getting paid.

  3. "Because no one can swipe your finger for you but you"

    well, that's not entirely true.
    might be messy though...

  4. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    That's why !

    What is the cost to the tax payer and to the county for such a system that only a few abuse? Time for management to discipline those who are late. A novel idea.

  5. What is this, CIA headquarters? What happened to simple employer trust? Where is the abuse to justify such an expense? The county is becoming a cold and calculating despotism under the leadership of Brown, Trapp and Allen.

  6. More like KGB. I would expect tactics like this from the leftist community.

  7. "What happened to simple employer trust?"

    Ask time thief Barron. One bad apple can spoil the whole bunch.

  8. 2:31 -

    Leftists, eh? This must be the Great Leftist Time Clock Caper.

    I know, I know, first it's time clocks, then it's the death of the free world.

  9. New OT labor laws go into effect 12/1. Could be a reason for this. People on the cusp of the salary range, or under that range will now get OT pay if they are salaried and work any OT.

  10. How do you get paid OT if there is no money in the budget for OT? But you still need to get the job done.

  11. Has the County checked into if its legal to make employees give thumb or finger prints. I was told by a law enforcement officer that it is not legal. County employees are not criminal. Also County is not the FBI or CIA that we have high security files or areas to access.A few bad apples should not spoil the whole bunch. Just throw out the rotten ones.

  12. Like Allen, who takes numerous smoke breaks on the loading dock, which is prohibited. Great example for a county administrator.


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