Local Government TV

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

The Trump Train Rolling Along

I've seen no Clinton signs and only a few Trump signs, but that should change soon. NorCo Republicans put together about 700 of them over the weekend, so his signs should start appearing soon.

Trumpions have been conducting what they call flashmobs near major roads. A bunch get together with Trump shirts and hats and wave signs at oncoming traffic. This weekend, a woman I know was stopped at traffic on Easton Avenue during one of these flashmobs, with her kids in the car, returning from soccer practice. The driver of the car in front of her gave the flashmob a thumbs down, and a Trumpion ran up to the guy, screaming at him. At the other end of the Lehigh Valley, in Allentown, another Trumpion attempted to run down someone at an immigration rally. The driver's license plate was photographed.

Democrats are silly, too. A township supervisor who has a Trump sign in his yard has been accused of being a KKK supporter.

So things are getting ugly, as they always do in Presidential races.

The candidates in the meantime vilify each other, setting a good example.

Authoritarians will love to hear that Donald Trump now advocates profiling for suspects, claiming that we are just too damn politically correct. Last time I checked, the prohibition on profiling has nothing to do with being politically correct. It has everything to do with equal protection and unreasonable searches and seizures. But aside from the Second Amendment, a President Trump will trash pretty much the rest of the Bill of Rights.

A friend of mine who did polling during the primary in a totally unrelated race received the call you hear above from a Donald Trump supporter. It's a fascinating look into the mind of a Trumpion.


  1. Well Bernie, last night more than 8,000 people filled an arena outside of Fort Myers, Florida to hear and see Donald Trump.

    Also yesterday afternoon, about 200 people saw Hillary Clinton at Temple University.

    Now I understand that an arena, full of people really can't be compared to a college audience as the venues are different. However I would like to see what Trump and Hillary would draw at say, the Allentown Ice Hockey arena if both made appearances in the evening.

  2. In the LV,, Hillary would draw a larger crowd, don't you think?

  3. I like to wait until at least October but I thought the general rule was 45 day.

  4. Hillary is a disgusting individual. But she'll win PA by 10 and will win 40 states. We're fucked.

  5. Given that Hillary Clinton has spent nearly a billion dollars on negative ads criticizing Donald Trump, you'd think she'd be up by 25 points. However it's basically a tie between her and Trump. Here in PA she's up about 4 or 5 points; she used to be up by double digits.

    You can't sell snake oil by saying how bad real medicine is for your illness. In order to successfully market a product, you have to tout it's benefits and why you need to buy it. Not how bad its competition is.

    Hillary chose a losing strategy because, of course, she can't talk about her past or achievements. ALso, Mr O'Hare, I don't think Hillary could fill the PPL Arena. Trump could, easily, with an overflow crowd on the sidewalk.

  6. I'm betting that most of the idiots that fill the stadiums at a Trump rally aren't even registered to vote and don't know how to do so. They just enjoy getting drunk and watching goofy spectacles, like WWE or World Extreme Cage fighting...or, in this case, Trumpty Dumpty; who is going to have a big fall along with his deplorable supporters.

  7. Trump is saying that Immigration Security is National Security.

    Clinton is saying she wants to dump another 100,000 Muslims from the middle east into the United states for "humanitarian reasons".

    It should be noted that we didn't have any of these "Lone Wolf" terrorist attacks before Obama came into office.

    I think Trump got it right yesterday when he said that he had a bowl of Skittles. Three of the skittles in the bowl are poisonous. Would you grab a handful and enjoy them ?

    Or would you want to make sure that all the skittles in the bowl are safe to eat first ?

  8. We're "deplorables", not idiots 8:10am You need to keep up with Hillary's hatefulness.

  9. So Bernie. do you get your fee from the Soros/Clinton Crime Foundation via corporate check, or small bills in a plain brown envelope?

  10. "Here in PA she's up about 4 or 5 points; she used to be up by double digits."

    Three PA polls since the beginning of the month have Clinton at +8, +5, and most recently, +9.

  11. 8:11am:

    "It should be noted that we didn't have any of these "Lone Wolf" terrorist attacks before Obama came into office."

    Ever hear of the Oklahoma City Bombing?

  12. If you believe the Morning Call 8:43am.

  13. Hmmm. if you were alive when the OKC bombings occurred, you would also know that McVie traveled to the Middle East several times before bombing the federal building there. Also, there was also an Iraqi tie to OKC. So there was more to there being a Muslim influence. 8:45am ?

  14. He sure brings out the worst in Hillary Clinton 8:51am. After all, what more can she say about Trump after calling him a NAZI ?

  15. 8:45 AM

    Oklahoma City was presented to America courtesy of Hillary's (cough, cough) always vigilant bedmate. Ack!

  16. The average trump voter's IQ is probably 10- 20 points lower than the average Hillary voter. The media also gives Trump and his lunatic surrogates equal time. The ignorant are not aware that they're ignorant. There are 4 candidates, but really there are only 2, so if you don't vote you may be letting the most narcissistic egomaniacal huckster run the greatest country in the world. These same voters gave us Bush Jr, that turned out well too... NOT

  17. I heard that the morning call Muhlenberg college professor poll was targeting morning call subscribers. Internal polls from this state by campaigns show a 3 or 4 point lead for Clinton. watch what campaigns do, both are investing time and money in this state. I know people who have been to fairs in Bangor, west end, Wyalusing, schulkill county, trump booths are cleaned out of material and Hillary booths are dead, dead dead. There is great enthusiasm for Trump everywhere I go, many new registrations, many new voters. it will be close.

    1. No, it will be a complete blowout for Clinton. Angry,old white trash aren't the majority they think they are. They just screech loud and often, so it seems that way.

  18. You also forgot to mention that Trump supporters are toothless, bible thumping gun owners that are a danger to society. 8:39am.

    If you're going to stereotype us, please do it correctly and not half-assed.

  19. The flash mobs are creepy. . .

  20. Ray - The fairs at Bangor, West End, Wyalusing & Schuykill county have a demographic leaning that closely resembles the Trump core, blue collar and white, so while your observation is likely accurate, you can't base any conclusion on it.

    Trump will obliterate Hillary in the "T" of PA, that skews older and whiter, but isn't doing well in Philly, Pittsburgh and their suburbs where Hillary is out of reach for Trump among black, Hispanic and women voters. Trump needs to convert a lot of soccer moms and convince independents he's the right choice before Pennsylvania is truly in play for him.

    Next Monday is make or break for Trump.


  21. One republican to another: "Lets go eat at Golden Corral, it's the best Buffet in the USA""

  22. 4:16 - A lot of people aren't there to support his blowhard candidacy. A lot are there to see the spectacle of an inflammatory TV star. Cult of personality and all that.


  23. The other Republican: "how do you know its the best buffet?" the first: "because it said so on the TV".

  24. And here I thought that it was the Hillary Supporters that believed in her personality cult. After all, being a habitual liar, and as General Powell stated, Hillary is a constant screw-up of everything she does or touches. How else could they support such a candidate unless it was a personalty cult for all things Clinton ?

  25. The vast majority of Powell's email commentary was negative towards Trump, you can't take his words out of context. He said that trump is a "national disgrace and international pariah".

  26. Yes, and it was also quite clear what he thought of Hillary Clinton. Especially since her staff tried to use him as an excuse for her Illegal email server and her moving classified information off government servers over to her network.

    You know, the only way that can be done is to copy the data to a flash drive that is plugged into the government secure server, then take it out and manually plug it into her server, as the government server and Hillary's server are on different networks with no connection to each other.

  27. "I like to wait until at least October but I thought the general rule was 45 day."

    First Amendment trumps this.

  28. As an educated Trump deplorable I am proud to stand side by side with hard working lesser educated deplorables that are contributors to America's economic vitality.

    The deplorables have not been the disruptive picketers at campaign events like the Bernie/Clinton supporters. The fact is that the contributors to American greatness are fed up with the non productive element magnified by open borders & unfair trade ageements.

  29. Welcome to the daily Dem. Outrage. Skittles..

  30. The things Trump says are deplorable and his followers may not all be deplorable, but they are certainly uninformed. The economic problems we are having are not because of immigrants and trade deals are only partially a factor. The entire economy has changed, this has been influenced by technology, internationalism, efficiency in manufacturing, etc.

    What do you mean by "non productive element"? This a dog whistle statement, there's always been non-productive people and in most cases you can't blame them for their situation ... there are fewer jobs, corporations do more with fewer people (those that have jobs are overworked), this allows them to make more profit for their investors which are mostly the wealthy. The gap between wealthy and middle class / poor has grown year after year since the 70s. Just look at the real data, regular people are just cogs in our capitalist system and the rich pull the strings. Trump is exactly what the republicans claim to hate: he's an elitist, he been completely deceptive, he will say whatever he needs to say to get what he wants, this is his history in business and throughout his life. He is at heart a spoiled, selfish rich kid. Those who vote for Trump have zero in common with him and regardless of what you may "think" of Hillary she is more grounded in the reality of the world around her than Trump has ever been..

  31. It should be noted that on the Steve Harvey show today, Hillary Clinton said she'll tackle racism in local police departments by speaking directly to "White People".

    Now, does this mean that I'm responsible for police shooting blacks because I'm white ?

    Mrs Clinton is correct about one thing though. It's NOT who we are. In fact, recently a black professor at Harvard set out to prove it IS who we are, but accidentally proved that THERE IS NO RACIAL BIAS in police shootings, in spite of dramatically disproportionate black criminality.

    I hope she keeps this pandering up, though. She's losing votes doing it.

  32. 11:56am. What would you do or what has Hillary Clinton proposed to boost our economy?

    All I see in her television commercials is how bad Donald Trump is. Where are her positive commercials to give people hope that she will make things better?

  33. Personally, I'm just waiting for her to collapse on-stage during the debates and watch the left cover for her as they do for everything else.

  34. All you need to do is look at the demographics of the crowds at Trump's rallies, hook line and sinker & no diversity, exactly what he needs to win. Blind followers.

  35. I don't think you have been watching Trump's rallies as you said you are. If you did you'd see large numbers of blacks and other minorities in the audience.

    In fact, the Clinton campaign is worried about Trumps appeal to minority voters.

  36. 12.07
    and the so called study by a Harvard guy has numerous flaws.
    "For instance, the Study is criticized as being an analysis of 1,332 shootings between 2000 and 2015. The way his group of student researchers created their data was largely by coding police narratives rather than considering the testimonials of witnesses or suspects (assuming that the suspects were not killed by the police in the shooting). The study therefore assumes police reports are unbiased sources of information about facts like whether or not the officer shoots the suspect before being attacked."

    so the study hinges on a police department reporting only the truth.
    how many times have the police backtracked after the video came out?

    as to white privilege most white folks assume that is the norm and everyone gets treated the same.
    the reality is quite different.
    watch the latest shooting in Tulsa.
    would the police have reacted to a white guy the same way?
    the Tulsa police are trying their best to handle the situation properly.
    however the video makes law enforcement look bad

  37. If you don't break the law, you don't have any worry about being shot 1:37

  38. 12.11

    so Hillary is to ignore Trump stepping on his crank?
    and why does trump deserve any break at all.
    trump likes to dish it out but can not take it.

  39. 1.29
    you got the video showing all of the"blacks" as trump says?
    you do not get to count the black Secret Service agents as wanting to be at a trump rally.

  40. 1.41
    where did the latest shooting in Tulsa have the black guy committing a crime?
    unless being black is a crime?

  41. Sorry 11:47 I watch the rallies, I don't tape them. Learn how to use google, I'm sure they're on YouTube. Enjoy.

    Anyway, as you said you watched the rallies, you would know already.

  42. Is it a crime to be white 1:50 ?

  43. Have you seen the polls? He has less than 1% of Black voters. He's also got paid Black surrogates/consultants on TV,to make it appear to white people that his campaign is diverse. But, Black people like Whites will do just about anything for $$. Omarosa whatever her last name is, was one of those cutthroat sellouts

    The Clinton campaign's last worry is the minority vote. Trump has to do whatever he can including bald-faced lies every time he speaks to stir up fear & xenophobia within white men and the uneducated. He needs ALL of those voters to win and he's taking advantage of them, its very, very sad.

    The Black & Latino people you see on camera at the rallies are the handful in a crowd of 1,000s of White people wearing "I'm with stupid" T-shirts or hats aka "Make America Great Again", you know because Trump & his followers think our country isn't great. And we should roll things back to when?

    Not so long ago the Republicans were complaining when Democrats were critical of our things in our country, when Dems did it, they were called un-American, I guess it's ok now, because they think we have a Kenyan president and we're no longer living in "their" America. Sure, there's problems with terrorism, the economy, etc, but the whole world is struggling with these issues and in most ways we are doing better.

  44. 1.54
    if you are going to commit a crime it helps to be white.
    being rich helps also.

  45. I can't wait to see how many street demonstrations by illegal invaders occur after Jan. 20 2017. Look around invaders, the ICE bus will be coming. There will be no sanctuary .

  46. 1.52
    well here is pic of trumps rally

    the black guy is a Secret Service agent.
    otherwise seems to be a lack of diversity.

    another view.

    yep the lone black guy is the Secret service agent.


    yep the lone black guy is the cop on duty.

  47. If the Cintonista's are not worried about the black vote why is it that is where all their focus is?, every day they are at a black church or some black organization, why has Obama scolded the Congressional black congress for not motivating the black vote? Their message is focused at black voters every day, if it was in the bag as you say, They would spread out their focus. Hillary is not motivating black voters, and I am not sure they will turn out strongly for her to insures Obamas legacy.

  48. 2.36
    you are forgetting the poor business owners who will no longer get to exploit illegal workers for profit.
    why would donnie want to punish business owners?
    trumpie would not be able to hire undocumented Poles to work for him.
    or the foreign fashion models he uses.
    curiously trumpie does not call for draconian punishments on the businesses that knowingly hire illegals.
    the punishment now is a 375 dollar fine for "knowingly" hiring a person with a bogus SSN.

  49. Mr. Trump ended the birther controversy, so why is he criticized for it?

    1. He didn't end it. He perpetuated it for the last 5 years in the face of definite evidence to attract the troglodytes with his racist dog whistle. Why now? What new evidence exists now that wasn't available long ago. He is a slime ball through and through.

  50. @4:29 Cuz Demos like to sling the shit when they're losing.

  51. 1.52
    added bonus

    fort Myers demographics
    71.3 percent black or Hispanic.
    sure seems to be a lack of diversity going on.
    can not even find the black Secret Service agent.

  52. Democrats and their cohorts in the media have become unhinged at Trump's outreach to blacks


  53. 5.20
    guess that is why so many blacks showed up to hear trump in ft.Myers?
    trump needs to work on his game if pictures show anything.

  54. Clintonistas are scared out of their minds because the Race Card just is not working the way it did only just a few short years ago.

  55. Republicans haven't had the black vote since the Southern Strategy. Trump is cooked.

  56. If people think Trump is going to miraculously fix all of our woes, they're smoking some seriously powerful stuff. He's already made our country look like a bunch of rednecks, that'll play right into the hands of seriously dangerous people like Putin.

  57. Answered a phone poll earlier tonight. Pretty interesting to take one of these. While some of it was objectively fair, based on the embedded bias of a number of questions it was clearly paid for by a Dem (or leaning) party, candidate, or PAC analyzing PA voters.

  58. A lot of people would come out to see Trump because it would be like a freak show. He is an embarrassement .

  59. http://nypost.com/2016/09/18/black-voters-are-turning-from-clinton-to-trump-in-new-poll/

  60. http://dailycaller.com/2016/09/14/trump-gets-nearly-26-percent-of-the-black-vote-in-new-poll/

  61. 10.55
    might help if ny post knew how to read polls.
    if you read the poll 26 percent black respondents thought trump would win.
    when black people were asked who they would vote for trump gets 5.9 percent.
    so the claim of black people flocking to trumps banner is bogus.

  62. 10.56
    daily caller poll claim is biased by the make up of the poll.
    for starters the poll took answers from 45 percent republicans and 32 percent Democrats.
    so the numbers will favor trump in any way you look at it.
    if trump is doing so well with black people why are they not turning up in photos of trump speaking?
    every photo of his rallies only seem to show overwhelming shades of white.

  63. In fact, the Clinton campaign is worried about Trumps appeal to minority voters.

    Bwahahahaaaaa!! Bwaa...hahaha....hahahahahahahaaaa!!!! Delusional just like in 08 and 12.

  64. If you don't break the law, you don't have any worry about being shot 1:37

    Yep, selling loose cigarettes cannot be tolerated. Perpetrators must die.

  65. Clintonistas are scared out of their minds because the Race Card just is not working the way it did only just a few short years ago.

    You mean Donald Trump has bolstered the racists confidence and emboldened them to be assholes out in the open?

    One of your boys used "invaders" - that's a word Hitler liked to use. You Trump people should be ashamed. After HRC wins, you will all disappear into your xenophobic holes.

  66. Lots of screeching in the streets of Charlotte last night.

    I wonder who they're voting for.

  67. More xenophobic angry old white men Trump supporters expressing themselves in Charlotte last night.

    How are you trying to spin the demonstrations into a false equivalence of racist Trump voters?

  68. The biggest fear I have is the treasonous website I see many people joining on Facebook. The so-called, "I will not recognize Hilary Clinton as my President" site is liked by many people. Bernie, you should check it out. I believe many political candidates and office holders are part of this.

    I find the statement as Treasonous, per se.

    This is the new level of low disgusting that many people are at in this country. It is shameful.

  69. 5:09, That is far from treason or even sedition. It is protected speech. Nolaw requires you to bow and accept anyone as your president. We can't be compelled to recite the pledge of allegiance or sing the national anthem. Just as Colin Kaepernick can refuse to stand for the national anthem, no one can force you to recognize Hillary or Trump as president.

  70. Take a Xanax, 9:43. You sound even more ridiculous than usual. Now go watch The View.

  71. Where is Obama berating the black lives matter people for violence in Charlotte? He is quick to berate fellow blacks for not being passionate about Hillary but no where to be found to help calm the situation with his fellow bros!

  72. He should berate you racist birthers. If America is not great, leave.


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