Local Government TV

Wednesday, September 07, 2016

Strye Sez Bye

Carl Strye, Jr., who is facing criminal charges as a result of his admitted theft of $8000 in gambling proceeds from Vigilance Hose, finally resigned as Nazareth's Mayor last night. It's something he should have done in April, when he was first charged.

This resignation was insisted upon by NorCo DA John Morganelli as a condition to Strye's participation in the Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition (ARD) program. That's a special docket for first offenders in which charges are wiped clean after a successful probationary period. Morganelli also insisted on full restitution,and Strye must agree to stay out of the Mayor's race next year.

The final decision will be made by the courts.      

In his letter of resignation, submitted to the good ol' boys before the meeting, Strye refers to the theft charges as "my issue." Amazingly, he pats himself on the back for making sure that the "police department is moving in the right direction with Commissioner [Randy] Miller in charge."

Top cop Miller was undoubtedly delighted to hear this praise from an admitted thief.

That's what worries me. What direction is the police department headed in when one of its own, Officer Stephen Schleig, has been forced to sue again?

According to The Express Times, Strye was immediately replaced by John "Shame Us" Samus, in an obvious done deal. In April, when I called on Strye to resign and was repeatedly shouted down, Shame Us wanted everyone who owns real estate in Nazareth to raise their hands. Most people did. I did not.

Then he point-blank asked me, "Do you own a home?"

I don't, and he was very pleased with himself.

"Does this mean I'm a second class citizen?" I asked.


"Are you saying that only the landed gentry may speak?"


"Then what is your point?"

His only point was to shame me. I am poor. I'm part of the riff raff and need not be taken seriously. He forgot that Lance Colondo, another member of Borough Council, is also a renter.

Strye is unfortunately only one head of a Lernaean Hydra that includes the entire Borough Council. They all need to go.

In April, I called on them to resign, too.

It will take a Hercules to rid Nazareth of these self-important potentates.


  1. I hope that whoever the judge is can see the big picture here and rejects the DA and styre's ard!

  2. Good riddance to bad rubbish. Now do something about the top-heavy police department starting with dismissing their pompous peacock commissioner.

  3. Hey Carl, don't break you arm patting yourself on the back on your way out the door.

    You are catching a real break here pal. They may only be able to prove 8k given the short investigative period but we all know it was MUCH more than that over the years.

    Enjoy your ill gotten gains you crook

  4. Can you feel all that Christian love and forgiveness. Oh how people love to hate go to Church and hate some more.
    God knows all, especially your hearts.

  5. Where is all the undeclared income.Failure to report it is fraud -IRS issue looms.

  6. A new sticker for Nazareth.... "Karma 4 Carl!"

  7. I see the good old boy network still lives in Nazareth. Mayor to be "Shame us" believes the very top heavy police department is on the right track. What a joke! These yahoos, [council], and their police command staff have costs this borough thousands of dollars and all these jerks think the police department is on the right track. All of these arrogant self-indulging individuals got to go! Strye was first, now the rest of his posse must be next.

  8. Randy used to be a good cop............................

  9. This whole scenario is disgusting. This is exactly why this country is in the toilet. Politicians lie, cheat, and steal but it's ok. Just make a token monetary contribution, profess your love while denying or blaming others for what you did. The da and judge will says "it's ok." Nazareth is a country full of "sheople."

  10. Word around the firehouse is that much more than 8,000 dollars was stolen. What a shame that tens of thousands of dollars will not go the coffers of the firehouse and wound up in someones pockets.

  11. So 1 "hometown boy" is out and another "hometown boy" takes his place???? No wonder nothing ever changes, it's one big ole boys club in Nazareth. It makes me cringe when I hear the council had no comment on his resignation, shows you where they stand!

  12. Wait a minute, I thought Carl was innocent on these allegations????? What are his supporters saying now, they insisted he did nothing wrong so why resign and apply for ARD? You would think if he was innocent he would welcome a trial to clear his name. I notice in his resignation letter that he never apologizes for stealing anything, just continues to pat himself on the back for all his good deeds!

  13. Heavy Heart??? Really Carl, is that from the stress of lying about all of this and getting caught? If you didn't take the money why didn't you take a trial and clear all this up? Your supporters should be ashamed of themselves, they have tarnished their own reputations.

  14. To the cocksucker author of this blog

    You are disbarred because you cannot comprehend what the law is, so your "anon" self commentary means nothing.

    Carl can walk away with the guarantee that he will always be able to serve his community at a time in the future. Those on the inside know what happenned, and that is all that really matters.

    The cost of trial on its own is more than the cost of restitution , so shut your cum filled dirt trap, or move out of town.

  15. 9:36 AM - Another example of one of Carl's supporters, this is exactly how they act!

    Why not share the truth of what "really happened"

  16. Carl Strye is a good man who mad a LOT of money via good business savvy and hard work at this car wash machine sales gig. When the storm clears Carl will be back in office in the town he bleeds for, whether it is as Mayor or councilman will be up to him and his supporters for now he will heal with his family and focus on faith, business, and health.

    The anon poison posse horde on this "blog" are revolting and clearly only become satisfied when a person of influence is knocked down where they can swarm and attack like a gaggle of rabid lemmings seeking revenge on a fallen majestic great snowy owl on the tundra.

    Carl's contributions to the restructuring of the Naz PD were essential, the purges of lazy unqualified teat suckers were his lasting legacy and trust me good officers like Chief Trachta value his service.

    HOME OWNER on Main St.

  17. This is Tricia Mezzacappa, who thankfully does not live anywhere in Nazareth and has no idea that Trachta and Strye hate each other. She is an adjudged defamer who lacks the personal integrity to ID herself, but her phraseology ("Poison posse")gives her away. Incidentally, lemmings do not attack great snowy owls. Crazy Mezzacappa, stay off this blog.

  18. "Can you feel all that Christian love and forgiveness. Oh how people love to hate go to Church and hate some more.
    God knows all, especially your hearts."

    It is entirely proper to insist on government officials who are not admitted thieves.

  19. 9:36 is yet another cRaZy Tricia comment.

  20. 10:28, You just accused the Keenholds of some serious stuff. Why don't you sign your name?

  21. A "gaggle of rabid lemmings"? That must come from the mind of the Ridge Street gummer!

  22. Sorry but you can't serve your community and steal from it at the same time.... The fact that anyone is forced to resign to join an ARD program, well forgiveness is great by family and friends who should be there for him but why on earth would any council bring back that potential issue to the community.

    Attacking any religious group on here seems unrelated, its a blog entitled to ones opinion leave it at that.

    Family and friends will say you don't know this person which is fine, you don't really know someone after all look at how many people are shocked....

    "Officer Schleig" forced to sue again? Come on no one is forced to sue its a choice! Look at all this drama at Nazareth PD how many others have left and not sued, if you are not happy leave and make a difference in a different community. Stop draining the Borough.

  23. More than one person has commented on your hate blog's poison posse buddy. You know that. You and the sticker goons think you are the backbone of Nazareth. Why not go have another Slurpee and some cigarettes.

  24. Heard the bald headed weeble, former mayor, known thief is bragging that they offered him a deal he could not refuse. I was shocked.

    He shamed his family name forever, 38 years of bragging how good he was and now he is known as a thief and piece of shit, embarrassed his kids and family and anyone that lives and loves Nazareth. has the balls to brag its the first time in 38 years I am not an official in this town... but wait Srye you are official... your now known as the former mayor and thief and a lair who ruined his families and brought shame to this town. Priceless and forever you piece of garbage of a human.

    Your a piece of trash to your family and this town.

    1. Good afternoon Sir or Madam. Please know that I feel you do not deserve that title but I will take the high road and not dabble with the likes of your kind. You have the right to speak your mind, you have the right to play puppet to a disbarred attorney, but you do not have the legal right to speak on my behalf. Do you have proof that Carl's children are "embarrassed." That sounds like libel to me. In case you are wondering libel is illegal. The following in my case against you occurred. Here are the facts. Are you guilty? Your statement about me was false. You harmed my reputation by associating me in this garbage. You published your comments about me for the public to see. Your comment called out me specifically and you had clear intent. Shameful. I hope karma finds you well. This is a clear and firm notice to never speak on my behalf again. You may hide behind your anon cowardly post but for me I will delightfully sign my name. I'm not afraid, ashamed, or willing to let you, or any of your other anon spineless jellyfish peers ever speak for me. Like me and all of us we will be judged by our Maker until then I will pray for you to have a kind heart.

      Libel defined as-
      Harmed your reputation
      Published to at least one other person
      About you specifically
      Made with some degree of fault and intention

  25. 1:47, aka cRaZy Constable, gives herself away again. Full of hate and devoid of knowledge.

  26. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  27. cRaZy Constable, you give yourself away with every comment. You are full of far more hatred than the typical Strye supporter.

  28. Heard that West Easton wants to build a public works garage and Salt shed about 100 feet from the Ridge St. retard's slovenly coop. Imagine the damage IT might do to borough property. Hope they budget for 24 hour surveillance coverage...

  29. Bernie,
    AWwww, I am sure that those to the of the southwest collective of criminals hideing behind some sort of tiSted colur of law are hoping and even congregationally praying with counter parts of church on the run and its parisinors the ACTORS in this criminal element?!
    REpublican redd no party afilliation and I will not be joining the carnival nor traveling eithier

  30. Good riddance to POS Strye .... 8000.00 theft charge, got off way to easy .. I think both of his kids college loans are paid off, new home after he gave one to his ex wife, New RV heard he paid cash, all on a car wash salesman job .. GTFO ... now the IRS needs to look at this POS


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