Local Government TV

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Opinions Online, 9/24/16

Blogger's Note: Opinions Online is a regular Saturday feature. If you'd like to express your opinion on any topic, click on the Opinions Online button on my left sidebar. I prefer local topics, especially concerning topics I miss, as opposed to talking points. You can also call 385-325-2564. In addition to these submissions, I sometimes highlight comments from throughout the week and re-publish them here. Please keep your comments brief, if possible. Anonymous personal attacks will be deleted, especially when aimed at other readers. I refuse to publish anything I consider possibly defamatory.


The more i watch Penn State football the more i wonder if coach Franklin is the answer at P.S.U. Yes he didn't have 85 scholarships but how many players are on the field during a game? 11? H e boasted 3 years ago he was going to dominate recruiting. and yet many of his recruit targets go elsewhere. He hasn't beaten ohio state,michigan,or michigan state in numerous tries. Finally the talent level is more in line with Temple , Rutgers etc not Ohio State. John Gruden would be a great replacement if someone could talk him into it!


At what time does the Bethlehem public works shift start? It seems like they all congregate at Wawa every morning on the taxpayers dime. I have to stop before going to work, and so should our public servants.


Trumpion OK
TRUMPETER better and abrasively louder


Does anyone know what is happening with the road work at Rt 33 and Freemansburg? They haven't been working on the bridge all summer.


One of the reasons i would never want to be a policeman is the continued use of tinted windows. I know the laws are different from state to state but why is this so? Why aren't theses standards the same in every state? Imagine approaching a vehicle with intent to harm inside and you have no idea until a gun is raised to shoot you...


What's with all the hysteria about people in clown costumes? Why are police wasting their time responding to silly people complaining about what are obviously pranks?


A friend of mine told me about something the other day. They said they went looking for an online article about Former editor Joe Owens and his dui and said he couldn't find it.

I told them they were crazy but when I went and looked and couldn't find them either.

I am not talking about just the lvl site either they are gone from mcall and NJ.com, too.

Do you think he got his journo buddies to take them down or did he pay lawyers to do this work?

As a journalist Bernie, how do you feel about this? I know he went through ard and his record was expunged but having it wiped out from a news outlet as though it never happened?

Could you or I call in these favors? What about your Buddy strye once he completes his program.

I find it disturbing.


Why has the Express-Times become a glorified police blotter???


Julio Guridy spoke at Wednesday's Allentown City Council meeting to add Calle Siete signs to the signs for 7th St. He stated that the Latino community deserves something named in their honor for the "contributions, perspective, and values" the Latino community has brought to Allentown.

Lets review those contributions, perspective and values. The Latinos brought drugs, gangs, violence, parents and children that don't want nor care about an education. They made Allentown into a welfare magnet. It is true they are not alone and had a lot of assistance from the democratic liberal government of Allentown as far back as Mayor Daddona.

The majority of the crimes committed that are reported by the media are perpetrated by Latino names. If we should rename anything in Allentown after the Latino community it should be Lehigh County Prison At least until the Latino community begins to police itself and rid itself of the undesirable members of it and start becoming productive members of society by getting off of welfare.

Blogger's Reply: Spoken like a true bigot. My guess is you are a Trump supporter. I will ask Mr. Guridy to provide some insights into the contributions, perspectives and values.


  1. James Franklin may have come from the SEC to the Big 10, but he also came from one of the smaller SEC schools (Vanderbilt) to big time College Football at PSU. Vanderbilt isn't like Tennessee or Alabama or Georgia or LSU, it's not a football powerhouse, as its a relatively small school, which is exceedingly hard to get into because of its high academic standards. It produces doctors, not linebackers. So in reality, he's used to having a relatively small number of players to use, and that shows in his game plans at Penn State

  2. "Contributions, perspectives and values" is a joke! Emma Tropiano, in the 1980's, predicted the utter chaos that was coming. Look at the town, [outside of Reillyville], the town is one big slum that encroaches on the West End, South and East Side like maggots on rotting flesh. Some of their core contributions are double and triple parking, blindly walking out in traffic and graffiti. Their perspectives are "the welfare" as their primary source of income and the degradation of the school system. Their values are drugs, over indulgence in alcohol, sex crimes, and their right to anything free. This is not to say all the hispanics are slugs, just the ones who breakdown society standards and common dignity in the once Queen City! Bigotry no, REALITY yes.

  3. "This is not to say all the hispanics are slugs"

    Not sure why you bothered to type this...it does not negate the hateful racism in the rest of your post in any way.

  4. 4:07 you must have been up all night preparing your hateful tirade. Time to up your meds.

  5. A person ne who left Allentown in 1970 and returned today would see the major reasons for Allentown's decline. One is the decline of the Allentown School District. The demographics also are changing from middle-class workers to the welfare-dependent Largely because of wholesale deindustralization of the city over the past 30 or 40 years. As manufacturers close, they are replaced by service sector jobs. A worker that used to install pistons in a Mack Engine makes a lot more than a clerk at Wegmans.

    As the middle class departed the area, the population has been largely replaced by the dependent class, especially from the New York City area. Let's face it, New York is expansive to live in. The wage there are higher because the cost of living there is higher. The opening of I-78 was like opening a floodgate of workers and non-workers from the Tri-State area who find Eastern Pennsylvania much more affordable to live in. You can find a nice home in the townships, with a yard, driveway, and some space away from your neighbor for less than that townhouse in Bergen costs, and the taxes here are still less than New Jersey. The underclass found many apartments here that used to me large homes that were converted into multi-family apartments. And our public assistance laws were favorable as well. Also, lets not forget that we closed up the public housing projects and encourage them to live in subsidized housing under HUD Section-8 subsidies. Hamilton Acres was something we didn't do any longer.

    Was Emma correct in the 1980s about Dadonna's policies? All one has to do is look at the Allentown of 2016 and the answer is an unqualified "Yes".

  6. Sorry to say the comments about Allentown are so true. And that is what the rest of the County will look like, if we keep down the same path! Wake up America, unregulated immigration did not work out so well for the Native Americans!

  7. Bethlehem Public Works employees are not the only ones. Check out the Lehigh St Wawa in Allentown and you will see the same.

  8. The fact is that family wealth, on average, is lower than it was in 1999. That is after eight years of George W and eight years of Obama.

    If you're looking why people support Trump, there is your reason.

  9. Whoopi Goldberg (whose real name is actually Caryn Johnson) said that she might leave "The View" by this time next year. On the show she ranted about having "Other things to do" and "Can afford to live somewhere else"

    Well, good luck to you Whoopi. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

  10. It's now September 24th, 2016. For those of us born several generations ago, in the 1950s, it's the future. After all, we lived though the 1960s, the Disco Era, Ronald Reagan, Laverne & Shirley, 9/11 and we've reached the time we dreamed about when we were in 7th grade. The twenty-first century and 120-mph speed limits, and of course the hoverboards, self-tying sneakers and the flying cars.

    Well, we found that hoverboards catch fire, Air Jordans may have led lights on them but they don't self tie, but where are the flying cars?

    All I see on the roads today are what we would call ricebugs in the 1970s... and I'm supposed to get excited over a four-cylinder Honda Accord that has GPS and air bags, when I had a 1969 Plymouth GTX 440 when I was 20.

    WTF ? I want my flying car !!!!!

  11. ohair is so lucky, he will never need sun glasses. Allentown is a third world city with a sewer system.

  12. 5:27 - actually it is very near the truth and honesty

  13. 9:15 - typical for union pukes. they show up at seven but rarely work before 8

  14. Vote trump - increase our military and rid us of ragheads and welfare blood suckers

  15. If it is calculable how much of the lehigh valley economy is welfare dependent . Section 8, food stamps, free school for invaders ,jail, the courts, welfare cash.
    What purpose . November 8. Be there!!!

  16. "Vote trump - increase our military and rid us of ragheads and welfare blood suckers"

    People like you, overt bigots supporting Trump, really are deplorable.

  17. "Whoopi Goldberg (whose real name is actually Caryn Johnson) "

    Why would i care what her real name or about some TV show when I don't even watch TV?

  18. Someone earlier wrote about Allentown. What the city sadly is not doing is enforcing speed limits. Dixon Street is posted at 25mph but many drivers do 50 even through the playground and animal shelter area! As for Mack Boulevard. How appropriate to be called a boulevard because that's pretty much how fast cars go.

  19. What was the date of the elevator pat down? They suggested it was right before the raid but I do not recall a date.

  20. The answer can be found in ten seconds on google.


  21. The bigots are out in force, Bernie. SMH

  22. Hillary has signed a tentative contract with depends, if she don't make it, she will state how she made it through 90 minutes without the bathroom.

  23. I find it interesting that while the streets of Charlotte, NC are filled with National Guardsmen and State Police, all we hear from Hillary Clinton are complaints about the height of the podium she has to stand behind or the need for her to have a stool on stage to lean against or to have coughing breaks.

  24. It's being reported by CBS in Denver that the dead have risen from their graves to cast ballots after months, or sometimes years resting in their heavenly peace.


    This is just another reason why we need to go back to paper ballots, and also why we need to implement positive photo-identification at the polls.

    I'm sure that the dead voters of Denver have issues trying to produce current photo identification. I'm sure that is not an isolated case.

  25. The article does not state the date of the pat down other than staring it was hours before the raid. A raid was conducted on July 2. Coincidentally a campaign LLC was registered on June 26, 6 days before the raid.

  26. However, it appears that the Walking Dead of Denver will not let the fact that they are not alive inhibit them from voting. The graveyards of other cities should have polling places next to the graveyards so that the dead do not have to walk very far to cast ballots it seems.

    Photo Identification at the polls would insure that the dead stay dead and buried.

  27. It's a common saying that elections amount to a choice between the lesser of two evils, and that is truer in 2016 than it's been in my lifetime, but the end result is the same.

    A vote for Trump is a gamble. He will almost certainly do some good things, and he will almost certainly do some bad things. Whether the former outweigh the latter is up in the air, but it is absolutely guaranteed, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that Clinton will do a lot of really awful things, and degrade the Office of the President in heretofore unseen ways.

    Neither candidate is a good choice, but while there is no difference in quality, there is a huge difference in degree. Clinton is absolutely worse than Trump in every way

  28. Someone else can say the exact same things, and just transpose the names. You have really said nothing.

  29. I wish Allentown would post the crime stats based upon race of the offenders. That would show the true measure of who is committing crime. Then balance crimes committed against census data.

  30. You can lead them to the water, but you can't make them drink.

  31. Why isn't she 50 points ahead, might I ask?

  32. I doubt she's really ahead at all in PA -- at least among living, breathing, legitimate voters. I suspect a good part of The Deplorables like myself choose not to respond to pollsters' calls and thereby do not register their support "officially" in the counts.

    I cannot tell you how many survey callers I have blocked on my phone but I have the ability to block 250 numbers and I regularly have to delete older ones to accommodate the new ones flooding in.

    I'd be interested to know the TRUE numbers, but I have no intention of helping pollsters to aggregate them

  33. Nov. 8 the final poll.


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