Local Government TV

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Opinions Online, 9/17/16

Blogger's Note: Opinions Online is a regular Saturday feature. If you'd like to express your opinion on any topic, click on the Opinions Online button on my left sidebar. I prefer local topics, especially concerning topics I miss, as opposed to talking points. You can also call 385-325-2564. In addition to these submissions, I sometimes highlight comments from throughout the week and re-publish them here. Please keep your comments brief, if possible. Anonymous personal attacks will be deleted, especially when aimed at other readers. I refuse to publish anything I consider possibly defamatory.


Many Christians must have been shocked to hear Hillary Clinton use language that has clear and serious theological meaning. She stated that those who do not support her are "beyond redemption". An American politician has no business sitting in religious judgment and declaring millions of people anathema. The very idea is...well, crazy. Make no mistake about it: Hillary Clinton stood before cameras and told millions of Christians they are damned to hell for all eternity for not supporting her Crusade to become president.


What is going on (again) in the Allentown Diocese, more sexual abuse activities?


  1. "Many Christians must have been shocked"

    try crediting the blog it came from.

    real Christians see that some of the people trump "pals around" with deserve scorn and rejection

  2. Wow, talk about taking it to religious extremes. Hillary Clinton's words insulted a lot of people; I'm insulted for them. We all need to realize that one's decision to vote republican, democrat or other is nuanced and calling the other side this or that is lazy and dishonest. She's still got my vote because I took stock of the issues that are the most important to me and decided that the dems views most closely align with my own. Also, I firmly believe that Trump does not have the statesmanship, knowledge or charisma required to lead the greatest county on Earth. We can not let a racist become President of the United States of America.

  3. We can not let a racist become President of the United States of America.

    Is it racist when you despise poor white people equally as much as those of color?
    Be fair. Trump doesn't like anyone who isn't him.

  4. Is that the best you can do, 7:04? You SURE you can't do better than THAT??? How unfortunate that you cannot tout Hillary Clinton's deplorable record as a "public servant".

    1. Explain please the poor public record. Be specific.

  5. Is that the best you can do, 8:08? You don't think discriminating against people because of economic status is just as bad as discriminating against people because of skin color??? That's quite a liberal policy you seem to follow. Too bad you, too, can not tout Hillary Clinton's record as a "public servant".

  6. Her record's not great but Trump is a businessman who has declared bankruptcy 4 times and had his buddy Christie forgive millions in overdue taxes within months of him taking office. At least Clinton is advocating a $12 minimum wage and is the most knowledgeable on foreign affairs. Meanwhile Trump can't manage to string a sentence together without being utterly offensive or sounding like that time freshman year when I knew I shouldn't have gone to Thirsty Thursdays because I had an essay exam in my 8am intro to something-or-other class and I hadn't done the reading in weeks. I just found 10 different ways to hit the 3 concepts I remembered from the beginning of the semester (before the weather broke and I found out how much fun spring on a college campus can be) and I wrote out contractions and threw in a couple of cliches to hit the word count.

  7. "Her (Clinton's) record is not great but Trump ..."

    Is that the best you can do, 10:39? You can't talk about Clinton's record as a "public servant" WITHOUT mentioning the OTHER candidate in some fashion??? How revealing.

  8. Can anyone tell me about all of Hillary Clinton's standout accomplishments as Secretary of State or must we resort to bashing Donald Trump immediately because Clinton has no standout accomplishments to speak of?

  9. Well how about those sanctions she successfully imposed on Iran or the normalization of our relationship with Cuba? She had a hand in the killing of Osama Bin-Ladin for Pete's sake. You can not tell me the woman doesn't know her stuff. Trump would have skipped the G6 because there wasn't a parade on the runway upon his arrival.

  10. it does not matter to the right wing of any accomplishments of Hillary Clinton.
    the hatred runs too deep.
    if Hillary walked across the Potomac river the right wing and their propaganda arm Fox news would claim "bitch can't swim".

    1. The left does the same thing, it's called human nature.

      In other news, it's coming out that Hillary's people started the birther quest during the 2008 primaries.

    2. Check fact.com another Trump lie you believe

    3. http://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/politics-government/election/article102354777.html

  11. 2.06
    "In other news, it's coming out that Hillary's people started the birther quest during the 2008 primaries."

    that of course is a lie but it points out various things.
    so that means trump was snookered into believing a lie?
    he was so gullible that he bought into it?
    it took trump how many years to find out he was wrong?
    no one in the right wing thought to mention how embarrassing trump looked spouting such a lie?
    if they did mention it why was trump too stupid to recognize reality?
    that alone means he is not capable of being President.

  12. I think they should send all jobs including the givermint ones overseas. Why cant we hire the south koreans to run our givermint or the chinese? They basically dictate our foreign policy and trade agreements. Lets build another amazon warehouse to house cheap goods and create more junk warehousing jobs. Now thats progress!!. Barry even said it was.

  13. This election will be an intelligence test for The American People. If Trump wins we will know that we have more intelligent people than we have ignorant people in this country.

  14. Seems that the media fell hook, line and sinker into Trump's trap for them with regards to the "Birther" controversy. This is a red herring that the Clinton campaign brought up to divert attention away from her weakness as a candidate.

    Then Trump makes an announcement that he was going to make a major statement in Washington, so the Media gets all excited that he's going to talk about "Birthers". However they were treated to 20 minutes of military figures endorsing Trump. Live, on CNN and MSNBC

    heh... Alan Colmes for one went ape shit about it. LOL

    He didn't fall for Hillary's little trap. Sorry.

  15. well there is a case where trump was a leader in having his clothing line made overseas.
    guess he thought the American worker just was not good enough to make his ties.

  16. I wonder where Hillary's pantsuits are made ?

  17. He's a genius! To think he concocted this story 8 years ago so he could trip up the media! How astute!

    Do you have any idea how ... deplorable ... you sound?

  18. For those of us who do not with to engage in the political wars here. The Cubs have clinched the NL East Pennant. The World Series trophy will be in Wrigley Park this winter !!!! :)

  19. Bernie,
    I see the carnival experience spreading locally like there is no tomorrow!? The diversionary trix and taktics with not stiffel the coming!?
    REpublican redd no party affiliation nor joining or traveling with carnival

  20. It felt so wrong
    It felt so right
    I'm a Deplorable and I like it.

  21. 7.46
    "I wonder where Hillary's pantsuits are made ?"


    ""Susanna Beverly Hills garments are the product of hundreds of hours of American labor, and women, including Hillary Clinton, can be proud to wear a garment that has been crafted with the absolute most care and skill here in the United States," the fashion house said in a release."

  22. Yes, but where did the fabric for them come from ? Beverly Hills garments aren't exactly affordable to the average woman either.

  23. The crack about the pantsuits was just a reminder to one and all that she is a woman in a man's world. Exactly what deplorable people do.

  24. What with all these polls showing massive distrust in the federal government, how come every time I hear about a presidential poll, Obama always seems to be great. Who's got their thumb on the scales?

  25. I cannot, for the life of me, understand why people say Trump is dangerous. What, exactly, do they think he is going to do? There isn't anything he can do that would be worse than what our federal government has done in the past 50-60 years.

  26. Most of the distrust is disappointment in our congress and corporate manipulation of our government through PACs doesn't help matters. There should be absolute limits on campaign contributions otherwise were heading towards an oligarchy if we aren't already there. No one has their thumbs on the scale... most polls are very accurate.

  27. Do you think Fed Ed will forfeit his campaign funds to the Feds? It surely looks like the lawyer who couldn't remember Pawlowski's name blew a huge deadline.

  28. A bomb went off in New York City tonight that injured about 29 people. Also a second bomb was found in a pressure cooker that didn't go off.

    Please ..... let's not jump to conclusions. We don't even know yet exactly how many Muslims were involved.

  29. In another event, an off-duty officer killed a man who stabbed 8 at a St. Cloud MN mall

    A suspect who stabbed eight people at a St. Cloud shopping mall Saturday night was shot by an off-duty officer, according to St. Cloud police. The attacker referred to Allah during the attacks, the police chief said.


    Oh, those Muslim "lone wolves" again, eh ?

  30. That Timothy McVeigh guy and his buddy Terry Nichols who killed 168 and injured 680 in Oklahoma City 21 years ago they were muslims too ... you're a typical moron in the lower area of the bell, probably a non college educated white male between the ages of 40 & 65.

  31. You forgot toothless as well in your stereotype.

  32. As well as a gun toting bible thumper....

  33. t's important to remember that terrorists are not deplorables.

  34. Hillary slams trump for calling the NYC bomb a "bomb".

    I guess if it wasn't a bomb that exploded then what the hell was it ?

  35. That's what we need another do-nothing President who fails to recognize radical Islamist out to kill every American they can. If anybody is deplorable it is the constant lying Ms. Clinton "who screws up everything she touches"! She can't even control slick Willey, how is she going to control the enemies of the USA.

  36. I swear the anti-Trumpers think that day one in office, his opening line is going to be "OK, start the wall construction, I need at least 2,000,000 illegals out of here by 5pm Friday, nuke North Korea tomorrow, call Putin and tell him he can have anything he wants, shut down CNN, send obscenity-laced letters to all children, shut down the EPA by Friday, cut taxes on the rich to zero, raise taxes on the middle class, ban alternate energy and re-open every closed coal mine."

    That's not how it works. To paraphrase what he said to the folks in Detroit, "what do we have to lose?"

  37. I blame whatever happened in NYC on a video that was offensive to Muslims but I still must wonder why Hillary Clinton does not want to talk about her outstanding achievements with respect to the Benghazi Episode.

  38. I'm voting for the Presidential candidate that great political minds like Jay Z and Rihanna endorse.

  39. I cannot vote for a racist and oppressive Presidential candidate that the San Francisco 49ers superstar quarterback Colin Kapernick, himself, would not vote for.

  40. Is that the best you can do, 1:51 AM? I mean, really, 21 years ago??? And, yeah, you would be better served to not forget to include "toothless" and "gun-toting bible thumper" in your pathetic stereotype.

    I implore you to improve upon your strategies and tactics.

  41. 9.23
    you should send your knowledge to the NYC police as they are still working the case but you know the answers so.
    help them out
    as to Hillary and Benghazi
    " Ending one of the longest, costliest and most bitterly partisan congressional investigations in history, the House Select Committee on Benghazi issued its final report on Tuesday, finding no new evidence of culpability or wrongdoing by Hillary Clinton in the 2012 attacks in Libya that left four Americans dead."

    and that was from a group of republicans who's sole purpose was to attack Hillary.
    those republicans used the death of Americans for political purposes.
    such people were deplorable

  42. Bernie, I have to say, your comments here are all the proof anyone would need to claim that most Americans are brain dead dolts who follow whatever pied piper of Hamlin they believe.

  43. I think their point was that violence including extreme violence is perpetrated by all people and there's a prevalence of uneducated middle age white men who are focusing their attention on one group. Are there Muslims committing murderous/terrorist acts, sure, but there's also supposed Christians doing the same and there always has been. It really has nothing to do with religion, it has everything to do with unstable, mentally ill people.

  44. 10.03
    when the Oklahoma bombings occurred/

    "Before any evidence could be introduced to say otherwise, the media presented stories to the public that accused individuals within Middle Eastern groups."

    so until more info comes out--who knows who is responsible.

  45. Got to watch out for those Amish terrorists 11:26

  46. 11.58
    well the Amish got the hate crimes problem

  47. 12.27
    from your article
    "there is no evidence that Clinton herself or her campaign spread the story."

    so trump is just adding another of his numerous lies.

  48. I think since our elected ilk send our jobs overseas we should outsource their jobs. We could save hundreds of billions hiring cheap foreign labor to replace the criminal scumbag lawyers running washington and ruining the USA

  49. Bernie,
    I particularly like the Amish, Mentally ill theory!? This almost gave me the deep belly laugh your shit slinging stories have!? I noticed you tried to put your clogging of the pipes in at the end of one of this weeks stories!
    With this weekends happining's as well as many more are political tools implimented with there fictisiously faked commerce actors of feet on the street?

    REpublican redd no party affilliation nor joining or departing with the carnival for its experiance

  50. Anyone ever think that Trump 's plan to have Mexico build his wall involves putting the illegals to work on the construction before they're deported?


  51. Don't worry, 11:19. Hillary Clinton will answer for Benghazi on Election Day. You have nothing to fear but fear, itself.

  52. Sorry, but quoting the New York Times does not impress quite the way it once did.

  53. I don't think you can discount the entire media, unless of course Fox News or Republican candidates tell you to do so and you follow like sheep. That's just what our country needs more of -- people who lack critical thinking skills. That way we can be lead down another rabbit hole by our corporate masters.

  54. Correct thinking elites know, they absolutely know, that the recent bombings (yes, she now says they were bombs) are Trump's fault.

    I know, because I just saw the media "interview" Hillary.

    At least she didn't claim he made a video to incite the bombers.

  55. Anonymous said...
    I cannot, for the life of me, understand why people say Trump is dangerous. What, exactly, do they think he is going to do? There isn't anything he can do that would be worse than what our federal government has done in the past 50-60 years.

    9:44 PM

    How about using nukes on a country that 'insults' or degrades Trump. Is that dangerous enough for you?

  56. Sounds like somebody needs a nap, 2:30.


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