Local Government TV

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Nazareth's Ex Mayor Lashes Out at Blogger

Nazareth's ex-Mayor, Carl Strye, was accepted into the ARD program yesterday, following a brief hearing before Judge FP Kimberly McFadden. That's a special program for first offenders in which the slate is wiped clean after a period of probation. He had been charged with felony theft for skimming $8,000 from the Vig, one of the Nazareth area's many social clubs. An admitted thief should have no say in what goes on in a police department, so I was gratified when the District Attorney insisted that Strye resign. He also had to admit what he is - a thief.

I had pretty much decided that there's nothing more to say. Justice has been served to him, and Borough Council is next. But Strye, who also ducked discussing his situation and continues to do so, has nevertheless taken to Facebook to lash out at yours truly.
"We have a very hateful, spiteful, revengeful, blogger in town that will twist and report the ugly lies on his ego filled blog. I personally do not go on it because all his "anonymous" friends feed into his hatefulness.
"Now, that the dust will settle, the comments will go away and I will pick up the pieces on move on with a very POSITIVE attitude. I am still the same ole Carl and I am NOT going away!"
Carl mistakenly thinks I am responsible for the mess he created. He gives me way too much credit, which is great for my ego-filled blog. I do believe he is the "same ole Carl."

On the very day he admits in open court that he's a thief, he's also still arrogant enough to call me a liar. Doesn't like my "anonymous friends." Sometimes, I don't like them, either. Sometimes, they don't like me. He acts more like a victim than what he really is - a criminal.

I reported very accurately that you are a crook, Carl. I would prefer to live in a borough where there is no corruption. Instead, I live in a town that steps on people's constitutional rights, even police officers. I live in a town where you as Mayor actually said that you don't care what a judge thinks. You likened a police officer who saved a little boy's life to an arsonist.You skimmed from poker machines and I really question how much you've stolen over the years. You are supported by a Council that spent taxpayer money to refurbish the American Legion, a private club repeatedly busted for illegal gambling. That Council includes someone who was also placed on ARD for trying to use police resources to identify an undercover informant. After the last raid on the Vig and Legion, you and the other clubs got together and dimed out an undercover informant.

In short, you are corrupt and should never be part of any government.

Unfortunately, you are also a liar. You lied to me. You denied you had been before the Grand Jury on the very day that you admitted stealing $8,000. You also lied when you denied that you had done any skimming. I have the emails, Carl, and just so you know, I turned them over to the Detective who filed the charges against you.

You claim you will be coming back stronger than ever after taking a break.Yeah you do seem to have a lot of money for breaks. I wonder how you got it.

But not too much.


  1. As a past member, and I say a past member, of the firehouse, everyone is talking about how much money our "honorable Mayor" actually stole. You're right Mr. Ohare. the eight thousand appears to be a drop in the bucket. The sonuvabitch got away with tens of thousands and left a struggling firehouse to fend for themselves as to where they will get funds to serve the community. He did not deserve "ARD". He should be held to a higher standard as an elected official. He should be in prison.

  2. One piece of the corrupt political apparatus down, now for the rest of Council! However, the thief and his bag of cronies are laughing on their way to the bank.

  3. I was hoping that he would get a taste of prison juices in their glory holes. Anonymous of course Carl.

  4. Any fellow public official who supported him is just as corrupt.

  5. First off Id say that the D A Morganelli was WRONG and showed that he is a spineless jellyfish for allowing this arrogant douche bag THIEF STRYE into ARD. Any strong DA would take the approach that you serve the public and are held to a different standard period. He should have held that standard and had the balls to say NO! Public Officials don't belong in ARD they set themselves to a different standard being elected and taking an OATH!
    This has been a sham since he was arrested. He has NO REMORSE and continues to blame others for his "ISSUE". Why would a DA allow such an asshole into a program that is for those who admit they were wrong and have remorse. This man placed HIMSELF in the public eye and above others when he became the Mayor and swore an OATH. They say your word is your bond... Well Carl Strye.....you proved your words mean nothing and your a douche and low life. Your word mans nothing and your NOT A REAL MAN.

  6. He doesn't take into consideration all of us here in town who DESPISE him. If it was anyone else who stole money, we'd either be in jail or would have been sentenced alot sooner. He is spineless. Just the fact that he posted that on FB says it ALL! Get the H out of here.

  7. What does the guy expect from a hate blog? For God's sake, it glorifies the sticker goons.

  8. I'lll take those guys any day of the week over the trash in office now.

  9. Bernie, i guess you are "deplorable" according to the mayor. Welcome aboard.

  10. Look at Carl Strye and you think.... Who ties this guys shoes?

  11. Hey Carl, don't go away made, just go away! Jerk!

  12. The same old Carl who is a no-good criminal. Boo the fricking-hoo, "Mr." Strye. You made your coffin, now lie in it. Don't blame the messenger. What a moron.


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