Local Government TV

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Lisa Strye Defends Dad

Last week, in "Strye Sez Bye," I told you that embattled Nazareth Mayor Carl Strye had finally resigned. He really had no choice. Strye admitted to an investigating grand jury that he stole $8,000 in gambling proceeds from the Vigilance Hose. He was charged with felony theft. District Attorney John Morganelli insisted that Strye resign as a condition to participation in ARD, a special program for first offenders in which charges are wiped clean after serving a period of probation. The prosecutor also demanded Strye to return the money he skimmed from an illegal gambling operation in which he evidently participated for many years. Strye, who has yet to display an ounce of remorse and was still running the police department, had to be shocked to discover that no one is above the law, not even Nazareth's mayor. The good ol' boys are blowin' oil. So is Strye's daughter, Lisa.

She came on this blog yesterday after one of my readers claimed that Strye's two kids are "embarrassed." She threatened this reader with defamation, called him one of my puppets and added for good measure that I am disbarred. She also made clear that she dislikes having to "dabble with the likes of your kind."

Lisa is someone I would ordinarily consider a civilian. Off limits. I certainly would never visit the sins of the father on son or daughter.

But she came on this blog, and in the course of threatening someone with libel, she smeared me as well.

So I have a message for you, Lisa.

Your father is not just a thief, but a liar. He lied to me. Twice.

In response to a direct question, he denied he had appeared before the investigating grand jury. His email denial was sent to me on the very day he had been there.

Your father also lied to me when he denied he had ever engaged in any skimming. On January 26, 2015, this is what he told me: "You can believe me or not, I did not skim anything. I wasn't brought up that way. I have a very good paying job as a regional Manager of a very large carwash distributorship. But of course, people will say what they want without proving or investigating anything. They only thing I got from the vendor was [sic] baseball, hockey or football tickets. Never any money." A year later, in Grand Jury testimony and under oath, your father admitted to stealing at least $8,000.

When you come on this blog, it is like coming into my house. I understand that you would dislike me and don't blame you. He's your Dad, and I respect your love for him. But on this blog, you are a guest. As a guest, I assume you've been taught it's impolite to insult the host, especially with lies. And like your father, you have lied.

I have no puppets among my readers, as you call them. I'm not like your dad and do not pack meetings or this blog with people who will back me up. Also, this is a small point, but I was never disbarred. I was suspended, damn it! Get it right. By your own definition of libel, I can now sue and collect everything you have. But don't worry. Your definition is incorrect.

I'm sure that Detective Casciano would like to talk to you concerning your college loans and how they were paid. I'm sure he has lots of questions and would love to get to know you. Why not give him a ring? Maybe you can set him straight.


  1. Is libel one of the most misunderstood laws on the books? Judging by the way I hear it used in every instance that I've personally encountered someone screaming about "libel" or "slander," I would say so.

  2. You are joking right? This blog is filled with your syncopates. They sing your song and do your bidding. You are really low to attack this young girl. However, that is al you. A girl loves her father and you attack her. Is it because your own father wrote you off. Stop projecting your inner hate on others.

  3. Like father, like daughter. She'd make a perfect recruit for the corrupt Borough Council.

  4. Maybe daddy hacked her account? At this point he is still charged with a felony which makes him an accused criminal. Who among us wants a criminal living next door?

  5. If she's not embarrassed, she really should be. I don't even know her and I'm embarrassed for her! Her dad is a thief. That's embarrassing.

    I think when the commenter was stating that Strye embarrassed his kids, he was relying on common sense. Most people would be embarrassed to have a thief for a father. Maybe she thinks it's normal to steal thousands of dollars?

    I wouldn't ordinarily make such sweeping generalizations about people, but Strye is the poster boy for self serving authority figures who abuse their power.

  6. Everyone knows the money went to pay the bartenders???

    Then why did Strye admit to a grand jury that he falsified records from gambling machines and games of chance at the social club and kept the money for himself?

  7. How do you know what he admitted too. You only know what the papers printed and what scum bag O'hare prints. And we all know what the paper prints and what O'hare says is the truth. NOT! I have talked with Strye, he told me he never admitted to any amount of money or that anything went in his pocket. He can't say anything publicly because he is listening to his attorney. I have no reason not to believe him. But O'hare hates him and will say anything to put him down. O'hare is the biggest liar of them all.

  8. "Wow, attacking his daughter now. You are scum! "It is like coming into my house", you don't own a house, a lie! Your place of residence is a pigsty! Who really cares if Strye lied to you. Knowing him, I am sure he didn't. You lie to people every day on this loser blog. Just like you lied to your client and stole their money. That equals DISBARRED! You are a joke and always will be. Who do you think you are? The almighty O'hare who everyone bows down to. NOT!
    Besides, everyone knows the money went to pay the bartenders. The issue is the accounting. Like every club. All though you would not know that. Keep up the hatred, because more people hate you than what you think."

    I never stole money from a client, sorry. There you go again. Calling someone is embarrassed is not libelous, but calling someone a thief when he is not is libel per se. Do you like the job Strye got for you? You should be more careful who you talk to and what you say. Strye lied to me twice, so it's no surprise to me that he lied to you. Also, in case you haven't noticed, I'm not running for anything and don't care who hates me. Also, when you lack the personal integrity to sign your name, you're really in no position to call me a liar.

  9. "How do you know what he admitted too. You only know what the papers printed and what scum bag O'hare prints. And we all know what the paper prints and what O'hare says is the truth. NOT! I have talked with Strye, he told me he never admitted to any amount of money or that anything went in his pocket. He can't say anything publicly because he is listening to his attorney. I have no reason not to believe him. But O'hare hates him and will say anything to put him down. O'hare is the biggest liar of them all."

    Mindy Allen, Did you talk to Strye before or after he got you your job in recycling?

    Strye's admission is in the affidavit of probable cause. Let me guess. The DA is lying, too. If that is so, he should be demanding a trial, not seeking ARD. He has applied for ARD bc he is guilty as hell, and is counting on useful idiots like you.

    1. Wow...just saw this. Not my comment....and further more I barely know Carl. No one got me the job at recycling...I filled out an application when it was advertised in the Key. I post under my name Bernie. You owe me an apology. And whom so ever posted the above.....you need to come clean.

  10. LOL.... The daughter may have benefited from the illegal financial largess, by the way, that RV is super NIIIICE. On another note, Do you really think that Dear Carl Strye Jr ( admitted thief, known liar) ONLY partook of $296.29 per year (for 27 years)?? That is hilarious. Some commenters noted that it could be hundreds of thousands. Only the thief knows, and maybe the family, and the girlfriend.... ;) But I do know that original articles in the ET noted he admitted to stealing "at least 8,000).

    You have to also love that so many people in this small town are quite OK with the idea that their Mayor is a thief. Even though he stole money for everyone in that town. Voters, family, friends, and most importantly, his own Fire Dept. He should NEVER be allowed to hold political office. You know why? Because some ying yangs will surely vote that thief back in.....................

  11. Nazareth gets what Nazareth deserves. Thief for a mayor, blow hard criminal for councilman, a Bigot bull fight cop, and civil rights violating commissioner and chief, a town of clowns who think this is acceptable!

  12. "This blog is filled with your syncopates"

    I have never met Mr. O'Hare. I know who he is and have seen him around. I will likely introduce myself one day.

    I read his blog religiously because his well-researched, long form journalism is something that is sorely missed in today's mainstream media.

    While I don't agree with every position that this author takes and sometimes he can go overboard on some topics, the service he provides definitely outweighs any perceived negatives.

    Now if you want to talk about "syncophants" (I think that is the word you were searching for here), I suggest you check out Junior's facebook page. That is full of them. Many who should be ashamed to support this thief publicly or privately.

    Haven't seen the RV lately. Did he have to sell it to pay off his debts? Or does he store it for few somewhere on borough property?

  13. At 2:36 P.M. Don't you know that if you are an insider at the Holy Family Club you can go to the "Board" and ask for a loan. He is in just the right company playing golf with the insiders at that club, getting in good with them. They all feel so sorry for him, that I am sure the subject of a loan has come up. He doesn't have to sell anything because the rest of the thieves in the town that still haven't been caught yet will help him and make him their poster child as right now they think he is a scapegoat instead of the felon that he is.

  14. Mindy, I owe you nothing but suspicion. You have been one of Strye's defenders all along. I saved your comments on Facebook to Colondo, in which you admit to taunting me under pseudonyms and discuss you for love for Strye. You are part of the culture of corruption that exists there and owe us your resignation.

  15. Mr. O'Hara....I've posted only once on your blog before two comments today. Be careful what you say about people. You have made a false statement. We all have a right to our own opinions on the matters that are in the headlines. I did not write the comment above under anonymous as you claimed. Period. You, as a professional, need to grow thicker skin. I must be pretty important to rent the space in your head without even trying. Have a great night.

  16. Mindy, You have posted numerous times here, at LVL and at Morning Call. You are a liar, which is what I would expect from someone who supports a thief. You have also posted on Facebook and I have saved your remarks to Colondo there in which you actually admit it. Like all liars, you make mistakes. You, as a nonprofessional, need to start being honest.

    You were rewarded for your hate with the recycling job. There is no doubt in my mind that you are part of the culture of corruption in Nazareth. That's how Nazareth operates and you are just one small - and I mean small - example. It will end when Council and its new mayor, same as the old mayor, are replaced.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.