Local Government TV

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Is The Donald OK?

Gotta' love a case of the sniffles from a candidate who had Hillary at death's door.


  1. My nose runs too anytime I smell that much bullshit.

  2. He's claiming he didn't sniffle, they deliberately gave him a bad microphone that made those sounds....


    The only thing on this planet more pathetic than this vile POS, is anyone who supports him.

    1. Vile is the supporter of the queen of pay to play.

      Having met Monica's boyfriends wife I can tell you that I know vile. Thank God for the blue dress.

  3. Trump Sniffle Pole:
    Bad Mike: 2%
    Allergies/Cold: 48%
    Cocaine: 60%
    Cocaine tips the scale:
    Reason: Irradic behavior and superiority complex

  4. on FOX trump claimed
    "“I had a problem with a mic that didn’t work. My mic was terrible. I wonder if it was set up that way on purpose,” he said. “I don’t want to believe in conspiracy theories, of course.”

    of course donnie

  5. I am for Donald Trump. He will legalize cocaine, and I am fine with that.

    What ever stuff he did before the debate was far out. Has he been endorsed by Lenard?

  6. Trump still looked hale and hardy. Hillary looked like she was about to decompose. And what's with Lester Holt? He was a non-stop hocker machine. Mucinex, Lester. Google it.

  7. definite trumpster snorting coke to keep him awake. did you hear ICE endorsed him? he doesn't pay taxes and files for BR b/c he can and we are all stupid for paying taxes and trying to avoid bankruptcy, and we pay his BR bills, except , Christie forgave 25 Million he owed NJ, his Russian buddy can't wait to have Don be his proxy. i wouldn't be surprised if trump is the one who produces trump toilet paper, in china, of course. perhaps, easily, the worst debate performance in history. in a week, HRC will be up 10 point and the don will be happy having made millions with OPM "running" for president as a joke on you and me.

  8. I can't decide if the narcissistic lunatic or the lunatic narcissist won.

  9. The guy does coke, so what? Cut him a break . At least its not heroin.

  10. "the only thing on this planet more vile and pathetic than this POS is anyone who supports him" ... such pleasant things to say, 1:28 - hope you feel pleased with yourself

  11. Clinton isn't right. How about the people that died in Benghazi attack? How about the Clinton foundation? How about the 33,000 e-mails that she deleted, as Sec. of State and it wasn't on a secure server. How about the fact that she passed out at the 911 memorial and lied about her health? Clinton is unfit to run for the most important office of the United States and you aren't even looking at the facts. Wake up! Clinton is a disaster!

  12. OK, Sniffles. Actually, The Donald could have been brilliant had he stuck to the pattern he started in the first 30 minutes. He was Donald the change agent and represented a different approach, and one that is willing to try different things and recognized the bullshit in the establishment. But in the remaining 60 minutes, he was the ugly Donald. Thin-skinned. Narcissistic. Rude. Arrogant. He fell right into Clinton'strap. If he could do that with her, I can only imagine what will happen when he deals with Putin or other Machiavellians.

  13. Not to mention the Clinton open border philosophy & her $15/hr minimum wage proposal which will drive up prices 30-40% in service oriented businesses. I guess inflation is the hidden agenda here for democrats as it makes the national debt seem smaller.

  14. In the immortal words of Hillary Clinton, what difference does it make?

    Trump said the mic was messed up.

  15. Had Trump stuck to policy and not strayed into being such an asshole, he would have won the debate.

  16. Ever hear of the common cold? I have the sniffles, and haven't whacked a line in over 20 years. Sore throat too.

  17. "Ever hear of the common cold? I have the sniffles, and haven't whacked a line in over 20 years. Sore throat too."

    Nobody serious thinks the Donald has anything more serious than a common cold. We're just showing the idiocy of the conspiracy theorists like my friend Ray Nemeth, who think she has to drink republican blood every night to live another day.

  18. Winning a debate makes one no more suitable to run a country than winning a game of ping pong. Debates are games won by those with more experience debating than experience doing well. One has done well while the other rides the coat tails of a spouse that has done well. Trump did well debating against two people intent on his failure.

  19. Completely disagree. It gives you an opportunity to view a person using his brain, communicating, exercising good or bad judgment. Debates are a time-honored tradition in democracy. In this case, The Donald demonstrated just how easy it is for someone to bait him. Hillary, who you conspiracy theorists wrote off as the walking dead, schooled him. I'd rather have her deal with Putin than him. Because your clown prince fared poorly, you now look for excuses and blame the moderator. I agree the moderator was terrible but bc he allowed the candidates to run away. Be honest. He sucked. He gets two more chance, unless he follows Rudy's advice and takes his marbles and goes home.

  20. Clinton is good at debating and lying that doesn't necessarily, qualify you for the presidency.

  21. The sniffling reminds me of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7WAwuSK36Gw

  22. IT don't lie, it don't lie, it don't lie; cocaine.


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