Local Government TV

Tuesday, September 06, 2016

How Do You Rate Your Local Elected Officials?

Someone asked this question at Opinions Online on Saturday, but that question was drowned out in the incessant chatter from people talking at (instead of to) each other concerning the presidential race. I assume that the question relates to municipal elected officials. Who would you want on a five-person Board to lead your town?

Here's my top five. Dave Colver (Palmer Tp - thorough, organized and lets people have their say); Ron Beitler (Lower Macungie - transparent, thoughtful, thinks outside the box); The entire Hanover Tp, Northampton County Board (Yes, they are that good); Jerry Geake (Upper Mount Bethel, understands his township inside and out); and Matt Dees (transparent and has displayed maturity about borough government despite being in office for less than a year).

What these leaders all have in common is that they listen. While you may disagree with their ultimate decision, you will know they have heard you.

In fairness, there are many municipalities I've never visited, and others I've only been at once or twice. My general view is that most of them try hard to do the right thing. I've been very impressed at Lower Nazareth, Upper Nazareth, and East Allen.

Freemansburg throws the best party (National Night Out), hands down.

I should also point out that I love the late Toronto Mayor Rob Ford, not because he was good, but was so damn funny. Maybe Nazareth will appoint him.

I did not include City Councils in this evaluation because their functions are a little different from Township boards or borough councils.


  1. While I appreciate the mention of myself, West Easton still has a long road ahead of it and I would like to point out that most on the council are working for a better borough. Still under attack from one resident, with this individual having found a new and unlikely ally on the council itself, it would be an impossible road if not for others that believe in transparency, following the rules of government, and the desire for a better West Easton.
    I would point out that fellow Councilmen Paul James and Robert Lewis work hard at serving the residents of West Easton.
    Matthew A. Dees

  2. This list is silly. It is driven by O'Hare's hate more than love of anyone. The Hanover Twp.. pick is for obvious reasons. He won't let you folks know those reasons but good government isn't it.

    1. You ought to have stayed in bed JS.

  3. Mentioning Mr. Dees, anytime or anyplace, is like offering the Ridge Street retard
    an open invitation to vomit mezzacrappa for at least an entire day... See above for examples.

  4. She hates the short bus. Bad memories from her childhood wearing a helmet.

  5. Surely you forgot Schlossturd from your list? Minor oversight.

  6. 5:00 AM - If you know all these reasons O'Hare loves Hanover Twp., why don't you post them? I have lived in Hanover Twp. over 40 years and have known some of the people who have served in various civic duties. I have not agreed with many of their positions, but they were respectful of opposing views and were not crazies like so many citizens in other places, elected and not elected. The practice of having many family members on the pay roll has bothered me since I have lived here, but they seem to work hard and no scandals have been uncovered.
    The progression from a pool to the "municipal complex" seems more like a business to me than community services, but what do I know. It is apparently being paid for and finances appear to be in good shape.
    It will be interesting to see if the folks who live in Traditions step forward to serve or confine their activities to complain about the height of berms and trees.
    Hanover has been a good place to live.

    1. Don't think there are any current employees related to each other. But as you said, they ALL work hard. Other Township ought to take lessons.

  7. Schlossberg is a State Rep, not a local elected official. I would not select him in that category either. He has become arrogant, engaged in ghost voting and was tied at the hip to Fed Ed.

  8. 8:36, Hanover Tp is similar to Bethlehem Tp, but the differences are glaring. Start on Brodhead Rd. From there, look at debt. While BT both borrows money and raises taxes, Hanover is now debt free. A big part of this is its excellent staff, which includes Finnigan and Milite. But the Board gives them the guidance.

    Let me give you an example. Milite decided he wanted to try brining (he wasn't sold on the idea). He managed to jury rig a brining machine, on his own, instead of spending hundreds of thousands in taxpayer dollars. They are creative.

  9. 7:07 and 8:04, I deleted a few comments from her, posted anonymously.

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  11. you should do a county level one
    Lehigh and Northampton,
    i know we dont have the likes of
    Ron angel or Wayne Grube any longer
    but it would be a fun article.

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. I didn't vote for any of them. They're all incompetent and possibly crooks. From the Mayor right on down though City Council. Schlossburg doesn't represent me either. He's a snot-nosed jerk I can't stand.

    When Republicans return to Allentown let me know. Although it will likely be a cold day in hell before that happens.

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. Strye agrees to DA's terms.

  16. Nazareth a better town already.

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  18. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  19. Mezzacrazy, stop commenting here. All you succeed in doing is proving that you're nuts.

  20. There are relatives working at Hanover. Look at their most recent new hire. Do a little searching because she's left off their website. I wonder why. And the reason you don't hear about any scandals is that they're swept under the rug quickly. If you look close enough in the minutes last year you'll find it.

  21. Ron Ford died of cancer... Fyi

  22. I'm aware of that, which is why I referred to him as the late Rob Ford.


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