Local Government TV

Tuesday, August 02, 2016

Hey Donald, This is How a Grown-Up Talks

While The Donald is busily claiming that Hillary Clinton is "the devil," Congressman Charlie Dent released a statement on Facebook yesterday concerning U.S. Army Captain Humayun Khan.
U.S. Army Captain Humayun Khan is a hero by every possible definition – a soldier who put his troops first and who died while trying to protect them. His courage, bravery and willingness to sacrifice his life to protect not just his fellow soldiers but to defend the freedoms we all enjoy here at home is the very definition of what it means to be American.

Any attempt to diminish or minimize the sacrifice that Captain Khan, or his family, have made for our Nation should be strongly condemned. We can never repay Captain Khan’s family for their loss or thank Captain Khan enough for his valor.
Dent's detractors want him to slam Trump while he's at it, but Dent chose to handle the matter like an adult.

I had to laugh when reading Jeff Cooper claim, "I guaranty you, Trump is only a day or two from declaring that Captain Khan died on purpose to hide the fact that his father started ISIS."

Incidentally, I always thought I was the devil.


  1. Charlie Dent is a poster boy for the ultimate Washington insider. He has his finger in the wind. Donald Trump is running to free people from the insiders and make America great again and free of the parasites. That includes those in government. That is the narrative from the campaign and people are responding to it.

    Dent gave a very well worked out statement but word is he will endorse Trump before November. Charlie knows where the voters are and insider incumbents may have a tough time. The Republican Party has changed and Charlie has to understand that fact.

    Charlie is fearful of the Khan backlash. Mr. Trump has no fear.

    1. Trump is a jerk. He should have half the class Charlie Dent has

  2. Not exactly a Jack Welch moment. Unless Welch had spoke theoretically without speaking directly to the shameless One.

  3. But unlike you, he signed his name.

  4. Captain Khan was killed in Action in 2004. His remains were given a place of honor to rest in Arlington National Cemetery where he rests with national heroes going back to the Civil War.

    Mr O'Hare. There is absolutely no connection between his death and Donald Trump. Trump did not lie to Khan about how his son was killed or who was responsible. It appears that his mother and father were recruited to the Democratic National Convention simply to attack Trump's immigration policy of proposing to suspend immigration from Muslim countries during the current war on terror. This is sim;ly a distraction by Hillary Clinton who does not want to talk about her political record and who simply has nothing more to offer the American people other than four more years of Obama's policies that are wildly unpopular.

    Now, lets move on.

  5. 5.40 is right on, the whole thing is a media event, Trump had no connection to his son, nor did he ever say anything negative about his son. His father is a democratic activist using his son for political advantage.

  6. I won't be an apologist for Trump but will pose this question to Congressman Dent, Bernie and the media in general; where was your outrage when the mother of the dead soldier spoke at the Republican Convention? Was not her complaint worthy of similar outrage? It was ignored by all mentioned above. Scott Armstrong

  7. Trump has hit an iceberg. This is his Waterloo. Dent is correct and soon the Donald will finally commit political suicide and leave the race because that is what he does best...cut and run. No amount of lawyers and money can turn this sow's ear into a silk purse. The real Trump is now on display and the R party is totally in retreat..running away from him in droves. Disrespect to our fallen dead heroes is the ultimate insult. Bye Donald.

  8. No love lost for Dent but occasionally..he does get it right. Charlie has withheld support for the party candidate so far and I think he will stand his ground now and up to the election.

  9. @6:39 - I missed the part where Hillary publicly insulted, derided, attacked and vilified her for doing so.

    I await your link....

  10. Another blow-out of a Trump REACTION after being publicly attacked by name by a DNC speaker whose speech would have been just as impressive without the direct smear, specifically on Trump, in his absence. Remember, the speaker received a REACTION to a defaming.

    Mr. Trump ALWAYS responds when Trump believes he, his family, or his country, are being unfairly treated. Mr. Dent can learn something from this episode.

  11. Drumpf is now predicting that if he loses it's because the election is rigged. This is how he 'wins', people. He has zero sense of personal accountability.

    This guy may very well be the biggest pussy on the entire planet.

  12. Dent is the poster boy for the RP establishment. He will never accept change; good or bad. The old boy system in the party has to change, Americans are sick of this gridlock, useless system he and his cronies support. Dent would rather go with 4-more years of liberal control than change! Loose cannon or not, Trump is the only proponent for change!

  13. "I won't be an apologist for Trump but will pose this question to Congressman Dent, Bernie and the media in general; where was your outrage when the mother of the dead soldier spoke at the Republican Convention? Was not her complaint worthy of similar outrage? It was ignored by all mentioned above. Scott Armstrong"

    Hi Scott -
    I think you're getting things unnecessarily complicated. The outrage is over Trump callously and repeatedly insulting a gold star mother. Having seen the "This Week" interview, in full, myself on Sunday morning, I can tell you that Trump's comment offended me personally, without anyone from the media needing to tell me to be offended. He made allegations about her not based on knowledge, but on his uninformed suspicions. (This was the same interview in which Trump revealed that he doesn't know what's happening in the Ukraine.)

    Clinton, when directly asked about Pat Smith's allegations about Benghazi, responded with comparatively respectful disagreement. That's the difference. Trump's problem with the Khans seems to be their religion. Clinton's points centered around the actual issue (Benghazi), and she did so with respect, thus generating hardly any headlines, since Clinton managed to act like a normal human being. The media likes it when people act like a-holes, hence, Trump is a headline every day.

  14. A great man once said......

    “When ignorant folks want to advertise their ignorance, you don’t really have to do anything, you just let them talk. That’s what happened here.”

    Barrack H. Obama

  15. Vote Trump so bo will have something to bitch about everyday for the next 4 years

    1. Just the opposite. What are the negative haters going to do. They will have no outlet to express their anger

  16. Trump is his own worst enemy. The ship is sinking and he is till making stupid remarks with water up to his waist.

  17. The Khan Con continues.

  18. While Trump's faults are apparent to all Hillarys far more sinister sins are ignored by the usual suspects.

  19. Gary W. Gorman responds to this:

    "Mr. Trump ALWAYS responds when Trump believes he, his family, or his country, are being unfairly treated."

    No, this is what he tries to tell the media. He started name-calling and attacking several of his "fellow" Republicans way before any so-called attacks on him or his family. I write "fellow" because Trump is truly a RINO.

    Moreover, The media has been more than fair to Donald Trump as evidenced by the almost exclave free media reporting he has received, but his "tactic" is to whine and complain if he gets the least bit of criticism and then he [falsely] claims that he is not being treated 'fairly'- a strategic manipulation of the media and those who buy into it are mostly his hillbilly sheep followers. His "fair" compass is to get anyone and everyone to bow down at his feet; King Trump that he would like to be. Once this happens, he can start saying he is now being treated fair.

    I understand people not liking Hillary Clinton (who'll do doubt be our next President), but I have lost so much respect for many of my friends who support this crass, sexist, racist, narcissistic, xenophobic, pathological lying sociopath...and I am being more than fair with this description. Emperor Trump has no clothes.

  20. 8:26 -

    Your interpretation is common to many others. Fine.

    With what is happening worldwide, entire nations being turned upside down by unchecked immigration (a Hillary plan), it is necessary to be extremely defensive. To question the motives of anyone (this time, Mr. Khan). A man who is being paid to increase mass immigration into America, and who has written to promote Sharia Law, a doctrine not at all like the U.S. Constitution he holds overhead.

    This is a time for Americans to be overly VIGILANT, to question everything they read and hear. We KNOW most mainstream news media has taken one side over the other. So, we must rely just on our personal instincts. You are doing that.

    My instincts tell me, now is a time for Democrats to be MORE than just "good little Democrats," and to recognize we ALL face the same threat Germany, France, Switzerland, Belgium, and other nations are experiencing. Voting DIFFERENTLY this November could be the wise choice.

    (don't believe I did any name-calling)

  21. 8:53: I did name-call...on purpose; to see if/when Trump supporters would attack me for doing so. As I wrote, Trump supporters truly believe that he only does this as a defense, but this clearly is not and hasn't been the case. I believe that the only thing Megyn Kelly did was ask him a couple of soft-ball questions and he violently claimed he was being attacked and treated "unfairly" by her and Fox news. What a joke! Again, his sophomoric strategy.

    8:53- you write an articulate counter-point and thank you for your input. I usually vote both sides of the ticket in elections, but I think this year, it'll be all Democrat.

    -Gary W. Gorman

  22. 8:53 -

    Thank you. We'll get through this TOGETHER. I'm not a Republican and, like you, vote in every direction. This time, for President, I want someone totally different, so my vote will go to Trump.

  23. I can't understand why Hillary Clinton hasn't apologized yet for lying to the American people about her email server and her mishandling of classified information?

    If the Justice Department isn't going to prosecute her, the least she can do is apologize for lying about it.

  24. Mr and Mrs Khan should be ashamed of themselves to be shills for Hillary Clinton, and for exploiting their departed son in the process.

    I would really feel sympathy for them, except that I know the game they are playing. They knew what they were doing on stage. They were willing plants, with a leftist, Islamic agenda. Never once did they apologize for the havoc their religion is wreaking around the world.

    As for the constitution, it's one thing to carry it around in your pocket, Mr Khan, but quite another to read it and understand it, as apparently you don't.

    That being said, Mr Trump needs to stop allowing them to pull his chain so easily

  25. Phony Donald spent two yrs at Fordham before transferring to Penn where he was not a Deans List student, did not belong to any campus organizations and graduated without distinction. His continual con job regarding his expertise is getting old. HIs ghost writer from "The Art of the Deal" has exposed him as a fraud. The IRS and Trump U issues await scrutiny. Trump defenders need to do some serious homework.

  26. Given Mrs Clinton's appalling statements about the Veterans Administration scandal and her statement that veterans are seen promptly and there is nothing wrong with the organization, it's quite clear thar in reality, she just doesn't give a damn about Gold Star American mothers and their families over the course of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and Global War on Terror and their suffering.

    However, Mr. and Mrs Khan have suddenly struck a chord of compassion in Hillary Clinton about American veterans??? GIVE ME A BREAK.

    Does Cindy Sheehan come to mind? Once George Bush was out of office and she continued her protests, she was tossed aside like a piece of trash.

  27. Hillary Clinton is a liar and her email proves it, it was a terrorist attack that killed 4 Americans. Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State and she could have help our people in Benghazi who were begging for help. In one of Hillary's emails she admits to her own daughter that it was a terrorist attack. Don't take my word for it, just google it and get the info for yourself.

    I've seen the changes to this country which have NOT been good and all the Democrats here basically stand in defense of a liar and a cheat. Overlooking of how Hillary cheated, stole the nominee from Bernie have sold out the American people. This woman has taken millions from Wall Street special interest groups and 25 Million Dollars from Saudi Arabia and now wants a floodgate of people from the middle east who some may want to hurt Americans and yet you stand with this corrupted woman.

    Hillary will be a 3rd Term of Obama, his failed policies have hurt this Country bad, over 90 Millions of Americans are jobless and Hillary will continued his policies.

    What is wrong with you? don't you love your Country at least for your grandchildren?

    Good Grief, God Help us please

  28. I really don't care what Trump calls people or if he uses bad language etc. I don't care who he insults. That is who he is. I support Trump because of the policies he has endorsed, stop illegal immigration, re think our trade policies, re evaluate our foreign policy, this is not a beauty contest, Trump can be an arrogant asshole, I don't care, we are all arrogant assholes sometimes, most politicians are arrogant assholes but they hide it in public. I like that Trump is a bit of an egomaniac, because if elected he will not roll over for every special interest group, and failure would be very hard for him to accept. He is not afraid to go against the establishment grain. The policies we are following now are national suicide for sure. If Trump turns out to be a failure , I can accept that. At least I did not vote for sure destruction of the country. The American electorate are like teenage girls from High School, tell them they are beautiful, and that you love them and they will follow you anywhere, even when they know you are lying. This is how Democrats have been getting elected for years.

  29. One other thing, the fact that the Bushes, McCain, Romney and all the other lifetime politicians are all against Trump is all the more reason that I support him. They have all led republicans and American down the primrose path.

  30. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  31. When one enters the political arena they can no longer expect to be treated as non partisan. Charlie Dent and the media understand this but choose to attack those who were critical of the Kahn's politicization of their son's death. The media and the usual suspects uphold the double standard. They of course know exactly what they are doing. They,themselves are part of the problem.

  32. Jamie always kicks bo's butt when it comes to brains. Continuing his hateful march against women

  33. "Mr O'Hare. There is absolutely no connection between his death and Donald Trump. Trump did not lie to Khan about how his son was killed or who was responsible. It appears that his mother and father were recruited to the Democratic National Convention simply to attack Trump's immigration policy"

    We have all seen what this petty and thin-skinned little man has done over the last few days and how, like you, he has bashed the grieving parents of this fallen American hero, proving he doesn't really give a shit about him. You forgot to accuse them of being jihadists.

    James R McHle is a name??? Never met a McHle.

  34. Putting Hillary Clinton in the white house would be placing a for sale sign on the front lawn

  35. 10.42 sounds like more of an arrogant asshole than Trump.

  36. 10.42 is probably a politician or a government worker.

  37. "I won't be an apologist for Trump but will pose this question to Congressman Dent, Bernie and the media in general; where was your outrage when the mother of the dead soldier spoke at the Republican Convention? Was not her complaint worthy of similar outrage? It was ignored by all mentioned above. Scott Armstrong"

    Timed to take off your partisan glasses and repudiate the indefensible. Unlike Trump, Hillary Clinton never uttered a word critical of these people. That's the whole point. Start acting like an adult, like Charlie Dent has done.

  38. One of Obama's themes was the Audacity of Hope (or Bullshit)

    Hillary's could be the Audacity of Lies. Other than her sycophants, does she really expect us to believe her lies?

  39. I deleted an anonymous personal attack at Ray. I completely disagree with you, Ray, but those who start making personal attacks are acting just as childishly as Trump.

  40. "I can't understand why Hillary Clinton hasn't apologized yet for lying to the American people about her email server and her mishandling of classified information?"

    This has NOTHING to do with Hillarty Clinton and her sins. I am no Hillary advocate. I am a supporter of Gold Star families, who should never be subjected to this kind of abuse.

  41. "I really don't care what Trump calls people or if he uses bad language etc. I don't care who he insults. That is who he is."

    I do. He is a petty and thin-skinned little man who insults Gold Star families. He should never be allowed near a nuclear weapon.

  42. "One other thing, the fact that the Bushes, McCain, Romney and all the other lifetime politicians are all against Trump is all the more reason that I support him."

    Actually, McCain endorsed Trump. It appears that means nothing to you.

    1. Bernie,
      Both sides R and D are reprhencible to say the least?! Both carnival sideshows, like and very similar to my description of the circus ACTS that are the sideshows of the triboro?!
      RE: publican redd no party affiliations espiecilly local party favor consessionair campaign contributors relocated

  43. Scott Armstrong says 'sign your name, coward'. Then, when you do, he encourages your employer to harass and abuse you.

    I think we know who the real coward is.

  44. Bernie, I admit to being a. Partisan, time for the Khans to do the same. Scott Armstrong

  45. I have no idea what you are talking about, but that is the whole point of taking responsibility for your words. Don't write something unless you are content seeing your name next to it, no matter where it is read. It's called being responsible. You are bashing Trump and his supporters but are just as childish and won't ID yourself.

  46. "Bernie, I admit to being a. Partisan, time for the Khans to do the same. Scott Armstrong "

    I would think that should be clear by virtue of their appearance at the DNC convention. Geez.

  47. Mr. O'Hare. Putting politics aside, Mr Khan and his wife are incorrect about the Constitution. And as an attorney, Nr Khan knows this.

    First of all, prohibiting aliens from entering the United States is quite legal under current law for the president – by himself, without even getting the consent of Congress – under current law, Title VIII, Section 1182. This law entitles the President to prohibit aliens from entering the United States.

    The law reads: "Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate."


    This is the law that Pesident Carter used in 1980 to prohibit Iranians from entering the United States. It doesn't specify religion, national orgin, sex, or any other group. It simply says aliens, referring to foreign nationals not United States citizens.

    Also there is no requirement for a "reason". The President doesn’t have to provide one. He can do it for any reason he wishes. It's just that simple. If Congress joins him, it makes it even stronger.

    Why it is constitutional is based on what is called the Plenary Power Doctrine. What this says, in simple terms, is that the ordinary constitutional protections, primarily equal protection, do not apply to people who are not U.S. citizens, and who are trying to enter the country. This has been true for over a hundred years. Our Supreme Court has, time after time, turned away objections to restrictions based upon race, national origin, political belief, even under free speech grounds.

  48. 11:46, Putting politics aside? This is not a question of law or the constitution. This is a question of basic civility and the respect that should be given to Gold Star families. Trump could have made the points you made, but chose instead to launch a vicious attack at these families, and his Trumpites have tried to portray them al, including their dead son, as jihadists. That's the point. Basic civility. Respect.

  49. In your investigative journalism, did you look into all the ties between Mr. Khan and the Clinton's? Just curious.

  50. " and his Trumpites have tried to portray them al, including their dead son, as jihadists. That's the point. Basic civility. Respect."

    This statement might be construed as a "bit of a stretch."

  51. Now, so Trump’s remarks, which arguably were touching upon the whole Islamic submission of women angle, were terrible. Yet, let’s not forget that Hillary Clinton also criticized a Gold Star mother.

    During the Democratic debate on March 9, Clinton pretty much called Patricia Smith, mother of slain U.S. Foreign Service Officer Sean Smith, a liar. Mrs Smith has said that Clinton and other administration officials maintained that the violence stemmed from a response to an anti-Islam video. However, Mrs Clinton's own emails showed that Clinton knew this was a terrorist attack, and not the result of a video—or part of some protest.

    Clearly both statements from Trump and Clinton are pretty bad. They both said dumb things to the families of those who have served. Can we at least agree on that?

  52. No stretch at all. The Shoebats portrayed Khan as a Muslim Brotherhood secret agent and that misinformation was picked up by Trumpites and posted here. It was even suggested that CPT Khan was a jihadist.

  53. @8:19

    And what are the sins whereof you speak? How many have been incontravertably proven. When was her conviction?

    We're all tired of these groundless, unprovable rumors and conspiracy theories. If Hillary is as evil as you imply, show us the meat.

  54. @12:45 That seems to address Bernie's issue of basic civility and the respect that should be given to Gold Star families. Both candidates are guilty of stupidly.

    Now, lets move on.

  55. "Yet, let’s not forget that Hillary Clinton also criticized a Gold Star mother."

    Except she did not. Her reaction was the exact opposite of Trump's.

  56. "@12:45 That seems to address Bernie's issue of basic civility and the respect that should be given to Gold Star families. Both candidates are guilty of stupidly."

    Except they aren't both guilty. Hillary never criticized a Gold Star mother. It is Trump who has doubled and tripled down, and he needs to apologize instead of attacking everyone. He is unfit for office.

  57. @12:49 Yes Ckubtib was lying.

  58. Clinton offered different stories to foreign leaders about the night of the Benghazi attack, telling the Egyptian Foreign Minster that a “stupid, very offensive film” was the point source for the upheaval in the region.

    That, Mr O'Hare. Is a lie.

  59. "You know, look, I feel a great deal of sympathy for the families of the four brave Americans that we lost at Benghazi. And I certainly can’t even imagine the grief that she has for losing her son. But she’s wrong. She’s absolutely wrong," said Clinton.

    She added that she and everyone else in the administration was "scrambling" to get information about what happened and that it was changing "by the hour."

    Another Hillary Clinton lie and also slandering of a Gold Star Mother that she has never apologized for.

  60. I am well aware what she said and expressed respect and sympathy and said that the Gold Star mother was wrong. She did not make some suggestion about this woman based on her ethnicity. She did not claim the gold Star mother had"no right' to criticize her. This is America. And your assertion that she lied here is itself a lie bc you have no proof she lied despite a countless number of accusations and investigations. Clinton acted with civility. Trump was a little baby. But i would not expect someone who lacks the basic decency to identify himself to understand these things.

  61. All Hillary Clinton has to say to the families of the Americans killed in Benghazi is "I apologize for not being factual about the reasons for the death of the brave members of our consulate staff in Benghazi, Libya on September 11th, 2012.

    We fabricated the story about the video because we were in the heat of a Presidential Campaign at the time of the attack on the consulate. It was important not to tell the American people that this attack was a well-planned and executed operation by Al Qaeda terrorists, that I had approved the sale of weapons to. We did not know when we provided them weapons that they would use them against Americans, rather we had the CIA supply them in the hope that they would use them in Syria against the Assad government. The CIA had warned me that this might backfire, but it was me who made the decision to arm them irregardless, and we did not see this unfortunate incident happening.

    The President and I also decided to limit the scope of this incident by not sending in any sort of rescue or attack forces from our NATO forces in Sicily, as we did not believe they would arrive in time. Again, we did not realize that our consulate staff would be able to hold off the terrorists as long as they did. I'm sorry this happened, and I take full responsibly for it.

  62. It should also be remembered that in 2014, Obama barred all immigration from Iraq, and iraqi Nationals.

    Was that a "racist" act also ?

  63. Hey, when you speak at a political convention and criticize the political opponent expect to receive incoming fire in return. The Kahn's chose politicize their sons death, it should come as no surprise that there was a political response. Was Trump's response ugly? Yes. What's new. Was it out of bounds? Only if a Republican did it.

  64. No, you don't expect a presidential candidate to personally attack a Gold Star mother, as Trump did. I see nothing wrong with respectful disagreement, and the comments by Hillary Vlinton concerning the Gold Star mother who attacked her show the difference between the way a grown up and a little child reacts.

  65. Mr. Khan has taken down his law firm's internet site. Hmmmm.

  66. 1:28 I'm sure it's been thoroughly archived and there is stuff on there he doesn't want to have wide pubic distribution of.

    O, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive

  67. Trump is saying that the general election vote might be rigged by Hillary, like she rigged the primary elections.

    He understands why the Democrats pushed so hard for electronic voting machines to replace manual methods.

    Much easier to corrupt the system electronically than with punch chard ballots.

    Gore would have won Florida if they had electronic voting in 2000.

  68. @1:28 As reporters have investigated and exposed Khan’s various deep political and legal connections to the Clintons—and to Muslim migration—the attack line has crumbled.

    Now, with Khan deleting his website in an apparent effort to hide his biographical information, the attack is falling apart even more. I suspect we'll hear another line of attack from Clinton as she continues to cover up her past and lack of any real qualifications to be President

  69. I am sure3 he took it down because of b3oing harassed by Trump and his minions on the far right. The man is a victim of bullies and you never stop. He is a grieving parent and all you lunatics can do is harass and haranguing him. When did ordinary human decency go away? Why must everyone think that Limbaugh and Hannity is the way normal people react to things. This is not about anyone but Trump and those who cannot understand what the problem is in his actions.

    Trump is the perfect candidate for the new hate filled right wing fanatics.

  70. What we have here is doctored outrage.

    Captain Khan's father is a immigration lawyer base in New York. He make his money from Muslim immigrant who wish to come to the US. Hence he pushes and pile on Trump whose only wish is to prevent killers of Captain Khan from coming here via thorough vetting. Which (unfortunately) Obama, Hillary and Mr Khan oppose - simple.

  71. 1:52 -

    Yes, sometimes convention imagery doesn't work out as planned. This will probably cost Hillary as many votes as it does Trump. I compare this misstep to opening that convention with a total lack of our nation's flags and American patriotism. At least on that blunder, they were able to put on a do-over on the last day. The right kind of photos are now available.

  72. Jim Allen, There was nothing "doctored" about my outrage and the outrage of so many others who are appalled by the way Trump and his minions have attempted to smear these Gold Star parents. Even now, you still continue. At long last, sir, have you no decency?

  73. Sorry, when it comes to Mr and Mrs Khan, using their dead son as a political pawn in the Clinton campaign, I have no empathy for them.

    When people suffer a loss in their family, like I did when I lost my dad to cancer in 1996, I don't go on a political stage and blame a candidate for not voting for cancer research. They are simply willing pawns being in Hillary Clinton's election campaign and will be tossed to the side of the road as soon as their usefulness is gone.

  74. 3.27

    and even if they are pawns it still does not excuse what trump did.

  75. 3:46 - He RESPONDED to someone maligning him on national television. You believe he was too harsh, others do not. The story has grown too large, probably in the opinion of both camps.


  76. 1.40
    rigging machines?

    "The Presidential Commission on Election Administration in January warned that the deterioration of voting machines is an “impending crisis,” but House Republicans say the issue should be left to the states."

    "But concerns of widespread tampering are overblown, Shamos said.

    “It’s something you can demonstrate under lab conditions,” he said. To translate it to an election-altering hack, “you would have to commit the perfect crime.”

    “There's never been a proven case of manipulation of an electronic voting machine,” he said.

  77. 4.03
    and trump RESPONDED badly.

    I wonder what would be the response if Hillary attacked Gold Star parents in the same fashion?
    the right wing would demand Hillary's head on a pike.

  78. Liberals worry about small snit and think BS speeches are meaningful

    Liberals stare at the tree No way they can see the tree next to it let alone the forest

    That is why blatant BS from a guy like Obama is meaningful to them

  79. 5.47
    an attempt at a "Chewbacca" defense?

  80. This would have gone away a long time ago if Mr. Trump would have expressed his sympathy to the family and let it go at that. His actions are those of a two year old. Is that the person you want to be President?

  81. The Khan Con will not last forever.

  82. Even the President had to talk about how unqualified Trump is for the Presidency. Republican leaders around the country are begging for sanity from their members. Today at a rally for Pence Trump supporters "BOOED" a gold star mother asking Pence to have Trump stop attacking veteran families.

    Is that normal behavior. What is wrong with these people?

  83. Well, the Khan father has written extensively on sharia law. Talk about a war on women. When are all of liberals going to wake up? Also, the father is lawyer with a big law firm in NYC. Translation, he is an immigration attorney that specializes in the procurement of EB5 immigration visas and related issues. Hmmm! I smell the biases, propaganda and corruption a mile away.

  84. "Also, the father is lawyer with a big law firm in NYC."

    According to Ted Cruz doesn't that make you a Jew? The Republicans have a lot of issues.

  85. This assesment of Khan is right on...BRAVO


  86. 7:58, That assessment is one that essentially trashes him for his political beliefs, anf then trashes him bc of his religion. I agree. it exemplifies what is wrong.

  87. "Today at a rally for Pence Trump supporters "BOOED" a gold star mother asking Pence to have Trump stop attacking veteran families."

    It was actually on Monday. To his credit, Pence stood up for this mother. He at least is an adult.

  88. Apparently, Charlie Dent was on Facebook sating he cannot vote for Mr. Trump. I guess that means Republicans cannot vote fro Charlie Dent. Dent thinks his establishment buddies will bail him out. He is turning his back on his Party and people will remember that in election day.

  89. Khizr M. Khan, who proudly waved his pocket copy of the United States Constitution to a national television audience at the Democratic National Convention has published papers supporting the supremacy of Islamic law over “man-made” Western law — including the very Constitution he championed in his speech attacking GOP presidential nod Donald Trump.

    What a hypocrite and I'm sure he is fully supported by Hillary Clinton

  90. Your claim is nonsense and I have already addressed it. You need to broaden your horizon and read more than one side of an issue.

  91. Bernie sez: "Dent's detractors want him to slam Trump while he's at it, but Dent chose to handle the matter like an adult."

    Yes, but an adult with no courage. Just exactly why does Dent not mention that it was Trump who slandered U.S. Captain Humayun Khan and his family? Why doesn't Dent say that he cannot support a candidate like Trump until he fully apologizes for his unpatriotic statements? You know, a Republican Congressman, Richard Hanna, did have the courage and good sense to do just that.

    By the way, Dent does have an opponent this year. I wonder what Democrat Rick Daugherty has to say about this?

  92. A person who does not sign his name is in no position to judge another person's courage and is entitled to no answer to questions for which the answer is very obvious.

  93. Here is the statement by Republican Congressman Richard Hanna:

    "In his latest foray of insults, Mr. Trump has attacked the parents of a slain U.S. soldier. Where do we draw the line?...

    Secretary Clinton has issues that depending on where one stands can be viewed as great or small. But she stands and has stood for causes bigger than herself for a lifetime. That matters....

    While I disagree with her on many issues, I will vote for Mrs. Clinton."

    — U.S. Representative Richard Hanna

  94. If you don't sign your name, you are a coward!

    Besides, if Bernie disagrees with you, how is he going to harass you and your employer if he doesn't have your name?


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