Local Government TV

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Brotherly Love

Callahan brothers in younger years
Former Bethlehem Mayor John Callahan, now in the private sector, was at last night's City Council meeting. He was there in case any questions popped up concerning the Bethlehem Armory sale to Peron Development (Read about it here.) He could have stayed home. Everyone loves it. But his brother Bryan recused himself because, as he said himself, "I have a possible conflict with my older-looking brother."

"Just for that, I'm staying for public comment," Callahan whispered to Steve Antalics.

Antalics' public comment included an argument with Council Prez Willie Reynolds after he went on beyond his allotted five minutes. Willie let him go about seven minutes before trying to suggest that Steve had made his point.

After Antalics sat down, Callahan accused him of "going soft. You were much tougher than that when I was there," he chided the chemist.

Callahan got up to speak, and Reynolds told him his name and address was needed. Instead of insulting his brother, Callahan complimented Mayor Bob Donchez over a free bike sharing program that Bethlehem will soon launch from the library and Cutter's Bike Shop. "It makes the City better," he said.


  1. bryan is known thru out Bethlehem as "callahan light" as he never has and never will be able to hold a candle to the forward thinking leadership his better brother John provided to our community

  2. Five minute speaking cut-off. How could we have allowed this.

  3. There is no such thing as a right to speak ad nauseum. When you have 30 people who want to speak, you need to impose reasonable limits. If no one else is speaking, I see nothing wrong with giving someone a little leeway, and Willie did that with Antalics. In truth, and I said this to Antalics myself, he could have said what he needed to say in three minutes. But in light of what Antalics discussed, I think Council should have shared what Boscola told them in more detail, or should have asked him to speak. This is what creates the impression of a council that is detached and nonresposnsive.

  4. 7:13, Does it make you feel good to anonymously slight someone? I don't understand why people do this. I allow anonymous comments, but not for you to trash someone without taking responsibility.


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