Local Government TV

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Who's Your Daddy?

"If Russia or any other country or person has Hillary Clinton's 33,000 illegally deleted emails, perhaps they should share them with the FBI!" - The Donald

Trump's flippant remarks about a political opponent, to say nothing of other cavalier remarks about NATO, have threatened our national security and our international reputation. I had thought that Trump would at least project an image of strength in the post-Obama years. He'd represent the Daddy party. But he is actually a scared neo-isolationist. ... At least today

I listened to Democrats attempt to project an image of strength during the convention last night, as delegates shouted "No More War!" They come up short, too.


  1. It was a convention of hope and sanity. Nothing like the shit show that the Orange Wonderboy put on.

    The guy is insane and should have a psych evaluation.

  2. Replies
    1. You can dislike or even hate (if that's your mo) Hillary, But no rational, reasonable or intelligent, person should be for Thump

  3. Mr O'Hare.

    If these 30,000 emails contained emails about Yoga Lessons, Chelsea's baby, Socs the Cat or Buddy the Dog as Mrs Clinton has alleged, where is the national security issue?

    What the real problem here is, and is being avoided, is that Mrs Clinton set up an illegal server outside of government security networks, to do official government work. If she hadn't done this in the first place, then What Difference Does it Make?

    The only problem I see here is that if Mrs Clinton had classified government information in those 30,000 emails that she deleted. But then, of course, she would be guilty of a prosecuteable crime. Called destruction of evidence in a criminal investigation.

  4. Come on Jamie. Do you know how foolish and "trumpesq" you sound.?

  5. @7:29 That's what Hillary said was in the 30,000 emails she deleted. Yoga Lessons and other things like that. You don't believe her ?

  6. I'm no Trump supporter (I won't be voting for him or Clinton), but I thought this was brilliant.

    The Democrats and most of the media are going out of their way to avoid talking about the content of the leaked e-mails. The e-mails show collusion between the DNC and various reporters and news outlets, racist comments by DNC officials (you know, the ones that are always preaching tolerance to us), and other things that would embarrass the political party (and candidate) that a majority of the press favors.

    To distract and deflect attention from the content, the DNC and their supporters have run with a ridiculous theory that Russia and Trump have somehow allied to hack into the DNC. I believe that false narrative was put forth by people in the Clinton campaign, possibly as high as her campaign manager.

    And at the same time the Democrat insiders want us to be concerned about Russians hacking into the e-mails of party hacks, we're supposed to ignore the fact that Hillary Clinton just got a special pass on her own handling of e-mails that actually affect the national security of this country. Nothing to see there.

    In one brief comment Trump tied it all together and pointed out the ridiculousness of it all.

    That might not play well with the mainstream press, Democrat party hacks and others who support them, but non-partisans with an ounce of common sense understand it. And all the feigned outrage at Trump over his comment won't change that.

  7. Any reasonable person would believe that Putin may respect Trump for his record of success in business over the years, but do you really think that Putin wants to negotiate with a President that puts America first?

    And as far as Hillary Clinton is concerned, she is a well known quantity with the Russian government. They know what Hillary Clinton was like as our Secretary of State, and given that record of her accomplishments, a Hillary Clinton presidency is a predictability that any nation would crave.

    The fact is that Vladimir Putin likes stirring the pot. If the Russians are responsible for the hack of the Democratic National Committee server and turning over all these embarrassing emails to Wikileaks, this could be nothing more than Putin reminding the American government of what he's capable of.

  8. What we have here is a Democratic Party shaken to its core by Donald Trump. It is also in a panic as the Wikileaks emails (and now voicemails) show that the entire Hillary Clinton campaign was rigged, and was outed just as she was formally to receive it.

    So in response, Hillary Clinton has gone thermonuclear on Donald Trump, coming up with the theory that a traitor is worse than a crook.

    This is an extraordinarily dangerous path for Hillary CLinton. If we are to stipulate that foreign intelligence agencies regularly hack political leaders and organizations (which happens on a routine basis - we do it, the Russians do it, the Communist Chinese do it, and the Israelis do it), then it is conceded that Hillary Clinton’s emails are in Russian and probably Chinese and many other nations’ intelligence agencies.

    But if Hillary Clinton had government information on her private server that no one else knows about (as she didn't turn them over as required in a criminal investigation), then who knows what kind of blackmail material her 30,000 deleted emails may contain.

    I understand that Democrats don't really like to bring up the past, but charging treason didn’t work out so well for Senator Joseph McCarthy back in the 1950s. Something for unlikable and corrupt Hillary Clinton, who is trusted by an increasingly smallish minority of the electorate, to remember before she goes down this road.

  9. Morning Call now removing comments critical of happenings in Philadelphia.

  10. She has a long history of being a liberal war hawk, and we presume she is going to proceed” with that approach if elected president. Check it out

  11. 7.57 try http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2016/jul/26/republican-national-committee-republican/rnc-right-no-democratic-speaker-mentioned-isis-con/

    Night one of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia had barely ended when the Republican National Committee sent a blast email to reporters attacking the Democrats for ignoring the threat of terrorism when speaking at the podium.

    "61: Number Of Speeches At The DNC Tonight," the Republican National Committee wrote. "0: Mentions Of The Global Terrorist Threat Posed By ISIS."

    Was the Democratic discussion of ISIS and Islamic terrorism that thin? Basically, yes.

    It’s worth noting that the first night was not intended to have a specific focus on foreign policy, leaving the Democrats with three days left to discuss the issue. And Hillary Clinton -- away from the podium in Philadelphia -- issued a fairly muscular call for action against ISIS at the annual Veterans of Foreign Wars convention in Charlotte, N.C.

    so if you just want to hate Hillary (as an independent-no less), it is notable how you used the RNC e-mail blast info.

  12. Trump's guy Manowitz (sp?) has a consulting connection with Russia and deflects all questions about the emails except those involving Hillary. Trumps nose is getting longer, (but he still has tiny hands)

  13. 8.09
    the Democratic party is shaking with laughter.good old Drumpf talks the talk but fails the walk the walk test.
    so let's see the Donald's tax returns just for starters.seems he could clear up the question of his Russian business deals (if any).
    after all without those returns who knows what dirty deals he may or may not have done.
    until the Donald releases those tax returns one could simply accuse him of treason.

    just like claiming that 30k e-mails contain blackmail information.
    neither is provable.

  14. 9:16 -

    If you're still on Clinton's bandwagon after she had to refile (and try to sanitize) the tax returns for her Foundation, and if you're not concerned about many of the shady contributors to the Clinton Foundation (and what was bought with them), I doubt you're really concerned about what's on Trump's returns.

    Go fish elsewhere.

  15. 10:35AM--- it's not fishing, it's asking him to do what's asked of all Presidential candidates.

  16. BTW, why are we even concerned about Russia?

    It seems like just last election that Obama was mocking Romney for saying Russia was a threat. The '80's were calling, and they wanted their foreign policy back, remember? Besides, Secretary of State Clinton presented the Russians with the big "Reset" button, so I'm sure that brilliant, substantive maneuver by the smartest woman in America paid off.

    Or maybe Russia was just another JV team that's graduated to Varsity under Obama and Secretary of State Clinton.

  17. "If these 30,000 emails contained emails about Yoga Lessons, Chelsea's baby, Socs the Cat or Buddy the Dog as Mrs Clinton has alleged, where is the national security issue?
    If these 30,000 emails contained emails about Yoga Lessons, Chelsea's baby, Socs the Cat or Buddy the Dog as Mrs Clinton has alleged, where is the national security issue?"

    I can't believe you'd even ask this question. I know you're not stupid but must be taking Trump stupid pills to try to defend the indefensible. You're better than this. It is certainly a national security issue when an American encourages a foreign government to spy on the Secretary of State. In fact, it is criminal. I am completely disgusted that he would do something so reckless, or that he would tell our allies that America does not honor its word. I think Obama has been a disaster when it comes to foreign policy, but Trump makes him look like Winston Churchill.

  18. Lock her UP
    Lock her UP
    Lock her UP

    1. Shut him up shut him up shut him up

  19. 11:27 See my comments to Jamie. I can't believe the idiocy of attempting to defend criminal behavior by a man who has just established, again. that he is no president.

  20. "If you're still on Clinton's bandwagon after she had to refile "

    I am not on her bandwagon. What she did is completely reckless, regardless whether it is criminal. She should not be president. They are both a disgrace. But that does not justify Trump's equally reckless behavior.

  21. Mr O'Hare

    This was Mrs Clinton's PERSONAL email server. It wasn't Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's state department GOVERNMENT email account.

    It would be a national security issue if a foreign government comitted espionage on the United States Government, I'm in 100% agreement with you.

    However, Mrs Clinton's PERSONAL mail server was not a government server on a government network, protected by United States Cyber Command. Mrs Clinton has repeatedly said that these 30,000 emails were of a personal nature, such as Yoga Lessons, Chelsea's baby, Socs the Cat or Buddy the Dog.

    Hackers from all around the world are a concern to corporations, ISPs, and people's computers all around the world. That's why you need to practice your own email security not to open attachments from unknown people, or strange computer web links so you don't get a Trojan or some other kind of intrusion hack of your personal computer.

    Of course, since Mrs Clinton used her personal server (and according to the FBI, there were several personal servers) to do her governmental work as Secretary of State, and had un-authorized government emails, both unclassified as well as classified stored on her personal email server, RATHER THAN THE APPROVED GOVERNMENT STATE DEPARTMENT SERVER, then none of this would be a concern.

    After all, what would the Russians do with emails regarding Chelsea's baby shower?

    But then, in all these 30,000 deleted personal emails, if Mrs Clinton was not telling the truth (facepalms), and there were government emails and possibly government secrets that were hacked by unauthorized people.. Do you REALLY think that Mrs Clinton could be trusted to keep, for example, the United States Nuclear Launch Codes secure as President?

    But then, all this is really hyperbole, isn't it. As there isn't any proof of Russia, Communist China, Iran, North Korea, or any of our enemies actually hacking into Mrs Clinton's computer and looking at pictures of Buddy the Dog, is there ?

  22. It doesn't matter whether it was personal or not. She was the SOS. To encourage one of our biggest enemies to do this to a SoS is outrageous. You would be the first to agree under any other circumstances, but are defending the indefensible bc Trump is your guy. Even Team Trump now recognizes he is wrong. They are both terrible, just terrible.

  23. Also something else. I almsot forgot.

    How many times did Mrs Clinton or her spokespeople say in public that there was never any evidence of her personal email server being hacked by anyone?

    So much ado here over nothing........ isn't it ?

  24. Oh it does matter indeed.

    How many people whose name isn't Clinton would be fired from their job for using personal email for work-related business?

    Companies spend significant amounts of money on computer security in order to keep company secrets .. well.. secret.

    If you violate basic computer security you're pretty much going to be looking for a job pretty quickly.

    Well, if your last name isn't Clinton... correct ?

  25. Jamie, You are now attempting to defend the indefensible by pointing out that Clinton is a liar. That is not a logical defense. I am talking about TRUMP, not Clinton. If you want me to say she's a trainwreck, I agree. But it is illogical to excuse any behavior that endangers national security,regardless of the source. If it is wrong, it is wrong.

  26. "If you violate basic computer security you're pretty much going to be looking for a job pretty quickly."

    That is no defense to Trump's reckless statement.Your attempt to raise it is illogical and an attempt to switch the topic.

  27. So Clinton's emails are, in fact, a matter of "national security"?

    That's not what Democrats have been saying about them.

  28. Mr O'Hare...

    My last comment on this is that all of this feigned outrage by the Democrats about Trump and Russia is meant to obscure the truth: that Democrats can blame Putin and Russia all they want, but the fact is, they wrote what was in the emails.

    This, of course, is the crux of the matter. The rest is fluff churned up to distract from the corruption and cronyism revealed in the emails.

    I don't know if Trump anticipated the hysteria his comment about Russia hacking Clinton would generate. But it's clear that it was a deliberate gambit to insert himself into the news cycle in order to do what he does best: make himself the story while the Democrats have their coronation of Hillary Clinton.

  29. Any email by the SoS is a matter of national security. It was outrageous that she endangered national security. It is just as outrageous that Trump would encourage one of our biggest enemies to spy on her. It is not a defense to one person's idiotic behavior athat another person engages in idiotic behavior. Have we lost all sense of reason. When something is wring, it is wrong. They are both a disgrace.

  30. Jamie, So you defend a person who advocates diminishing our national security by spying as an election gambit. I don't. Wrong is wrong. This is disgraceful.

  31. You have to admit. This is positively brilliant by Donald Trump

    1. He has totally upstaged the Democratic National Convention, and is living rent free inside of Hillary Clinton's head

    2. The reaction to his suggestion was swift and idiotic. Politico: Donald Trump's call on Russia to hack Hillary Clinton's emails has shocked, flabbergasted and appalled lawmakers and national security experts across the political spectrum, with one saying it was "tantamount to treason."

    Not one Trump supporter's vote will be changed over this

  32. The true idiocy of the whole phony Democrat outrage over the Trump remark is that we are supposed to believe that Russia, Putin, China, North Korea and many others are just innocent bystanders who would never hack anybody unless they were spurred into action by Trump (or someone else).

    NEWSFLASH: They're already hacking us on a continual basis, despite having our the smartest woman in America serving as Secretary of State and her bringing out the giant "reset button" with Russia. (As an aside, the "reset button" only makes her look like a genius since her successor took a folk singer to respond to a terror attack in a foreign country, but she was still a miserable failure in that position).

    As was said before, regular people with an ounce of common sense know:

    1) There are countries out there that want to do us harm.

    2) This is an attempt by the media to distract from the content of the leaked DNC e-mails,

    3) The media has no interest in investigating or reporting on anything that might damage Hillary Clinton's candidacy, and

    4) Hillary Clinton received special treatment and got away with a crime that would have landed almost anyone else in jail.

    Trump tied it all together in one or two sentences, and people who aren't partisan hacks understand that.

  33. Bernie O'Hare said...

    "It is just as outrageous that Trump would encourage one of our biggest enemies to spy on her."

    You do understand the meaning of the word "enemy", right?

    I mean, I'm sure ol' Vlad was just sitting in his office one day admiring the "reset button" that SoS Hillary had given him and thinking how great the United States is.

    Then that darned Trump goes and gives him the idea to spy on us...

  34. No one is talking about Obama's speech
    Or Joe Biden's speech
    Or whoever that guy Hillary chose for Vice President, his speech.

    They're all talking about Donald Trump

    Simply friggin brilliant.

  35. It's a sad state of affairs. The usual rules no longer apply. Stop looking at America as a sensible place, instead think of it as a big Allentown. Scott Armstrong

  36. 1:24, there is nothing brilliant about suggesting that an enemy spy on us. As bad as Obama has been with foreign policy, Trump has made him look good. The behavior of both presidential nominees is disgusting.

  37. Do you really think that Trump is a traitor or that Trump has committed treason? Joe McCarthy, here we come. I always knew that the government was full of commies; the state department, the army and now, Trump Tower. To think that a commie will be sitting in the White House sending our most precious secrets to Moscow. It's ludicrous to think that Trump has to encourage the Russians to hack Clinton's computer when, it has already been accomplished. The better story about this supposed conspiracy is the link between Trump and Miss Universe and Putin. Does what I have written sound like idiocy; it only follows the aforesaid remarks. Looney Tunes. Is being a traitor a bigger crime than being a liar? You have to be joking! Donald Qusling Trump for President! Give me Benedict Arnold Trump. How bout Tokyo Rose Trump. To the gallows, Trump. We cannot trust your kind!

  38. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  39. I think it's ludicrous that Hillary Clinton was not prosecuted for all the criminal activity she engaged in that was discovered by the FBI

    It's a national embarrassment that this woman is walking outside of a Federal Prison.

  40. 209, get a life. Scott Armstrong

  41. Yet you have, at the top of your sidebar, your "full disclosure" link...A disclosure where you proudly state "I was guilty as hell"...despite the fact that you defended yourself, as if you had done nothing at all wrong. Perjury.

    Yet here we have Trump, being forced to address the absurd notion that he and Putin hacked the DNC emails...and responds with sarcasm, to find out where the 33,000 missing emails went....and suddenly the broad leap is taken by the desperate left, to paint a false narrative that he is a danger to national security.

    You liberals love to stir the shitpot, but hate it when you have to lick the spoon.

  42. 2:32, I was guilty as hell and, in that proceeding, admitted my guilt while the matter was pending. Sorry, as much as you'd like to switch to a personal attack at me, you are factually wrong. But I understand why you would want to attack me. Trump's unAnerican attempt to involve our biggest enemy is indefensible.

  43. It's an absolute gas that the DNC mandates ID to enter the convention and erected a giant fence around the convention. These are two issues that the left claims to be racist and ineffective yet they employ these measures for their convention.

    Of course you must show ID (to vote) and fences keep bad people from plying their trade. Donald Trump takes the gloves off for the media folks who swoon over anything leftist. Very few GOP candidates do this and the media eats their lunch. The left calls for civility when behind and ignores civility when ahead. Debbie Wasserman Schultz was booed and jeered and MSNBC labeled it as cheering.

    This is the most interesting election in my lifetime. Indeed Trump is living rent free in the world of the DNC leadership and their mouth breathing supporters.

  44. I can't believe anyone wouldn't recognize Trump's comment as sarcasm. Calls for treason? Give me a break. The media is jumping on this in part because the republicans won't let Hillary's email scandal go. If Trump farts they are going to claim he is not fit for president because he eats junk food or something.

  45. Foolish comments. Presidents don't use sarcasm, and neither should Presidential candidates. Actually reading something on the issues before making things up on the fly would be nice to see too, rather than simply "keeping it real" for the usual crowdpleasing effect.

    I'm sure a lot of folks are wondering when Europe--which takes hardly any of the US defense budget--suddenly became issue one in foreign policy.

  46. 2:56, And this has what to do with Trump's intemperate remarks? The reason this has become such an issue is bc it shows Trump is disgraceful. Not exactly the kind of impression he should want to convey if he expects to get elected.

  47. Trump is just great, Hillary's emails would have to have been hacked long ago, since all her servers have been destroyed, He said in his press conference that if the Russians or anyone else had the missing emails, the American press would love if they were released, of course the American press would do all that they could to suppress or hide the emails, It was worth it to watch Michael Moore so worked up that he slobbered all over his chin on national television. The press did all that they could do to distort what was said, it is all so ridiculous, does the press really think they will have any credibility left after 3 more months of this. I do believe Trump shifted the attention back to emails and the corrupt dnc who was no doubt working in collaboration with Hillary. Trump is a master of baiting the other side.

  48. I'm betting you didn't see it live or in the context of what came before or after.

    I did.

    It was tongue in cheek baiting.

    Where's YOUR sense of humor, Mr. O'Hare? The one you chide others about when YOU make sarcastic remarks in print. He was illustrating a point by using the absurd!

    The Fox commentator recognized it immediately.

    I switched to CNN moments later and they were almost apoplectic! Too Funny!!

  49. I love it when the Democrats go ape shit over nothing.

  50. 4:15, I doubt very much that you were in the Donald's penthouse as he typed his tweet. Your statement is dishonest. There was no humor in it. That's an excuse, offered more than a day later. It was simply outrageous. I make no excuse for Hillary's behavior, and fully expect you to honestly admit this is unacceptable behavior.

  51. As far as disgraceful, putting up on the stage as victims, the mothers of black men who were killed by police, most of who were either resisting arrest or assaulting police, while sad, it was pathetic to use these people for political purposes. In my humble opinion, Trump will never win the disgraceful prize when compared to the dems.

  52. "I love it when the Democrats go ape shit over nothing. ">

    I don't consider inviting our biggest enemy to spy on the secretary of State to be nothing.In some circumstances, it could be called treason.

  53. "As far as disgraceful, putting up on the stage as victims, the mothers of black men who were killed by police, most of who were either resisting arrest or assaulting police, while sad, it was pathetic to use these people for political purposes. In my humble opinion, Trump will never win the disgraceful prize when compared to the dems. "

    Assuming that bringing these victims of police violence is disgraceful, and I don't make that assumption, that is no justification for what Trump did. Can one of you Trumpaholics actually address what he did instead of trying to attack everyone and everything else?

  54. I watched the press conference live, I could hardly contain my laughter, the press hounded him about his so called Russian connections, Trump laughed at them and gave them a piece of meat to chew on, they ate it up. There will be more e-mails released, you can bet on it.

  55. Ray, His tweet as before the news conference and there was no humor in it. None. I have hear that defense and the defense that this treasonable comments were just bait. I have not heard you say it is outrageous to make that statement.

  56. Mr. Nemeth,

    He actually does have Russian connections, even if he chose to only say that he had no investments in Russia while not bothering with how many investments regime Russians have in his businesses. And having a creep like Carter Page on the team--who basically worked for Russia--would make it almost impossible for him to get any kind of security clearance.

  57. Watch the damn remarks! Visit rsbn.tv, click on replay video from the Doral, FL morning press conference. I watched it about an hour ago.

    He didn't even say what he is being charged with! He also didn't tie it just to Russia. He basically says "If anyone has these missing emails, please release them.
    Our own FBI would say the same thing.

  58. Both the tweet and the press conference stated that if anyone had hillary's missing 33,000 emails they should make them public. How do you get that to be treason? one thing those 33,000 emails are also on the email of the people she sent them to, she better hope they continue to love her.

  59. 2.56
    Trump likes to dish it out but is a little handed baby when getting it.
    Trump likes to whine about the media when they use his own words when describing his bad behavior.
    the right only wants civility when it suits their purposes.
    the knuckle-draggers in the republican party not only attack the Democrats but will attack their own with wild reckless abandon.
    McCain's record as a POW for example.
    as to "living rent free"--the DNC gets Christmas in July just about every time Trump opens his mouth.
    Trump simply makes it easier for the DNC to show how thin-skinned and reckless he is.
    Trump is one of the greatest selling points for the Democrats and their party.

  60. "He didn't even say what he is being charged with! He also didn't tie it just to Russia. He basically says "If anyone has these missing emails, please release them."

    I'm sorry, but do you know how to read?? Look at the first frickin' sentence of this post. It is a direct quote of Trump's tweet. Look at the second word and you'll see you are full of shit and now are recreating what happened.

  61. "Both the tweet and the press conference stated that if anyone had hillary's missing 33,000 emails they should make them public. How do you get that to be treason? one thing those 33,000 emails are also on the email of the people she sent them to, she better hope they continue to love her"

    Ray, i know you're a smart guy, so your attempt to pretend he wasn't talking about Russia is completely disingenuous.

  62. "The Fox commentator recognized it immediately."

    Of course he did!!!

    Was that before or after Bill O'Riley attacked Michele Obama's address by claiming the slaves that built the White House were very well fed and well taken care of, that's a good boy.

  63. Most are missing the REAL problem and instead attack Trump. The DNC conspired with Clinton's campaign staff to subvert the democratic process. That's what people SHOULD be outraged about.

  64. If Trump were in charge, imagine the fate of the 10 Navy sailors that strayed into Iranian waters. They probably woukd not have been released with 24 hours and we probably would have been dealing with a national crisis. Trump already has proven he cannot handle the 2 am phone call. He tried to recant his pick for VP becuse of his unstable, reactionary judgement.

  65. Michael Bloomberg former NY Mayor and successful businessman gave one of the best speech's yet. He essentially dismantled Trump as the successful businessman. More importantly he laid out the very troubling argument as to Trump's sanity as it relates to being the President of the United Sates.

    Neither Trump neo Clinton are much loved by the majority of voters. Both have there diehard defenders that will only believe what they want to believe. That said, the concern over Trump's inability to understand the difference between a Presidential candidate and a reality show star is troubling. I doubt not many more than the solid 33% that love him regardless of any facts will pick unstably over more of the same.

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. Someone care to tell me how Donald's suggestion is a national security threat-as the Clinton campaign purports-if the missing emails are personal? It was a perfect trap and the Clinton campaign stepped right into it.

  68. Ya, how do you read TREASON into Trump's statement.I an average jOE with little knowledge of these events see this statement as; This present administration dragged their feet so long they appear to not wanting to know the truth,So, Russian hackers have already hit the e-mails wanting to know what the DNC had on Trump,how ironic . They have it already .The Russians are the best hackers overall, on the planet.What an embarrassment that we can't tell THE TRUTH here to our own people. The Constitution and it's Amendments have been consistently prostituted by people who think they know better than we common folk.

  69. Craig, You can't possibly be that stupid. But it amazes me how quickly the IQ drops when attacks are made against a darling of the right. It makes no difference that they are personal emails.It covers the period when she was SoS, and there will necessarily be overlaps. If you believe in a strong national defense,the last thing you should do is encourage this reckless behavior, whether it is Clinton's emails or Trump's request that our biggest enemy get them.

  70. Peter, As a Marine, you are no average Joe. But like others trying to justify misbehavior by Trump, your brain cells seem to have disappeared. Russia is our greatest enemy. There is material in those emails that aid and abet our enemy. The GOP nominee for Prez wants our greatest enemy to have this information. This is simply outrageous and indefensible.

  71. Every real national security official and expert as well as most Republican officials were not amused. They are concerned that just to get a laugh(we hope), a presidential nominee would be so flippant about cyber security. His shoot from the hip style may make the right wing whacko's salivate as it is intended to do: however, it makes most of the people worry that such an impetuous man-child would be are commander and chief. He is a buffoon. This was a joke in his mind and his loyal followers. To the rest of the country and sane world it was reckless and irresponsible.

    Hillary Clinton will not really win this election s much as Trump will lose this election due to his own behavior.

  72. Bernie, I think it speaks to how angry and frightened people are that a person like Donald Trump would even get as far as he has. he could very well be the next President of the US. No Hillary Clinton fan but the guy is a train wreak, yet he is this close to being leader of the free world. It does give one pause as to where we are as a society.

  73. November 9 is going to be a bad day. Think of all the freaks and geeks slamming their drugs when Clinton is CRUSHED!!!!!

  74. So, if Wikileaks releases the 33,000 missing emails, it will be Trumps fault, as for foreign intervention in world politics, how about Obama arranging and financing the political team in opposition in the Israeli and Egypt elections. And yes Trump did say Russia or anyone else.

  75. That's not what I said, Ray. Don't twist my words. I am holding Trump accountable for his words, not what Wikileaks does or does not do.

  76. "November 9 is going to be a bad day. Think of all the freaks and geeks slamming their drugs when Clinton is CRUSHED!!!!!"

    Your comment completely fails to address the criticism. It is just a childish taunt.

  77. Earlier, limbless Tammy Duckworth spoke about her opportunities to rise and serve our country. She spokenof praise for her dedicated team that saved her life after their blackhawk helicopter was shot down. One candidate was inspired to have her speak. Another candidate probably thinks she is a loser for finding herself in harms way as he did with John McCain.

  78. I was amazed to see the term "Taco Bowl' used by the D.N.C.

  79. Trump and his flat earth flowers scare the crap out of a majority of people. I think he still doesn't realize that all his quips will now be measured by a different standard than when he was doing Kardashian TV.

  80. maybe they can find his income tax returns?

  81. The latest distraction from the Democrats who wrote about their "taco bowl" outreach is to blame Putin for hacking the DNC emails. Without question, Putin is a jerk and looking out for himself or Russia. Like any other adversary, he is spying, or hacking on the U.S.

    It probably didn't help when we conveyed weakness by allowing Russian MiGs to fly over our aircraft carriers. In other words, bullies like Putin learn early that there are no consequences to their thuggish behavior.

    We learned that Democrats use ethnic jokes when they communicate with each other. And that Mrs. Clinton made it all possible by having a private server

    I guess it's enough to drive a Democrat crazy, especially those who keep saying that this Clinton email scandal is much ado about nothing

  82. It should be noted that the Democrats are locking the doors to the convention center in Philadelphia to prevent a walkout when Hillary Clinton takes the stage for her acceptance speech

  83. Just because Trump lies with equanimity does not mean you should.

  84. Think of the day when President Trump takes the money away. I understand section 8 is the first to go.

  85. They may regret locking everyone in, particularly if Bernie supporters are prepared to get loud.

  86. Democrat Flags - non- flammable

  87. Hope somebody throws a shoe at her like they did to Bush

  88. Someone needs to ask Hillary how much a pack of diapers are since she's the world's greatest grandma

  89. She should have worn a blue dress.

  90. Hillary the globe trotting Secretary of State ...over 100 countries ... lots of mile...little/no achievements

    Hillary's speech is so freaking bad I'm almost embarrassed for the whole Clinton family.

  91. This is nothing but fluff


  92. Every "Never Trump" supporter should be forced to watch re-runs of Hillary's speech for a week

  93. Who's Your Daddy?
    "If Russia or any other country or person has Hillary Clinton's 33,000 illegally deleted emails, perhaps they should share them with the FBI!" - The Donald

    Bernie, always interesting reading. In reading your headline trumps remarks are saying any foreign power should hack the system, it if has the they share with the FBI. of these emails already had have been hacked since no one could get to them now.

    So there really is no suggestion of a new hack, he just suggesting the hackers turn the informstion over TO THE FBI.

    the arguments for treason are completely wrong. In fact it's worded like Trump is a good guy. The 33000 should turned over the fbi.

  94. Who's Your Daddy?
    "If Russia or any other country or person has Hillary Clinton's 33,000 illegally deleted emails, perhaps they should share them with the FBI!" - The Donald

    Bernie, always interesting reading. In reading your headline trumps remarks are saying any foreign power should hack the system, it if has the they share with the FBI. of these emails already had have been hacked since no one could get to them now.

    So there really is no suggestion of a new hack, he just suggesting the hackers turn the already hacked informstion over TO THE FBI.

    the arguments for treason are completely wrong. In fact it's worded like Trump is a good guy. Hes calling forThe 33000 to be turned over the fbi. At which looking know thefbi well to them.

  95. From listening to Hillary, you would think women are in chains in this country.

  96. The Donald told you not to watch. He'll have you arrested once he's elected, or was he joking about that, too?

  97. Hillary: If you believe any of the garbage and lies that are coming out of my mouth right now, then Join Us!

  98. I am surprised so many Clinton haters are listening to her speech. I would think they would just wait for Fox News or Rushbo Limbaugh to tell them what it was all about.

  99. Hillary: Everything's Free in America.......

  100. Hillary promises to liberate students from the unfair burden of having to pay for the College Education they bought

  101. Yeah, she never learned to stiff small businesses like The Donald.

  102. If only Democrats hated terrorists half as much as they hate the Citizens United decision..

  103. I can't help but notice that she always only looks in the camera for only a second or two.

  104. According to Hillary, everyone gets rights except gun owners

  105. "If only Democrats hated terrorists half as much as they hate the Citizens United decision.."

    I know very few people, Democrat or republican, who like that decision.

  106. "I can't help but notice that she always only looks in the camera for only a second or two."

    Um, she was speaking primarily to the people in that room.

  107. This woman is terrifying. She can plant acres of gardens with all that BS she spews out

  108. Wow Bernie, are you hooked into a direct line by line Fox news analyses machine? The poster sure sounds like it.

    Too funny. Love it.

  109. "According to Hillary, everyone gets rights except gun owners"

    That's not what she said. She said she would stand up to the gun lobby, and should. She said she has nothing against guns, but has something against guns in the hands of the wrong people, killing the innocent. But someone who supports mass killer Rockne Newell does not get that.

  110. How come Monica Lewinski isn't on stage ?

  111. The only celebration about this speech is in the convention hall

    In homes all across America be prepared for higher taxes, no money to save, and increasing the 93 million jobless.

  112. Reply to:

    4:15, I doubt very much that you were in the Donald's penthouse as he typed his tweet. Your statement is dishonest. There was no humor in it. That's an excuse, offered more than a day later. It was simply outrageous. I make no excuse for Hillary's behavior, and fully expect you to honestly admit this is unacceptable behavior.

    I don't have a clue if he ALSO tweeted it, but I do know what I SAW when he SAID it during the LIVE press conference. So my statement is FAR from dish9oest. It is you who are ill informed because you didn't see it DELIVERED LIVE AT THE PRESS CONFERENCE!

    Stick to local politics please--something you know a good bit about and favor us by NOT spreading your ill-informed views berating a man who is more in love with this country than any of the current crew.

  113. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  114. Bernie, my brain cells or lack of them at this point has nothing to do with DONALD'S defense. I personally think he shouldn't even be allowed to run anymore than ' pant suited one'. Russia is not our greatest enemy even though the most formidable one if they were to have at it. They hold a check on the Iranians and some others that would send nuclear stuff at just anybody.History -repeats itself.Stalin the mad man know we were cooking up nuclear physics well before Harry s Truman had his first week in the oval office. I don't like either candidate. Where are the modern day Teddy Roosevelt's or-Robert Dole's -people without lie n personal baggage and with credibility.

  115. Peter you are just to partisan and hateful of the Clintons to think this one through. Trump is a disgrace.

  116. I deleted a cut-and-past attack of Clinton at 9:05. In addition to being an off topic attempt to justify criminal behavior by Clinton. Worse, it is completely unoriginal. Just because Melania Trump is a plagiarist, that does not make it ok.

  117. 8:11, Actually, I went back and watched the news conference in its entirety. Completely disgusting. The man is sick. And I will write what I want to write whether you like it or not. Yo'll have to wait until he's elected before you start arresting critics.

  118. 2[42 anon The Clinton's motto is don't get caught. Hillary stretched out people in Benghazi, and lied to us about it . The facts will surface shortly. I invite BERNIE of this blog to recount my comment 2 years ago and bring it up. Marines were 40 minutes away in Rota. You don't know what you don't know.I don't like Donald eather but Hillary is the worst of what we have to vote for. So what to challenge what I think ----go ahead make my day.

  119. All this ineffective criticism of Trump and his Bowel Movement reminds me of the punk rockers that were on the Donahue show in the 80's.

    Donahue had a bunch of punks on the show and the callers and audience would judge their looks and statements with attacks and comments much the same as the way Trump takes fire. And with each comment or attack the punkers were even more encouraged in their positions, as if like the Donald, they drew even more strength from the negative attacks.

    Some people are just not understanding how the American people are sick of everything, many, many people no longer feel they have a stake in the system, they no longer give a shit, they are not interested in making a corrupt system better. Some folks are looking for a candidate that will destroy everything with the logic that if everyone has something to lose all the way up the food chain, only then will there be a New Deal.

    An example of this is the draft, everyone goes, everyone has a stake in war ending. Where as when only a few volunteers chose to go to war, with more volunteers behind them you'll have war forever. War becomes a way of life. Until someone comes along and throws everyone into the fire.

    More insult to Trump about how he'll ruin everything is music to the ears of those who look forward to ruin. Reset is a term sometimes used when things get so bad you kill everyone and start over. Trump for the reset!


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.