Local Government TV

Saturday, July 09, 2016

Opinions Online, 7/9/16

Blogger's Note: Opinions Online is a regular Saturday feature. If you'd like to express your opinion on any topic, click on the Opinions Online button on my left sidebar. You can also call 385-325-2564. In addition to these submissions, I sometimes highlight comments from throughout the week and re-publish them here. Please keep your comments brief, if possible.


Public School Employees Retirement System, or PSERS,ruled that the ASD's teachers' union presidents, past and present who do no teaching, are and were ineligible to receive pension contributions during their tenures leading the union. This is a first step in ending the practice of using tax dollars to pay the salary of teachers' union presidents. and this:

PSER's has ruled recently that the full time president of the AEA(Allentown Education Association/teachers' union) is not eligible for a the state's public employee pension as she was not working for the school district but for the union. This is a small victory in the lawsuit filed by the Fairness Center against the AEA and the Allentown School District to stop the use of tax payer dollars to pay the salary of the teachers' union president. The AEA president does no teaching and provides not direct service to the school district. She is, in effect, a full time employee of the AEA.



I recently read that Fed Ed appointed Gail Hoover, a local realtor, to a committee to insure diversity with police hires. Isn't this the same person you previously blogged about for ripping off the City for travel expenses? She also touts herself as the Lehigh Valleys best realtor but court filings reveal multiple foreclosures on properties she owns and judgments against her. More of the same bull in Allentown. I'm sure people would appreciate your insights.

Concerned resident.


Hillary Clinton’s best defense is that she is too stupid and incompetent to have known better with regards to her email server.

FBI Director Comey said that Clinton might not be “sophisticated” enough to tell when documents were classified — though members of the committee showed otherwise.

Is this the type of person qualified to be President ?


Hillary Clinton should be stripped of her national security clearance, at least as a candidate. Is this the person we want to trust with the nuclear codes as president?

Are we a nation of laws or a nation of double standards, with one set of laws for the Clintons, and another set for the “little people”?



  1. Please enough with the possibly misogynist Hillary Clinton bashing. You hate Clinton, we get it. Of course you hate Carter, you hate Obama, you hate Johnson, so there is a pattern here. She is not very likable. The problem is that the alternative is flat out nuts. Trump is an egomaniac that cannot be trusted to have the judgment or temperament to be President. He is just too unstable.

    So here we are, stuck between a rock and a hard place.

    We have had crooked Presidents and survived. I am more concerned about a crazy President.

  2. 4:18 I see you give up!Less hope and no change in your future

  3. Vote Trump to protect the white house interns

  4. Bernie:

    I recently read that Fed Ed appointed Gail Hoover, a local realtor, to a committee to insure diversity with police hires. Isn't this the same person you previously blogged about for ripping off the City for travel expenses? She also touts herself as the Lehigh Valleys best realtor but court filings reveal multiple foreclosures on properties she owns and judgments against her. More of the same bull in Allentown. I'm sure people would appreciate your insights.

    Concerned resident.

    A quick Internet search will support your findings. Why would Pawlowski appoint Hoover?

  5. Hillary Clinton has crafted her response to the slaughter of Dallas policemen to exploit racial resentment and shore up her support among African Americans.

    She needs Obama-levels of turnout and grab about 92% of the votes in order to win. She has had trouble whipping up enthusiasm among all demographic slices of the electorate, but apparently sees black anger at whites as just the thing to motivate voters to turn out, and to quiz their friends, family and neighbors if they have voted on Election Day.

    So Hillary is in effect telling White voters that Dallas is their fault

  6. After the FBI report, I seriously doubt Hillary could get security clearance to change the towels in the White House bathrooms.

    1. She already has it, as an ex Secretary of state ... Limited but she has way more national security clearances than any of us reading this here

  7. @8:08,
    Because she's connected politically.
    On a similar note, you would be surprised to see how many of the area's wealthiest people are either mortgage or tax deadbeats.

  8. We all know that a good number of people will vote for Hillary for all the wrong reasons. Few will vote for her thinking she is the better candidate. Many will vote for her for the free phones, free healthcare, free cheese, or because she is a woman, and not the Donald.

  9. Many will vote for her because she is the Democrat and they have never had a Republican knock on their door. The RNC and the State Republican Committee have never engaged a serious effort in our urban areas. There truly is no competition for votes in our country's low income urban areas.

  10. Bernie,
    We now have a local political dysfunctional tool quoted as saying, " the shootings should be thoroughly investigated"?!)$ butt let local yocals start to be investigated and hairy spinkter hell rolls over like a dog and does all kinds of circus trix to divert atTENTions of there dirty dealings designed and manipulated like OZ in front of that CONtraption behind the curtain of a pa law dog?!)$
    You know trix r for Kidd's butt when top law dogs eat them they to become complicate of the circus arena agenda too using the numbers game in the box as an insurable peril under state law guidelines?!)$
    RE:publican redd no party affiliation

  11. Many will vote for her because the alternative is terrifying and would bring shame upon the US. I'm just hoping she picks a decent veep. Elizabeth Warren, preferably.

  12. Back in November 2008, I voted for Senator McCain but looked forward to our first black president bringing us together. I was anticipating that he'd talk about the structural problems in the black community, such as the collapse of the black family unit and black-on-black crime in Chicago and other inner cities.

    Instead, Obama has made things worse by focusing on the police and doing nothing about blacks lacking any hope and seeing no change. Giving us massive amounts of welfare, SNAP cards, cellular telephones and other government handouts has not helped the black community at all. The hope and change that we expected from him, in terms of employment, increased business opportunities, improving the schools we send our children to, and generally doing positive things to give blacks upward mobility in society was ignored.

    Now we have Hillary Clinton, pretending to be a black woman, telling whites to listen to us. All that does is further divide the races and make racial relations worse in this country. Instead of supporting the black lives matters/Occupy Wall Street/ the class war between the achievers and the ones who don't. she just offers us more and more of the same that hasn't worked in the 50 years since the Great Society.

    As an educated Black Man, Mrs Clinton, We don't need a third Obama term. Sorry.

  13. 8:29 but she'll try to steal them

  14. Bernie

    Changing topic but local story indicates a township's desire to install a disc golf course on public land. As one of the fastest growing sports around this is good news for disc golfers but perhaps not such good news for others unless
    the township makes certain to include the safety of runners, cyclists, dog walkers, moms, babies and more are not in the path of a flying disc that can cause serious injury and worse.

    "Safety is one of the most important elements of course design and actual play because most courses are in public parks: non-players are routinely found in the course environment. Paramount to the planning of a quality course is the detailing and minimizing possible points of interaction with non-players.

    Because of all of these elements and the importance of each one to the success of the course, seeking out a qualified, experienced course designer will help to insure that all of these factors are kept at the forefront. Discs can be thrown fast and when hit, mainly the head, can cause serious injury. This is when it is the most crucial to call "fore!" to let others who cannot see know that you are ready to throw or that the disc is heading their way. This helps to prevent injuries by communicating to others on the park to be aware of discs flying toward them." Courtesy: Disc Golf Course Rule Handbook.

  15. Talking about a violent angry America, how about somone getting butt hurt and using the daddy court to take their house. Only in violent angry America.

  16. Yes, instead of threatening to put hollow point bullets through someone's skull, or sending an LTE that praises mass murderer Rockne Newell, I used the courts to go after someone who libeled me,won and collected. And I will go after her again if need be.

  17. "As an educated Black Man, Mrs Clinton, We don't need a third Obama term. Sorry."

    Seriously! Bernie, where is your fake name anger on this one? Give us a break!

  18. Bernie, TONIGHT just may a litmus test for this country. President Obama is talking to NATO allies about police attacks in America that has nothing to do with their agenda. 'Berry 'wants to get it in his press .Well horsecrap. This shooter was kicked out of Afghanistan and sent back here by his commanding officer because he found to be a hazard and was sent home for a discharge 'other than honorable' . How bad are you of character when they send you back from a deployment area because your fucked up,wooow. The liberals will blame the guns and talk the talk, having NEVER HAD A STOCK in their pathetic shoulders . This is a`cultural problem not a firearm issue.

  19. I believe that from what has appeared on TV and newspapers, there never was an investigation of Hillary Clinton by the FBI at all.

    From the outset, the administration, the DOJ and the FBI knew it was a can of worms that must not be opened. So they simulated an investigation when there was none.

    For months we have been hearing that there were 150 agents working on it. But Comey said there were "fifteen or twenty." None have come forward as yet. None have resigned in protest of clearing a guilty target as some of the "leaks" suggested they would. Was the inquiry a sham for public consumption? Possibly.

    We learned Thursday that Hillary was not put under oath for her "interview" with the FBI last Saturday. Comey did not attend that interview and there is no recording nor is there a transcript. Her lawyers must really have pull. The law says that the FBI and other federal agents must now tape interviews with suspects. So it is a safe assumption that the interview was just for show and completely unserious.

    It had to happen so that Clinton could go campaigning with Obama on Tuesday. She knew, Lynch knew, Bill Clinton knew and Obama knew exactly what Comey was going to say Tuesday morning. There can be no doubt about that.

  20. 7:54 may have nailed this perfectly. Lynch should be fired & Hillary stripped of security clearance for life!

  21. "Seriously! Bernie, where is your fake name anger on this one? Give us a break!"

    Spare me the false outrage. Presidential candidates are pretty much fair game when it comes to criticism.

  22. @7:54

    Comey understands who butters his bread. Even though he has a ten-year contract, his work conditions can become quite unsettling unless he plays ball with his bosses.

  23. @3:52

    It's a bad thing to have black conservatives ?

  24. I have been led to believe A.G. Loretta Lynch represented Hillary Clinton in Her Madison / Whitewater investigations. I know this sounds like ramblings of a senile Old Man

  25. 12:10 well you got the wrong Lynch.something that was debunked several years ago

  26. I am reading 'Her Way' written by Gerth and Van Natta published in 2007. An entire chapter was devoted to one Loretta Lynch who worked for the Bill Clinton campaign. I see now that this must have been a different Loretta Lynch. I apologize for the error. ' Senile Old Man'

  27. Bernie, congrats to Dat for dropping 28, including 8 3-pointers! I assume you were there to cheer him on, and are quite proud of his performance.

  28. Dat had a very good game, and I am certainly proud of him. But that only happens bc one of his team mates sees he is open, and another screens. In the game right before, Jay Vaughan had 20 and four 3s in a row. Unfortunately, we were just eliminated by Whitehall. They move on and we move out.

  29. Yes, Gail Hoover has been a regular on the Lehigh county sheriff sale list for YEARS on her properties. I generally prefer people making decisions about public expenditures or hiring to have their own finances in order, but it sounds like in this case she will have little actual authority over anything.

  30. If you want to see a definition of "white privileged" just look it up. In a "just and honest" world, you'd see a picture beside the definition of Hillary Clinton and her daughter Chelsea.

    What an incredibly amoral hypocrite this despicable woman is.

  31. Bernie
    Monday's paper includes story on Western Lehigh County water runoff study. It is not only the western part of the county that stinks. Allentown's Little Lehigh stream was so disgusting two weeks ago by the covered bridge, folks couldn't even walk along the path in the Parkway.

  32. Not only is Gail Hoover a regular on the Sheriff's sale lists for years, but has multiple judgments against her. I also see that she's not one to pay real estate taxes as there are several outstanding liens against many of her properties for extended periods. With such a tattered financial record documented for all to see, she was a poor choice for anything related to government. I don't know why anyone would even use her in her professional capacity as a realtor given this information.

  33. If She is a REALTOR then her bstae license should be revoked. Housecrap.

  34. Anonymous said...
    Vote Trump to protect the white house interns
    7:12 AM......

    Really???!!!! LOL! You mean one of them will be his next wife! How many would that be??? How does the Christian Right accept this heinous act of not following vows of marriage before their God????


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