Local Government TV

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Opinions Online, 7/30/16

Blogger's Note: Opinions Online is a regular Saturday feature. If you'd like to express your opinion on any topic, click on the Opinions Online button on my left sidebar. You can also call 385-325-2564. In addition to these submissions, I sometimes highlight comments from throughout the week and re-publish them here. Please keep your comments brief, if possible.


Melina a immigrant who does not like immigrants.


Why in the world does the Lehigh County Housing Authority own a house on Carter Road in Bethlehem Township, Northampton county?

Blogger Reply: I will find out.


Got your wish No more Debbie at the DNC


If you think that the FPC mess is unique to Bethlehem, check this out.... and the lawsuit ran for 15 years! http://www.mainlinemedianews.com/articles/2011/09/03/main_line_times/news/doc4e622e26019b9741622227.txt

John Stoffa, Ground Hog Trapper: Bernie this is John Stoffa. The following is not an opinion but a suggestion. For all of you out there who struggle with eradicating groundhogs try this: get your self a live trap and the secret bait to use are unshelled inexpensive peanuts. This works. Try it !


God Bless the parents of Capt Humayun Khan


  1. Bernie
    If the house is owned by a nonprofit it may be tax exempt. That should be evident on the county records.

  2. What is puzzling to me is how that, after a career in public service, the Clintons could amass a personal fortune of over $300 million dollars.

    No one that works for the government earns that kind of money. At least legally.

  3. There's a reason why she doesn't like to mention the Clinton Foundation. Strange doings there.

  4. What I find difficult to understand is why we can't limit immigration of people from the middle east? Just look at all the problems they are having in Europe.

    Do we really want those kind of problems here also ?

  5. What I find difficult to understand is why we can't limit immigration of catholics to this country.

    Have you seen Spotlight?

  6. Is that like Boys Life ?

  7. About the Lehigh County Housing Authority -- I was wondering the same thing, why does it own a house on Butztown Road in Bethlehem, decidedly in Northampton County? Near the corner with East Blvd, the place was built early to mid- 1950s, for the daughter of the family who lived next door in a similar brick house, today it houses elderly handicapped individuals who are cared for around the clock by hired staff -- sort of a group home, neighborhood gossip is that it once housed drug addicts. It does not harm anybody, though I am guessing it does not pay real estate taxes. Just seems odd. Does Northampton County own real property in Lehigh County?

  8. 10:17 am :

    Both 10:26 and 10:28 are bascially saying, "Yes, we want the exact same kind of problems that Europe is having with its immigrants from the Middle East."

  9. When you let in 100K military age men in from out-of-control nations, do not check their identities, or question why they have come in through Mexico, you might just get a few "European Moments."

  10. Republican nominee Donald Trump’s speech at the Republican National Convention (RNC) drew at least two million more viewers than Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s speech at the Democratic National Convention (DNC).

    According to Nielsen television ratings, just under 28 million viewers tuned in for Clinton’s speech, while 30 million viewers tuned in for Trump’s speech.

  11. 1:16- for the same reason Fox has ratings. Conservatives tend to be older, less active and watch way more TV. They also respond to polls more often, that's why they tend to be skewed so often.

  12. I am the person who posted the "opinion" about the house owned by LCHA on Carter Road. I drive by it every day. I am guessing it is some sort of group home for the handicapped, mentally challenged, elderly, etc. I am also guessing this is the scam:
    1. Lehigh county knows they need a certain number of these houses.
    2. They are tax exempt regardless of where they are located (ncpub.org confirms this).
    3. Lehigh county knows if they have these in Lehigh county, the county, school district, and municipality lose property tax revenue since these are tax exempt.
    4. By locating them in Northampton county, they screw Northampton county, BASD, and Bethlehem Township out of property tax revenue.

    This disgusts me as someone who is about to write a check for his $5,000 annual BASD tax bill.

  13. James, I will look into this next week. Both counties are required to provide housing for people who have mental challenges. It is a violation of federal law to discriminate in any way against a group home. I believe, and I will find this out as well, that both counties have combined resources to find this suitable kind of housing. So that might be owned by LC a and actually house many long-time NC residents. I don't know and should not speculate. Many of these homes are owned by nonprofits, too. If it is going to be tax exempt, I would rather see it owned by the government. Please provide me the address on Carter Road if you have it.

  14. Hillary Clinton is soft on crime, supports open borders, and wants massive tax hikes.

    A formula for disaster

  15. Thanks Bernie, from a long time reader. It is 3525 Carter Road. They also own an adjacent small vacant piece of land with no address.

  16. I'm extremely excited about Hillary Clinton's inevitable Coronation. I have no problem with a public servant who claims to be for the "little guy" amassing a personal fortune worth $ 300 million dollars. I look forward to helping Hillary make history and rehabilitating Monica Lewinsky because I know anyone who does not vote Democrat is a racist hater.

  17. "Thanks Bernie, from a long time reader. It is 3525 Carter Road. They also own an adjacent small vacant piece of land with no address."

    OK. I am on it.

  18. How does one "Surge Intelligence" ?

  19. Vote Trump to save the interns from slick willie

  20. Surging intelligence can be easily accomplished by listening to Obama and Clinton explain what happened and why brave Americans were left to die at Benghazi as often as possible.

  21. For all of you who haven't seen the films "Clinton Cash" and "Hillary's America", become an informed voter and watch them

  22. And let's be truly informed and acknowledge that Clinton Cash was produced by Trump supporter Breitbart News and that Dinesh D'Souza'd piece follows the equally hateful Obama's America, and was co-directed by a criminal who did time for campaign finance violations.

  23. Clinton Cash makes some valid points, while Hillary's America is completely irresponsible.

  24. @10:17am There is a simple fact of life called "Islam's Rule of Numbers

    It's not difficult to understand, and it expresses itself with remarkable consistency: The more Muslims grow in numbers, the more Islamic phenomena intrinsic to the Muslim world – in this case, brazen violence against "infidels" – appear

    We see this now in Germany, in France, In Belgum, in Sweden, in England... basically all of the nations which have accepted large numbers of refugees from the middle east. Largely caused by Obama and Hillary Clinton and his encouragement of the "Muslim Spring", and the destabilization of Middle Eastern nations.

    Thus as the Muslim populations continue growing without limits in Western European nations, count on growing, and brazen, numbers of attacks on infidels – beheadings and such.

    Expect to see the same happen here in the United States as Hillary Clinton promises (threatens) to ramp up Muslim immigration here, especially large numbers of Muslim men between 18 and 40

  25. Spoken like a bigot who is drinking the kool-aid. Rev. Jim Jones is calling ...

  26. @7:59pm I recall a 2004 film by Michael Moore called "Fahrenheit 9/11" that the Democrats had orgasms over, portraying President Bush in a disgusting manner during his re-election campaign.

  27. That is true, and I would never say a person who saw that movie is an informed voter.

  28. As the numbers of muslim refugees grow in general, it's only natural that the numbers of "radicals" will grow with them (e.g., 10% of 100 is only 10, but 10% of a 1,000 is 100). And the immediate issue isn't whether or why Islam is violent; the immediate issue is that Western leaders are the ones enabling it, by importing it into the West.

    Western leaders, such as Angela Merkel, and also Barack Obama, John Kerry, Hillary Clinton and the foolish idiots who insist that Islam is peaceful (despite all evidence otherwise) and that the West is "obligated" to receive Muslim migrants, are 100% responsible for the daily victims of jihad, most recently an octogenarian priest.

    The war begins with them. Remove them from office and end their suicidal policies.
    Then watch Islamic terror on Western soil fizzle out.

  29. The properties "owned" by the LCHA in NORCO are actually owned by Valley Housing Developmet Corp. VHDC was created by LCHA as a separate entity that was staffed by LCHA. VHDC was created to capture additional funding streams. At this time VHDC is completely seperate mission from the LCHA. VHDC contracts with LCHA to run some programs.


  30. You MUST open your eyes to what's going on outside the United States. Europe is currently being destroyed by Muslim immigration. France and Germany are being hurt very hard.

    This is the old strategy "Creating order out of chaos."

    Elect Hillary, or some other proponent of globalist government and all of this comes to a neighborhood near you!

  31. Re: 8:29 PM, Hank_Hill -- you probably know more than I do -- my comment on the house on Butztown Rd is based on finding it in the property records online as being owned by "Lehigh County Housing Authority." You did not state who are the residents of these group homes. Are they for residents of the entire Lehigh Valley, or only for those coming from Lehigh County? If the latter, I am with the poster above who points out they are tax-exempt, while my husband and I are not.

  32. The Democrats tell us that everything is awesome, despite nearly eight years of hardly any economic growth, markedly increased societal strife, a failing health care system, weakness and humiliation abroad, along burgeoning crime and terror at home.

    Four to eight more years of the same is just what the doctor ordered, Republicans are a bunch of killjoys for arguing otherwise, and Hillary Clinton is the person to bring it.

  33. Substantive complaints are fine. Calling the father of a fallen soldier an "idiot" is disgusting. Suggesting that the wife was forced to remain silent, as Trump did, is just another indication that he is religiously intolerant. Claiming that he has made sacrifices to the father of a fallen soldier, when he never spent a minute in the service, is blatantly dishonest.

  34. The matter of not serving in the military, like most of all persons in Congress, and even Hillary Clinton, when you consider she COULD have, is ludicrous.

    Both Hillary, AND Trump, have served their nation in MANY ways. Another non-issue of desperate, nervous persons whose life alphabet has but two letters . . . D and R.

  35. Cantaloupe will also draw groundhogs like a magnet. Leave a few small pieces around the trap and more inside. Relocated two so far this year using cantaloupe.

  36. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The properties "owned" by the LCHA in NORCO are actually owned by Valley Housing Developmet Corp. VHDC was created by LCHA as a separate entity that was staffed by LCHA. VHDC was created to capture additional funding streams. At this time VHDC is completely seperate mission from the LCHA. VHDC contracts with LCHA to run some programs.


    8:29 PM

    Love the word "capture." Ask homeowners forced from their lifelong properties because of sheifff sales that among their taxes were nonprofits that captured their savings. It wasn't taxed, it was captured.
    Capture is far more polite than give me.

  37. It's intersting to note that the first time we heard Obama talk about cyberhacking and the theft of intellectual property is when the DNC was hit.

  38. Hackers want to REVEAL things. To shock.

    They display information once thought to be highly secret by those who SHOULD know how to prevent hacks into their system. Hackers want to "win" the cyber war. NO doubt they are also searching for embarrassing things connected to Republicans. They can't help themselves. Their motivation is to defeat in every way possible. No allegiance to anything, really.

  39. The last night of the convention Khizr Khan spoke of his son dying while serving in the US military. His son, as well as others who died to keep Americans safe, should be admired and respected.

    However, for the Democrats to parade this man out to chastise Donald Trump is beyond outrageous. This is one more example of how Hillary Clinton and company want to divide this nation. Along with this man's son, lets also recall a few other Muslims who served in our military who were traitors to their peers.

    In 2003, at the beginning of the Iraq War, Sergeant Hasan Karim Akbar threw four hand grenades into three tents in which other members of the 101st Airborne Division were sleeping, and fired his rifle at fellow soldiers in the ensuing chaos. Army Captain Christopher S. Seifert was fatally shot in the back, Air Force Major Gregory L. Stone was killed by a grenade, and fourteen other soldiers were wounded.

    In 2009 Major Nidal Hassan murdered 13 of his fellow soldiers and wounded over 30 in Fort Hood.

    In 2012 Pfc. Naser Jason Abdo was found guilty of attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction, and attempting to murder US officers.

  40. What did white, christian conservative US veteran Timothy McVeigh do again?

  41. Not to be cynical about the Democrats, but this reminds me of Casey Sheehan, who died in Iraq in 2003.

    The Democrats put on display, his mother, Cindy Sheehan during the 2004 election.

    Something about ths Democratic "politcal patriotism" seems a bit phony....

  42. 10.46
    so you think that Khan and your examples are the same?
    that is outrageous.

    while you are at it

    "Gutierrez “wanted to give the United States what the United States gave to him. He came with nothing. This country gave him everything.”

    what does the donald say about illegals?

  43. 10.57

    not to be cynical about republicans,but i remember a recent RNC speaker holding Hillary personally responsible for the death of her son even though numerous republican led witch hunts found that not to be true.
    Something about the Republican's motives seems a bit phony

  44. 10.07


    so the DNC was hit in Sept.2015?

  45. Lets face it, "all's fair in Love and War" should be modified to include " and politics", it is should not be a surprise that any emotional, or exploitive news event will be used by both sides in this election to gain an advantage. The vast majority of the news media is in the bag for any democrat that is still breathing. This will be the most intense and outrageous election since the early days of the republic, where they accused each other of the most outrageous things. Hopefully voters will be overwhelmed by the craziness and actually bore down to the logic of the arguments and which will be in the best long term interest of the country. It is no secret that Trump has intentionally said outrageous things to keep himself in the news, everyone is amazed that it has worked so far. He has been able to expose the dishonesty of the press as no one has been able to do till now. The media is now at an all time low in the publics opinion of their credibility. I do believe this election will not settle anything. The losing side is not going to willingly go along with the program of the other from day 1.

  46. It's pretty funny watching the Sunday morning shows and they are not covering that a joint Clinton-Kane campaign appearance in Cleveland was cancelled due to a lack of supporters turning out.

    Seems that Hillary isn't even drawing even a few hundred to her rallies.

  47. Ray
    so the press is dishonest when they quote what the donald says?
    even Fox is tiring of trump's bovine scatology.

    "Kelly countered that not only has Trump not walked back his original ban proposal but has expanded it “to include Muslims from any territory that suffers terrorism.”

  48. You are right, 12:45. Hillary Clinton is going to be the most awesome-est President ever. Vote as many times as you have to to make that happen for us and somebody asks for ID or anything like that, just call them a Racist Hater.

  49. interesting article now up on Breitbart that concerns hacking into government files by someone who should know what he's talking about. Of course, you can discredit the source, but it's a good read for perspective, especially the comments!

  50. "Seems that Hillary isn't even drawing even a few hundred to her rallies. "

    Then why are you so worried?

  51. The reality is that Trump has finally had his McCarthy moment with tge way he and his minions handled the Khizr Khan speech. Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last?

  52. "What did white, christian conservative US veteran Timothy McVeigh do again? "

    Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last?

  53. The press is dishonest when they keep saying that Trump proposes banning Muslims from the country, what he said was that refuges should be banned until we can vet who they are. Also when he asked if anyone, including Russia had Hillary's deleted emails, the press would love to see them, these emails have been deleted for over a year, so no one could now hack them. they have continually distorted and misrepresented what he has said, He has said many things that they can find fault with, they should at least get it correct, but they feel that Hillary needs all the help she can get and they have been attempting to provide the help. As for debates, Trump is crazy if he agrees to debates moderated by the press. He should insist on Lincoln, Douglas debate forum, where the candidates get to ask each other questions. all questions and answers to be timed. If Hillary makes him look foolish, so be it. at least it would be fair. No bail outs like Candy Crowley in 2012. As for the Muslim father, his son is a hero, but he is an advocate of unlimited Muslim immigration, which in 30 years would make the USA a Muslim country. I will not be here in 30 years, but I kind of think the culture that has sustained us for 200+ is superior.

  54. Mr. & Mrs. Khan, I'm very sorry for the loss of your son. He was a hero who died defending his country. Your grief can only be understood by the tens of thousands of people, in this country alone, who have lost husbands, wives, fathers, mothers, sons and daughters in unprovoked attacks, planned, encouraged and perpetrated by adherents to a violent religious ideology. By the way, these same people were responsible for the death of your son.

    You've offered to share your copy of the US Constitution with Donald Trump. Can you please identify the part that requires the USA to accept any foreigner, whose intentions may or may not be benign, who decides to cross our borders, legally or illegally? There is nothing in our Constitution that requires us to admit anyone, most especially, those who are intent on causing further death and destruction. If we are not able to make that determination, we have every right to prevent their entry.

  55. The average muslim would probably consider Khan's son an apostate worthy of the death sentence.

  56. Khan is the new Cindy Sheehan.

    And Khan can expect the same treatment given to Sheehan once her use was at an end.

  57. 3:46, 4:04 and 4:07,

    Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last?

  58. Ray Nemeth, it's not the press being dishonest, it's people like you. He said it. He repeated it, and when confronted, he doubled down on it....


    The most accurate thing in your comment was "Trump is crazy".

    His supporters seem to have similar issues.

  59. Both Hillary and Bill Clinton are as phony as $3 bills (no offense to $3 bills!). Always have been.

    How many of you remember the TV footage back in the 1990s where Bill Clinton went from laughing to crying mere seconds after he realized cameras were on him. It was right after a funeral service, and the guy walking out of the church with him--not noticing the cameras--continued to laugh and smile even after Bill stopped and started crying instead.

    Plus, if you look at photos of Hillary from the 1990s when she was First Lady, and the ones you see of her today, it appears that she has had Botox injections (though I think she should get a full refund on those). In the 1990s, she never smiled and frequently had a sour look on her face when she was photographed with Bill.

    In some people, those injections can make it difficult for some of the facial muscles to work properly. It is possible that she cannot sustain a true smile, or frown, for more than a few seconds. So she has perhaps developed her open-mouth reaction, which uses a different set of muscles, as a way to respond to nearly everything around her.

    She has gotten so used to doing this, that she probably cannot stop doing it now. And, since she does it so often, those muscles have gotten quite strong, which pulls the mouth even more open.

  60. Does Botox work as well as hair plugs, hair dye and new younger wives? Just wondering.

  61. @4:16 Bernie, your remarks about the criticism of the Democrats about using Mr. & Mrs. Khan are the same that we'd hear from Democrats every time someone would criticize "Mother Sheehan" and her mourning of her dead son Casey caused by Bush's "Illegal War" in Iraq.

    I still remember the photos the Democrats would splash over the media of that woman camping in a ditch along a dirt road in front of Bush's ranch in Texas, "Camp Casey"...

    Democrats have this penchant for using useful idiots to make political points, and criticize anyone who dares to criticize them for it.

  62. I am not here to defend the Democrats or Clinton. I am here to point to disgusting behavior by Trump. Instead of looking for every excuse in the book to justify the unjustifiable, how about acting like an adult and admitting this is simply unacceptable.

    Have you no sense of decency, ma'am, at long last?

  63. People mourn their losses in private or with their family

    Not in front of a political convention.

  64. Bernie,
    After I have redd oppinions this evening, it seems the circus hasn't got as firm footing as they had thought¿¡ Hell they have ought to put the toilet brigade and gloryhole gathers on it, to sell war and shit¿¿¡¡
    RE:publican redd no party affiliation

  65. Jamie, yes, it's true. That's why the families of those killed in Benghazi haven't been paraded around in public for the past few years.

  66. @6:32 you mean the families of the men killed by the video ?

  67. Khizr Khan, the bereaved father of fallen soldier Capt. Humayun Khan who attacked Donald Trump last week in a speech at the Democratic National Convention, told CNN’s Jim Acosta Sunday morning that terror has “nothing to do with Islam.”

    Funny how nearly all of the terrorists who comitt mass murder all all Muslims....

  68. Khizr Khan, the father of a Muslim US soldier slain in Iraq in 2004, said Sunday that Donald Trump has a "black soul," indicating he lacks empathy and compassion.

    It's strange though it took him twelve years to air his grievance against Mr Trump by using the Democratic National Convention as his wailing wall.

  69. I think people from either county can live in the properties that VHDC owns as long as they are eligible (low income, special needs, elderly). I know someone from Easton that is living in one of their buildings that is located in NorCo. This is pretty much the extent of my knowledge on this. I ran into some of these properties during the course of my work duties and was confused about the set up as well.


  70. The big hardball damaging info on Hillary Clinton is beginning to hit NOW. There's a Russian connection to talk about, but it is her own!

    Several reports from trusted sources can be found on the internet. Probably not found in the Morning Call or Express Times.

  71. 7:55 That is illogical. 12 years ago Donald Trump wasn't running for President or calling for bans on muslim immigration. . .

  72. "People mourn their losses in private or with their family

    Not in front of a political convention."

    Have you no sense of decency, ma'am, at long last?

  73. "The big hardball damaging info on Hillary Clinton is beginning to hit NOW. There's a Russian connection to talk about, but it is her own!

    Several reports from trusted sources can be found on the internet. Probably not found in the Morning Call or Express Times."

    Because you have no defense at all for Trump's disparagement of the father and mother of a fallen American hero, you attempt to change the subject.

  74. I thought this was the weekly "talk about anything you want" thing. So long as it fits a certain script?

    Ok, then. I'm voting for Hillary!

  75. You are trying to change the subject that everyone else is discussing.

  76. Well Bernie, now you can see that the angry fear that has created a Donald Trump nomination is also very prevalent in the Lehigh Valley. Forty ears of hate radio and TV, forty years of allowing opinions to masquerade as facts, forty years of a la carte "news" that only claims what you want to hear has given us this poison. A man grieves for his son and counters the foundation of the anti-Muslim vitriol spilling out of the Trump campaign and he is ridiculed, called an idiot called everything you can imagine. You are reading it.

    The mans wife spoke today to those who wondered why she was so silent. Some claimed she was forced to be quiet because she is an oppressed Muslim woman. She stated she could not speak at the convention because she would have fallen apart in public. She spoke today and yes she is a Muslim.

    The only fear people in this country should have is the fear of what this type of demagoguery is turning us into. This is shameful.

  77. The die is already cast. Hillary will win. The power hungry Democrats are much better at corrupting the voting process. Mickey mouse, Donald Duck, people in cemeteries will all vote Democratic.

  78. I agree, this Khan Con is a crazy.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.