Local Government TV

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Barron Gets Beach-Bashed at NorCo Council

Though noting in the Home Rule Charter requires it, Controller Steve Barron usually attends Northampton County Council meetings. He even has an agenda item for any remarks he wants to make. Bur he was absent on Thursday night. He and his family were at the beach for their fourth one-week vacation during his eight years in office. A week before the meeting, he advised Council Clerk Linda Zembo in writing that he'd be on vacation. Council used his absence to bash him.

"Is Mr. Barron still employed by the County?" asked a smug Glenn Geissinger when Council President John Cusick noticed that Barron was absent. Now Geissinger missed meetings when he was running for Congress. Unlike Barron, he is required to attend Council meetings. But he was going to be a Congressman. Geissinger also very often attends meeting by phone because he's too important to be there in person.

Ken Kraft, a fellow Democrat, asked to have the Controller's report removed from the agenda. "I don't really want it," he said, noting that Barron has more than enough time to say whatever he has to say during Finance Committee meetings that Kraft usually skips.

Peg Ferraro and Seth Vaughn were all for removing this agenda item. Cusick said he wanted to hear from Barron first. 

To be fair, Cusick or Linda Zembo should have told everyone that Barron had notified them he would be on vacation. But it's pretty clear that no one on Council is interested in being fair to Barron.

I know Barron talks a lot, and I hate it, but I'd rather have a public official who is transparent than some smug and condescending bastard who phones in to meetings because he's too important to hang with the vulgari.

When Juliet said, "I'll be brief," she meant it. She stabbed herself with Romeo's dagger, ensuring that there'd no sequel. But when Barron says "I'll be brief," it's my cue to hunt down Romeo's dagger and join Juliet. He talks too much. I've told him this. Ken Kraft has told him this. But it is because he cares.

I think it's unfortunate that Council would trash Barron over a family vacation when most of them skip meetings themselves.


  1. I thought Teletubby was a darling of council when he stopped criticizing Brown. By bashing Barron in absentia they have ruffled his kilt. He will return to council meetings armed with tedious bloviation until council and the public beg for mercy.

  2. At least he attends most meetings: Not like other arrogant members of council.

  3. So when he took the Stoffa Admisntration to task for asbestos, flawed Gracedale numbers, etc., you called him a bum and hated him while deriding his appearance and performance. Now he is giving the Brown Administration the same scrutiny he gave Stoffa but he is a hero. One thing about you O'Hare, you are consistent.

  4. Actually, I have been consistent. When he interjected himself into matters of policy, which are none of his business, I took him to task. With Brown, he is doing his job. When Brown and Allen take expenses they don't deserve and Barron calls them on it, he is doing his job. When Brown awards payhikes to people without going to Council and Barron blows the whistle, he is doing his job. That's why the Rs on Council hate him.

  5. what about the verizon/union fiasco?

  6. I took him to task for it. Just about everything he has done wrong, I have pointed out, and have been the first to point it out. But when he is right, he deserves my defense.

  7. Government workers are entitled to vacations also. Poor form by council to disparage him when he was away.

    - Registered Repub

  8. Vulgari. You trying to educate the masses?

  9. Ken, even though you were a crypto guy in the military because of your alleged brilliance, I am sure you learned there that our greatest teachers are those unwashed masses.

  10. Is he taking permissible paid vacation? Or his stealing time from taxpayers again. The Vulgari want to know.

  11. Let the man go on vacation already


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