Local Government TV

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

US Att'y Has Message for Fed Ed

After today's guilty verdict in the racketeering prosecution of Philadelphia Congressman Chaka Fattah, US Attorney Zane David Memeger released a statement that says, in part:

“Chaka Fattah Sr. and his co-defendants betrayed the public trust and undermined our faith in government. ... Today’s verdict makes clear that the citizens of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania expect their public officials to act with honesty and integrity, and to not sell their office for personal gain. Hopefully, our elected officials in Philadelphia and elsewhere hear today’s message loud and clear.”


  1. I'm sure Fed Ed is just a victim of a few "unbalanced" "teabaggers". The City Without (Spending?) Limits' electoral majority has clearly thrown its support behind the righteous Mayor Pawlowski on numerous occasions. Call the Secret Service, nobody cares when they can get free shit from the Progressive Liberal Democrat Gubmint.

  2. From the beginning this case looked like a hefty RICO investigation and the undeniable facts in this case, as they have been adduced, indicates a RICO charge is appropriate. The only problem is his hugeness, Fed Ed, is in self-denial and doesn't believe he has done anything wrong. A typical Chicago politician's response until convicted by a jury. Only then will this bum be humble and remorseful and ask the Court to be easy on him. But the judge in the instant case doesn't put up with unrepentful morons who think there above the law.

  3. Fed Ed will skate. Too many "Important People" would be unnecessarily smeared. The NIZ is too big to fail.

  4. The Mayor has not been charged with any crimes. At this point Bernie O'Hare having lost his law license due to his actions is more serious than anything the Mayor has done or been charged with, which is nothing. So why is he and you sheeple sitting in judgment of the Mayor?

    Things that make you go Hmmm???

  5. It IS ironic that a disbarred attorney gets to sit in judgement. That is why the Secret Service does not take O'Hare too seriously when he files so-called reports of "alleged threats" to loser Presidents such as Barack Hussein Obama. Nobody takes The Funny Bunny too seriously about anything but, nevertheless, got to give the dude credit for continuing to lecture "us" long after people of his ilk such as Jon Geeting have long since disappeared from the local scene. Go ahead and "marginalize", Disbarred Attorney. The guy who signs my paychecks knows it was going always going to be a late night for me watching Argentina kick the United States' ass. So you can rest assured that we WILL have fun reading this particular comment tomorrow while we are doing real work, provided your heroic ass doesn't delete this, of course.

    Go Fuck Yourself With Your Anonymous Coward Shit, You Wrote The Book On Being An Anonymous Coward - Just Ask The Secret Service

    PS - Feel Free To Try Again Sometime, Better Luck Coming Up With Something With Actual Substance

    1. Bernie,
      Peddling of influence, think about that one?!($ Now that would make a third party party favor consessionair comPETirors 50/50 from here and their covering my description of the spinkter?!($ Than there would be third party paperwork put to print negating facts like one in particular, " STATEing judicial discretion as well as unseen pics depicting facts committed and crimes committed than and after than too put twistZ to the tail?!($
      That being said various things unseen or claimed to be unseen by authorities is unsurmounting and sluths do not have to play by them rules set in place for circus actors?!($
      RE:publican redd no party affilliation

  6. how much does she owe you now? isnt it time you serve her and kick her out of that house and our lives?

  7. I love the photo and love the supporters who employ the Clinton style of defending a good old fashion criminal. Here's the greatest hits from the intellectual bankruptcy that defines progressive liberalism:

    1. He hasn't been charged so he is innocent.
    2. Attack, attack, attack the person delivering the message
    3. Once he has been charged, he'll be found not guilty
    4. Somewhere a vast right wing conspiracy will come into play
    5. During the trial it will be "so long ago, what does it matter?"
    6. Crimes enumerated will be of statistical insignificance (my favorite)
    7. He did so many great things, he should be given a pass
    8. We must forgive...
    9. This is purely political

    These are tired talking points from those who support criminals in suits because they get something in return (looting to fund recipient behavior).

    Thanks Bernie for enduring the character attacks. This indicates that you are on the right track. They wouldn't bother attacking if you weren't striking a nerve.

  8. Wow, talk about attacking the messenger, these people make it sound like B.O. is the only one looking at the corruption. The fact is these people are surviving and living off the corruption. Don't worry it will still go on, but politicians may have to be more discreet in the future. And of course the day is coming when the money will be gone.

  9. Chaka Con...sorry I couldn't resist.

  10. It's not a secret that I don't really care for Mayor Pawlowski. I never did. He's not from this area and has no sense of the history of Allentown, nor of the people that come from here. He's a carpetbagger, an opportunist and panders to the lower classes for votes.

    I also do not like what he's done to the city. He ram-rodded the hockey arena into the center of the city. It's a horrid location for a facility that BELONGS in the suburbs. He's trying to turn the Downtown into Manhattan and he governs like Mayor Dayley in Chicago. Allentown is NOT Chicago, but he's also managed to bring Chicago corruption to Allentown as well.

    We never had these kinds of things go on when I was growing up on Linden Street. We never had this kind of poverty in the city either. We never had all these people not from the area living here either all dependent on welfare checks. The crime is rampant with constant shootings and break-ins and also the city just looks run-down to what it was when I was growing up.

    You can thank two people, Pawlowski and Daddona. Both Democrats and dependent on the welfare vote. Now the FBI is after Pawlowski. There are no charges against him - yet - but it is just a matter of time.

    The entire Allentown government needs to be thrown out on their asses for corruption and incompetence. And the LAST thing Allentown needs next year are just new faces replacing the old faces with the same old ideas because they're Democrats.

    That's why most of my friends at Allen that I graduated with no longer live in the city. Because of Mayors like Pawlowski.

  11. Also with regards to Chaka Fattah. I remember when I lived in Center City Philadelphia this guy was part of the Black Mafia that runs Philadelphia. It starts at the mayor's office there and permeates throughout city government. Yes I know he's a US representative, but he couldn't be elected if he wasn't part of the mafia down there. The voting is always rigged, and most of the politicians from there are crooked as hell. I'm not surprised it took the FBI all these years to nail him, but I am surprised it was just him that was indicted; or perhaps there are more forthcoming. But I don't ever hold my breath for honest government in the City of Brotherly Love.

    I escaped that when we got married and moved out of center city to the suburbs where sanity prevails.

  12. If you elect someone who was born Arthur Davenport, which this slug was, but changed his name to Chaka Fattah, you shouldn't be surprised at this outcome. And the reason why shouldn't have to be explained.

  13. 6:36 - I'm a progressive liberal and I am GLAD when corrupt politicians are outted.

    Seems to me you're painting with an impossibly broad brush again. Corruption is corruption whether liberal or conservative.

    And yes, according to the US Constitution, a person is presumed innocent until proved otherwise in a court of law. Why does one of the US's founding principles cause you so much angst?

    1. No angst, I find the spin enjoyable. I agree with founding principles but agree with all of them, not just the ones that fit my narrative.

      Palumpa is indeed innocent until proven guilty or until he takes a plea. But founding principles allow us to banter on about how guilty we believe him to be. Those who attack Bernie in light of all that has transpired harbor the hatred they accuse Bernie of having.

  14. 10:36

    Humor me and please explain it anyway.The "reason" you dance around is not so clear to the rest of us.

  15. Wow 3:08

    Blood sugar low?

  16. @10:42 Changing his name made it look like he was an "authentic black".

    He turned out to be just another authentic crook. He just couldn't keep his hand out of the till and got caught. Now he can join his fellow knucklehead black democrats in prison including C. Ray Nagin, Jesse Jackson Jr., William Jefferson, Kwame Kirkpatrick in the cell block.

  17. I completely understand why a black person would want to change his surname instead of being shackled with the surname of his former master. And I see no reason why an African American would not want an African name. If that bothers you, I suspect that is some latent prejudice.

  18. 3:08 is Rolf Oeler, who did threaten to kill Obama on election day. I did report him. He is off his meds again, apparently.

  19. Personally, I'm ready for a global meltdown just so the inner cities burn to the ground and we can be rid of these parasites such as Fattah. He is the Congressman of one of those areas in Philadelphia that went 100+ percent for Obama in 2012. Look for the same thing to happen in 2016.

    I notice that Nancy Pelosi hasn't made any effort to kick him out of Congress.

  20. Redd, I will allow one of your unusual comments per thread. If you wish to post additional comments in response to readers, they must be in English.

  21. 10:41 AM

    "And yes, according to the US Constitution, a person is presumed innocent until proved otherwise in a court of law. Why does one of the US's founding principles cause you so much angst?"

    And sometimes the court of law is wrong. Innocent people are convicted, and incarcerated. Except for Bernie. You are definitely guilty. I know.

    Ramma Ramma Ding Dong

  22. With so much talk of the "underclass" and the "outsiders" and all those nasty dirty urban people of color, it gives one pause. Then we have the narrative on all of the crime of the "black" politicians of Philadelphia. As if no one heard of Frank Rizzo. Also, you are right Bernie, if an African-American decides to shed his slave name and take his own name as a real free man, he must be evil.

    All praise the white flight to the suburbs where folks make us subsidize their low taxes by using State police.

    It is fascinating to read all the repressed racism come almost to the surface. Just a note to all the virulent protesters that will scream about the usual cry of racism. It is hard not to mention it as you wave your confederate flag while wearing white sheets crying about being called a racist.

    Another reason why a crook like Hillary will beat Trump. Even many of us white folk fiend you folk despicable with your racist undertones and hatred of any who refuse to drink the Limbaugh-Hannity lemonade. By the way what high class University did Limbaugh or Hannity graduate from?? Never mind.

    A white person who can read the tea leaves.

  23. Hey was that aimed at man-woman Ann Coulter?

  24. anon 6:36,

    I believe number eight belongs to Jesus, the first liberal progressive.

  25. Jesus was neither liberal nor conservative.

  26. @2:49 Ever live in the City of Philadelphia?

  27. Jesus was far from liberal. He would piss on the liberal progressives of today. They are destroying the world.

  28. So Jesus was a conservative? Maybe even tea party?

  29. Since the conversation has already drifted quite a bit off topic:

    Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, ... Matthew 19:21

    Closer to which party?

  30. That would be closer to the Republican Party, which stressed the importance of charitable giving. In fact, many Rs I know are selfless and go out of their way to help others in need. Dems believe that the government has a moral obligation, but I don't see the same passion for charitable giving.


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