Local Government TV

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Opinions Online, 6/18/16

Blogger's Note: Opinions Online is a regular Saturday feature. If you'd like to express your opinion on any topic, click on the Opinions Online button on my left sidebar. You can also call 385-325-2564. In addition to these submissions, I sometimes highlight comments from throughout the week and re-publish them here. Please keep your comments brief, if possible.


Gee thanks BASD, for being kind enough to "lower" our tax increase. Here's a question: They whine so much about the cost of charter school tuition. If so many students are going to charter schools instead of the BASD, shouldn't BASD be able to consolidate classes and lay off teachers? Why no talk about that? I get it, the more experienced ones have tenure (ridiculous system in and of itself), but what's stopping them from canning the younger ones to cut costs?


Holy smokes!!!! The Lehigh County repubs just elected Jess Bonatai as Chairperson, 26 years old, after 220 people didnt want the job

Dean Browning is vice chair,

this is really good for Hillary


What is going on at the Northampton County Courthouse? Heard that Court Administrator Jill Smith has been terminated?! Need a sleuth to find out what is going on. Something smells.

Blogger's Reply: Jill Smith is on medical leave. Both the Administrative Office of Pa. Courts and the Court Administrator's Office confirm she is the Court Administrator.


From Google Voice, (385) 325-2564, name withheld at caller's request: Two [Bethlehem] city council members confirm to me that they're not the city council in Bethlehem is not. They're not issued any city owned computers or laptops on which to do their business, so they're basically doing business city business on their personal computers. I know that this is not prohibited by the state ethics statute - I spoke to one of the lawyers at the commission - and also I called the open records and they said that really not in the scope of what they do. But I do think it's a it's a problematic practice. I mentioned it to a couple of people and they raise their eyebrows with when they hear that this is the case. This is the concern about Hillary Clinton's private server. I thought I'd mention it to you because I believe you're a person who cares about good government. This doesn't strike me as good government, and it probably wouldn't be very expensive wait with what computers cost today to have computers available for them to do their work. One of those city council members is using a library. This is not the way to be productive or good for transparency.


The big story of the week is the delayed sentencing for those convicted so far in the pay to play scandal. What does this mean for the 2 big fish Spencer and Pawlowski? Why hasn't even Rob McCord been sentenced yet? How long can these crooks remain free and act like nothing is going to happen?


Someone gave me the heads up that there has been a rash of car break-ins occurring in Nazareth Boro this week. Make sure you lock up.

Perhaps if uber-cop stopped trying to pull over every car in town for fabricated infractions he would have more time to look out for the vehicle perps.


  1. When goons are made out to be heroes' and the police are vilified for doing their jobs, what do you expect? Crime happens when we praise and defend those who break laws and castigate police for doing their jobs.

    God Bless the Nazareth Police for what they have had to deal with. of course you need only look at the character of those who attack them.

    1. Ooooch, sad butt true The McDonald's Wallymart shopping range rover driving chalkin and paint to make a taint what it ain't kinda like a circus diversionary ACT?!($
      RE:publican redd not a party affiliation

  2. This morning's news reports our members of Congress in the House of Representatives just narrowly voted to allow ILLEGAL ALIENS to become members of our military. On the surface, this doesn't sound very wise in today's world.

    Anyone here with more knowledge of the subject care to explain?

    Fred Windish

  3. Fred,the citizen process has been in place since at least 2009.

    According to February 2008 data from the Department of Defense, more than 65,000 immigrants (noncitizens and naturalized citizens) were serving on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces. At the time, that represented approximately 5% of all active-duty personnel. The top two countries of origin for foreign-born military personnel in the U.S. are the Philippines and Mexico. Nearly 11 percent of those serving in the armed forces were of Hispanic origin.

  4. Freemansburg police are better than Nazareth police.

  5. Over 500,000 Latinos (including 350,000 Mexican Americans and 53,000 Puerto Ricans) served in WWII. Thirteen medals of honor were awarded to Latinos.

  6. Soldiers, sailors and airmen see no color, only brothers and sisters that fight and die by theirs side. Nobody who ever received the CMH wanted it.

  7. Fred, your morning 'news' is anything but. Where on earth are you getting your information, The Globe Times?

  8. There was an openly gay corpsman in my platoon. We called him 'Nurse' as a joke. He saved a lot of lives and lost his own trying to save one more.

    You bigots need to FOAD.

  9. Evidently, this vote was to prevent a change to an existing MAVDI Program to now include those persons now here ILLEGALLY, as opposed to the original MAVDI regulations limiting the program to LEGAL non-citizens.

    This is a NEW interpretation that drops the requirement to have a Green Card.

    10:57 - don't be concerned with my news sources. I have about a dozen. Relying just on our local news media is ignorant. This bit of news concerns H.R. 5293, authored by Rep. Gosar of Arizona. The results were already recorded on June 16. You can find it easily. Google it.

    I believe such a change is risky and unnecessary.

    Fred Windish

  10. This week Lower Macungie Twp Commissioners voted on an official map which identifies private land that will be acquired in the future, possibly by eminent domain. Several residents appeared asking politely that there properties not be included on the map. The Commissioners denied each request and approved the official map unanimously. Sad to think how little regard there is for residents' private property.

  11. @ 11:54 - bet you there won't be a single Jaindl owned parcel on that adopted map.

    Those commissioners are like hotel concierges to that guy. His property although on the same planet, is very different from everyone else's.

  12. Fred, that was an amendment proposal that even the Republicans decried as nothing but stumping for Trump's agenda. There hasn't been any 'change'. Things were left the way they were because they're apparently working.

    This policy is not without some very strict criteria, they aren't handing out grenades to ever kid swimming across the border. Few qualify.

    "program was designed to recruit noncitizens with rare medical, tech or language skills to assist the military. As of April 2015, Spanish was not one of the eligible languages."


    If you need someone to explain to you the benefits of having assets capable of blending with and communicating with the enemy covertly, pop by the local VFW and ask.

  13. A major issue that is being overlooked is Hillary Clinton's health. there are very good reasons to worry about her health and her ability to discharge the duties of office, should she be elected president. Just this week, she appeared in public looking like death warmed over. Considering her appearance, combined with the bizarre coughing fits, some serious questions about her health must be immediately addressed. Will the legacy media do it? Will the GOP?

    Unlikely, since she’s their candidate. Mrs. Clinton has not released her complete medical records, and she suffered a serious fall with a brain injury in 2012. This is similar to the level of disclosure Donald Trump has made of his income, which Democrats are attempting to make an issue of, demanding his tax returns.

    If Hillary Clinton won’t release her actual complete medical records, I don’t see how the Democrats can demand more of Trump when it comes to his income. And nobody is auditing Hillary’s health records.

  14. 4:13, most of the attacks at the Nazareth police have come from its mayor and borough council.

  15. love the comment about the BASD. the real issue that needs to examined is that total student population across the state has dropped. Student population has been dropping for decades and at the same time tax payers are forking out more cash than ever before and more teachers have been hired than ever before. go figure.

  16. "I believe such a change is risky and unnecessary.
    Fred Windish"

    Good for you Fred. Do you know what people who have SERVED say? They say the undocumented immigrants do a great job in the military. I don't watch FOX News, and I'm not afraid of anything. You said anyone familiar could educate you, then you turn around and opine "such a change is risky and unnecessary." Which one, Fred? The wind is blowing - choose a direction.

    1. Undocumented immigrant? For real? Can I call myself an undocumented pharmacist and dispense meds? They are illegal aliens just as we would be if we relocated to any number of countries without entering legally and stating our intentions (versus sneaking in).

      I am in the military and support the pathway to legal status by way of service as long as allegiance is held to our mission and Constitution.

      The barrier for foreign born entrants into the military is the ability to conduct a thorough background investigation. There can be no blanket processing for illegals who cannot be vetted. The military is not the proper place to attempt social engineering.

      I feel for people in far off third world counties who live horrible existences. My preference is to train them in both combative measures to protect themselves as well as hygiene and other life skills.

  17. Cheney was never the picture of good health, the repubs had no problem with him being a heartbeat away from being prez

  18. 4:38-

    Relax, Alice. I need more information before jumping to conclusions. It seems about half of The House believed eliminating the reference to "legal" non-citizens creates a problem. I don't believe I'm alone in needing clarity. Information just from you will not be enough. Sorry.

    Fred Windish

  19. Fred, the individuals allowed to serve under this program have been HUGE assets that have saved American lives, both civilian and military.

    If you have gotten to the point where you care less about the safety and security of our troops and citizens than you do about hating people who are different than you, you are no better than any of our enemies.

    We know Trump has profound disdain for our military and vets, the man described John McCain as a coward and an incompetent. To be a Trumpette, is it mandatory to hate our troops as well? Do you really believe we shouldn't use these assets just because you don;t like their skin color or religion?

    You are still WAY more likely to be killed by a homegrown terrorist, why are you not concerned when one of your fellow white, christian conservatives kill innocent civilians? What's the plan for dealing with them?

    Your 'outrage' is as phony as Trump's.

  20. When Rome was on its last legs, it resorted to foreign mercenaries. The politicians used the military very badly then, as ours are using our military and reservists now. I expect we will offer citizenship for service. History does repeat itself.

  21. Ray,

    As we've seen here, the naivety of American citizens is stunning. Unless more become in tune with national and world governmental affairs we stand to lose some of our freedoms and liberty. Like now, in the European Union.

    More than anything, I hold our unreliable, even corrupted, American news media responsible for this situation. Once, the late, great, Paul Harvey would say, "Now, the REST of the story," Today, we never get that balance. Just spin.

    Fred Windish

  22. Although I have sett up Opinions Online as a venue for anything, I have said before that I reallt want it to be focused locally. Yes, discussing national issues will draw more comments but there are already enough venues for that. We have numerous local races on the horizon and many local issues that are being ignored while the Trump and Clinton brigades are beginning to sound like a broken record. Opinions Online will remain as it is, a forum for any topic. I am just adding my personal opinion that I wish it were more local-focused.

    1. Bernie,
      Today I passed the palumpadome at a graduation or some other school event, and from the sights down there one would only think that the mayor had a seminar on adolescent obesity issues well into aduthod?!($
      Home school
      RE:publican redd

  23. I agree with the comments concerning the delay in bringing charges against Pawlowski et al. I'm personally aghast that the guilty pleas seemingly haven't yet yielded up all the information the FBI deems necessary to bring these crooks to justice. However, some public spirited citizens and I are working on an end around the state statute that forbids criminals like Pawlowski keep collecting a paycheck until he is found guilty and sentenced. Those interested can follow our progress at Let's Build a Better Allentown Together on facebook.

  24. Now that Sam Bennett has announced for Mayor, I'd rather keep Pawlowski's criminality versus Bennett's incompetence

  25. I don't think that being the head of a PTA and running a B&B are sufficient qualifications for being Mayor.

  26. Sorry Bernie but if the Trumpettes are going to slyly pass out the red herring of H. Clintons physical heath, I must reply. This is a usual tactic of the far right employed by Rush Limbaugh and the Foxkids for decades.

    I actually have no problem with Ms. Clinton releasing her medical records if Trump would get a psychiatric evaluation because the guy is certifiably whacky. Trump with the nuclear codes is about as sane as trusting Pawlowski to be truthful. The consequences however are far more serious.

    Richard H.

    1. Hear, hear! Add a drug test too!
      Joe P.

  27. Our next president should be someone who tells the truth, not a president that requires the FBI to figure out the truth.

  28. That also applies to our next mayor.

  29. If Islam is the "Religion of Peace", then why is there no peace in the Arab World ?

  30. During the 1979 Iranian Hostage Crisis, President Carter banned Iranians and Shiite Muslims from entering the United States; had the FBI re-evaluate those living in the United States and then deported Shiite and Iranian students.

    No Democrats called him racist for these actions

  31. @8:07PM You have your summary of what happened wrong. And legal experts have looked at both and said that such analogies are deeply flawed.

  32. @8:46pm You can think that if it makes you feel better. I lived through that area and remember it quite well. What 8:07 stated is absolutely correct, sorry.

    But then, Progressives do like to re-write history.

  33. I've been working for the County for over 30 years and never as it is now been so dirty through out the buildings.Floors are dirty,stair cases dirty, bathrooms, carpets stained all over, and the outside grounds have more weeds then grass growing all over the place, most shrubs have trees-maple or poison trees and poison ivy higher then the shrubs.Place looks likes shit!

  34. Anonymous commentator 11:54-

    Yes, Lower Macungie Twp. adopted an official map this past week. After almost a full year of very public discussion.

    An official map is an MPC enabled tool which is a policy document that identifies properties the township has an INTEREST in and MIGHT acquire in the future. The map has no impact on private property rights. The anonymous commenter at 11:54 makes a statement about usage of eminent domain. Fact is, the official map grants zero additional eminent domain powers above and beyond what any municipality already has with or without an official map. Eminent domain is not granted through official maps, but rather granted through the various municipal codes. (first class code, borough code, 2nd class code etc)

    Further, usage of eminent domain powers associated with official maps is exceedingly rare. What the map does do is give the township an opportunity to negotiate purchase or preserve at fair market value - the property before development occurs. In Lower Macungie's case we have identified areas that if development occurs it would strain township infrastructure and services. We have also included locations outlined in our comprehensive parks and recreation plans. The map is a notification of interest. Period. The only part of an official map that could possibly be construed as an impediment to development is an up to but not necessarily one year "pause" designed to give the municipality time to negotiate with a landowner. This is outlined in the link below.

    When any community adopts an official map lots of misinformation is usually put out there. So below is a link that outlines the tool in detail. Our official map is just one component of a comprehensive land preservation strategy. I see the map as being above all else - at it's core... a transparency tool. It's a document that outlines in the clearest of terms any land that the township might have an interest in preserving, acquiring or obtaining easements through or near.

    All together 64 other municipalities have adopted official maps. Including Lehigh County which adopted in 2007. Our East Penn neighbor Upper Milford Twp. also has an official map.


    Any township dealing with issues related to sprawl, the proliferation of warehouses or any other kind of high impact but low benefit development understands clearly that PA's municipal planning code is totally and completed slanted towards development and developer interests. More than almost every other state in the nation. While the official map comes nowhere close to leveling this uneven playing field it does give a municipality one additional tool to use to encourage more productive growth. The ultimate tool is for a township to commit to entering the free market with a willingness to compensate landowners for development rights. This is, end of the day the only way to truly manage unwanted high impact development.

  35. No surprise. Brown delayed hiring cleaning staff, and the public works director could care less about routine maintenance. The place will be trashed by the time Brown and his Blundering Herd of no-talent administrators leave in January, 2018.

  36. What the hell is an Uber cop????? Mall cop,office cop, campus cop I understand but Uber cop. Or maybe he isn't a cop at all.

  37. Without a universal draft there is little the military can do but take all comers. Why do you think so many whacko former military guys shoot up places? Are you aware if the number of psychotropic drugs dispensed to military personnel to keep them functioning. You want your cake and eat it to.

    Suburban Republican moms and Dads love the military for everyone but their little boy and girl. If you are truly serious about "purifying:' the military then bring back the draft. Good Luck with that.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.