Local Government TV

Monday, June 06, 2016

Updated: Luis Campos Out at NorCo?

Luis Campos
According to inside sources, NorCo Director of Administration Luis Campos was escorted out of the courthouse Friday afternoon and is no longer employed by the County. Attempts to reach Campos and Executive John Brown have been unsuccessful. Human Resources Director Amy Trapp declined comment for now, indicating that this is a personnel matter.

If the rumor is true, and all indications are that it is, I suspect this was a hatchet job by Deputy Administrator Cathy Allen.

Last week, when Council decided they have to confirm "Acting Director" promotions, she complained that this could cause a problem for her.

And it will. She's a high school graduate whose only real experience before coming to the County was in running a two-person insurance office, and she was one of them.

In stark contrast, Campos is a graduate of both Muhlenberg College ('99) and Lehigh University ('01) and has a Master's Degree in Political Science. He has experience in both the public and private sector.

In the public sector, he worked in the Small Business Administration, and worked in Governor Rendell's Office of Administration as well as the Budget office.

In the private sector, he first worked as a realtor for Zaworski Homes, selling new homes for his family's business between 2000 and 2008, when the Great Recession hit. From there, Campos went to work in sales for First Priority Pay, a payroll services company based in Hoboken, N.J.

His employment at First Priority lasted only two years. The two principals in that firm, Northampton County residents Jose Figueroa and Carlos Chorro, defrauded clients of almost $1 million and failed to pay $400,000 in taxes. They were sentenced in 2012.

Campos' mother, Lilliam Zaworski, spent roughly six months in federal prison for failing to pay $130,000 in taxes over a three-year period, using the money to instead purchase luxury goods and services.

There is no evidence that Campos was involved in any way in that or any criminal scheme. In fact, he continued doing payroll sales for another three years, this time for Electronic Commerce, Inc.

Before being appointed by Brown,  Campos was employed as a sales manager by RestoreCore, a company that specializes in fire damage, water and smoke damage, as well as disaster planning.

He is the Chair of the LV Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. His family immigrated to the United States after President Reagan relaxed  immigration rules in 1986.

He was confirmed by an 8-0 vote of Council in July 2014.

Will Council vote to appoint Cathy Allen Acting Director? The Democrats and Hayden Phillips are likely Nos. Phillips might persuade Matt Dietz. Peg Ferraro is a likely Yes because she believes in giving the Executive great deference. Glenn Geissinger and Mat Benol are likely Yes votes because they are both very much team players and have no wish to embarrass an Exec running for Auditor General. John Cusick and Seth Vaughn will do whatever they perceive to be in their own interest.

I was just starting to like Luis.

Blogger's Note: Updated 6:35 pm. 


  1. This should be a hoot ! Waiting for the press release.

  2. Campos does the news releases, so we'll be waiting for some time. Brown has not returned my call.

  3. Bernie,
    Now with your fine investigative abilities when will the humtydumpty enCO be doing the public a favor?!($ let's start a date chart ticket like football betting polls as to the closest date guessed for crew perp walk?!($
    Re:publican redd

  4. Campos refused to go along with Allen's dirty tricks and deeds and refused to go along with her games. This was all Allen!

  5. He must have done something really wrong and have him on camera with his hand in a cookie jar?

  6. Why do they treat these people like criminals? Escorting them out of the building... is there no class , no dignity?

  7. I just want to caution you that Luis may not have been escorted out of the building. That is the story as relayed to me, and I have spoken to no person who saw that happen. It may have. It may not have. The one thing I am sure of is that Luis is no longer employed.

  8. That sleazy weasel Allen is likely behind this move. She resented Campos, considered herself the de facto administrator, and stabbed him in the back. She is lower than a worm's belly. There is no higher indictment of Brown's poor judgement than his loyalty to that bum.

  9. Another Brown debacle! You and your cohort, the wicked witch of the west, will be ushered out of the courthouse next election! Unless J.B. and Topper come to your financial aid once again.

  10. Another powerful woman is being attacked by Mr. O'Hare. He hates women of power and makes it sound like a High School diploma is low class. The difference is she has made it to the top with her education, meanwhile O'Hare with his law degree can't represent a dog legally and wouldn't be hired to supervise a dishwasher.

    Another sexist hit piece.

    1. Bernie,
      How many times did the your thing not yutz in the pig lady that she has got her werinkly old asses analfloss in such a knot?!($
      Than there is the fact that economical regression is a real estate tool implemented by the Politico's not limited too city county and state senators 3 that will remain nameless for now, one being the Browne hole law sipposid writer the other being a silent silent patterned of said slumlordian the other colluded with said now defunct banking institution and the soon to be departed Dr mayonesse in this pontificational ponzie scheme imlimented and advertised to be a positive when in fact too many negatives far outweigh the positives simple math?!($
      Re:publican redd

  11. "Woman of power"? You have got to be kidding. Certainly not brain power.

  12. Cathy has burned all her bridges. She deserves no consideration for further management positions. Brown was a fool to place so much trust in her and it shows how bad a judge of character he is. Hope Campos comes back hard on this one and skewers Brown and Allen both.

  13. County government is a joke. This stuff should never happen and it stinks to high heaven. Brown has been a complete failure on all levels. This rests solely on him and his poor decision making. Never again!

  14. Johnny Casino to blame. Next time...run to win!

  15. Luis Campos resigned Mon. Cathy Allen was the cause of this. Browns hatch person.

  16. Johnny Callahan is like Hillary Clinton, in other words just go away.

  17. As a County taxpayer and someone, among many, footing the bill for the salaries and benefits of this merry go round executive office, I am offended. How many people has Brown brought in and let go in the past few years? Too many I say. Its time for County Council to reign in this guy. Wondering what the separation agreements looks like for Campos and others?

  18. That's funny, same thing is going on at the Jail. Unqualified people are being placed into "acting" positions, then when they finally decide to post the opening, the "actor" has experience for the job. Word is they even filled one key administrative position with a secretary, a secretary who happens to be the Directors secretary.

  19. This administration is so corrupt it is sickening. It stinks like the beach at low tide. Brown's cronies and favorites by-pass legitimately qualified job applicants with dirty tricks like the one mentioned above. Cathy Allen was NEVER qualified for the County Administrator position, and still does not meet the minimum education or experience of the position description. If allowed to sleaze her way into the "Acting Director of Administration" position, she will just be taking advantage of a situation (that she likely caused) to get ahead of other far more qualified applicants. If council is dumb enough to allow this to happen, God help us. We don't know the circumstances of Campos's resignation, but there is ZERO trust factor with Brown and Allen and odds are that she had something to do with his demise in order to advance her own twisted ambitions. Dig harder, Bernie!!

  20. "Woman of power" my ass. That woman isn't qualified to be abusing the position she holds, let alone any temporary stints at playing even further over her head.

    Call it a "hit job" if that floats your boat - and we know it does. The truth is there for everyone to see, and we know you don't like that. Have a couple of quarts of vodka, and it will all be better for you.

  21. FMZ reported late that he "resigned".


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