Local Government TV

Friday, June 10, 2016

Lee Snover Takes Over NorCo GOP

Craig DeFranco and Lee Snover
In what can only be regarded as another setback for local Democrats, Northampton County Republicans elected long-time party activist Lee Snover last night as their new party chair. She replaces Craig DeFranco, who has been battling health issues and time commitments. He wanted someone else in the driver's seat.

In a sign that much of the division within the NorCo GOP may be over, Lee's election was nearly unanimous.

A resident of Bethlehem Township, Lee is Chair of Bethlehem Township's Planning Commission, where she's developed a reputation as a fair and transparent facilitator. In fact, Commissioners and Bethlehem's Planning Commission recently adopted a public comment policy based on procedures she put in place.

But make no mistake, Snover is a shrewd political animal with excellent instincts. She is a veteran of many political contests, helping to put a lot of people in office.

She is one of the few party honchos I know who really could prosper as a consultant.

Politically, Lee and I have nothing in common. She is pro-life, pro-NRA and was one of Donald Trump's early supporters  She is also smart and has a biting wit that she gets from her mother, Sally Pritchard.

The vote placing her at the helm of the County GOP came on her birthday.

She tells me she just turned 22.

Snover was nominated by NorCo Bulldog Ron Angle. When he first ran for office, Charlie Roberts told Ron he should sit down with the Pritchards. He failed to do so and lost. He sits down with them a lot now. He claims they believe in three things - God, country and the Republican Party.

I made the mistake of calling Sally Pritchard a closet Democrat last night, and she vivisected me with a devastating criticism of me and my blog and for being too soft on Charlie Dent, who recently voted against a bill that would prevent transgenders from going tinkle in ladies' restrooms.

"But he's a Republican," I tried to argue.

"You must not have any children," Sally retorted. My head was spinning before the night was over, and that instigator Ron Angle, who doesn't read my blog and may not even read at all, piped in with "She has your number, Bernie. You do go easy on people"

When I got home, I tried to commit suicide by jumping out the window. But since I live on a second floor, I only succeeded in cracking the sidewalk.

Contrary to popular belief, I believe Democrats in Pennsylvania will have an uphill battle this election cycle. I see little enthusiasm for Hillary Clinton, but many enthusiastic Trump supporters. Democratic Attorney General Kathleen Kane, who faces perjury charges, goes on trial in August. That will be just as the election starts to heat up. Democratic US Congressman Chaka Fattah is currently in the middle of a political corruption trial in Philadelphia. Charges against a Democratic State Representative and State Senator have been filed. Harrisburg's former Democratic Mayor faces a trial on corruption charges. Ed Rendell's former Chief of Staff and the former Democratic State Senator have entered guilty pleas, and I expect to see more indictments soon in Allentown and Reading.

This is going to hurt. A lot. I would not be surprised if Republicans sweep this November

Lee Snover will do everything she can to put Republicans in office. Underestimate her at your peril.

Glenn Geissinger was elected Vice Chair.


  1. She uses her position to better herself and her cronies. the county and the township is a mess bc of her so called expertise.
    name one positive reform she is responsible for ? crickets..
    another gop establishment lifer who has no real record of accomplishment with the exception of attacking those in her own party more than she attacks the opposition , politically speaking. LIKE ALWAYS ... FOLLOW THE MONEY

  2. Snover is OK but her fanatical devotion to Trump is on the minds of many Republicans. As a real Republican Conservative I must say, her undying support for Trump is troubling. She has made some really silly comments on Facebook defending this guy. Look, none of us want Clinton but Trump is playing everyone. He is neither a Conservative nor a Republican.

    He is a con man and he will cause the Party great harm. He is pushing the buttons of Republicans who are too angry to think straight. He is making us a Party of exclusion not inclusion. With that philosophy we are on the path to extinction. Old white Republicans won't live forever.

    Also Bernie, while you have your own hang-up about Morganelli, that is hardly reason to assume Pa will go totally Republican. Trump will indeed hurt down ticket Republicans.

    Real Republicans question the judgment of any "Republi8cans" that are devoted to Donald Trump.

  3. My belief that Pa will go R was first stated last year, before John even announced. Even if he were the nominee, I think he would lose.

  4. Lee Snover has been an enthusiastic supporter of conservative candidates for years, all unpaid volunteer work, She has seen the inside of campaigns and the bullshit of many so called establishment candidates, that is why she now supports Trump, the political landscape needs to be plowed up and replanted. Hopefully she can help do that in Northampton county. She does have the ability to listen to people and be fair. She will make a good chairwomen. As for Pennsylvania, I don't hear too much from Hillary supporters, if Trump can focus on the issues without getting into the weeds, he has an excellent chance of winning Pennsylvania.

  5. Keep in mind that Trump is running very strong in western PA, with billboards, house banners, yard signs everywhere. Trump could win in PA, Democrat turnout in Allegheny and Philadelphia counties should decide race.

  6. I used to be extremely active in Northampton County politics. Lee Snover is the reason I stopped. Her over zealous attitude regarding pro life issues, and the NRA completely turned me off. I felt if I didn't agree with her, there was no place for me in that room. Lee is exclusionary, not inclusive. Quite frankly, she turns my stomach.

  7. Bethlehem Twp is a model of "Planning" success...Yea right.

    #FAIL in every aspect of development!

  8. Rs have nominated their version of George McGovern. Trump will lose 40 states to 10. Hillary will win PA by 10 points.

  9. Lee will move the local party further right, and alienate the Dent republicans even more.

    With the exception of Shapiro and McGinty, the Dems will win in statewide in Pa this fall. Hillary will win by 8, DePasquale and Torsella both win big.

    Also, The planning of Bethlehem Township is horrible. She needs to take some of that blame.

  10. First, this will be a wave election sweeping in Democrats at all levels. I'm not sure if it will sweep the bottom feeders at the county level but it will be a Democratic wave nationally.

    Second, yes, I HAVE children and NO I'm not buying into these right wing nut job's fantasies of cross-dressed pedophiles invading rest rooms to assault children. It's a sick thought and incredibly bigoted. These people are hateful, ugly people. Trump is the perfect candidate to lead that parade into the sewer.

  11. Rs have nominated their version of George McGovern. Trump will lose 40 states to 10. Hillary will win PA by 10 points.

    Anyone who cannot see this is blind. PA went D the last 4 elections and not by small margins. If John McCain can't win PA, Donald Trump surely cannot. Hillary Clinton has led Donald Trump in the last 10 polls and the gap widens. Pay attention.

  12. Lee is a good fit for this position. She is intensely loyal to the GOP. She is a shrewd, boots-on-the-ground, grassroots campaigner. Rhetorical question, but isn't that who you would want in a position such as this?

    Perhaps its just been my limited experience with her,but I do not perceive her as "exclusionary" as some posters try to paint her. She understands the Reaganesque concept of having a conservative ground under a big enough tent to hold center-right to far right Republicans. I've always felt the key was being honest with her, and not stabbing her in the back, as some have done over the years. She can be very loyal, but expects it in return.

    A quote I've always like from Reagan: "Die-hard conservatives thought that if I couldn't get everything I asked for I should jump off the cliff with the flag flying-go down in flames. No if I can get 70 or 80 percent of what it is I'm trying to get ... I'll take that and then continue to try to get the rest in the future."

  13. @8:35am Not in the Obama world you seem to live in. Is your family better off now than it was when he was elected in 2007 ?

  14. Amazing how many anonymous haters there are out there who make sweeping accusations or mischaracterizations of people they don't really know devoid of any facts, especially accurate ones. Or maybe its just one or two prolific blog trolls with no life to speak of. Sometimes the issue is whether you have children that you need to protect, and sometimes it is whether you had a mother to teach you that if you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all.

    To those democrats who think this is going to be a Hillary landslide, remain partying outside the ark until the flood of Trump voters (many of them democrat) sweep you away in November. Continue to be surprised and vanquished in the fall, with all your self-deluded punditry. To the minority of Cruz supporters that are too self-righteous to come on board and would rather see Hillary than Trump, you are not Republican and will be responsible for the horror that befalls our Country if Hillary is elected because of your betrayal of the party. You think that you are preserving the purity of the party, but if America is destroyed beyond recognition, the party will be irrelevant. You will just make yourself losers and possibly take the rest of us with you.

  15. Wow, she's shaking up the party already, and hasn't even done anything yet, some people just deny that a political change is coming all across the country, both republican and democratic.

  16. @8:35am Not in the Obama world you seem to live in. Is your family better off now than it was when he was elected in 2007 ?

    He was elected in 2008. And yes. In 2008, we had the Bush recession in full force. Since then, Obama has reduced unemployment below 5% and created 7 million jobs. It was the longest continuous job growth in American history. Anyone who has not recovered is certainly not the fault of Obama - most economists state that it takes 10 years to climb out of a recession as deep as Bush created. We're out of Iraq, mostly out of Afghanistan, the market is up, and his approval rating is high. Did you not get the news in the echo chamber?

    1. Why let facts get in the way of your fixed prejudices.

  17. 9:06 AM has to be the woman this story is about given the tales of her pro-Trump screeds on Facebook. As most Trump supporters, she can not maintain logical consistency even over two paragraphs. On one hand she says Trump will somehow beat Hillary Clinton (as if the Republican party isn't losing in several key demographics in a worse fashion in each successive election) and on the other is lashing out at "Cruz supporters" (they exist in PA?) as being responsible for a potential HRC victory. Truly astonishing. Mitt Romney never wrote a concession speech because he was SO sure he was going to be Barack Obama up until the very last minute even though every since poll for weeks leading to the election said otherwise.

    Trump will lose. Toomey will lose. PA will remain solidly blue. The Democrats will retain every key demographic including college graduates and will only lose white men.

  18. Political pollsters have been watching certain counties in Pa. One being Lucerne. Democrats have taken that county in the past four elections. Trump is up by double digits. That is why this week I started receiving robocalls from Clinton. Her campaign is running scared. Pa is not in her column. Campaigning normally starts after Labor Day.

  19. Lucerne County has the population of a neighborhood in Philadelphia.

  20. Fox News Poll: Trump drops, now trails Clinton

    Well, look at that! Just concluded yesterday. Wake up Trumpkins. You want to go down with the racist scam artist? I'd be embarrassed to be seen with a racist con man's sign in my yard.

  21. 9:14

    Wrong again on every count. Did you not notice that Trump won every County in Pennsylvania?

  22. 9:32 - Did you notice Hillary Clinton got 35,000 more votes than Donald Trump in PA despite his epic sweep? And she had a much more prolific opponent who split the vote with her.

  23. Pittsburgh population 308,000. Luzerne County population 320,000

  24. The lunacy that allows males to use female bathrooms and showers will be what sinks the Clinton campaign.

    She supports this and she will regret it at the polls.

  25. 2.09 you would believe any bullshit put out be the dems, talk about the community reinvestment act and the pressure put on banks to be political correct and lend money to people who could not pay it back, then when it goes bust blame everyone except those who created the problem, and that lame brained Elizabeth Warren and Clinton are still talking about how we need to expand the community reinvestment act. How we need to let anyone who can sneak into the country be allowed to vote and be qualified for benefits. Lets see how in the open they are about their plans, no, they will try to keep it quite, till after they are elected. Dems get elected by lying about their true beliefs and agenda. because they know it would be unpopular with the majority. But screw the citizens , they are so stupid only the dems know what is best for them.

  26. Polls say that 70% of democrats will still vote for Clinton if she is indicted. There maybe a lot of things wrong with Trump, but to suggest that one is willing to have a President going through a criminal trial is unbelievable. Of course, she could resign and get pardoned by her Vice President. That seems to be familiar.

  27. John Kennedy stated, "ask not what your country can do for you , ask what you can do for your country", and put a man on the moon. Obama has put 50% of households on food stamps, free cell phones, benefits for illegal aliens, and put a man in every ladies room.

  28. John Kennedy stated, "ask not what your country can do for you , ask what you can do for your country", and put a man on the moon. Obama has put 50% of households on food stamps, free cell phones, benefits for illegal aliens, and put a man in every ladies room.

    Actually, a less cynical and more honest person would say that President Obama expanded food stamps to help the millions of families hurt by the Bush recession after which President Obama recovered to an unemployment rate below 5%.

    And again with another Trumpkin with fantasies of cross-dressed pedophiles assaulting children in rest rooms. Sick.


  29. Polls say that 70% of democrats will still vote for Clinton if she is indicted. There maybe a lot of things wrong with Trump, but to suggest that one is willing to have a President going through a criminal trial is unbelievable. Of course, she could resign and get pardoned by her Vice President. That seems to be familiar.

    Please post a link to back up that figure of 70%.

  30. 10:33 poll was reported on foxnews.com and was from the most recent Rasmussen poll.

  31. Of course it was.

  32. 10.30 so when you cannot refute the facts you attack the spelling and grammar, typical, and you admit that you don't believe in democracy because the citizens are just too stupid to take care of themselves.

  33. There's a reason the founders established representative democracy. I suppose you skipped that part of American history? The founders didn't even have citizens selecting Senators. Now scamper along and seek real sources of information and not Breitbart and Fox News.

  34. so while yous go back and forth on felonious Hillary and tripin' trump, bern it down dernie has shined the light on a more concerning issues. College age and younger are gonna turn this country into a socialist state while the old farts fight about whose to left or right...

  35. I believe the polls as much as I believe Hillary Clinton

  36. Polls are nothing more than attempts at voter manipulation. Most are designed to FORM opinions, not measure them.

  37. Grandma (Hillary Clinton) is promising candy, chocolates, and ice cream that she'll take from mean Daddy.

    Daddy (Donald Trump) is telling me to get to work and take responsibility for my life - my family, my community, and my country.

    Now, which one will I prefer to be with?

  38. I believe the polls as much as I believe Hillary Clinton

    So said Mitt Romney on the eve of the 2012 election. At least John McCain, a man of honor, knew the polls were correct and shot down that crazy woman who called Obama a Muslim three weeks before the election. And then after the election, conceded with grace and respect for the President.

  39. 12:03 is the definition of the term "low information voter".

  40. Polls, at this point, are a waste of time. Most are sanctioned by liberals to control the per-election discussion and to condemn the Republican candidate.

  41. The crazy women in the audience was right, Mitt was just sooooo politically correct and look what it got him.

  42. 9:41

    Did you know that until Trump was the candidate after 8 years of the failed presidency of Obama the democratic registration went down over 100,000 voters from its million voter edge in Pennsylvania? And you are citing 35,000 more votes that Hillary got in the Pennsylvania primary as proof that she is going to win here? Trump had many more opponents to split the vote with as well. Hillary is such a weak candidate that a socialist seriously competed with her. So the credibility of your statements and predictions is extremely low in my opinion, not to mention the fact that apparently you troll other people's facebook pages (your own admission) pretending to be friends with people just to secretly spy on them. What kind of person does that? You are clearly a democrat. Maybe Facebook should create an enemy request, but if signs on doors won't stop you from going in the wrong bathroom, I guess neither will buttons on facebook make you be honest in your dealings with other people.

  43. “Pocahontas is at it again”

  44. Remember she said it. If you break the law, you must be prosecuted.

    Hello Hillary

  45. 10.33 your have a very perverted view of SICK

  46. Polls, at this point, are a waste of time. Most are sanctioned by liberals to control the per-election discussion and to condemn the Republican candidate.

    Ah the same mistake Repubs have made for the last two election cycles. Don't believe science and mathematics, they are a liberal conspiracy!

  47. The crazy women in the audience was right, Mitt was just sooooo politically correct and look what it got him.

    It was John McCain. And the lady was right that the President is a Muslim but pretends to be Christian? Oh my. You people are really off the deep end. Time to step back into the light.

  48. Did you know that until Trump was the candidate after 8 years of the failed presidency of Obama the democratic registration went down over 100,000 voters from its million voter edge in Pennsylvania? And you are citing 35,000 more votes that Hillary got in the Pennsylvania primary as proof that she is going to win here? Trump had many more opponents to split the vote with as well. Hillary is such a weak candidate that a socialist seriously competed with her. So the credibility of your statements and predictions is extremely low in my opinion, not to mention the fact that apparently you troll other people's facebook pages (your own admission) pretending to be friends with people just to secretly spy on them. What kind of person does that? You are clearly a democrat. Maybe Facebook should create an enemy request, but if signs on doors won't stop you from going in the wrong bathroom, I guess neither will buttons on facebook make you be honest in your dealings with other people.

    What are you incoherently babbling about? I don't go to Facebook, you nimrod. The third comment states this person writes partisan screeds on her Facebook account. And yes, Bernie Sanders was very popular because most people don't equate what most of Western Europe ascribes to is not equal to Soviet era communism. Only an imbecile with absolutely no desire to educate themselves might do. As for bathrooms, no one cares about this issue but bigots and people that equate sexual identity with pedophilia and rape. Sick sick minds.

  49. 10.33 your have a very perverted view of SICK

    I do? I'm not the one dreaming up scenarios that never happened and extrapolating them out to every public restroom in America. It's sad that you go through life in such fear and hate.

  50. If nobody cares why did Obama literally make a federal case out of the issue?

  51. Wow! Snover has always been a very polarizing figure but I didn't realize how polarizing. She is a fanatical zealot who has put Party before the country and people. Her Facebook screeds and comments are proof in and of themselves of that. That is always dangerous. She had better watch her back though. Ole Glenn Giessinger, about as establishment as you can get, is also known to be about as politically ambitious as you can get and will shiv you in the back if it means he can advance himself.
    The inconsistencies of the current Party is the reason they are shrinking down. Sad days for a wonderful Party before they were co-opted completely by some billionaires and a egotistical maniacal Australian media magnet.

    There is a tear on Lincoln's face inside the monument. That is why I switched to Independent rather than align myself with fear, hate and anger.

  52. Annon 3:17 don't forget stupidity as in anti-science. They are now the Party of the 1400's.

  53. Back to the 1400s? I thought the liberals were the ones that thought bad weather was punishment for for our sins.

  54. Good for Lee Snover, she has raised their blood pressure just by being there.

  55. I just can't understand why these republicans are more upset by Trump, than they ever were at the policies of Obama.

  56. Enforcing US federal law is racism, that's why democrats don't do it.

  57. Obama has proven that trickle up poverty works.

  58. Trickle down racism won't work for anyone like it has for Obama.

  59. America has the best politicians money can buy, and Hillary is the best American politician money can buy.

  60. Sad that the Party has been co-opted by fanatical, right wing zealots that are fueled by hate, anger, bitterness and exclusion.

    Ronald Reagan would either laugh or cry at the current state of the Republican party. Hell, he couldn't even get ni8minated at this point. For all the insults and problems of the Democrats, the Republicans have gone off the deep end with their vitriol. They are angry and absolutely apoplectic when they discuss politics. They have unbridled hate and fear and they have circled the wagons and are shooting outward in all directions. They can't even beat as flawed a candidate as Hillary Clinton. They may have some old white voters but they have lost the future. With all the gerrymandering and voter suppression they practice, they will continue to win some congressional and state races but they have lost the future.

    Like the Whigs they will go the way of the dinosaurs.

    1. With Trump at the top they are
      more like the "No-Nothing" Party of the 1800's

    2. Voter suppression? Do you mean actually having voters show ID to vote? If so IT IS voter suppression as you are suppressing illegal voting. Just like we suppress illegal driving by mandating that drivers have a drivers license. And suppressing medical insurance fraud by mandating patients show ID. And suppressing youth alcohol consumption by checking ID. The list is endless. Arguing against voter ID is arguing for fraudulent voting.

      Calling it voter suppression is adorable though. You are taking a tired social justice page out of the Rules for Radicals.

  61. @7:39am...I agree it's messed up, but the way BT has been built out/"planned" isn't Lee Snover's fault. She, and the others, have to deal with the cards they are dealt. Blame township leaders from decades ago who zoned things the way they did and created the density requirements, and this "system" in PA where if a municipality tries to change the zoning of a property to something less profitable, the owner will just sue the municipality claiming lost value, so the municipality doesn't bother. The damage was done before anything was built.

  62. Replies
    1. Correct my bad and makes more sense

  63. Protest all you want. However, since 1968 the Party of Lincoln has become the Party of the old confederacy. Racism, hate and fear. You are the past.

    Physical slavery has evolved into economic slavery and this is the party that is quite happy with that. Also remarks about Latinos and "urban dwellers", tell everyone your inner narrative.

  64. 3:26

    Just as the continued use of the word "old" tells us your inner narrative.

    Get over your prejudices and use logic instead of hate.

  65. The only persons I know who refer to Alinsky's Rules for Radicals are Tom Campione and a few tea party extrmists who use that to justify their own extreme behavior.

  66. Obama studied & practices all of Alinsky agenda. Wake up America!!

  67. Oh God, then he's doing a pretty lousy job of it. The truth is that most liberals born after the 60's never heard of Alibsky or his Rules for Radicals. Fakes within the local tea party, however, use tgat argument to justify their own radical behavior.

  68. The only persons I know who refer to Alinsky's Rules for Radicals are Tom Campione and a few tea party extrmists who use that to justify their own extreme behavior.

    Lifelong Democrat and I've never seen a copy of the book let alone read it. The echo chamber is delusional.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.