Local Government TV

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Dent Calls For Bilateral Trade Agreement With UK

In the wake of Brexit, LV Congressman Charlie Dent is calling on President Obama to negotiate a separate trade agreement with the UK. Here is the text of his statement:

“The Brexit referendum, for better or for worse, is behind us. This was a decision for the British people to make and they chose to leave. We must respect that decision whether we agree with it or not. Now Congress has a responsibility and interest to work with the United Kingdom, particularly when it comes to strengthening economic ties between our two great nations.

"This is why I am introducing a resolution urging the Obama Administration to direct the United States Trade Representative (USTR) to immediately commence discussions for a U.S.-UK bilateral trade agreement.

"Brexit will likely cause short term disruptions. A bilateral trade agreement, the North Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (NATIP), will mitigate potentially adverse economic consequences as a result of Brexit. Beginning discussions for this agreement will help stabilize the current financial turmoil.

"The United States and the United Kingdom have long shared a special relationship. We have strong cultural and economic ties and a commitment to shared strategic interests. The UK is the largest private sector investor in the United States as well as one of the largest markets for U.S. goods, and one of the largest suppliers. By forming a stronger economic alliance with the UK our strategic interests would be strengthened and enhanced.

"Discussions for a bilateral trade agreement between the U.S. and the U.K. do not weaken a commitment to the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). It is abundantly clear that negotiations for TTIP are moving at a slow pace. NATIP could ignite action or movement on TTIP. These two trade agreements would be complimentary to one another.

"Finally, assuring a great ally in this extraordinary moment is an immediate imperative. The United States and the United Kingdom must continue to work together. The Administration must begin discussions to show that the UK is never ‘in the back of the queue’ when it comes to American interests.”


  1. wow, something really good from a Congressman too bad they are all on break until this fall
    probably on break until after elections if you really want to call it.

  2. A very practical suggestion. Actually the British will need to negotiate trade agreements with many nations in Europe and throughout the world. If they do that wisely with fairness to all parties I wonder how much Brexit will really have mattered in the long run. The real problem in Europe is not Great Britain but nations such as Greece that have continuing serious economic issues even with continuing inclusion in the European Union.

  3. Or, we could do the right thing and send an appropriate message that we don't trade with racist nations by severing trade ties. It's not like they have anything of value that we can't get elsewhere and cheaper.

  4. What's racist about not wanting your country run by filthy rich globalists from Brussels? Please keep up this type of race-mongering. It's an easy way for the rest of us to quickly spot simpletons.

  5. At this point why encourage Obama to do anything?

  6. Obama won't do it. He's against anything that is sensible. He was opposed to Brexit and won't do anything to help the brits due to his vindictive attitude against anyone that disagrees or opposes him.

  7. While our 401Ks are suffering and the Brits economy has been weakend, the stunt artist that were promoting the seperation are now suggesting the promises they made were only talking points and not realistic expectations. Sound familiar? Well we now see they have buyers remorse. Let's hope the US pays attention.

  8. John Kerry was there yesterday to talk this very issue? I suspect Dent listen to the Press Conference.

  9. Obama hasn't spoke for the American People since 2008. In fact, never. he always speaks against the wishes of the American People.

    He lies, he promises and then screws them each and every chance. He hates America and is doing his best to destroy it.

  10. Obama and Hillary Clinton did not want Brexit to pass. They truly do not approve of people desiring independence. They want people to believe that large government bureaucracies and power are the solutions. They want an increasing number to be dependent on government.

    What will happen is that Obama will move Communist Cuba and terrorist-sponsoring, Death-to-America, human-rights violating Iran up the line on trade but will move Britain to the back of the line.

    With friends like Obama, who needs enemies? Countries and companies will obviously continue to trade with Britain.

  11. 1:19 PM - Another white male, with a high school education (barely).

  12. 2:42 qualifies as hate speech.

    "Hate speech is speech that offends, threatens, or insults groups, based on race, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, or other traits."

  13. Way to strut your stuff with the hate speech, 2:42, so don't forget to vote for Hillary as many times as you have to.

  14. Trade with Britain is good, we should do a trade deal with an equal partner like UK. but it seems that this is just a way to help promote TTIP, which already has clauses that promises to compensate displaced US workers. We do not need any more displaced US workers.

  15. Virtually all of our trade deals starting with NAFTA sacrificed US middle income manufacturing workers including many minorities living in inner cities like Detoit & Baltimore in exchange for high tech exports that employ very few inner city minorities. So Trump is fighting for the return of jobs for minorities that our politicians heretofore have ignored except for increasing welfare checks & food stamps.


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