Local Government TV

Wednesday, May 04, 2016

Can You Say President Trump?

The exit of both ted Cruz and John Kasich means that Donald Trump is the inevitable GOP nominee. He will be the next President as well. Despite "The sky is falling!" mantra being heard from most experts, the simple reality is that, warts and all, he is the choice of America's voters.

I was speaking today to a Democratic friend who actually intends to vote for him. He gives me the best reason I've heard for supporting him. he tells me that if Hillary is elected, she won't get a thing done. Republicans really hate her. But Trump will deal with anyone. He also believes that Trump will restore confidence and scare the hell out of people like Putin. If he tells someone not to cross a red line, my guess is that he means it.

I am unable to vote for him, but I think it's inevitable. What do you think?


  1. I think if you really love this country and want to stop Trump you would put Donald Flad Jr's insightful political blog back on the blog roll so your extensive readership has access to his biting commentary on the POTUS race.

    While you may not agree with his persona and lifestyle there is no denying he is a great writer who also happens to be a political insider, the people deserve knowing when he puts out a blog end the cat fight.

  2. What is your definition of "get done"?


    and @Flad_Land on twitter

  4. People are tired of phony and hypocritical career politicians. Like Hillary who demonizes Wall Street yet takes their money. Trump tells it like it is. He can be crude and narcissistic but the guy has been successful in the private sector for a reason. He is a talented negotiator who knows how to get things done. He will not bow down to lobbyists or make political decisions by sticking a wet finger in the air. We need a private citizen in the White House. We have had too many career politicians and lawyers running the country and screwing it up.

  5. 12:02, I have restored the link to Donald Flad's blog. I generally remove links to blogs that are inactive, and his was inactive for nearly two years. I think that is why I removed the link, but can't be sure. His is certainly a view that needs to be heard.

  6. Two things to remember about Hillary Clinton

    No honesty
    No integrity

    How do you know what she says isn't a lie? Look what she told the West Virginia Coal Miner about how she wanted to make him unemployed?

  7. Bernie:

    If you lived in Allentown, could you vote for Ed Pawlowski for another term as Mayor, knowing he's under FBI investigation?

    Why would you want to vote for Hillary Clinton, knowing the FBI is investigating her for criminal charges?

  8. I'm not convinced that she is guilty as i am with Fed Ed. But having said that, I might not be voting for either.

  9. The GOP is hoping and praying fro a Clinton indictment. They will of course claim a crooked government when she is not indicted. There is no crime.

    Actually her problem may be more rooted in the desire of many Democrats for Bernie Sanders to be the nominee. He represents the new America of the 21st century, she represents the status quo and Trump represents the alternate reality of crazy reality shows.

    Look for Kim Kardashian or Kane West as his VP pick.

  10. Women, minorities and the well educated are not on board with Herr Drumpf, and will keep him from becoming President. These individuals rarely if ever respond to polls, so Drumpfers think they aren't out there, but they are and they will release reality on them come November.

    I keep seeing the guy, the Drumpfer who confronted Ted Cruz, with his bad teeth, butchery of the English language, and inability to discuss anything with any level of intelligence and I can see that the decades long republican assault on education has done more damage to this nation than jihadists, bad trade agreements, and obamacare will ever do.

    Thank yourselves for Hillary, GOP. You created this climate of paranoia, hatred, fear and intolerance, now you can reap the results.

    The best way for Drumpfers to 'make America great again' would be if they left. They're nothing but the KKK with a good PR program.

  11. My instinctive feeling right now is that Trump is gonna win, beat Hillary badly, that it could be landslide proportions. 17 very competent politicians tried and they all wound up on the side of the road.

    Hillary Clinton is going to pull out all the stops, as she feels she is "entitled" to be President. You can tell it because she hates having to actually campaign and answer people's questions. Bernie Sanders is causing her to do that, but what she wants to do is sit in her house in New York and issue edicts to the press and expect them to fawn all over her. That's not what is going on and a lot of eyes from fellow Democrats are on her wondering why it's May and she hasn't put away this 71-year old Communist.

    Well the truth is that Hillary is a horrible candidate, everyone knows it, and all she is really offering is a third Obama term. Shes just not stirring up the excitement that Obama did, because she's not a good orator, but also, we've all heard this before from Obama. All we got is massive unemployment, 40 million on Food Stamps, and Russian jets flying 20 feet over our naval ships. We're being embarrased in the world and people are angry.

  12. From what it looks like now, if it wasn't for the Democratic "Superdelages", that no one can vote for, Sanders is going to wind up with more than Hillary will after California. The only reason she's going to be nominated is because of those Superdelagates, because she's not getting the votes from the people. Most Democrats also really can't stand her, but they are voting for her because they don't like Trump.

    Thais not exactly an overwhelming level of support, and the number of people that actually are voting for her is less this year than did for Obama in the primaries when he ran against her and beat her.

  13. Also, just think for a minute. Hillary is losing the vote in every state, and yet the Democrats expect her to triumph. Where is her momentum? The momentum is with Sanders. How in the world does Hillary go from losing after losing after losing in the primaries to becoming a triumphant victor at the Democrat convention when she didn't win really anything except the superdelegates in the Democrat Party?

    I guarantee you, the media and the Democrat Party, they're not factoring all of this in because they're sitting there saying, "We're the Democrats We're invincible. We own the media. We don't lose."

    However, the Democratic Party hasn't figured out yet that the media wants Donald Trump to be elected president. The media wants Trump in the White House because it's gonna be the most fun four years they've ever had. It'll be fun. They'll try to take Trump out. They'll be able to do everything they do as media; they'll be able to trying to destroy him. He'll expect it. He'll toy with 'em. They'll get to cover him, go wherever he goes. It's gonna be unexpected, unpredictable, massive ratings boosts and all kinds of stuff.

    There's nothing exciting about Hillary Clinton. She's been there, done that, in a lot of ways and is just simply BORING.

  14. Dave, thanks for the laughs! Oh, you were serious? That's sad and scary. First of all, if you think Sanders is a communist, you clearly don't know Sanders or what communism is.

    As for Obama, well, the data is indisputable, unemployment is WAY down, the majority of new food stamp enrollees are military families and veterans, who can't find work due to Bush era veterans benefits cuts, and I'll take jet jockeys buzzing our ships over jihadists flying into skyscrapers any day.

    Americans are embarrassed all right, embarrassed that someone like Trump could even engage in an active political climate, and even more embarrassed that there are actually Americans ignorant enough to buy his BS and support a man who laughed about dodging the draft and then implied that John McCain is an in competent coward.

  15. I very much agree with Dave's views here. Hillary is a horrible choice to represent the Democrats. Over the years, I've voted for many Democrats. Not just because they were Democrats, but because I believed in them based on their body of work and the current task in hand.

    Our nation has been damaged by Obama. Hillary is NOT the one to fix that.

    At this time in history, it's Hillary or something DIFFERENT. I choose DIFFERENT.

    Fred Windish

  16. Fred, you are certainly entitled to your opinion, but the notion that "Our nation has been damaged by Obama" is precisely that, your opinion. It is not founded on facts and evidence.

    Trump is a charlatan, he is not the smashing success people believe him to be, in fact, had he taken Daddy's original handout and invested it in a normal, interest bearing savings account, he would actually be worth more today.

    He preys upon ignorance and fear, and quite frankly, I can't help but notice that he has become a champion of the 'zero responsibility' demographic, people who can't accept that their station in life is a product of their own choices who are now looking for someone to help them scapegoat the competent.

    "I'm in debt because........ MEXICANS", not because I bought TV's, cars and Iphones I can't afford.

    It's called the American Dream because it's not for real. You have to make it happen. The Trump brigade doesn't like that, they feel entitled to it with no effort.

  17. 6:36 -

    Of course it's just MY opinion. Based on facts and evidence interpreted by ME. It's all any of us can offer!

    I simply want DIFFERENT from what I have seen from BOTH parties. I don't believe I can get to "different" by voting Clinton, or not voting at all. I also want to choose the most likely path to get me where I want to go. That won't be a Bernie Sanders, or a Third Party choice, either.

    Replace the name Trump with Smith. No matter to me. Thank you for providing a chance to clarify.

    Fred Windish

  18. "He gives me the best reason I've heard for supporting him. he tells me that if Hillary is elected, she won't get a thing done".

    On the flip side, a government "capable of doing much good quickly would also be capable of doing much bad quickly." So, my vote this year will not be FOR anyone, but who do I think will do the least harm in their four years to our great (yes, still is) country. But oh so much can happen between now and November.

  19. You're not going to get anything different unless you change Congress. The Prez is basically a figurehead. Most of Trump's 'promises' and proposals would be shot down by Congress. They all hate him.

    There will be no $100 billion wall. Mass deportations will destroy the southern agriculture industry, we've already seen it happen. There will be no torture or killing of families of suspected terrorists. The man who does the majority of his business in China is not going to challenge trade agreements. Being a hawk may have some endearing value for the military types, but laughing about dodging the draft and questioning McCain's patriotism and bravery will never be forgotten by real vets. He will not be cutting anyone's foreign aid, only Congress can do that. The SCOTUS has already upheld the ACA, he will not be repealing that either.

    The man is basically a male, orange Kardashian. If the money gods had not showered him, he would be cleaning carts at Walmart. Some of our staunchest friends and allies have already said they will struggle to have a relationship with a USA that allows a Trump Presidency.

  20. Hokie Joe says;
    Are you aware that the speed of light is somewhere in the neighborhood of approximately 278KM per second. Scientifically speaking, Bernie, if you could run that fast (in A circle) in a very small circle, this means you could actually screw yourself while running in that small circle. You could achieve the same results by voting for Donald Trump in the fall election.

  21. Hokie Joe, Not to worry. I have no intention of voting for Trump. But i have screwed myself so often I am beginning to enjoy it.

  22. Hilliary Clnton is the most investigated candidate ever to seek public office. She has been investigated by numerous Republican Senate Committees, i.e. The FBI, The Secret Service, The Federal Intelligence Committee, District Attorney in Arkansas, the Attorney General in Arkansas, the Federal Elections Commission, The Armed Services Commission, and the list goes on and on. None of them, that's right, none of them have come up with anything significant that they could go to trial and prove she did anything wrong. Anyone who has that pearly white a record will get my vote.She got a clean bill of health from every arm of the Federal Government. What a candidate.

  23. Randian Liberty FighterMay 5, 2016 at 8:42 AM

    The Surgeon General in conjunction with Planned Parenthood need to do a full examination of Hillary's reproductive systems, the sexual proclivities of her and Bill put them both at a much higher risk for STI's specifically syphilis which can lead to insanity and a breakdown of cognitive function.

    Hillary has a lot of skeletons in her multiple closets, they will emerge in the fall and pave the way to an Trump landslide.

  24. How anyone that believes in the laws of mathematics thinks Trump can win is a fool.

    30% of the electorate is non-white. 50% of the electorate are women. Trump's unfavorables among WOMEN are so high, it is virtually impossible for his to win on that alone. Not to mention the challenges of the electoral college. He's going to need to win Ohio or Florida but probably both and he won't. He will lose all of Obama's states once again and I'm sure HRC will pick up some states that Obama also won in 2008.

  25. 6 months from the election, there can be no serious guess as to the outcome, Hillary's first add on Trump has clips of every establishment republican trashing trump, EXCELLENT, She has just established Trump as the ultimate outsider candidate. The Bushes have just declared they will not support Trump, EXCELLENT, he is now free of the Bush foreign policy and open borders and run as the outsider candidate. They have already positioned him in an excellent position to place Hillary together with the Bushes and all other establishment politicians both republican and democrat as the enemy of Trump and everyday Americans , who will now be able to withstand all the negative adds as the 1% attacking the underdog, It worked in the primary and it will work in the general. There are many democrats who are unhappy with Hillary, they may very well take a chance on Trump, Manufacturing unions, police unions, firefighter unions, border patrol unions. Trump already has declared he does not want the support of certain republicans, he plans to appeal to a broad range of discontented Americans. Those republicans who are still attacking Trump may very well be ending their political careers.

  26. A federal judge is about to order Hillary Clinton to testify under oath about her email server.

    We do understand that Mrs Clinton is ready and eager to do this, under oath under penalty of perjury if she is untruthful.

    We're all looking forward to her testifying quickly and providing all the facts in this case that millions of us what to know and understand.

  27. Our nation has been damaged by Obama.

    No, it hasn't. Stop. Obama will go down as a great President - the last President in decades that people actually loved. He turned the recession on it's head and did what he said he would do. Get unemployment to 5%. Romney said he'd get it to 7%. He saved the auto industry, restored relations with Cuba, championed rights for women, LBGT, and minorities.

    Stop watching Fox. Stop spreading misinformation. Stop opining about Hillary's honesty. It's all unbecoming and sounds pathetically like a sore loser syndrome. 8 more years of a Democratic President, wow, you must really be hurting.

  28. Hillary has a lot of skeletons in her multiple closets, they will emerge in the fall and pave the way to an Trump landslide.

    And then there's this.

    It is so laughable but no less to be expected from clown show Trumpublicans who will vote for someone that pisses on the conservative values of the party. Here it is, in simpleton terms:

    1. HRC has been vetted over and over and over again. She sat in your Benghazi committee trial for 13 hours after which we find out that the Benghazi committee was merely a way to use the levers of government to harm her political chances.

    2. Donald Trump, on the other hand, has not been vetted in the least. He has not released his tax returns. He has ties with organized crime. He imports immigrant workers to do American jobs, AND make his trademarked products in China.

  29. @9:04 If you actually believe government unemployment numbers, you must be even more gullible than you present yourself to be.

    Obama will be ranked probably lower than "Buck" Buchanan in Presidential greatness.

  30. The only thing we love about Obama is that we love that he's leaving.

  31. Oh yeah, the old "fake numbers" argument. And Mitt Romney had the "real" poll numbers in 2012 because the media was stacking the polls. Seriously, get some help.

  32. The only thing we love about Obama is that we love that he's leaving.

    Yeah, you, because you have irrational hatred bolstered by your faithful absorption of Limbaugh and Hannity spin. You represent that 30% of the country that thinks obstruction is the best course for governance and that walks around with a sour face and complains how everything is awful Have a better day today.

  33. @9:17 And of course you bitch and moan when you don't get things your way.

  34. Yes, I will bitch and moan if you troglodytes actually elect Donald Trump. How embarrassing that the couch potatoes that sit and idolize reality TV would elect one of their own to the leader of the free world.

  35. Agree with Ray's 9:02 post. Lots of time between now and November and WAY TOO much can happen between now and then.

    I do think that neither Clinton or Trump are ideal candidates. One is status quo, and the other just won't be able to get anything done despite all of his bluster (the same would be true for Bernie Sanders).

    Closed primaries have brought this on. The fact that Hillary is still fighting for the party nomination is because she is not "Left enough" for much of the Democratic base. I guess that makes her a "DINO" to steal a phrase? Think about that, Clinton isn't resonating with the most liberal factions of the Democratic party.

    In the end my guess is we're going to see a very similar political map as the previous 2 elections. The Republican/Conservative message has strong, deep ties with many voters, but does not synch up with on going and growing economic disparity anger and U.S. population trends.

    Maybe enough people will simply fed up with things and just stay home in November, at which point, its anyone's game. Regardless, Clinton or Trump as President will only result in the opposite party doing everything in their power to block and bog things down with petty bullshit and other distractions that will prevent any meaningful progress while being cheered by their extremist base for making a brave stand for their core values.

    Open primaries and redistricting reform is what this country needs, so politicians can actually represent the people and not their parties.


  36. The fact that Hillary is still fighting for the party nomination is because she is not "Left enough" for much of the Democratic base. I guess that makes her a "DINO" to steal a phrase? Think about that, Clinton isn't resonating with the most liberal factions of the Democratic party.

    At this point in the 2008 primary, Obama had 8 more delegates than HRC does right now. Acting as if HRC is not being supported is silly.

  37. The rationalists will realize the Hillary Clinton is safer bet on national security - that will be the deciding factor for those undecideds.

  38. Obama had zero accomplishments when he announced his presidential run. His support was a cult of personality. Trump has the same lack of qualifications and his support is a cult of personality. Don't underestimate the idiocy of the American electorate and its fascination with personality - on either side of the political spectrum. I and many others never thought Obama had a chance. I and many others didn't think Trump would get past Iowa.

  39. I would not vote for Trump if his NY mafia goons ... .. My first, second, third, snd fourth choice is Bernie. But my fifth choice is Hillary.

    I've yet to see any evidence of many Democrats or Independents flocking to Trump. I can see a very few scenarios in which he might win. Most of them go through Pennsylvania, and although people in the Alabama section may vote for him Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and the suburbs won't. And our groups will be actively organizing minority voters in the Lehigh Valley.

    The Donald just announced he and the RNC will cooperate with superpacs to (try to) raise big money for the Donald. Hypocrite. But he'd have tp raise yuge funds and the Republicans would have to disenfranchise yuge numbers of people to win. it's possible but I don't see it. Abd if tjis madman ever gets into the White House and tries to impose his uber nationalistic foreign policy ideas unilaterally, God help us.

    Being an outsider is a good thing. But it's not enough.

  40. 11:58 - State senator, US Congressman, Senator, editor of Harvard Law Review, professor of Constitutional law at University of Chicago, civil rights attorney. Yeah, absolutely NO qualifications.

    Ladies and gentleman, it's people like this that have led you to Donald Trump.

  41. By the way, did you think Obama "never had a chance" because he was black, perhaps? Because he was completely qualified.

  42. 12:07 Would sure like to see Obama's college grades and papers. Do you think he will ever release them ?

  43. If Bernie is out, and because I make Rust Cohle look like an optimist, I'll be voting for Trump.

    Rush Cohle ---> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9oX2xFo7JA4

    Trump is a perfect representation of America. This is who, collectively, we are folks, take a biiig wiff.

    The truth ----> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dY4WlxO6i0

  44. Obama was a state senator for about five minutes and perfected the art of voting "present" while doing nothing there except run for US Senate. As a less than two-year Senator, he had an atrocious attendance record and spent most of that time doing nothing except running for president. Obama's never released his college transcripts. Bill Clinton spoke about this fairy tale in 2008. Trump is also an Ivy League grad. Big deal. Brilliant Harvard students were recently videoed signing a petition to revoke the right to petition under the First Amendment. Trump and Obama are both cults of personality.

  45. Obama was elected precisely because he's black. People registered in historic numbers to be part of the electorate that delivered the first black president. Hillary will benefit from the same enthusiasm because she purportedly possesses a vagina.

  46. Reading some of these comments....It would be interesting to know the last book each poster read that comments on this thread... I'll go first

    Book I'm reading now, Human Smoke by Nicholson Baker

    3 weeks ago I finished, Empire of Illusion: The End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle. by Chris Hedges

    Try this ---> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_AD3XqEGDIg It's just 2 minutes.

  47. I'm reading The Gulag Archipelago by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. While liberal elites feel the Bern and uninformed kids think socialism is what they do on Facebook and Snapchat, the march toward totalitarianism starts innocuously and leads to evil oppression. Both presumptive candidates support more government, the kind that costs an average family $15,000 per year in regulation and makes lawyers wealthy and keeps poor people poor.

  48. I'm also reading Driving Mr. Yogi, by Ron Guidry and Harvey Araton, a poignant remembrance of a great man. It's important to mix it up a bit to keep from being depressed over current events. Reading The Cat In The Hat to the grandkids helps tremendously.

  49. There's a term to accurately describe men who find Sarah Palin attractive.

    I can't quite think of it at the moment,

    Oh yeah, it's 'gay'.

  50. 12:07 Would sure like to see Obama's college grades and papers. Do you think he will ever release them ?

    Do you believe you get to be the editor of the Harvard Law Review or teach at the University of Chicago law school with poor performance in school? But kudos for bringing out an oldie but a goodie. You need to join forces with the info wards guy above you.

  51. 12:07 Would love to see Trump's grades in college and grad school. if the rich spoiled brat screamed then like he screams now his grades must have been poor indeed. Crooked Fred probably pulled a lot of strings.

  52. @2:18 PM Affirmative Action makes many unlikely things possible. Why did Obama seal the transcripts in the first place if he has nothing to hide ?

  53. Ah so Affirmative Action got Barack Obama to the Presidency. Got it.

    Quite the crew you got, Bernie.

  54. @2:54 PM How many voters looked at Obama's qualifications and achievements in 2008 before voting for him?

    Or did they see no further than the pigmentation of his skin?

  55. "Book I'm reading now, Human Smoke by Nicholson Baker "

    Almost finished with Charles Bukowski's Ham on Rye.

  56. Actually @3:01, Hillary Clinton wants me to vote for her because I'm a woman.

    Sorry, but I'm not a victim being one as she professes to be on numerous occasions. I love how Democrats want to use group identity as a reason to support them.

    That is a good question also @2:30. Why did Obama seal the transcripts in the first place if he has nothing to hide ?

    Stephen King 11/22/63

  57. I would also recommend 1945 by Newt Gingrich for your reading list.

  58. @2:54 PM How many voters looked at Obama's qualifications and achievements in 2008 before voting for him?

    Or did they see no further than the pigmentation of his skin?

    I think they liked what he was saying before they voted for skin color. The most talented speaker in the Oval Office in my lifetime.

  59. Who are you voting for, Ms Kelton? Donald Trump? The guy who has a 70% disapproval rating among women. By the way, you probably are too young and too privileged to actually understand the plight of many women. I don't believe every women professes to be a "victim" but your ignorance that indeed they do exist speaks volumes.

  60. I love the 20-something women who besmirch feminism. It's like workers who are anti-unuion. Little context and little intellect.

  61. @3:51 Snake Oil salesmen were like that also But what they were selling didn't work either.

  62. "this 71-year old Communist."

    If you think he is a communist, you have my pity for your unfortunate lack of even a basic understanding of history.

  63. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  64. @3:54 Donald Trump reminds me of my father. As you're likeley a male, you have no understanding of what it's like to grow up as a female. The hallmarks of good fathers are warmth, availability, concern with a child’s character, patience, and commitment to our children. My husband is like that. Both my husband and my dad are warm, caring and patient. My dad was with me and always available and never "too busy". I made the National Honor Society at William Allen and went to Bryn Mawr College and graduated Summa Cum Lade.

    So sir, I suggest you take your opinion of me where it best belongs and revise it befor excretng it again in public foolishly. I don't know what you do in life, but I lived and worked in Philadelphia for several years establishing my career before meeting my husband and having a family.

    Do you have a daughter? Do you think Hillary Clinton is a good role model for her? You may be a victim in life, but I'm certainly not. My father taught me I could do anything I wanted to do if I studied hard and worked or it. I have, successfully since college for nearly twenty years. Perhaps you live on your social security check because you failed to plan for your future. That's probably why you're so bitter and feel life has screwed you over and you're a victim because others don't like you and never gave you a chance, yes ?

    The Trump family is America at its best. The Clinton family is America most hideous.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  65. "The Trump family is America at its best. The Clinton family is America most hideous."

    Very good,I like it. Hyperbole used in both directions.

  66. I just can't bring myself to vote for Monica Lewinski's ex-boyfriend's wife. And any Ivy League degree should be cause for rejecting a candidate. I'd rather see a business type fuck up government, than another government type continue to fuck up business.

  67. Yo Joey.. you wanna bib before you eat dinner ?

  68. Besmirch feminism, which reduces half the population to the sum of their private parts? How dare young women reject it! What on Earth are they thinking? They must have strayed from Hillary's reservation. Tsk tsk tsk.

  69. I can see alll the Trump lovers here must also be billionaires who made it the hard way - with daddy's help. How else to explain all these people's limitless time to examine their navels and to praise Trump. You'd think otherwise they'd be out working to earn a living.

    I doubt whether they're all even registered.

  70. @3:51 Snake Oil salesmen were like that also But what they were selling didn't work either.

    Like the longest consecutive period of job growth in American history? Yes, horrible.

  71. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  72. I have deleted several anonymous personal attacks. Attack the argument, not the person unless you are willing to sign your name.

  73. Fact Check what Hillary REALLY said to Coal Miners: http://www.npr.org/2016/05/03/476485650/fact-check-hillary-clinton-and-coal-jobs

    It is being taken OUT OF CONTEXT....

  74. And my Hillary followup to 11:42. And some dude that was addressing Jamie Kelton's post directly.

  75. "Almost finished with Charles Bukowski's Ham on Rye."

    Thank you Bernie for turning me on to "Buke" I friggin' loved it.

    Both "Human Smoke" and "Ham on Rye" will be dismissed as cookbooks.

    You should start a book club for your readers, "Ham on Rye" shows me you got the chops.

    Again, thanks.

  76. Trump won't be the next President, and he wasn't really the choice of Republican voters, either. He hasn't even won a majority of the vote among GOP primary. He was helped immensely by primary rules allowing him to win all the delegates in states where he finished first, and from having Ted Cruz as his most viable opponent (Kasich never had the funds to compete against Cruz or the free media magnet that is Donald Trump). I've got problems with Hillary, but she is a competent public official running against someone who has basically run on a platform of violating the constitution.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.