Local Government TV

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Brown Gives Timmy Command of NorCo DCED

On May 5, NorCo DCED Director Diane Donaher resigned after a mixed record of success. She never provided Council with a single report on job production, except within her bloated office. Nobody weeped when she left. But their are questions about her successor.

On May 11, NorCo Exec John Brown advised Council that Deputy Director Timmy Herrlinger, about whom very little is known, is Acting Director. As anal as ever, President John Cusick wants to prepare a Resolution, in triplicate, conforming this temporary appointment. He wants to send Herrlinger through the gauntlet of Ken Kraft's Personnel Committee.

For his part, Ken Kraft thinks there's no need to confirm an Acting Director. This is all within the Executive's prerogative.

Finally, Bob Werner has made clear he won't be voting for anyone at DCED, Acting or otherwise, until the entire department comes to a meeting and justifies their existence on earth.

All of this is deliberation and really should be discussed at an open meeting instead of in cyber space, as my post below makes clear.

But since the cat's out of the bag, let's talk a little about Timmy.

According to his LinkedIn profile, he's proficient in Mandarin Chinese. You can even see him doing Gangman style in the video above. That's actually Korean, but his understanding is only "elementary." I've got to admit this still beats Diane Donaher's gig as a voice over artist. You never know when you're gonna' run into a bunch of commie bastards.

Herrlinger served as Executive Director of the LCCC Foundation for over seven years, and his main job there was raising money from private charitable sources. He was also a teacher and a gift officer at Lehigh University (nine years) and Moravian College (three years).

He was hired because he is a personal friend of Brown. Diane Donaher never knew he was coming until someone from IT called her to find out where his phone belonged.

At LCCC, he reportedly had trouble meeting deadlines.

He's got a string of bullshit certificates, but does have a Master's from Lehigh in "Instructional Technology," which is a fancy way of saying that he is skilled at power point presentations.

He's no economic or community development director. Not even close. But Brown has only named him as Acting Director, and Council really has no say at this point.

Updated 7:50 am


  1. Who will be his administrative assistant? Lassie?

  2. soon enough Brownstain will be back in Bangor looking thru the morning call's help wanted ads

  3. Another incompetent bullshitter to run a failed department that has swollen in size under Brown, only to produce nothing in return. Hope that Werner and others on council give Brown some grief over the debacle known as DCED.

  4. Fire them all and hire Becky Bradley!

  5. They don't deserve BB. And she is not that nutz to work for Brownie. Job is short term since Brown and his "high performance team" will be history in January 2018.

  6. Cathy Allen then...

  7. There goes my breakfast....

  8. As one who works within this "bloated department", I have to say that the "bloat" is non-existent. The department is a consolidation of past functions that have been brought under one roof, and in fact has the same number of people that it had before the consolidation. I've been hearing from Bernie's trolls since I joined the department over a year ago, and have never been subjected to such lies, attacks and gossip. Bernie's trolls all have plenty to say that is not based on fact, only on innuendo, rumor, and unsubstantiated claims from people in various levels of the county and the community, and some I suspect, who may sit on the very Council that governs this county.

    If you're going to try to destroy someone's reputation, Bernie, at least meet that person face to face and form your own opinion. How many of us in DCED have you met? I walk past you every day in your pursuit of dirt. You don't know who I am or where I work. Why not? As an ex-lawyer, I'm sure you know that here in America, you're innocent until proven guilty.

    The people of DCED are dedicated professionals who work hard every day to try and make the County a better place. If this is repulsive to some, then so be it. I would consider the source when reading this blog. So to all you anonymous cowards...IDENTIFY YOURSELVES AND BE KNOWN AS THE TROLLS THAT YOU ARE.

    By the way, the only bloated thing around the county is Bernie...

    (I will be surprised if you post this, in whole or in part, as it doesn't fit your style of character assassination)\

    John Orsini, DCED Specialist

  9. Mr. Orsini, why on earth would I delete you when your personal attack essentially proves my point about your bloated department? I would expect a busy "DCED Specislist" to be recruiting new business or working on a facade grant, but you are instead violating the County's computer use policy to engage in personal attacks aimed at a critical blogger. Well done! And while you are entitled to your own opinion, you are not entitled to your own facts. Your office is bloated, and has at least twice the staff it had under Stoffa to get even less done. Your former boss had Bryan Cope moved over from Open Space, where he belongs, and was making a play to take control over other departments like conservation. And Bob Werner is absolutely correct, even if he did violate the Sunshine Act. You have done nothing to justify your continued existence. Your former boss never presented a single report to Council about what jobs she has produced or retained. The one thing you rocket scientists did do is unilaterally decide to stop hotel grants, completely screwing many local nonprofits who promote tourism. You actually managed to make LVEDC look good to critics like Werner, which is an amazing feat. You ask me why I have not approached you. Aren't you aware of Brown's policy that the press must go thru Department heads? Are you aware that Diane Donaher did not even want to send me news releases? I think you established, with your attitude alone, that your department is adrift. I could not do better than you have done yourself.

  10. Nice self-promotion John. Are you typing your dribble on county time? Thought that county computers were to be used for business purposes only. Seems like you are in violation of the county's electronic resources policy. Or maybe you are using your smart phone to submit your post during one of your numerous coffee breaks during the day. Let's look at results. Your department has accomplished NOTHING important enough in the past two years to justify its bloated staff size. DCED consolidated divisions that were doing just fine under the department of administration. Other than those divisions, which were well administered on their own, what has the DCED staff actually accomplished? Where are the jobs your economic staff have created? You don't show up at council or committee meetings because you have a record of futility. The fact that your extremely well-respected community development administrator left speaks volumes about how poorly run the department is. And now your fearless leader is leaping off the Titanic. Instead of going on a defensive rant John, please provide a report to Bernie's readers on everything YOU have accomplished since you were hired. The taxpayers of the county deserve to know. Otherwise, go back to your cocoon job and enjoy another coffee break.

  11. Mr. Orsini, get real. Even if you are using your smart phone while at work you're not to bright. You just proved Mr. O'Hare's point. Enjoy your next job and don't let the door hit you in the ass as you leave.

  12. Oh sure, John you are a true "dedicated professional." One who posts on a bolg on company time, and insults a private citzen in the process. You violated county policy as well as a code of professional conduct and should be fired.

  13. I was just confronted by Orsini at the courthouse, who came into the recorder of deeds office and interrupted me on the phone. I went out in the hallway and he began poking me (I say three times and he says once). He then said he wanted to talk to me, but wanted me to agree that everything he says is confidential, and that the County does not pay him enough. I refused to agree. I met with him in the lounge area where we could speak freely without disturbing others. But when I got him alone, he refused to tell me where he worked before coming to the county, how long he has worked here, or where he is going. He refused to state his salary. He said his comment was made from his smart phone at break time (9:15 am). He said he has flexible break times. My conversation in the lounge with him was at 10:40 am, and he said he was on break again. After the conversation was over, he came back to tell me, this time in the presence of others, that he understood why I hate government and that it must be tough to lose my law license.

  14. His linked in page is here. https://www.linkedin.com/in/johnorsini?authType=NAME_SEARCH&authToken=TDFy&locale=en_US&trk=tyah&trkInfo=clickedVertical%3Amynetwork%2CclickedEntityId%3A2150647%2CauthType%3ANAME_SEARCH%2Cidx%3A1-1-1%2CtarId%3A1463497309231%2Ctas%3Ajohn%20orsini

    He began working for Norco in January 2015. Prior to that, he spent one year at Bethlehem Pre-Cast, one year at the Sustainable Energy Fund, a few years as a consultant, one year at National Penn, three years as a mortgage broker, and several years in sales. He has a B.S. from Lehigh.

  15. How many freakin' breaks does that deadbeat have? What a creep to stalk and confront you in the courthouse. Then the bum has the nerve to whine about his salary when he is lucky to even have a job! How arrogant is the staff at DCED if this is representative of their attitudes? Karen Collis is their only Ace. The rest are Jokers.

  16. Mr. Orsini I applaud you for standing up to the region's #1 cyber sadist and master character assassin you showed remarkable restraint by not losing your cool and boxing his ears.

    Unless you are on his man crush list the online bullying will continue, I suggest posting here frequently and standing up to his disgraceful malfeasance the only way to fight fire is with fire.

    NorCo Clerk

  17. Hope NorCo Clerk is not a current employee. Another example of too more time on his/her time.

  18. ...
    time on his/her hands.

  19. NorCo Clerk is not a county employee.

  20. What "good fight"? His own job preservation? Your hatred of Bernie has blinded you.

  21. He doesn't seem to hold a job very long. I wonder why?

  22. Wow!! Another hard working givermint employee earning his pay. I bet he has flexible breaks all day like the rest of the hard working trough feeders. This is why your taxes will never be enough. What a waste.

  23. John has too much time on his hands if he is running around the courthouse looking for Bernie just to poke him and bloviate about his inadequate salary. His time would be better spent doing his freaking job! That is, if he really has anything worthwhile to do. Otherwise eliminate his position and save we citizens some hard earned tax dollars.

  24. I don't know enough about this department as I probably should so I don't have a dog in this fight, as they say...but it does seem rather inappropriate to post on county-time. I'm a rather low-level county employee and even I know better than to post on social media during work hours. Whoever this Orsini guy is just kinda proved Bernie's point regarding this department...

  25. Bullshit. I am not Bernie but I find this Orsini character to be a disgruntled deadbeat who should be terminated due to his inappropriate post and actions today.

  26. I'm a huge proponent of the concept of DCED at the County level. Ideally, they perform tasks distinct from LVEDC, and keep them honest.

    That being said, Orsini appears to be a bit of a chowderhead.


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