Local Government TV

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Woodman, Scavello Funding Miller

Though Cindy Miller failed to file an electronic pre-primary report, I was able to look at her campaign finance yesterday, Unlike State Reps. Marcia Hahn and Joe Emrick, she did file a copy of her report at the Northampton County Elections office.

We know that her opponent, Zach Mako, is being backed by Julie Harhart, Emerick, Hahn and other Republican state representatives. They funneled their money to Mako through a $10,0000 contribution from State Rep. Mark Mustio.

What about Miller?

Her campaign is $8,500 in debt, but $3,000 of the $7,853 she raised came in the form of contriutions from State senator mario Scavello ($1,500) and former lehigh County Comm'r Lisa Scheller ($,1500).

So Mako is a puppet for one faction of Republicans while Miller is a puppet for another.


  1. Bernie, why don't I see you reporting anything on the democrat Armstrong that is also running in the 183rd? If you look at his financials you see that most all of his contributions came from unions. Wouldn't that make him a puppet to the unions? You really seem to have it out for Cindy Miller.

  2. I have featured Armstrong in several posts. And you know who contributed to him bc, unlike Miller, he filed electronically. He believes in transparency instead of hiding his campaign finances. The two Rs running are jokes. One is clueless and the other is a Lady MacBeth.

  3. But you still didn't post any of his contributions. And as far as your opinion on Mako and Miller they are your opinions and everyone is entitled to their opinion, regardless if you agree or disagree.

  4. I don't have to post them bc they are out there for one and all to see, unlike Miller or even Mako, who tried to hide the Harhart contributions. It's called transparency. Yes, he has union support and hopefully, will have more. There is only one candidate willing to be transparent and accountable.

  5. Very good analysis on these two, CMiller has been in positions where-by political favors good or bad being returned is apparent or at least imaginable.

    But why would ZMako in all his cluelessness, inexperience, and youth, be taking by the hand, shown the ropes and backed by the former legislator. What could he have done, or service did he provide, to receive such tutelage? Is he being "massaged" into office because he is "Above it All"? I think not, politics doesn't work that way. When one survey's this campaign something doesn't line up.

  6. Wow Bernie, I’m really disappointed on how easily you can be swayed! Miller accepts funding from Senator Scavello! Why is that breaking news or showing a lack of transparency? Scavello has been publicly supporting her campaign, so that’s no surprise. As for Lisa Scheller’s contribution, it’s easy to see that on the PA Department of State’s web site. Again nothing hidden or done behind the scenes. So Bernie, why do you so easily change your opinion of Miller? It was only a few months ago that you claimed in your blog on Tony Pristash that "This is an insult to Cindy Miller, who is nobody's puppet" and now based on her accepting a few openly documented contributions she becomes a puppet. Really! Name a candidate that doesn't accept contributions. As for reporting, it’s funny how you only single out the Republicans while it’s easy to see their financials online. Also, before you go there about the Pristash issue, you may want to do some more homework and you will find that Miller withdrew her nomination prior to the council meeting.

    Let’s take a closer look at this race. Anonymous 1:45 did get one thing right with the statement "When one survey's this campaign something doesn't line up." Maybe we need to do some more fact finding and put together the underlying pieces to find out what’s really going on behind this race. Anyone that knows Cindy Miller for any length of time knows that she is a very strong individual and lives by her principles! She has always and will always evaluate situations and have sound reasons to take action. I’m sure she did her homework throughout this campaign and had good reasons behind each decision that’s been made. After all, this is a race to represent the 183rd district as a legislator. This means the winner of the race will be reviewing and evaluating our current and proposed laws. I know I want the most qualified individual to fill this position; one that pays attention to details and is willing to take the necessary steps to make those hard decisions. She doesn’t turn her head and look the other way. She has proven many times in both the private sector and the local political arena that she is willing to address the issues head on and can make difficult decisions for the betterment of our community.

    I ask all of you to review her resume as 98% of her background has been in the business world where she successfully helped local companies and organizations to grow and set a plan for success. Less than 2% of her career has been in local politics. And her most recent experience is the more than two years of preparation she has devoted to learning and preparing to run for this office and represent the people of the 183rd in Harrisburg. And as for her transparency, there is one thing that she has never hidden, not from the incumbent, candidates or anyone else that has known her and has been politically involved in the local area. She has openly discussed her intentions to run for the state legislature for more than two years.

    Cindy Miller is by far the best and most qualified candidate in this race and as you once said, she is "nobody's puppet" and nor will she ever be a puppet!

  7. When I made that claim about Cindy Miller, I had no idea she was a Lady MacBeth. Her own actions have proved what she is, and she completely lacks transparency. She did not file electronically, using a paper report instead that will not be seen by most until after the election. Oh, we can see Scheller's contribution by looking at her report? What are we supposed to do? Look at every report?

    There is now no doubt in my mind that she was perfectly willing to knock off Tony Pristash just as she did knock off Marc Grammes. I was relying on my pwn interactions with her when i expressed doubt that she would hurt Tony, but I was clearly wrong and swayed by my personal feelings instead of what was really happening.

    She also certainly did not have good reasons for doing everything she did. That comment tells me she just doesn't get it. She should never have announced until Harhart announced her retirement. As a fellow R, she owed that to her. Then, she attacked two other Rs seeking the seat, and issued a news release with a contact number, but when I called the contact number, I never got a return call. Then, she files her finance report by paper in an attempt to keep her contributors unknown.

    So on the one hand, Rs have a clueless guy who will do what the boys tell him to do, like Marcia Hahn and Joe Emrick do. Or you can have Cindy, who will do what Wayne Woodman and Mario Scavello tells her to do. I am disgusted by all of you at this point.

  8. Mr. O’Hare – As Mrs. Miller’s treasurer, I take umbrage at your charge that “she files her finance report by paper in an attempt to keep her contributors unknown.” First, Mrs. Miller has left the filing of reports entirely up to me so the filing of paper reports has been my decision entirely. Second, I file the reports very early in the reporting period so they are available for your review as soon as possible. Third, I file reports in both Lehigh and Northampton counties in addition to the state filing. Fourth, filing of paper reports is specifically allowed by state law with no indication that doing so is in any way nefarious. And last, this is my first time into a state race where electronic filing is permitted. My prior experience has only been on the county level where paper filings encompass the entirety of permitted avenues. To publicly admit to my inadequacies in being an old dog trying to learn a new trick, then, I have to admit that I have yet to learn how to do these reports electronically.

    I do not get paid for my services and, if you read my reports fully, you will see that the entries are detailed and transparent…I do not hide anything under the general headings such as “expenses.” If you feel you must excoriate someone for the filing of paper financial reports, then I should be your target as this was not Mrs. Miller’s decision.

  9. She is the candidate, not you, and it is her ultimate responsibility. You can take all the umbrage you want. The fact remains that this report should be filed electronically. It's not hard, and if you have the ability to do it on paper, you have the ability to do it electronically. The refusal of a statewide candidate to file electronically is an indication of a lack of transparency. , and that is a criticism I make of one and all who do this, regardless of their party.

  10. Cindy Miller's hubris will be her downfall!!! The Lady MacBeth characterization is a good one. If anyone ever attended a Lehigh Township Supervisor's meeting, they would agree. She has a big mouth but yet does not say anything of substance. She has to have her "plants" in the audience just to give her pats on the back. She disrespects any and all who disagree with her. She is an empty suit and is just plain clueless. The fact that she totally disrespected her own state rep by announcing her candidacy early speaks volumes. It will always be just about her and no one else. She is not constituent focused like her brochure states. She is Cindy Miller focused!!!! Her disrespect of her two fellow Republican opponents by getting a lawyer to have them removed from the ballot is equally telling. Look at her finance report. The lawyer used in the suit that successfully removed Marc Grammes and the suit that was withdrawn against Zach Mako is shown as an expense on her report. She claims "I had nothing to do with it" yet the expense report claims otherwise. She had everything to do with it!!! Voters, PLEASE DO NOT vote for Cindy Miller!!!!

  11. I am voting for Zach Mako!

  12. I will defiantly be Voting for Cindy Miller! She is the most qualified candidate running.

  13. You can "defiantly" vote for whomever you want. :-)

    Miller was more knowlegdeable than Mako, but that's a pretty low bar. It's a shame Repuiblicans have so little to offer in this race.

  14. Any candidate receiving supported from Wayne Woodman looses my vote. I am so glad he is no longer chairman of LV Republicans.

  15. Mr O'Hare - Call it what you want, sir, the fact remains that it is legal, in accordance with the laws of the State of Pennsylvania, was not a "refusal" since I wanted it done that way for my own needs, and is not an "indication" of anything, contrary to how you want to mislabel and twist it. It seems to be a bit of hubris when you assign "intentions" to me for following the law when you deem it should be done differently.

    That being said and being allowed to retain my umbrage, I will make every attempt to learn how to electronically file the May 26th report with the state and also continue to make the separate paper reports to the two counties.

  16. Bernie, I agree with you. People can vote whomever they want and the bar is very low this time. The best candidate would have been Marc Grammes and Mrs. Miller had him kicked out of the race. Her expense report proves it. She can no longer lie about it. Her deception in this campaign should not be rewarded with votes. As for her qualifications, it depends on whom you ask. Like anyone trying to get a job she fluffs up her resume and she lists a lot of things she has done but talk to people to see if she has done any of those things well. What has she accomplished--NOTHING but ticking off most of the electorate in the 183rd. Many moons ago she was probably perceived as the heir apparent but her big head got in the way and she even screwed that up. Now, even fellow republicans are backing away from her. Like it or not she would at some point have to actually work with people to get things done for the district but now it is apparent that no one wants to work with her - not Democrats, not even fellow Republicans. They do not trust her!!! She would be a disaster. ANYONE would be better than Cindy Miller!!!!!!

  17. Before anyone pins the title of "Saint" on the Democrat Phillips Armstrong for filing electronic campaign finance reports, please remember that he like Cindy Miller successfully removed his one and only opponent, Terri Powell, from the ballot. By doing this, he left the Democratic voters with no other ballot choice in the 183rd on Tuesday.

  18. I certainly won't call Armstrong a saint and have not done so. But compared to the two Rs left standing, he seems to be the obvious choice, unless voters write in Marc Grammes, and I doubt that is possible.

  19. Mr. Hedrick, You know how strongly I feel on this point. I am critical of any candidate, Democrat or Republican, who does not file electronically. I am sick of the games being played by Dems and Republicans alike, who act so piously at debates. I am sick of candidates who attempt to force others off the ballot instead of letting voters make the call, and who do not return calls after issuing news releases with contact numbers. I have made this clear to Ms. Miller in person, and will make it clear to you now.

  20. I still find it odd that Harhart was told she was going to retire at the end of her term. Miller registers her domain name on Nov 13th. Then on Nov 18, Brown tells personnel board he wants to appointment Miller to the Gaming board with his only justification is to mix it up. Seems like resume building.

  21. Filing of paper reports or electronically will not help you determine where the money comes from, because it just tells you what Brand donated to a particular campaign.

    Be it from Brand Harhart or Brand Scavello no one knows who it is that's backing those Brands. Which BIG RICH is hiding behind those two campaign Brands?

    BIG RICH makes donations appear as if the money is coming from Harhart or Scavello personally, when the money comes from Harhart's or Scavello's campaign coffers or from the campaign coffer of some stooge from Moon County.

    So we never really know who it is that can buy a state senator for $10,000.

  22. Do not lose hope people of the 183rd. You can still write in Marc Grammes. Unlike Cindy, Marc extended the courtesy of letting Julie know he was running. He was also the only candidate that had the guts to try and unseat her. Marc also noticed some irregularities with Zach's petitions, but he offered advice rather than challenging them. Marc is off the official ballot by his own carelessness which he readily admits. He is heartbroken that he had almost 700 petition signers, and now they won't see his name on the ballot. Marc is the most qualified candidate and deserves your consideration. Zach is a nice kid, but he is clueless. I received a robo-call this evening from former State Rep Bob Neise. It was laughable that he is drawing support like this. If you get a chance to meet Zach, ask him about any issue. You'll see what I mean. I don't know Cindy Miller, but as reported on WAEB with Gunther, Marc was in their wedding. It's one thing to not offer the courtesy of letting Julie know, but she didn't even let a friend know. So Bernie's assessment seems fair. Again, there's a choice. We deserve better in the 183rd. Write in Marc Grammes. Check out our Facebook page: Write Him In - Marc Grammes


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