Local Government TV

Friday, April 29, 2016

NorCo Jail Investigator Under Investigation

Christopher Naugle, an investigator at Northampton County jail, is apparently under investigation himself. He was recently escorted out of the jail and placed on paid administrative leave. Human Relations officials have declined all comment on a personnel matter. I have some details, but they are only rumor.


  1. Naugle isn't honest. He has hurt many during his reign, including me with his false investigations. I cannot understand how someone like Naugle who works for the county and under the jail administration can honestly investigate any complaints without a conflict of interest. There should be an outsider that is not on county payroll that looks into the internal investigations. Naugle has lied too many times on paper in his reports and interviews and many people lost their jobs because of his word. All I can say is Karma.

  2. Bernie,
    This man could be the go between public officials and the private sector for reentry into the community employment agency working under cover under colur of local law?! We all know it would be a criminal act if advertismentalist would employ those that commt crimes and henous ACTS that terrorize and trumatize the particular public officials have designs upon?!
    The facked fictisious commerce is not on any statistical data sheets as the negative positive with all the circus sticks proped up were designs have been perpatrated?!
    patent pending
    Republican redd

  3. Meh, can't be nuthin' big, nobodies spilling the beans, must be no beans...

  4. BO Please get in touch with LT Rosatti about this issue, he'll have plenty of "beans to spill" on this topic!

  5. Naugle was in over his head since day one. He was totally out of his league and allowed personal relationships to cloud his investigations. Alleged botched investigations, cover-ups and flat out lying were bound to catch up with him sooner or later.

  6. With the Perrucci firm no longer involved with the Personnel Appeals Board, how does this employee or any other career service employee appeal a disciplinary action? Are there enough board members with Ralph resigning?

  7. They are down to four and I am unaware who the new solicitor might be.

    Rumor ha it he covered up Jimmy Korsta grabbin females ass

  9. You might want to look into a deputy warden also

  10. female employee got walked out, Nagle got walked out, but Korsta still there. Hmmmmmmmmmmm

  11. Me thinks the state needs to take over & run the jail.
    This is just how they treat female employees

  12. WELL LOOKIE, LOOKIE, WHOS ON THE HOOKIE!! The same person who makes up stuff to get rid of females that complain about being HARASSED is doin the HARASSING!! About 2 yrs ago wasn't he off for 20 days under investigation for inappropriate stuff with female inmates???? and the administration let him keep his job KNOWING he was perving on the inmates??? The list of pervious MALE administration/Lieutenants is...GROWING..no pun intended...

  13. Nobody is spilling the beans because maybe the investigator was the one spilling the beans??? I would not put it past him, He is very Dishonest...

  14. The jail should be privatized. Everyone screamed to privatize Gracedale but wants to keep the jail cause that is the landing pad for all the political favors. I need a job and have no skills, put him in the jail.

  15. Not only was Naugle the investigator, he sat on the board of three that hired you. He told me that he did not agree to my hiring. A few years later, I sent a complaint to Siemontowski and Stoffa about the problems I was having at the jail and low and behold, who did the investigating? Naugle. He sat in my backyard and spent three hours talking to my husband and myself and actually gave me advice on whatI needed to do before he left. He acted very concerned about my welfare. When I read the county's position statement and answer to my complaint I filed with the EEOC, Naugle's report of the investigation was what Jill Mancini used against me and this document was nothing but lies, lies and more lies. It was just like when Jimmy Kleinman was given days off for insubordination over two secretaries he was told to write up. Bob Meyers told Kleinman what to write and Kleinman refused to follow orders. Naugle has been doing what he is told for so long at the cost of many who lost their careers, but always looked the other way when it was his buddies. When my husband took me to renew my Notary license at the court house, Naugle was in the parking lot. When he saw me he quickly walked all the way across the parking lot so he wouldn't have to talk to me. This was very obvious to me that he had something to hide and was afraid to confront me. I really hope the county looks into his arrogance and unprofessionalism while doing his job. I will not be a coward, I will sign my name. I have nothing to lose, Naugle and his buddies took it all away from me a few years ago. Every single one of the men responsible for what they did to me have all suffered personally in some way. Now it is Naugle's turn. As far as I am concerned,the only person left that needs answer for all of the wrong things they have done to others is Al Crivelaro.

    Lenore's friend

  16. Alice, lets go deeper down the rabbit hole & see what other dirty shit their is.

  17. (NCP) Northampton County Perverts...

  18. Bernie how about investigating the fact that the Director is paid well over $100,000 by the taxpayers of this county but he hasn't worked a 40/hr work week since he started with the county. Over the past few months he's averaged 2-3 days in the office at most! Just a word of advice for Mr. Keen, please don't attempt to lie and say you've been hard at work because my fellow officer has a detailed calendar with your time in and out of the office...........plus the cameras don't lie;)

    You also might want to check out what he's doing as a side gig while he's being well compensated by the taxpayers of Northampton county.

  19. First, a Director of Corrections should be making over $100,000. I hare when people complain that others are paid too much. ironically, this comolaint comes most often from others in the public sector who should be happy and demanding better ages for themselves instead of being jealous.

    Second, unlike a shift worker, Keen is expected to be available 24/7.I can say that i have never sent him an email to which he failed to reply, and it's usually withing a few hours.

    Third, I was very suspicious of him at first, especially with a sweep that yielded nothing. But I have been very impressed by many of his other decisions. Though others share in the credit, I know he was the driving force behind federal funding of a grant at the jail. I know that he is the main reason that central booking has been so successful. Ask cops on the street about that.

    Finally, he is exactly what my good friend Rin Angle saidwas needed at the jail. Someone from the outside who is going to take names and kick ass. Correction officer who used heroin and his=d it? Gone. Corrections officer who beats his wife several times and has no remorse? History. The recent suspension of an investigator (I won't prejudge him) tells me he is more than willing to look into the administration as well. That;'s exactly what should be happening. No double standards.

    He is making a difference and can rely on a qualified and well-trained HR Director to help. The net result will be a safer facility that is run fairly.

    So I have grown to respect Keen quite a bit, i spite of your spying. Instead of looking at what he is doing, try doing your job.

  20. Let me address your points individually.........

    First, the DOC does deserve to be compensated fairly but only if he has the educational and corrections experience to merit such a wage. He is lacking in both departments.

    Second, in 2016 it's not a major task to respond to an email. He can be sitting on the toilet at home and respond to your email quite easily from his phone. I didn't think asking him to show up to the office more than 2-3 days a week was asking too much.

    Third, ask the staff how successful the changes to central booking have been........and I'll also add that the staff is the main reason for any successes in central booking at all! Laura was the driving force behind the grant recieved by the department of corrections and that's a fact that can't be argued.

  21. Finally, firing a co who used heroin or an officer who beat his wife isn't some fantastic accomplishment.......it's called doing the right thing and is an easy decision to make! You have very lower standards for such an important position at the jail. Ask some of the recent retirees about the leadership at the jail, Ms. Williams is only one example of many that would be willing to give you a tiny glimpse into the inside of the jail.

    1. Right...doing the right thing that no one else didMaking sure that malingerers who were pre-Butterbean had he not been there. Whether someone gets the job done in 20 hours or 70 hours doesn't matter. What matters is the job gets done. Get some ambition and get a "glimpse" into what your life could be if you used your energy for good rather than evil...Ithere's a lot of "doing the right thing" going on right now so eyes on the prize baby and don't be a malingerer.

  22. It is obvious that Bernie's new man-crush is Butterbean Keen. If he is showing up for work only 2-3 days a week then he should be fired for theft of time. Bernie has become hypnotized by Brown's generosity in overpaying senior staff, then allowing them to cheat on travel expense reports and work whenever they feel like it. This is his "high performance team" of deadbeats. Oh, and as a pre-emptive insult from our blog diva, yes I AM an anonymous coward. Without us, this blog would fade into benign irrelevancy.

  23. I will not go back and forth with you. We disagree. Time will tell who is right.

  24. If it can even be fathomed the jail is even more sexist than ever. No wonder why so many female employees have varies and on going complaints with the EEOC and the PAHRC, as well as multiple lawsuits pending.

  25. I wonder who did Mr, keen background investigation? Employees at frankling county have story to tell.

  26. I see. Who are you? Who are the employees from Franklin County? What is the story? When did it occur? This is an anonymous attempt to smear someone who is cleaning uo the mess at the jail, from top to bottom.

  27. guess you can only bury the rats for so long. Mmmmm cant wait to see what tomorrow will bring. Maybe next same of the prev. LTs will be gone. No more slap & tickle. O no lunch time will never be the same!

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  29. 6:09, please don't use this blog for your sexual fantasies, unless they are with me.

    1. I have many fantasies with you Bernie; however, I was paying homage to a beautiful lady who is getting it done. You don't remove comments about someone talking about inappropriate dress and clubbing outfits.

  30. I am delighted to hear that you have sexual fantasies about me. I generally will remove comments that objectify women, even if meant as a compliment. I no doubt could do a better job, but I am stuck with what is probably a sexist predisposition and likely miss some things and make sexist statements myself at times. I am not removing your comment to be politically correct but because it is the right thing to do. I see no one talking sexually about Keen, and it's unfair to all women when a female administrator's sex is brought into the picture instead of what she is doing. OK? You can still dream.

  31. Sorry. I missed the sexist comment to which you refer and deleted that as well.

  32. No matter what side of the argument you are on I think we can ALL agree on something..............Poo Hands and Butterbean are both fantastic nicknames!

  33. 10:15 is obliviously not aware that he director is often required to meet with various organizations outside the walls of the Jail. Your assumptions are ridiculous and make you sound like an idiot. Next time you want to criticize someone you really should get the facts before speaking.

  34. Mayb butterbean shoud spend his time firing a wothless sexist pig LT that likes 2 go 'round callin female officers crazy bitches, instand of just hiding him in the front office.

  35. @9:21 Very well said Butterbean.....I mean Mr. Keen!

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  39. Deputy Warden Grab-Ass likes to have nude photos of women, including female employee that was walked out on his work computer. Alice

  40. They need to get rid of all administration and lieutenants..,Birds of a feather flock together...Bunch of DIRTY BIRDS!!

  41. They should investigate why this person who made this claim about grabass was given time off by her boss without documented it. I use to work in the office and she was always off. Not fair ! Mr. H. her supervisor was always giving her off even when she had no time to use. What a joke of a supervisor.


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