Local Government TV

Friday, April 01, 2016

Morganelli Seeks Ethics Investigation for Shapiro

Nearly two weeks ago, standing at the steps of the Montgomery County Courthouse, NorCo DA John Morganelli provided a fairly extensive list of Josh Shapiro campaign contributors who ended up with deals in Montgomery County, where he is a County Commissioner.

Yesterday, from Harrisburg, he called for the State Ethics Commission to commence an investigation based on more recent discoveries. According to Morganelli, Shapiro "has used his position as a County Commissioner to not only reward his campaign contributors with lucrative county contracts, but he has also, in at least 2 county contracts, failed to disclose that he is using his position to steer lucrative county contracts to his own clients - vendors who are clients of his law firm- Stradley Ronon."

Morganelli claims that Shapiro may have engaged in a "conflict of interest," in violation of the state Ethics Act, because he voted to award to award lucrative contracts to PECO and Exelon, who happened to be his clients.

Here is an excerpt of Morganelli's remarks:
Josh Shapiro likes to lecture everyone about ethics and integrity. He brags about his so-called "integrity agenda " for Pennsylvania. He says that he will adopt a gift ban that will forbid an official from accepting even a free cup of coffee so as not to be influenced with respect to his public duties. He says he will lead by example. Yet, his rhetoric does not match his conduct. He runs around with ethics and integrity on his sleeve, but where is that when it comes to his own conduct? Shapiro wants to ban state officials from accepting a free cup of coffee, but at the same time, in Montgomery County, Josh Shapiro has no problem at all soliciting campaign contributions from special interests who he then awards lucrative county contracts, including the clients of his own law firm.

Blogger's Disclosure: I support John Morganelli in the AG race and have contributed to his campaign.

Updated 10 am: Common Cause of Pa Exec Director Barry Kauffman has told Pittburgh Tribune that Shapiro or any other elected official whose law firm benefits from a vote needs to make complete disclosure


  1. shapiro got appointed chair of pccd where he has no business. pccd has continued to do nothing about bad apple police constables under his watch as well as kanes.

  2. no matter what JM does or says he will never be the ag.

  3. morganelli keeps clearing the path for zappala....

  4. It seems Mr.Morgenelli did not get the word.President Obama endorsed Mr.Shapiro a few days ago.All good Democrates should stand with President Obama in supporting Mr. Shapiro. A True Democrate

  5. John Morganelli continues to help elect Zappala. Could it be they made a deal and Morganelli gets a job in the department

  6. Attempted deflection. Morganelli is not working his ass off and spending money to get someone else elected.

    1. Bernie,
      I would like to see morganelli as AG, but I am sure this man could do a great public service right here in the triboro as the nue nue nue created AG locally as this is what all these transiant transplants that = chalk and paint to make a taint what it ain't and there flipp flopp in there designing circus agenda were alcohol and drugs are part of the advertismental attraction too¿¡!)$
      Long winded I know, butt with all the shit slingging fictisious economy positives I still must be blind as I am not seeing what they are¿
      Bernie, I am sittin on pinZ and neddleZ in anticipation of opinionZ¿¡)!$
      redd registered Republican
      patent pending

  7. " Morganelli is not working his ass off and spending money to get someone else elected."

    Strange though that someone with zero chance is working his ass off and spending money when he will never be elected. Leave with dignity, not disgrace.

  8. Morganelli has convinced me who the best candidate is for AG. I will be voting for Zappala. Thanks John


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