Local Government TV

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Maybe This Will Tarnish Carl Strye's "Love" For Nazareth

(The following is an open letter to Nazareth Mayor Carl Strye)

Dear Carl,

I threw up a little in my mouth when I saw your latest Express Times spin over an admitted theft. "My love for Nazareth will never be tarnished," you claim. You say you have had nothing but support, no one has asked you to resign, and point to your Facebook sycophants as proof that you are  swell guy. I am telling you, as a Nazareth resident and voter, that I want you to resign. If you refuse, you should be denied ARD, which is what we all know you are trying to get.

You need to resign because, unfortunately, you are both a thief and a liar. You have completely failed to demonstrate remorse. You even think an accused felon can run a police department. This undermines public confidence in government and taints the integrity of every criminal investigation and prosecution being pursued in Nazareth. Nazareth deserves better. Its police department deserves better. If you really do love Nazareth, step down. If not, you should be denied entry into ARD.

Of the 84 votes cast on my online poll thus far, only six persons think you should stay in office. The Express Times call for your resignation was at 81% when I last checked.

You admitted to a Grand Jury that you stole $8,000 from a very worthwhile nonprofit. In reality, you undoubtedly stole a far greater sum, which explains why you go on trips at the drop of a hat and can afford to attend so many professional sports events.

You are also a liar, which goes hand in had with being a thief. You lied to me. Repeatedly. Let's review.

January 2015 Denial

I first got wind of a possible criminal investigation into skimming in January of last year, and I asked you about it. In an email to me dated January 26, 2015, you said:
"You can believe me or not, I did not skim anything. I wasn't brought up that way. I have a very good paying job as a regional Manager of a very large carwash distributorship. But of course, people will say what they want without proving or investigating anything. They only thing I got from the vendor was baseball, hockey or football tickets. Never any money. I do not know what is happening now, because I distanced myself from that to concentrate on being Mayor."
We now know that was a lie. But like an idiot, I believed you.

March 2015 Denial

Over that cold 2015 Winter, amid snow emergencies being declared twice a week, I advised you that I was hearing rumors about a Grand Jury investigation, and asked if you had been subpoenaed. On March 3, 2015, this is what you said: "Berne, I have not been subpoenaed for anything. Do not know anything about it. However, If I were, I would cooperate 100% and let them know the value of these machines and why they are needed in private clubs." I had called you the King of Illegal Poker Machines, and you made this request:
"Can you please stop calling me the Illegal Poker machine person. Everyone in town knows about the poker machines and that the Vigilance had them along with other establishments. You never mention the new president who took over for me. I know I am a target in my position, so I am asking you kindly to stop.

"Man to Man.....Please."
You went on to say:
"Does it look bad on my part? somewhat. But I never had any conversations with our local police while I was in or out of office. It was just they way it was. Right or wrong, the police stayed away.

"According to Vig. Prez.Troy Keenhold, he is not bringing back the machines. He never dealt with the state police and I think he got scared. That is up to him and the Board of trustees of the Hose. I wish them well.

"Personally, I am not a corrupt person. I also think the other municipal leaders thought the same thing. Never even crossed my mind concerning the machines. However, I do get what you are saying. But I think the press has suppressed the poker machine issue and agreed they need to be legalized. This might have taken a little steam or pressure off of who was involved."
Once again, you lied. But like an idiot, I eased up.

January 2016 Denial

As Winter turned Summer and Fall, I discounted most of the rumors until I began seeing Nazareth firefighters going into the Grand Jury. They were obviously not seeking donations. I heard that you had been subpoenaed and asked you about it. On January 14. 2016, you denied  you had been in front of the Grand Jury and added, "I have nothing to hide. I have a very good paying job and can prove my investments. The vigilance hose is not the fleas."

This was another lie. In fact, you had been in front of the Grand Jury just three days before, on January 11, 2016, and had admitted to stealing $8,000. But like an idiot, I still believed you. I even agreed to sit down with you at some future date.

That date never came. Instead, the rumors continued to intensify. On March 16, 2016, I wrote to tell you I had heard you were a target of the Grand Jury.. The DA refused comment, but I told you that a former gas station owner had reported you were entering a plea.

You responded by saying "I have not admitted to anything," followed by "I have no comment."

In fact, you had admitted to stealing two months earlier at a Grand Jury at which you denied being present. Once again, you lied.

But I no longer believed you.

It wasn't until I went through my email exchanges with you that I realized that there is little difference between me and your Facebook sycophants or your "friends" in Nazareth. You spun us all. You are quite the manipulator.

Next time you want to tell some reporter that no one has asked you to resign, remember this email. Resign for the sake of the Borough you claim to love. Stop diminishing the integrity of the police department with your continued presence. If you do not resign, I will ask the DA and the courts to deny your application for ARD. I question whether someone like you, who has displayed no remorse, deserves ARD.

You see, I love Nazareth, too.


  1. Your entire life history has been marred with scandal , mistake after mistake, and failure after failure. Instead of being overly concerned with the Mayor, try getting your own life in order.

    Letting your mouth water, and rubbing this in, just shows what a sick, hateful person you are. We have a system in this country where the accused can present their defenses.

    What happened last time you had someone pegged as guilty, incessantly spreading your venom and hatred? Didn't work out too well, did it?? You should update your sidebar, about the status of that "judgment"

  2. @ 204- who are you directing that at ?

  3. Calgon take me away !!!

  4. I saw on the news a Nazareth EMS truck on fire and a PD car being towed on 248, guess the whole boro is broken, well at least they are consistent, poor tax payers.

  5. Christ O'Hare more of your self-righteous rage? Who the Hell are you? I am sure the mayor will give your "open letter" all the attention it deserves. You really think you are some kind of moral authority? You are just nuts.

    Your stupid poll is usually filled by your gang of haters that follow the smell closely. When your goofy polls don't go your way you yourself claim they are rigged. Give us a break from your fantasy world.

    Agree with 2:04, you may want to get a real job and clean up your own life before preaching to someone else.

    Friend of the real God!



  6. O'Hare's job is to run the Orloski Lawfirm out of the Northampton County Law Library. Off the books. Not reported. SO sad that JM does nothing to stop a career criminal who practices law without a license right underneath his nose.

  7. Corruption, corruption, corruption.

    Who is this "real God"? Is money the God we trust?

  8. Bernie,
    The triboro AG j Moganelli should have all the local public officials doing the perp walk and house all of them til trial in one of there slumlordin campaign contribitors caged unfit for human habitation rentable blight?!
    redd registered Republican
    patent pending

  9. There is a lot of support for this man in Allentown City Hall.
    I understand a fundraiser is being planed.

  10. This is OUTSTANDING investigative journalism, Bernie!

    This story and your efforts remind me of the original, once brilliant 60 Minutes program on CBS. I agree the man should resign, but he's now "buying time" to work out a strategy to make all of this go away. It won't.

    Your coverage exemplifies how far our usual news media outlets have fallen in journalistic integrity, and why citizens have been rejecting them for having turned their backs to an important public service, performing in best interest of average people.

    Fred Windish

  11. It's amazing how Tricia Mezzacappa (6:01) and Jim Gregory (Friend of the real God) are so full of hate that they will defend the worst kind of behavior by public officials with personal attacks aimed at me. The law library is completely available for use by the public, and I sometimes use it when to (1) respond to her nonsense, (2) when I want to read current cases or (3) on those rare occasions when I need to do legal research for another lawyer or in connection with a title I am searching.

  12. Chased Dougherty out of town and now chasing Strye out of town. Who is this self proclaimed saviour of the Borough of Nazareth? Who has such hatred for the people of Nazareth that they will go to any length to bash the Borough and demoralize the people of Nazareth. Could it be council? Maybe it's the police. Nah it's the road crew. It does seem the brotherhood has a real problem

    1. It's called the LAW! Just because a person is an elected official does not allow them to break the law.

      Just wait until the investigation begins with some of the members of crooked members of council, and their connection with the NAZARETH AMBULANCE. Their days on council are numbered! Hey, President of council.....do you hear that? That's the noise of the cell doors opening up for you and other members of council who are stealing from NAZARETH EMS!

      Miller can't save you now. ;)

  13. When did demanding honesty and integrity in government become a bad thing?

    Fred Windish

  14. "Who has such hatred for the people of Nazareth that they will go to any length to bash the Borough "

    This is what happens. When a Mayor comes under attack, he will surround himself with his sycophants and do his best to identify himself with the community he represents. Any criticism of him is branded as a criticism of the community. No, when I point to FED Ed or Strye and their criminal behavior, I am pointing at them, not Allentown or Nazareth. When I slam Panto for his dishonesty in creating false identities to post comments at LVL, I am slamming him, not Easton.

  15. Gee Bernie, You have some folks mad at you.
    Keep up the good work.

  16. The flak is always heaviest when you're over the target.

  17. I think the reason why these people don't resign from public office in cases like this is once they do, they lose the appearance of protection of their position. They're just like "one of us" then.

    There are many fine people irrespective of parties that enter politics because they think they can do some good. However, there are many other people who enter politics for the express purpose of becoming mini-aristocrats and want to wield power over others in whatever way they can. I don't know Mr. Strye, I have no ideas of what his motives are, but obviously his actions are a breach of the public trust and he should resign his position. My guess is that because he hasn't resigned, he's more of the power-hungry type and less the vigilant public servant type.

  18. Strye should resign for his moronic mangling of metaphors. Wow. What a dummy.

  19. Quite a piece of work. Gives politicians a bad name. Just resign already, and stop trying to make it sound like you did nothing wrong. Stop listening to your supporters, who are clueless when it comes to distinguishing between right and wrong.

  20. The flak is always heaviest when you're over the target.
    That's outstanding, Bernie. Did you get that from your dad? Excellent article!

  21. I am assuming that when you state Strye "admitted" to the theft that this information comes from the affidavit and or complaint. I can't imagine you were given access to the grand jury transcripts because I would imagine that they are confidential. It will be interesting to see what he "admitted" to considering this was illegal gambling. The "skimming" could have been his payment for overseeing the illegal gambling operation. Not that this makes it right. It will be interesting to see all of the evidence.

    On a side note, this Troy Keenhold character seems like a good guy from everything I have read about him. I wouldn't be surprised if he runs for mayor when this is all said and done. Would be a bit odd/suspicious considering he was the whistle-blower here.

  22. Officials get into trouble they forget they are appointed and think they are annointed-

  23. Wow! A message from "the real god" right here on Bernie's Blog? I feel so blessed today for sure.

    Shit, at least he could have done was told me when he was coming so I could get my house in order......

    I think I've seen it al now Bernie that the real god know reads your blog daily and comments... What's next SATAN COMMENTS and chimes in? LMAO

    Bernie.. the devil has a taken ovah your body and been run'in things......

  24. "The flak is always heaviest when you're over the target."

    Actually that is when you delete comments.

  25. Bernie should be sponsored by Haterade!

    Friend of the Real God!

  26. That poor excuse for a Human Being-let alone public official-needs to hit the road and go to the clink.

  27. I love Nazareth too or what I remember of it with the crowded stores on Main Street and the smells of the bakery mixed in the floral scents of the florists, I just spent a big part of my day arguing with some public servant who found it more important to spend quality time on social media disparaging everyone. If the public servant who would not give us a legal name, did some work to make Nazareth better, like the founding fathers intended -- the day would have been more productive -- but NO --

  28. Strong gay men never back down or surrender.

  29. Bernie my favorites are when people phrases like your "reign of terror," makes you sound like a supervillain. You should change your to one where you're the Joker or Mr. Freeze!

    In all seriousness, the work you do is outstanding and desperately needed. Thank you.

    The Banker

  30. I didn't ... I mean, HE didn't do anything wrong. I love ... I mean, HE loves Nazareth.

  31. What the last guy said. Strye is more ethical than Mother Theresa, kinda.

  32. The mayor truly needs to resign. I know that he thinks in his head that he is for Nazareth but in reality he is dragging the town through the mud and having us(Nazareth) in the newspaper every day letting this drama play out is not necessary for this town. We need a leader and somebody that is honest and ready to move this town in a positive forward direction. Our community has so much to offer the Lehigh Valley and its surrounding areas. We just need to clean house and get fresh blood in. Easier said than done. With the hard work of our citizens I'm sure that we can do this. The important part is is that we need to do this together. Not one person not a dozen people but the whole community.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Batman and Freddie dadadada batman and Freddie rides to the rescue. Batman did you see Bernie yet ,no Freddie I think Mayor Dinkle pussy has him as a hostage,in hopes that this blog post goes away. But Batman you know it won't , will have to report this to the only other cop we can trust officer Schleig. Let's roll Batman you got it Freddie. Dadadadadadadada and off they head to the police station where they run in to Mayor Dinkle pussy himself. Well well well and what are you two super heroes looking for asks Dinkle pussy. Freddie looks straight into his lying eyes,you know exactly what were here for you lowlife piece of shit. Stop that I never said I was sorry. Because I'm innocent I tell you innocent. Well I am here to see my partner, I mean the Miller, he owes me. Now step aside while me an Miller have a private pay off I mean a word ha ha ha. Soif you want Bernie back . DO WHAT I SAY. Just then SCHLEIG pulls up to the station,Batman and Freddie rush over to tell him what is going on.Dadadadada stay tuned for more details.

  33. Joann Kennedy, the person you were arguing with in LVL all day day, "fireball," is NOT a member of Nazareth Borough Council. It is one of the many names used by Tricia Mezzacappa. She was using "fireball1950," but that account was suspended. She also was floots2.

  34. Imagine if some black guy broke in and stole $8000.00. He would be looking at 5 years upstate. But since it was the mayor and from an ILLEGAL gambling operation he gets ARD? This is why i say Pennsylvania is a big stinky pile of corruption. Who will be charged with running an ILLEGAL gambling operation Mr Morganelli? You will answer this question soon

  35. lol- love the comment where he said he is a regional manager for a car wash compnay. just so happens most car wash locations are a cash only business. wonder how many of these car wash facitities had some of their quarters skimmed from the top , especially since he/his company , is the one installing the car wash locations. just saying...it is kind of like the fox guarding the hen house.

  36. ultimate responsibility is the criminal who stole the cash. now lets move on to the others who refuse to do nothing as a result of this charge. may i ask what is the so called boro council members doing or what have they done. i really think these people are so out of touch with reality . this idea that since a person or a family, has been on council for 10 or 20 year , they need not be challenged is a complete joke.these people on council need to hear from the voters and tax payers.
    love the voters who said we need to look at all the good things the criminal mayor has done for the city before we pass judgement on him. i literally threw up in my mouth after hearing that woman do an interview. the guy is a liar and a thief and he should not be doing anything else but time in jail. for a so called voter to even make a statement like this floors me. it is almost as if the politicians have been getting away with this crap for decades and now it is accepted by some of the voters.
    this is one of the biggest reason people have no faith in their local, state and federal govts. until guys like this actually pay the price for violating the law and the tax payers trust, it will continue. it is far past the time to make examples of politicians who are corrupt. what happened to the old saying my mother used to tell me when i was a kid. "you will/should, never bring shame to our family and if you do, you might as well take a knife and stab me in the heart bc i will be heart broken as a result of the shame". does character, ethics and morals matter any more for voters in regards to the politicians they vote for on all levels of govt?

  37. Sounds like a corrupt organization to me.

  38. "Imagine if some black guy broke in and stole $8000.00. He would be looking at 5 years upstate. But since it was the mayor and from an ILLEGAL gambling operation he gets ARD?"

    I understand your argument. Street crime and white collar crime are treated differently, and for good reason. When someone breaks into a home, he violates the homeowners. Many of them feel as though they've been raped. In a comparative scheme, I think we'd all agree that skimming is far less serious and dangerous. I'd like to think that a black person who gets caught skimming would be treated the same as Strye. If he were Mayor, and had admitted to it, I'd expect him to resign. I also know that white defendants who engage in street crime are pretty much treated the same as persons who are of color.So your argument is flawed and is a red herring. This is not a discussion of race.

  39. "She was using "fireball1950," but that account was suspended"

    She must have had today off from selling window frames or changing bed pans. She was on LVL all day, easily spotted by her inability to use apostrophes correctly. Her meds must have been out of reach - she called someone a "jerk off".

  40. "I just spent a big part of my day arguing with some public servant who found it more important to spend quality time on social media disparaging everyone."

    That person tried to become a public servant, but failed miserably. She's the same person trolling Bernie here, claiming he is a "hater" and babbling about penises, when what he is doing is writing well researched news articles. She's crazy and bitter.

  41. She also libeled a very good police officer, most likely because I like him.

  42. "Imagine if some black guy broke in and stole $8000.00. He would be looking at 5 years upstate. But since it was the mayor and from an ILLEGAL gambling operation he gets ARD?"

    Don't kid yourself, all a black person would have to do is "not signal a lane change" or "sell an untaxed single cigarette" and they could be killed.

    Strye is providing important cover to the illegal gambling operation itself, as long as we focus on him we can save the brotherhood and whatever else they're doing.

    Illegal gambling is the gateway drug to gangsterdom.

  43. Fireball was also known as floots2 all last week while arguing about the Nazi dad. You can pick her out by certain things she says.

  44. Thank you Bernie for that information. It explains why the nasty comments stopped with the mention of Lahovski name and Counselor Charles 's name. I guess going down to Ferry and Washington again was not anticipated when she left such nasty comments to everyone Thank you again

  45. Guilty, not guilty, either way the mayor should step down until this distraction is over and protect the town he loves from any further embarrassment and disorder. If he is exonerated he can attempt to run again (if he's even willing)and perhaps one day celebrate his triumphant return to office.

    Not knocking the guy or really any individual who steps up into a community leadership role. It is mostly a thankless job, with the vast majority of people too busy with their own lives to give a shit what you're doing so long as it doesn't get in their way, yet the minute something does, they're screaming at the top of their lungs about the crappy job you're doing.

    It would be a much better world if only the best and the brightest were our civic leaders, unfortunately the best and the brightest among us have well paying jobs that keep them busy and they have the smarts to know that their time and effort would only be ignored or ridiculed.


  46. JoAnn Kennedy, I did not see her libel of Fred and am unaware of this counselor you mention. Most of her comments were deleted by the time I saw the references to Fred later in the day. I saw her attacks at you in the morning when I flagged her false claim that I had written the story In fact, I flagged her attacks of you as well. The attack at me was deleted, but LVL allowed many of her personal attacks of you to remain when I left. I notice most are gone now. She did Strye no favor with such a virulent defense and so many personal attacks. She created the false impression that she was from Nazareth and even a member of its council. Everyone who thinks people from Nazareth are stuck up and think their shit does not stink would look at her comments and have that opinion confirmed.

    The reality is that most people in Nazareth are disgusted by Strye, the top heavy police department and its meddling borough council. They ALL need to go.

  47. "Fireball was also known as floots2 all last week while arguing about the Nazi dad. You can pick her out by certain things she says."

    That is correct. She as using that sock puppet to smear me with libel. I will credit LVL bc, contrary to their slow behavior in the past, they got rid of her pretty quickly. As "floots2", Mezzacappa claimed to be a libertarian from Bethlehem who was a retired welder

    She came on here as fireball and claimed to be a 6'2" guy weighing 260 lbs in one of her usual anonymous attempts at intimidation. I deleted her.

    Mezzacappa is an incredible liar and like all liars, has to create bigger and bigger lies to cover up her falsehoods.

    With respect to me, her initial lie was that I put the move on her back in 2011. Though that is completely untrue, lots of people would believe it. But then she claimed to have called the cops, and I was able to produce documentation showing no such call was made. Then she claimed I assaulted her pig, which is an absurd claim to make and unbelievable. Then she accused me of attempted rape and of drugging her and raping her. She would call police, claiming i broke into her house. She even went so far as to claim that I fed her pet pig rat poison. She would come to the courthouse, where I work, and see me, and then file papers claiming I was stalking her.

    I sued and won. She has lost a car and soon will lose her home.

    Yet she continues to defame, not just me, but others as well. These are damaging lies read by thousands and they hurt people.

    1. For God sake Bernie cut through the Bullshit ‼ the Batman and Freddie story. It's a lot better then that piece of shit strye everyone knows what kind of thief he was or is . But Bernie I will say that your batman stories really bring back some old laughs. Thank you for that, after all that piece of shit is putting Nazareth through it sure made us smile. Wait my wife said to ask you sir did Batman,Freddie and Schleige ever find you❓ LOL

  48. Hi Bernie,

    I just returned to the internet to find that the LVL article is pocked with deleted comments, So I went to my Facebook State page where I am admin and I grabbed one and posted it to the page for all to see throughout the state, and the country and few overseas

    Albetha 2 minutes ago
    @fireball Ah, so you are involved with Nazareth government. If there is a non-disparagement clause, I suspect that you will getting a communication from Mr. Lahovski's letter right soon. Personally, I could care less about Mr. Lahovski one way or the other but you are making very clear why the Nazareth Boro has become a joke in the Lehigh Valley. It also explains why the Boro has had to pay so many employees "good riddance" money over the past few years. And, it explains why you might support the mayor: incompetence supports incompetence. Nice.

    Thank you for you chivalry kind sir

    Are you still doing title search work in the court house ? Do you know I worked down there too ? Upstairs in Fiscal Affairs, Personal Property Tax, and Assessment and I too did some title work for my friends

    And those property records are a mess on purpose they were mess then, and they are worse now


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.