Local Government TV

Friday, April 08, 2016

LV Tea Party Hosts Debate in Contested State and U.S. House Races.

Tom Carroll acted as moderator
Though every State and U.S. House seat is up this election cycle, only three of them are being contested in the Lehigh Valley in the primary. They are the 131st Pa. Legislative District, currently represented by Justin Simmons; the 183rd Legislative District, being vacated by Julie Harhart; and the 17th Pa. Congressional District, which is served by Matt Cartwright. Last night, the Lehigh Valley Tea Party hosted a debate for the candidates at the Se-Wy-Co Banquet Hall in Lower Saucon Township before a packed and very attentive audience of over 100 people. I've often been critical of the LV Tea Party over the years, but they provided an important public service with this candidates' night, which was moderated by Bethlehem Attorney Tom Carroll.

Over the years, I've attended numerous debates. Usually, the audience consists of the candidates and their campaign volunteers. Very few people come just because they are interested. But the opposite is true with these tea party functions. Though largely conservative or libertarian, most of them are there because they take democracy seriously.

I got there a little early so I had a chance to listen to people talk as patriotic videos were streamed by Tom Campione.

"I'm all about America and Donald Trump is the best bet," I heard one fellow say.

"The question is not whether he's a real Republican but a real conservative," said another.

Though I am regarded as something of a pariah in nearly every political circle, a few people do come up and speak to me. Arlene Klocek talked to me of a friend going through a rough time, and how much she and her group of friends are praying for her

And she is.

She likes Cruz.

So does Dean Browning, who is running for Delegate in the GOP convention.

When the show finally started, Tom Carroll himself noted the energy in the room. "We're a little but angry, but we're engaged," he said.

I'd agree.

In the next few posts, I will give you a blow-by-blow account of the debate, starting with the 131st Simmons Smackdown and ending with the Congressional Clash.

As much as I slam them, the LV Tea party deserves some recognition for hosting these events. More Democrats need to attend their candidates' nights in the Fall.


  1. Why on God's earth would a Democratic candidate ever show up to one of their nights in the Fall? These people hate Democrats. They are an apparatus of the Republican party. You saw yourself in the last two county races they are lemmings. They will pull the Republican lever say in and day out. They may not vote at all but never for a Democrat. Their supposed "non-partisan" stance is as ridiculous as their ideological purity.

  2. Spoken like someone who has never attended. I have been to several of their candidate nights. Ask the Dems who have attended, like John Morganelli. He actually picked up support. Other Dems have done well, too. It's a big mistake to ignore a large group of voters. Your disdain explains how seven Rs managed to get elected to County Council in a Democratic county.

  3. To the person who wonders why a Democrat would attend: News flash - we are not a faction of the Republican party. We are an organization of conservatives and libertarians. We don't hate democrats. We dislike progressives because they attempt to enlarge government which in turn seeks to rule over us, rather than serve us.

    Personally, I have no problem voting for a Democrat who reflects my conservative values, and would do so in a heartbeat over a tax-and-spend Republican.

  4. How do you sit through this mind numbing exercise of hate and bigotry?

  5. Tea baggers aren't Republicans? If it walks like a duck ...

    Maybe they think they are independent but the end result is that "tax and spend" Republicans use them for the useful idiots they are.

  6. This may look like a great debate to mmany but all it is is a far right wing of the repulican party.This guy won in 2010 because the republican party put a whole lot of propeganda out about the ACA.making people think they were getting robbed when in reality it is the people who are getting fooled by right wing puppets for the rich,They had a republican governor before Wolf who put the state in high debt and gave his rich buddies tax breaks and then after he did that people in the right wing consevative republican party blame Wolf what ajoke they all have pipe dreams.As far as the Manchin toomey bill there was nothing wrong with that but all you can here about is my 2nd amendment rights well what about the rights of all the victims of gun violence don't they have rights?

  7. There was no sign on the door stating, "No progressives allowed." Everyone was permitted to attend. The main reason Dems need to attend functions like this is to demonstrate to candidates that most people aren't far right conservatives or libertarians like Campione. Democracy is not a spectator sport, and people who take the time to inform themselves at events like these become more persuasive. This is the only group I know that does not host debates attended only by the campaign teams of both parties. There are numerous others as well. Democrats will likely not pick up a lot of votes at these events, but their attendance would likely counter the disdain for other views demonstrated by people like Campione. And most are not as virulent as he. Democrats should start attending these functions in force. Knowledge is power.

  8. I attended a Lehigh Valley Tea Party event where John Morganelli was invited and spoke, from his purview, about the enforcement of immigration laws and other pertinent issues and how that impacts Northampton County. He was well received and even received a standing ovation for his remarks. Far too many people comment, here and elsewhere, without really being informed or knowledgeable regarding the issues.They just make their immature, emotional, talking point comments. I wish it were more about the issues and much less about party.

  9. Well said, Bernie! 12:03 comment! I have attended the Tea Party Candidats' Night, as well. While I am not a member of the Tea Party, it's always good to gather info firsthand! Thanks Bernie!

  10. Karen, And as I'm sure you know, most of the people there are actually very nice and are willing to listen.

  11. Of course Morgannelli was cheered. He has had an immigration stance to the right of Trump for years. He is a lock in his current position and has no problem taking the Democrats locally for granted. he is one of the few that would be loved.

    As to a conservative Democrat over a tax and spend Republican. It would appear that as someone who follows county issue s that was disproved in 213. The tea party went full in on all the Republicans who then immediately raised taxes. Meanwhile you had two fairly conservative to moderate Democrats in Jerry Seyfried and Ron Heckman that they ignored.
    When one of these "non-partisans" was confronted about the Republican tax increase they said, "the democrats would have done worse". With that logic how can a Democrat even come close to their support, Bernie?

    They are not as open minded as you paint them as you well know.

  12. The fact that O'Hare considers my views virulent, pleases me greatly. As a strict Constitutionalist, my individual rights are supreme under the law. And the fact that progressive-socialists see government as supreme is exactly why we have a Bill of Rights. . . to prevent you from doing so. LOL!

  13. I have just explained what Dems need to do, and Jerry and Ron are two prime examples. Had they appeared in front of the tea party, they would have been welcome and would have received support. When there is a candidates' night, people should go. Instead, anonymous cowards like you recommend that they stay away and hold your nose. It is your poor insight and obvious intolerance that helps Democrats lose .

  14. The teabggaers are hyper nutty partisans created by Koch brother billionaire types to pull the straight R lever. So far they have done what they have been orchestrated to do. I doubt they are as flexible as you give them credit for Bernie.

  15. You have just demonstrated that extrmism exists on both sides of the equation. Thank you.

  16. Yes, they are very nice, Bernie! Anytime you can gather all parties in one room and listen to where candidates stand on issues..whether you like the issues or not.... it's always a good thing! I enjoy reading your blog!

  17. 7:39... at least the Tea Party members can articulate their reason for being. How many times have you spoken to the left wingers who protest just b/c someone handed them a $5 bill from Soros. We've all seen it. They have no idea why they are protesting. 'nuf said!

  18. Tea Party members, Look at this ... then look in the mirror.


  19. To anonymous who posted the video: First, you need to have the balls to use your real name. Second, the tea party movement is and was never about race, or a specific year we wish to return to. It is about the founding ideals of individual freedom. The proper role of government is to protect us from foreign invaders, protect us from criminals, and to provide a judicial system by which we settle disputes among ourselves.

    Government has no right to control markets, banking, environment, healthcare, and so on. Its function is to protect the rights of all citizens equally. By controlling these things it favors certain groups over others and claims group rights. There are no group rights, only individual rights.

    As soon as you define a group and claim rights, you create favoritism. All people are created equal. Serve that ideal and you will see a far greater chance of harmony and prosperity.

  20. Tom Campione, When I was at your meeting as a guest, I was respectful and did not insult tea party members or even you. I even signed in when asked and put $1 in the bucket when it was passed around, although the second tome, I took $10. You are here as a guest and I ask that you be respectful to my readers. You were not personally insulted. There is no need for you to use vulgarities with another reader, especially since that person was able to tell you right away that he got his info from your own web page

  21. "There are no group rights, only individual rights."

    Then why do you say the pledge of allegiance to the flag that represents a nation. Why do you respect a document that starts with "WE" the People? What you appear to support is anarchy, no law and order.

    Basically what you wrote is the textbook definition of the ultimate goal of pure Marxist communism.

    Jane Foley

  22. Surprised that O'Hare made it through that event without his nancy pants being propelled out the door in hysterical fury, when seeing all of the proud, armed citizen exercising their individual gun rights.

  23. In case you haven't noticed, I find that my pen is far more effective than any guns you like to brandish.

  24. Sadly O'Hare, your pen is exactly why you are, and will always be , part of the PICS/NICS defective league. No surprise you hide behind your computer screen daily, and only appear in places where there are hundreds of witnesses.

  25. Let me get this straight. When I post blogs and take responsibility for what I write, which I do, that makes me a coward? The when I appear at a group that I have openly criticized on numerous occasions, and many of whose members are prancing around with six-shooters, that makes me a coward? Am I supposed to meet you, who is too cowardly to ID yourself, at some place where there are no witnesses? Why is that? You are so full of hate you don't even realize that you are making an internally inconsistent argument. You need to concentrate on gathering the resources to pay a judgment against you. If you can't do that, you need to sign over the title to your house so it can be sold.

  26. No, you provoke people, like you just did, stating that you took $10 dollars...yet from a cowardly position from behind your safe zone keyboard. Its your own hatred that you spew from a computer all day that makes you a coward. I am not your judgment person or whatever she is. Get a grip.

  27. "prancing around with six-shooters"

    Love the image. Prancing urban cowboys.lol

  28. 6:21, You are exactly who I say you are. You're the only one I know who overuses the term "PICS/NICS" or who would be obsessed about carrying a little penis with you. I already have one. You are the only I know who is so full of hate that you missed the humor is my $10 remark. You could complain to Jim Gregory about it except you kicked him out of your house. Now go practice shooting or write a love letter to Donald Trump or make up a new set of fake names to use on LVL. Mmk?

  29. To the loser is who is trying to malign Bernie - you can't win. Bernie is out there virtually every day doing reporting, and doing it very well. You're an idiot who can't hold a full time job, yet you go around defaming people and have your mother pay your bills. Your hobby is talking about penises, how Bernie is "obsessed", and making baseless claims about him. Get a frigging life already - you're wasting space here, sweetie. Temps have fallen - spike some yummy vegan cocoa with vodka and have a miserable night.

  30. Thank you 9:03 O'Hare sock puppet or sticker goon.

  31. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  32. Mezzacappa, In stark contrast to you, I post only as me. If I can't say who I am, I don't say it, here or anywhere else. It's called honesty. Try it sometime.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.