Local Government TV

Monday, April 04, 2016

How About a Green Wall for the Greenway?

Developer Dennis Benner's six-story office building, proposed at the intersection of Third and South New, is also called the Greenway Development.That is due to it proximity to the greenway, a popular pedestrian thoroughfare between Third and Fourth Streets.He's sinking $20 million into the project, and has secured two tenants, St. Luke's and Lehigh University Next door, the Bethlehem Parking Authority has proposed a $17.75 million parking garage, to be backed by taxpayers in the event that revenues are insufficient. This will be connected to Benner's building by a pedestrian walkway to accommodate pre-and post-operative patients visiting St. Luke's.

Those who oppose this project have said (1) it is too big for needs in that area; (2) Benner should shoulder a portion of the cost; (3) it will disrupt traffic patterns in an already congested area; (4) it will present safety concerns to residents; and (5) the aesthetics are all wrong.

According to a Desman Design parking study of just that area of the South Side, there is a need for 850 additional parking spaces. Benner's greenway building will supply part of the demand (300 spaces), but other developments being planned in that area include student housing (335 beds), restaurants  (140 spaces) and retail (30 spaces). Desman reports that "the location of the proposed development means that only a few of the existing public parking facilities and on-street parking spaces can be viewed as viable parking options to satisfy the demand generated by the development."

Should Benner shoulder a portion of the cost? He already is.His tenants will be paying between $57 and $65 for 300 parking spots. That will amount to over $6 million of the cost.

Traffic patterns will clearly be disrupted, and the City has addressed some changes to address the situation.

Concerns about crime are legitimate, but a police substation is moving into the ground floor.

Aesthetics can be enhanced  John Noble's archotecural rendering of apartment buildings proposed next to the Wilbur Mansion, which he calls :"Frank Lloyd Wright West with a touch of South Bethlehem," has been a home run to most City residents. Instead of the usual monolithic garage, a green wall like you see above would be a perfect invitation to the greenway.. That will add to cost, but also make a statement.  


  1. Are you recommending we build the garage, and then plant green to make it look good. Why not plant Merrrywanna and then we can sell the cash crop to other dope heads. Marijuana would be distributed free to all area residents and to city council and the zoning board. Lets not forget the Mayor too.
    On a brighter side, Dennis Benner is one of the most responsible developers in the Lehigh Valley. We're lucky to have him.

  2. The proposed parking structure will be a big asset to South Bethlehem. First of all, the additional spaces are needed, and the building design looks fine for its type. Actually, the brief section of cover over the greenway will come in handy and has potential for temporary community use during special events.

    I frequent that area for Lehigh Pizza, the newstand, the crepe shop, and some other shopping. Would like to start using the nearby bus terminal for trips to New York, but parking there is a challenge. Many nearby spaces are used up by permit holders. The streets that abut the Lehigh campus are either tough to find or permitted for Lehigh tags only.

    I think the opponents to Benner's plan think he is getting something for nothing and that makes them jealous. They need to look at the increased potential for commerce instead. If I were an owner of an existing business, this project would seem to me a HUGE opportunity.

    Fred Windish

  3. 7:38, I am saying a green wall would be a fitting testament to the Greenway and would fit in nicely with other architecture in the City. Not sure about cost. I've read it is both cost prohibitive and inexpensive. This would be more aesthetically pleasing to those who complained about the look.

  4. I always wondered how those green walls get watered. The summer heat and that concrete would seem to brown out all that green

  5. I hope Bethlehem City Council pulls the plug on backing up the loan so as to protect it's residents from default.

    Lehigh University, St Lukes Hospital & Benner need to step up and do the right thing and help fund the garage, maybe half of the cost. Will the tenants be signing 30 year leases? If not and one or both move out, then what? Taxpayers get screwed, that's what...

  6. Some cities (I believe Chicago does this) require "green roofs" as part of their new development. The thought process is that, if you are removing green space, you need to add green space. Of course, the development is more expensive, requires reinforced structures and all that, but I'd prefer that to concrete and tar slab rooftops.

  7. Just a tree huggers wet dream. Totally impractical and cost prohibitive.

  8. Forty years ago, there was similar concern regarding the south side of the Walnut St. Garage. A compromise was reached. To me, the important thing is that there are two solid commercial tenants...something lacking for Walnut Street. This is a crucial development.

    Bernie, what is happening with CRIZ? Does the city have anything at all planning a CRIZ project? It's been the e years.


  9. VOR, The CRIZ is no NIZ. This project is the start. I think everyone is standing by to see if this takes off. In other wordsm, if this fails in South Bethlehem, it will be a long time before anyone else comes up with an idea for development there.

  10. Looks ridiculous and like it is hiding what it is hiding. No better than the hideous disguises they put on cell towers.

  11. A simpler design would just have planters attached to the walls, with plants designed to hang down. In answer to a question above, there would probably be an automatic watering system, which is common in other states.

  12. Another crime ridden parking deck that most people don't want to use. Wonderful.

  13. Whatever they do, they should make sure public transportation or bicycle paths, are not even considered and doesn't get a nickel.
    Reducing the need for cars is dumb and just to "Jetsons" for this area.

    And make sure there are no metered electrical outlets for electric cars, why think ahead?.

    But yea, flower pots with drip lines, now that's what I call forward thinking. I'm sure they will look beautiful in the dead of winter with huge icicles hang from them.

    The future is in good hands.

  14. With a police syub-station right below, I doubt this is going to be crime infested in any way. Parking in South Bethlehem can be very tough, and I believe another deck is planned as well.

  15. Well...Lehigh will finally be in the Ivy league.

  16. @aTimeforChoosing1980

    SWISH! Nothin' but net.

  17. Why not buy out those overpriced underwater condo's and defunct bar at the New Street Bridge and convert

  18. Fact of the matter is that Lehigh would have located in the old Starters using the 100 exess parking in that building had Benner not pirated Lehigh to his CRIZ property demanded a garage to house them. Fact of the matter is also that Lehigh & St. Lukes don't qualify as new businesses for CRIZ capture of state taxes. So Southside getting scammed into building unnecessary garage.

  19. If Benner is unable to use St. Luke's or Lehigh to get the CRIZ benefit, it would seem to me that taxpayers are not getting scammed at all. Also, according to a study in that area, there is a demand to justify the garage. Talk to the merchants in that area and they'll tell you how "unnecessary" that garage is right now, without the building.

  20. Perhaps you should query the city to find out if Benner is planning to claim CRIZ benefits for Lehigh & St Lukes office occupancy by claiming state payroll taxes for those employees?

  21. The place to ask that would be the CRIZ board. The only persons I have heard that from are people already opposed to the development.


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