Local Government TV

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Updated: Fleck Plea Expected Today

Reliable sources tell me that Mike Fleck, Allentown Mayor Edwin "Fed Ed" Pawlowski's former right arm, is in federal court today and is expected to plead guilty to participation in a broad pay-to-play scheme that directly implicates the Mayor.

The federal information, now available on the US Attorney's Office webpage, presents an ugly picture of political corruption in Allentown and Reading. Far from being an unwitting victim duped by a craven political consultant, Fed Ed is portrayed as a greedy Mayor who was more than willing to use his clout as Mayor to punish those who failed to contribute.

When Fleck told Fed Ed that Donor #4 (believed to be Scott Allinson) had expressed concern about making political contributions, Fed Ed reportedly responded,
"Really! I've given him millions of dollars.. .. Relatively, compared to other law firms, they've given nothing. [Donor #4] for sure will get nothing now. ... You know, f--k them! And I'm not gonna [award work to Donor #4's law partner] or anything. Screw it all!"
Given the use of quotation remarks, this statement from Fed Ed may very well be a transcript from a wire that Fleck was wearing.

Here's what I can tell you.

Public Officials #1 and #3, as we all know, are former Reading Mayor Vaughn Spencer and Allentown Mayor Edwin Pawloski, respectively.

Donor #1 appears to be Jack Rosen, a major Obama fundraiser. Donor #2 appears to be engineering firm McTish and Kunkel, which was also implicated in the turnpike scandal but was never prosecuted.

Donor #4 appears to be Attorney Scott Allinson, and law firm #4 appears to be the Norris McLaughlin law firm.

I am unsure about Donors #3 and #5. What do you think?

Updated 11:48 am


  1. This may be a sign of what is coming next!!

  2. Bernie. Emily Opilo just reported Fleck is in Federal Court in Philadelphia to momentarily plead guilty to conspiracy to commit brinery, extortion. snd tax rvsdiom. can you find the docket number?

  3. Damn shame Fran isn't there with him. The mayors right hand and left hand.

  4. Anon 10:21, I have told you he as a cooperating witness, not a target, but you seem to be motivated by hate.

    Robert, the docket number will be released when the US Attorney posts the plea information.

  5. There's no honor among crooked operators.

  6. And the noose tightens a few more clicks. Each one of these informations discloses more details of FedEd's alleged deeds.

  7. If those quotes attributed to Pawlowski are from a recording, Pawlowski is TOAST. There goes the whole "man of god" cover, too. A pious man would not use those words or say those things.

  8. Will Miked be going to prison? Or will his cooperation keep him out? Disposition of the Fed Ed case must be coming soon, as Miked's case figured to be resolved before the hammer comes down on Moody Bible Institute's most famous grad.

  9. He plead guilty to both charges.

  10. There is many more henius crimes against humanity committed and ommited on a higher level for this faked factual fine print redd by many that claim ignorance thereof!? In putting that to print those passing the gas of the budget last night are also
    co-consperitors in this false sack o goods sold always claiming positives and nessasary for those governmentally challenged council court jesters?!

    The infamous whole house water filter tells the tail o fermented political pot of shitstew a brewin?!
    redd registered Republican
    patent pending

  11. Fed Ed's Mustache Wax SalesmanApril 21, 2016 at 1:13 PM

    redd, you're a sage. when will the patent be issued?

    1. Sure your not one of the now defunt Kennedy haldaman used truck salesperson like miked flek as Bernie puts to print. We all know you to are conTROLLED by the hype of the arena circus agenda in oxicandyland were the opiods drop from above downtown. Go sell that false sack o goods somewhereelse circus handlebar mustache man?!
      As PR your comment I am not a fruit nor vegetable and far from an aromatic erb and as for patent pending not uppercase lower case that is correct spelling for a human on american soil not a sulthsayer nor naysayer just truthsayer?!

      I have redd all this evening and have become a grammar police too! I especially found the comment that spells snot to be a good depiction of the mayor?! Than there is the top story of the week being the departure of Fran, so much for the gay mafia in control under the kings reign of terror upon the populous?; My thoughts right now are on how high will this ttueley go, because truth be told there would be very few public servants not to be charge at least with dereliction of duty?! That would leave the populous in one hell of a predicament in the hell created by those in athourity!!!!?
      Go barbeque and drink your pot of political blue juice boy you bother me?!
      redd registered Republican
      patent pending

  12. Allentown council all but one are coconspirators and should be charged.

  13. I often think of Sexy Fed Ed when I hear this song. RIP Prince.


  14. Not one member is even mentioned in this information, so you have no basis to make that accusation.

  15. Donor #5 might be Abe Atiyeh

  16. How is this any different from your pal John M soliciting and receiving campaign donations from lawyers who come before him? And a $5K donation from Abe Atiyeh who relies on JM to keep his DUI center full?

    Or is that off limits b/c he is a mancrush?

  17. They are not "before him." He is not a judge. Also, the Center in West Easton is not limited to DUI. You'll have to try harder.

  18. Donor #5 is an entrepreneur who had business interests in Reading and Allentown. According to the information, Fed Ed sent a letter suppporting a project in February 2015. If we find that letter, we know who Donor #5 is.

  19. As of now no charges have been filed against Mayor Pawlowski. All this is conjecture fueled by hate and envy. This is a political witch hunt loved by the partisan rabid right wing. The Mayor is a citizen whom is innocent until proven guilty. In fact since he ha snot been charged, you have more guilt in your life than him.

  20. I just filed a RTK seeking all letters ofd support sent by Fed Ed in his official capacity in February 2015, supporting any business proposal. That should reveal who Donor #5 is.

  21. Bernie the information states public official 1 sent the letter not fed Ed.

  22. Anyone know how much revenue those digital billboards generated for the City in 2015. Where else in the Commonwealth can you place a generator next to a repairman buffer of a public waterway and not have any spill containment? Try to move some soil around your property and the Conservation district would be all over it. Not in the city without limits where all ordinances are waived with the stroke of the supreme Mayor of Allentown's pen. Why was there such a rush that portable generators had to be installed?

  23. Didn't Moody Bible Institute play in the 1978 Rose Bowl? I think they bested Wasamattawit U. Pawlowski was a water boy but got to tear down the goalposts and keep some jockstraps for mementos.

  24. 3:34, Oops! I better withdraw the RTK I just filed in Allentown.

  25. I hope neither of the unnamed donors is Hickey.

  26. Bernie, the newspapers are reporting that Fleck can get up to 10 years in prison. Can you speculate how much time, in any, he will receive given his guilty plea. Do you think that he could possibly get probation since he cooperated and he has no past criminal involvement? I'm curious your thoughts?

  27. My bet is that Fleck will get about a year, and be out for good behavior in 10 months or so. He will be banned from all governmental posts and paid political activities and owe a bunch in back taxes and fines. That is what will happen if he is used as a cooperating witness against Pawlowski and others. I bet he is not even sentenced until after Pawlowski and Spencer, and maybe a few others, are charged, tried and convicted.

  28. 4:37,He is going to do time, regardless of cooperation. I'd say 4 years or so. Fed Ed is looking at double digits.

  29. 4:06, highly unlikely. Donor 5 is an entrepreneur. Hickey is a consultant. Donor 3 had cotrol over a PAC. Hickey does not. I have spoken to a few people today and we think Donor 3 is T and M.

  30. I think this weasel should do all 10 years--regardless of cooperation. But I'm a vengeful victim of the Fleckster. This guy stiffed me for being his Campaign Coordinator in 2007's primary for Easton mayor. I never got paid what was promised upon our agreement. I had to settle for an old can of sauerkraut and some milk.

  31. Do a little research on Jack Rosen. He is a BIG TIME player in democrat/obama,Clinton,
    fund raising game. Rosen has donated millions to many democrat politicians, including fed ed to the tune of $30,000.

    Wow,now it will be time to connect the dots on a local,state and federal level in regards to money laundering/campaign bundlers.

    Rosen flies the Clinton's all over the world, in his own planes is a huge financial backer of the Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton and yes, the Clinton Foundation.

    It might be time to look at some of the FEC filings. Lets take a look at who else is connected to Rosen , from the democrat and gop.
    Wonder if this guy is connected to guys like Pat Browne , Dent , Toomey ???
    Who knows.
    Keep turning over the stones and fry those who are guilty of breaking the law.If no laws have been violated, then move on.

    Rosen also owns the 3.3 million dollar apartment that Weiner and his wife Huma Abedin live in. Talk about a great way to gain Clinton access. How better than own the apartment her brain lives in with her husband Anthony Weiner.

    This could get very ugly for many others , not just fed ed and Rosen.
    Go figure.. Shocking as water is wet.





  32. It's clear to me Koval is implicating the mayor to save her own scalp.

    Allentown Democrat Voter

  33. You play dirty, you get dirty. Fleck will be in prison for a long time, as he should be. And he will take a bunch of others down with him...dominos.

  34. I just hope that there is some evidence of that ghost voter, slime ball Schlossberg and his guilt in this mess

  35. Well Spike, it wasn't just you that got the short end of Fleck's "talents.". I know Archie Folweiler was not at all pleased with Fleck's work on his campaign. I fired him after one month of "working" on my campaign as well.

    All hat, no cattle.

  36. Francis was in this up to his eye teeth.

  37. Fran
    The three legs of the rotten stool.

    1. Yep, stools and not one a person would sit on, the kind that infect the now defunct LCWA same old circus on a higher level of malfeasance formally known as Allentown water and sewer athourity?!
      Were does LIEabilty LIE or should be spelled lye as in draino, that said put to print what federal judge is the draino upon Allentown's political parasitism that infects not only the third world nation unto itself but many outLIEing communities that has become more venous than there cancerous disperment of what officials ReFered to as a CANCER in this flight to bright flippflopp and chalk and paint to make a taint what it ain't?!
      Exercising a mans main musel

  38. I can't even imagine how many people that spoke to Fleck between March and July of 2015 are wondering if they were recorded.

    If you were in a conversation with Fleck, you were most likely recorded. Meetings, phone calls, text messages, emails, everything recorded.

    Why is Dougherty resigning? Why did Hailstone resign? Who is left standing with Pawlowski?

    How much revenue did those billboards generate for the City?

  39. Bernie,

    Donor 4 and Law Firm 4 could be Kessler and Duane Morris. They did a lot of work for Allentown with the Sewer Lease.


  41. 1:07PM ^^^^ I know...Patent Pending ;-)

  42. Headline in the Express-Times story on Mr. Pawlowski (4-22-16):

    "Allentown mayor to Fleck: 'Tell the truth and clear me'"


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