Local Government TV

Friday, April 01, 2016

Chrin Sole Donor in Brown's Auditor General Race

Northampton County Exec John Brown, a Republican, is running against Eugene DePasquale, a Democrat, in the race for state auditor general. DePasquale is the incumbent.

Brown's fifth Tuesday pre-election report, available online, reveals he has only one donor. Landfill owner and entrepreneur Charles Chrin gave Brown $25,000 on January 28. Brown has spent nearly $13,000 for campaign consultants and to repay a loan he made to is campaign.

DePasquale has raised nearly $68,000 in the same time, and is currently sitting on a $194,000 warchest. $40,000 of his money comes from PACs, especially unions. His largest donor is the McNees PAC, which gave him $10,000. McNees is a lawfirm.


  1. Dream on John Brown, it isn't going to happen. Neither is a second term as executive. The voters know what and who you're about now.

  2. A solid investment in keeping the tipping fees minimal. Brown is a joke.

  3. Perhaps Brownie could use some of the $2.7 million in property tax revenue ($3.7 - 1.0 million required to fund parks) that is being collected under the guise of funding Open Space, which has been gutted under his administration. Until Brown, it was always funded to some degree. He put $0 other than what was required towards open space this year (unprecedented), and it has been announced he's planning the same next year. What exactly is that money being used for? He claims he "supports" open space, which is bull crap.

    Brown's administration has been a total joke, and his campaign is as well. Nice to know he has one corporate sponsor with deep pockets - no surprise it is a dump.

  4. $25 K from Charlie Chrin is a joke. Just goes to show how irrelevant Brown is. His political career belongs in a landfill.

  5. Just knowing that Charlie Chrin is giving him that much money is enough for me not to vote for him. I'm not sure this is appropriate, but Chrin is one creepy old dude.

  6. All the whining and sniping illustrates that Brown has all the right enemies. I remember similar election predictions prior to handing not-Executive Callahan his ass. Can't wait to vote for him. Good luck John.

  7. Don't forget the stylish suspenders.

  8. 12:24 you do not have much of a life if you can't wait to vote for freakin' Brown the Clown again.

  9. Anon 10:24, there is no specific county property tax required for "open space". You people that are all for dumping Gracedale as not a requirement, continue to make the false claim that their is a specific property tax for open space. Wrong!

  10. Can't wait until we can vote for county exec again. Then brown and all he hired will be gone.

  11. Brown has no chance at AG and will not be elected again to the County. He has done nothing to better our County and the people that voted for him now know that also. Love him or hate him Callahan would have been the better choice. Bethlehem has gone down hill since Donchez became Mayor. When are we going to learn to vote for the person that we know will do a better job? Let's hope Callahan will run again.

  12. Though DePasquale is an excellent auditor general who has gone through school finances and other government agencies with a fine-tooth comb, how many people know that? It is completely absurd to think Brown has no chance. As I've said many times now, this is going to be a R year in Pa. The Kathleen Kane circus will dominate news as the summer winds down. There will be several political corruption prosecutions against Democrats. And many blue collar Dems who are sick of a party that has to be politically correct about everything have switched sides. This is a trend I first noted about six weeks ago and it now appears to amount to 1 million Dems who have switched to R in Pa. There could very well be an R sweep, and that has nothing to do with Brown or DePasquale.

  13. I work for the county and this place is hell anymore , new job in my future , goodbye being harassed every day.


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