Local Government TV

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Opinions Online, 4/16/16

Blogger's Note: Opinions Online is a regular Saturday feature. If you'd like to express your opinion on any topic, click on the Opinions Online button on my left sidebar. You can also call 385-325-2564. In addition to these submissions, I sometimes highlight comments from throughout the week and re-publish them here. Please keep your comments brief, if possible.


I guess Nazareth Police were not wrong with their handling of that barricade situation. The lawsuit against them got thrown out.

(Blogger's Note: Judge Leeson dismissed a lawsuit arising out of the death of Timothy Nixon, who shoot himself, when a police officer barged into the apartment building where he was located. He concluded there was "no seizure." Attorneys representing Nixon's estate intend to appeal this adverse ruling, which was a rare victory in a borough plagued with civil rights lawsuits).


I heard a comment on WFMZ news Friday morning by philosopher and activist Cornel West, (paraphrasing) “I want to redistribute wealth down from the one percent to the people”

The one percent was able to accumulate their wealth because the 99% sent it to them in a fair and voluntary exchange of value; if the 99% received the value they expected, why on earth do they believe they are entitled to some of it back? If they did not receive the value they expected, why did they participate in the voluntary exchange in the first place?

If you don’t like the one percent, stop, for example, lining up at the Apple store and sending your money to those Apple executives every time some new gizmo shows up. But if you really value that new gizmo, take a full dose of STFU.

But, you argue, those creators of value are doing it on the backs of the workers! Why aren’t the workers getting the value instead of the one percent?

I challenge you to ask a worker to drop whatever he’s doing and create a smart phone for you. Give me a call when you have it.


Geissinger, Connolly Both Claim They Can Beat Cartwright.

That is the funniest headline i have ever seen.


Nazareth Mayor should be forced out due to the current situation. He is no long fit for public office! No ARD!


Should be obvious to all now. Both Republican and Democrat party elites are slowly distancing themselves from the effects of citizen voting. They are quietly diminishing us with delegate and convention trickery. They like their little racket just as it is.

How to slow this down?

1. Elect their worst nightmare for President. Either Sanders or Trump.

2. Vote against incumbent members of Congress. They need to be shown WE matter.

Fred Windish


Maybe This Will Tarnish Carl Strye's "Love" For Nazareth

This post should be sent to the NCODA, and no ARD

G. John Bryant, Jr.


for once I agree with you Bernie -- and I love Nazareth too


I am having a really hard time deciding about voting for John Morganelli on election day after reading the news about Nazareth Mayor Carl Strye Jr. My husband and I have been debating back and forth on how he will go after the law breakers in the Commonwealth if he were elected. He summoned the grand jury to decide Mayor Strye's fate and he has not gone any further with charging any one else with corruption or racketeering charges relating to the facts of this case. My husband seems to feel it is an election year and Mr. Morganelli will not want to do anything more, but there is more. A lot more that he could do against the private clubs that use illegal ways to make a profit. How can he say that a crime was committed without going after all of the violators instead of just one. Granted, he had to look at the evidence presented against one man. The problem is behind that one man, there were many more and I guess when you look at the whole picture of the PLCB raids and the confiscating of illegal gambling devices is it fair for the District Attorney to draw the line and say, I did my job? Or should John go one step further and start bringing actions against the people that are committing these crimes? What kind of message is he sending to the voters that want him to be tough on crime. The election is a few weeks. Mayor Strye's hearing is afterwards. How can Mr. Morganelli convince voters in the Commonwealth, if he can't make a difference in his own county.

Blogger Reply. I agree there is more, but as you see, it took over a year just to develop a skimming case. If Morganelli were interested in playing it safe, he'd deep six this or wait until after the election.


So much for the Bethlehem PD posting the police blotters to their blog again after some recent comments on here back in March. It appeared on April 1, April 5, and that's it.


Charlie Dent would make a better President than any Democrat or Republican currently in the race.
Blogger Reply: I completely agree.



  1. Re “WFMZ” post: Mr. Rearden (or is it Galt?), while I agree in principle with your implied criticism about what might be called “Robin Hood” redistribution, as your hero would say, “check your premise.”

    “Here it is in a nutshell for our disappointing new century. Real output per person from 2000 to 2011 rose nearly 2.5 percent a year, but real pay increased less than 1 percent over the same period, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Adjusted for inflation, incomes in 2014 are still roughly $2,100 lower than when President Barack Obama took office in 2009 and $3,600 lower than when President George W. Bush took office eight years earlier.” Added to that, there is “is a pattern of low-wage and, often part-time jobs, replacing high-wage, full-time jobs.” (USNEWS) So, the “middle class” is shrinking and losing its purchasing power. Without purchasing power, in the long-run they will be unable to purchase/create demand for the product/value you purportedly “create.” In the long run, your type of advocacy—justifying the demise of the middle class by blaming them for their lot—will backfire. Also, for too many, American middle class debt is ballooning trying to maintain a way of life that is increasingly unsustainable. Your “demanders/consumers” will be a shrinking pool in the long run.

    But, as you say, it “is a voluntary exchange of value,” both in labor and product. Globally, sure, but not for the American. Since you focus your argument on Apple, let’s take a look:

    “President Barack Obama once asked the late Steve Jobs why iPhones couldn’t be made in the U.S. – and the former CEO told him they would never be made on home soil… Apple insiders say that China simply offers too much production power and flexibility to be ignored – with some plants even housing workers on site so they’re available at the drop of a hat. Once a foreman woke up 8,000 workers with tea and biscuits so they could fit newly designed iPhone screens in 12-hour shifts, according to a report in The New York Times.” (Daily Mail) And, Mr. Rearden, how much do those Chinese workers earn, and how many of your products are they buying compared to the American worker with shrinking purchasing power?

    Again, check your premise. “You” are not really creating any “value” through a “voluntary exchange” with the American worker. You are simply profiting from outsourcing your human capital to cheaper foreign labor. You did nothing of productive (“producer”) value to “earn” your increased income. That said, every single American needs to look themselves in the mirror, because we rewarded you for doing so by consuming the cheaper products made overseas. Besides electronics and other manufactured goods, just look at any of our clothing. I’ll bet none of it is made in the USA. The Lehigh Valley used to have a sizeable garment industry.

    It is part of the globalization, and part of the new reality. I offer no “solutions.” It just rubs me the wrong way when some people think so highly of themselves to believe that they are the honorable “producers” and the workers are mere “moochers.” Neither the wealthy, nor the workers, should be demonized. We should, however, wake up to the potential long-term impact of increasing income disparities.

  2. So this intellectual light wants to empower the government to confiscate wealth on the grounds that some people earn too much. And the person that wishes to create such a tyranny was an invited speaker at Lehigh University. Scott Armstrong

  3. "The one percent was able to accumulate their wealth because the 99% sent it to them in a fair and voluntary exchange of value"

    Just, no. In addition to outsourcing labor ( as a previous commenter already covered) the 1% was able to build their Wealth by turning our democracy into an oligarchy (see Citizens United et al). Regressive taxes, loopholes such as the carried interest loophole, and policies that incentivise giving huge bonuses to CEOs and shareholders rather than increasing wages and benefits for workers to keep up with inflation at the very least have gotten us here. The US is one of the most developed countries with the greatest economic inequality and it is shameful; we need to do better.

  4. 7:11 -

    I hope you truly understand the impact our WIDE OPEN BORDERS will have on the wages of those lucky enough to be currently employed. Outsourcing for cheap labor and bringing in cheap labor both help the same component, and that's NOT you.

    Besides, THIS administration claims we have had virtually NO inflation for years. Who needs a wage increase, anyway? (sarc)

    Fred Windish

  5. Charlie Dent was on CNN promoting Kasich. Charlie Dent made a point about how Cruz's governemnt shut down was bad for the US economy. We should hold the Republican'stating who lead by Brinkmanship governance. I applaud Dent for say this. Remember the failed Government shutdown down on election day that hurt the economy more than obamacare. Repeal Republicans who supported the Government shutdown. A fresh vacation for Federal workers, a betrayal of working Americans.

  6. There needs to be a cooperative effort by business, government and labor to make America an enticing place to produce products. It needs to start with government to streamline regulations that in many instances make producing products in America unprofitable. Everyone wants to be a retailer, with just in time delivery, this cuts the risk to your investment, The risks to investment in many cases is too high. Labor needs to get a cooperative attitude toward business, they do not want any risk or any responsibility, but want a large share of the profit, while creating an adversarial relationship at all levels. Business I believe will move back to America if there is a long term future without everyone wanting to suck all they can out of them, from local state and federal levels. If this is not undertaken, the standard of living will continue to decline for all Americans. while it shows up in the working class first, the strains are also becoming apparent in the ruling class, as government pensions and benefits become unsustainable. Tax the rich ideas, will result in the rich withdrawing from the economy and it will benefit no one. Tax the rich and give to the poor is the quickest way to massive poverty for everyone.

  7. The 1% in general don't create anything, certainly not iphones or other technologies... they're the people paying only capital gains taxes on their investments in perpetuity.

    The 1% also buy up all the the most valuable real estate & businesses when there's an economic downturn, leaving the poor, middle class and even upper middle class with ever-less buying power & resources to grow their wealth. This is a fact, not an anti-rich or ant-capitalism statement.

  8. Regarding the 1% and how they keep getting richer...

    ain't easy money from the Fed great! Thank you John Maynard Keynes, Janet Yellen and Barack Obama!

  9. I will use the old style technique of a state declaring a favorite son to be a presidential nominee ... From the favorite sons and other candidates came the unexpected candidate in the past .... On the Democratic side --- Bob Casey

  10. Mr. Nemeth, I propose a better solution would be to make it less appealing to move manufacturing overseas...If Big Money, INC wants to move production to China so they can pay sweatshop works $0.55 per hour while exposing them to horrible working conditions just to make more profit for CEO and shareholders, then place a duty on US imports from China that is so hefty that they will think will twice. Take the proceeds from said duty-tax and invest it in improving US infrastructure such as job-training programs, safety nets like Unemployment Compensation benefits and even making colleges and trade schools more affordable for American students. As for the rich leaving the economy, you must have a very poor view regarding the character of the rich if you believe the American Aristocity will ex-patriate just because they have to pay an extra few effective tax rate percentage points on their billions once the actual money they earn on investments, capital gains, stock options ect is taxed at the same rate as W2 earnings. Fair is fair, it's time the 1% pay their fair share.

  11. Anon 7:11 -

    And just how did Citizens United create an oligarchy? Citizens United was about whether the federal government could control and prohibit political speech before an election. That is a foundation right guaranteed by the 1st amendment. Educate yourself about the decision before you blather left-wing taking points.

  12. So what share is "fair"?

    Give me a number.

    Before you make yourself look silly, look up what the top 1% already pay.

    And one must have a really optimistic view of government grabology to think that tax grabs will stop with the "rich".

    1. Well to start, fair would be to tax carried interest passed from corporations to shareholders as income. Fair would be to raise the cap on social security tax and end it's regressive nature ( what should the amount you pay decrease as your income increases?) Fair would be to collect FICA tax on income from dividends and capital gains. Just to start....

  13. The 1st amendment applies to people, not corporations. Citizens United makes it possible for corporations and unions to control government by using their deep pockets to buy elections and control politicians with threats of ceasing further contributions. Citizens United led to the creation of super PACS. This is not government "for the people by the people".

  14. So then your idea of "fair" is over 50% of the individual tax burden, but I guess even you realize how stupid that sounds so you couch it with words instead of numbers.

    And since you want the "rich" to pay more into FICA, I guess to be "fair", their benefits will also go up proportionally? Or do you think "fair" means charging them more for no benefit...you know, confiscate their money.

    1. Well since 95% of economic gains go to the top 1% net worth individuals, yes. My idea of "fair" is that they pay MORE than the current 50% of the tax burden.

  15. I am ready for a cage match-type fighter who will take it to Hilary like it is no ones business.

    I am ready for a fighter who will finally put America first for a change.

    I am ready for an American who will get this country turned around: jobs back, illegals deported, a wall built, ISIS crushed Vets taken care of, military rebooted, SS saved, taxes lowered, businesses back, 0bamacare stricken from the record, and a whole host of America-first politics.

    I am ready for Donald John Trump!

  16. The Democratic left are such hypocrites. They love wealth. They refuse to create any wealth. They could be creating all the wealth they need. They love taxes. They hate to pay taxes. They could be creating wealth and paying more taxes.

    Progressives require trillions of dollars to "change the world." Why do they not learn how to create and manage wealth? They could become experts at wealth creation.

    Progressives could teach the poor how to create wealth. They could be "compassionate" venture capitalists for the poor, and use wealth to help the poor become micro-entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs, and small business owners.

    Both Hillary and Sanders whine about wealth. They complain about The Wealthy. They lie about The Wealthy.

    But, she loves, love, love, love, love, money, money, money, money, money.

  17. The original premise of capitalism was to take care of labor. It seems they found a way around that, as they are privy to their stockholders and greed. The middle class suffers, and while this is simplistic, the breakdown of labor due to their indifference had a huge impact on where we are today.

  18. Gotta hand it to Sanders. He did some great standup the other night. Who knew he had some comic timing?

    I'm still laughing about the banks being "crushed" when Hillary wagged her finger at them. I think even Sanders is flabbergasted he got this far.

    Somewhere along the trail it dawned on him he could take on Hillary and make a HUGE dent in her Corination Ceremony. Wonder if he regrets airily dismissing her email problems at the first debate.

    I always thought Sanders thought he was buying her good graces with that tactic. It's fun to watch her trying to keep the rage under control. For every primary that Bernie wins, I swear, Hillary puts on 10 pounds.

  19. That's right Democrats, feign your disgust of Queen Hillary, a woman who should have a prison number on the back of her pants suits.

    So the Democratic Party offers you a refreshing choice of an aging communist to chose if you don't want the "She should be a convict by now" choice.

    I was thinking last night, remember when Reagan and McCain ran, the MSM and the Democrats where up in arms that they were to old to run

    Exactly when would Comrade Sanders and Queen Hillary be to old to run?. Any honest Democrat want to answer that?.

  20. Keep in mind, almost all of our incoming immigrants think America's working Middle Class is wealthy, too. They want a piece of YOUR action.

    Fred Windish

  21. "The original premise of capitalism was to take care of labor."

    And the original premise of Easter was to provide work for the Easter Bunny.

  22. 11.29, the progressive ideas are built on envy, if investment and business enterprise is a loosing proposition you will get less of it. Most wealthy people could withdraw their investments sell their businesses and live out their days without putting what they have left at risk, I am sure that would also be unfair and many would say we need to confiscate that also. as far as forcing business to do business here at a loss, that is exactly what would end in poverty for all. But that would be really great because everyone being poor would be the perfect equality.

  23. The very first two posts on this topic illustrate both the intelligent enlightened view of a world economy and the other, just old tired dogma.

  24. The only candidate for whom I have any regard is Kasich. But Dave, I'd drop the "pant suits" references if I were you. You make your points very well without that sort of thing.

    Incidentally, a journalist who traveled with Clinton during her days as Sec'y of State was Terry Gross' guest on Fresh Sir yesterday. She has written a book claiming that when Hillary traveled, as soon as she left US airspace, she became a different person. She was warm, had an infectious laugh, got along very well with foreign reporters and leaders. This story took me by surprise, and I going to look into it. I refuse to read these kinds of books about current events as a rule bc the author is always have an agenda, but this gives me pause. Up until now, I never much cared for Hillary as a person. But I and many of us may have misjudged her. I also believe Hillary was a terrible Secretary of State. But after listening to this reporter, I know I'vebeen unfair and need to do more research. I always benefit when I spend less time talking and more time reading and listening to everyone, including Fred (he's a great guy though we disagree), you, Ray Nemeth, Scott, Rich Fegley and many others.

  25. When I read about the Mayor Strye's of Nazareth's love for the town?


  26. Dave's not here!

    One of the greatest comedy routine's of all time.

  27. Why does Senator Sanders not raise the question of the Clintons' private wealth in these "Debates"? Let's just limit it to Hillary Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State under President Obama. During those four years, the Clintons pulled in $85 million. This is personal money, not the Clinton foundation. Where did that money come from?

    If Hillary Clinton becomes president, does she expect her Secretary of State to take in money like that? What about her Secretary of Defense? What about her as president? What do she and Bill expect to take in in the next four years? $500 million? $1 billion?

    Rockefeller sold oil; Ford sold cars; Gates sold software. What do the Clintons sell to make money like that?

  28. Bringing things back a little more "local", what happened to crossing guards in Easton? Driving into work everyday I've noticed there's no crossing guard at 7th and walnut; and it's a dangerous situation. There's a small boy with a neon green and purple backpack who stands practically on the street on that corner and visibility isn't great when turning left from 7th onto Walnut. Seems like a tragedy waiting to happen...

  29. Great question! Will try to find out.

  30. 10:12, I have determined that Easton does have school crossing guards. But the concern you raise about that young man who may be endangering himself is going to be addressed by school board President Frank Pintabone on Monday morning. I can put up with lots of anonymous hate for a very valid concern like the one you raised. Thanks.

  31. Let's be clear: government does not create wealth. Government either facilitates the creation of wealth, or, government facilitates the destruction of wealth.

    You don't have to look very far. Just take the NIZ - a concept wholly-owned by politicians who think they have a done great thing. Really? The NIZ has made a very small number of people much more wealthy by transferring that wealth mainly from much less well-off folks (the rest of us). The NIZ, my friends, is not capitalism. It is government picking winners and losers.

    If you believe the American capitalist system is so bad, why aren't people migrating to Cuba? Or, Venezuela? Or, Vietnam? Or, India?

    Capitalism is the worst economic system ever created. Except when compared to anything else.

  32. "Hillary puts on 10 pounds."

    Of course this is the teabagger way. Hate and body shamming is all they can do. When you lack substance you fall back on the traditional right-wing hate that has fueled them and their groups like the KKK.

    1. The KKK belongs to the left wing haters.

  33. Every down-ballot Republican candidate needs to tell his/her party bosses to do a better job hiding all the delegate selection shenanigans going on. More people are waking up by the day, and they aren't pleased by what they see.

    I have never seen such energy behind a Republican candidate like I am seeing for Trump. Massive crowds, many cross-over voters, etc. No other potential Republican nominee is even close in their own potential to win in November. Assuming, of course, that actually WINNING November is the objective. Not sure it is.

    It's still a little early, but there is so much fervor over Trump, if it appears the nomination was "taken" from him, the Republican Party will lose both the House and Senate within 2 years. The Republican Party and its candidates will quickly go down in flames.

    Get on the phone, Pat Toomey.

    Fred Windish

  34. Doc Roc -

    I agree with your assessment of the NIZ. It has been a HUGE failure for Pennsylvania taxpayers. Hard to believe it's not being put on "hold," maybe even eliminated for future projects. Our state tax revenue stream has lost a great amount of money already from where it was before the NIZ program was introduced. It is millions upon millions of dollars in the red and will probably remain there for at least another decade. Probably longer.

    Fred Windish

  35. This country started to go to hell when the draft was eliminated. With the draft, college bound students were delayed two years. No big deal. Both college bound and those not college bound would have learned discipline, working with others, learned how to live together, and gotten a lesson on other ethenic customs. When they came out, they would be better citizens and not expect free handouts. Today college students are now protesting for free college. Give me a break. A majority of todays college students know nothing about life expect give me, give me, give me.
    I do believe that college tutitions are out of sight for most students, but if they find a job to get them through college instead of expecting society to pay their way, we would have more compassion and less greed from those who make it.

  36. 4:53

    Maybe you should take your phony outrage about poor Hill's appearance over to CNN.


    "Sanders: Clooney is backing the wrong horse"

  37. 4:53, I agree that there should be no body shaming of Hillary, just as you should stop calling tea party members teabaggers.

  38. the guy who said, "I challenge you to ask a worker to drop whatever he’s doing and create a smart phone for you. Give me a call when you have it." is an ASS. No one person designed a smart phone. Teams of WORKERS design and engineer smart phones and pretty much everything we use in our day to day lives. I challenge him to find a smart phone that wasn't created by a worker!

  39. Cartwright..would this be the same congressman Cartwright who literally walked out of the Benghazi hearings when the victims families were ready to speak to the panel?
    In fact , was it the entire democrat contingency that walked out of the hearings , including a Vet, as the familes were ready to speak to them ?
    Agree or not, with the politics, the search for the truth and so on, you do not walk out on victims families as they were getting ready to testify.
    This was also the same group of familes who were literally told by obama, biden and hillary that the attack was a result of a film , knowing full well, it had nothing to do with the idiot film and idiot film maker and the film maker would be held accountable. Don't forget , all three , knew , based on the results of the hearings, that this was a terrorist attack. How sad and disgusting all at the same time.

  40. I'm for Lump Sanders for President!

  41. I am amazed at how many support the principles of Marks, How many believe someone else should pay for most of their necessities. Its not too late, you can still try out Cuba and Venezuela, the last remnants of pure socialism left, you better get to Venezuela quick and take along some toilet paper. You will have a little longer to visit Cuba because Obama is bailing it out so it doesn't collapse. It would be great reading, let us all know how things are there, please spend at least a few months so you can soak up enough socialist thought and learn about the dictatorship of the proletariat. If you decide to stay, please post to Bernie so we can all share in your experience.

    1. How about we look to Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Netherlands and Canada instead? Democratic socialism is not the same as your traditional views of what socialist is.

  42. Why cant we talk about Hillary's physical problems, we can talk about trumps hair and his hands and his red face, are you guys saying that because she is a women she is off limits for criticism , I thought everyone wanted pure equality in all things. Come on guys are you really that biased.

  43. Look at where all those criticisms come from. That will answer your questions. I am saying that the "pants suit" remark is inappropriate. Trump himself is responsible for many of these personal attacks, but body attacks aimed at him are wrong, too..

  44. Then Bernie, lets turn off ALL of the personal attacks, including hair, weight, family and especially the phrases "neocon" and "tea party" as all of those can be considered personal slurs against Conservatives.

  45. I decide what is and is not acceptable, not you. Thanks for playing.

  46. Hillary, our potential commander-in-chief, offered us the Russian reset, yet we are in another cold war. She and that weakling Obama are no match for Putin, and they could be responsible for the end of the world. It might turn out that weakness rather than strength will be apocalyptic.

    When I was growing up, it was considered immoral for a president to get divorced, even though the media even in the early 1960s was so in love with the Kennedy Brothers, none of them would talk about Marilyn Monroe and all of the other dalliances of both President Kennedy and Robert Kennedy, which only came out much later. Also what about a woman who hangs onto the coattails of a serial harasser of females, Bill Clinton, and then asks women to vote for her on the basis of her standing up for women's rights?

    Do you know how to spell h y p o c r i s y ?

    Why is it that most of the media don't even mention Hillary Clinton's personal server for emails during her reign as secretary of state or the revocation of her law license during the Watergate hearings, the accusation against her of the Vince Foster murder, or her accepting millions of dollars for her speeches for her foundation from anti-female countries like Saudi Arabia. And what do we say about the millions Congress spent investigating Whitewater?

    Have we ever elected a president who was being investigated by the FBI? It makes me lose all faith in this country.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.