Local Government TV

Monday, April 11, 2016

Birkenstocks Violate IRS Ban on Political Activity at Lehigh

I've told you before about Lehigh's very own Communist fiefdom - the ill-named "South Side Initiative." I call them the Birkenstocks  They're the group that got all lathered up when Bethlehem decided two years ago to sell a not so aMazing  "Maze Garden" to developer Dennis Benner. After numerous consultations over herbal tea, they broke out the Birkenstocks to invade City Hall. and stop that damn capitalist.

They failed, but undaunted, they were back before Council a few months later to decry - gasp! - proposed development on the South Side.



Time to oppose the "power structure."

University Professors Matter!

The nutty professors - Al Wurth and Breena Holland - have skipped a few nights of Thai at the Promenade to condemn anything that might actually revitalize South Bethlehem.

Even a much-needed parking garage that most South Side merchants want But they're not university professors. .

So far, academia has managed to fail at every step along the way. But now, South Side Initiative is going to use the electoral process to get someone in the Senate who will listen to them and do as he's told. This coming Friday, the Birkenstocks want you to meet Comrade John Fetterman, a U.S.. Senate candidate, and have sent out the following invitation under the imprimatur of Lehigh University.

Friends of the SSI:

For those of you who have not heard of John Fetterman, he is the Mayor of Braddock, PA, who is currently running for a seat in the U.S. Senate. John has made a name for himself as someone who embraces creative ideas and innovative solutions to address problems of poverty and violence in one of Pennsylvania's most struggling run-down steel towns. He has charted a new path for Braddock, opening a community center, creating urban gardens, and bringing in new businesses to revive this community.

John's story is compelling and Braddock's story should resonate with the people of the Lehigh Valley. You can learn more about John and his accomplishments at:  

There will be two opportunities for residents to meet with John Fetterman on April 15th:
* 12:00-2:00: Deja Brew, 101 W. 4th St, South Bethlehem
*  5:00-7:00: Brew Works, 569 Main St, Bethlehem

We hope to see you there,
The SSI Team

This, of course, is a tacit endorsement of Fetterman's candidacy under a Lehigh University letterhead. Lehigh University is a non-profit. Inviting Fetterman, with no similar invitation to other candidates, is a violation of Lehigh's tax exempt status. I have advised Lehigh's General Counsel.


  1. Many at Lehigh have a very high opinion of themselves. So high, logic often escapes them. They live in an insular world of self-anointed elitism. Once a doctoral student there, I left early for a more earthly place.

    Something Bethlehem's South Side truly needs is another option for unwashed masses who lack a parking permit.

    Fred Windish

  2. Yes Fred, Lehigh does have a very tough program.

  3. Indeed it does, 6:16 AM! Selective, too. But, the people . . .

    Fred Windish

  4. Worth and Holland are the little boy cried wolf dana grubbs of Lehigh. Oppose everything, the sky is falling NIMBYs

  5. this made me giggle like a school girl. thanks Bern.

  6. Bernie,

    Great post! The elites who populate our colleges and universities believe they can do no wrong. They use their classrooms to indoctrinate rather than inform and ridicule dissenting views instead of encouraging critical thinking. This letterhead endorsement is just more of the same and they will excuse it because they are fighting for all that is good.
    In their thinking the fact that you even question them and their actions indicates ignorance,intolerance, and other assorted social pathologies on your part. Be ashamed of yourself and get ready to be detested, mocked, named called, and impugned by your betters. One more thing, generally, these people have no sense of humor.

  7. Quite frankly, if you're children are easily 'indoctrinated' when they are old enough to attend a University, that's a reflection on your lousy parenting, not predatory professors.

    Accountability. Everyone should try it.

  8. Scott, 7:37,

    Not all University faculty are as you describe. Some are simply attempting to prepare their students for the world which they will occupy and, someday, lead by encouraging those students to think critically and act accordingly.

    Whether that teaching philosophy is valued by the University is a whole different question.

  9. Holland and Wurthless! They are part of group who do nothing but complain about everything. When you keep crying wolf, no one listens anymore. Wurthless was against the Lowes and the North St. Parking garage. His problem is he can't admit when he is dead wrong and therefore loses all credibility.

  10. "Even a much-needed parking garage that most South Side merchants want" - Really?
    Do you have any proof that it's needed and a list of merchants who want it?
    Will Lehigh & St Lukes be signing 30 year leases?

  11. The proof is in the much maligned Desman Parking Study, which shows a need for 800 plus spaces in the coming years. I have also spoken to a number of South Side merchants, all of whom supported this. I have heard several speak at public meetings, and they like the idea. Bruce Haines has spoken against it, but he has none of the support he got from other merchants concerning Martin Tower. I also believe the question of merchant support is being studied more analytically. As for leases, we were told they are "long-term" leases.

  12. Doc,

    It would be difficult to find people more conformist and doctrinaire than college and university professors. This is beyond dispute. of course there are some exceptions, but they of of course just that.

  13. Don't paint all of Lehigh with this broad brush. Wurth is a douche and always has been a douche. It has nothing to do with his liberalism. He's just a nasty guy.

  14. Well said Bernie! Thank you!

  15. 9:11 Do you have any proof of the nearby merchants who don't want it? It seems like it's the same old same old people complaining. Haven't heard of any businesses who oppose the garage or the building. I'd bet my house on it that if the nearby businesses were not in favor of it, they would have been at one of the meetings to voice their concern.

  16. 10:47 - You don't have to bet your house as if you are a City of Bethlehem homeowner / taxpayer, when the parking authority loan goes into default, you will pay more in property taxes. The existing parking in the southside area, is ample for all current businesses & merchants. Drive on 3rd or 4th and notice all the empty spots in front of the meters, maybe not all day but most of the day with a few exceptions like 1'st Friday or other street events. The Benner's are the receiving government (parking authority) welfare and should pay for the garage that "they" need, not taxpayers.

  17. I know some.
    Villa Urban Wear
    Full of Crepe
    The cigar store
    Lehigh Pizza
    Broadway Social
    Tally Ho
    Cleo's and on and on and on.
    Any business man in their right mind is salivating at the thought of the amount of new customers and what this project will bring to the area. Holland and Wurth should go back to be little dictators in their own little worlds of their class rooms and leave the businessmen alone. As for Haines, he hates any and all competition. If you can believe it, he guy actually fought against the Sun Inn getting a liquor license for a restaurant.

  18. 11:02 You have no idea what you are talking about. The Parking Authority will NEVER go into default on this bond. The Parking Authority rates are lower than rates in like size cities and once they get their $500,000 back from the city in 2021 will be financially sound with or without another small rate increase which would bring in even more money to pay for the bond on this project. The city tax payers are not paying for the bond, the people paying for the bond are the people who will be using the parking facilities. As it should be and as they should be! Case closed!

  19. Let me make a point here. I have heard numerous complaints that Benner should pay for this garage since his tenants will be using it.In fact, he is paying for a large portion of it, indirectly, through the monthly garage rates that will be charged to his tenants. Conservatively, that is over $6 million. It is likely going to be over $7 million. This is on top of the $20 million he is spending to build his greenway building. I oppose the CRIZ and just about any form of government subsidy, but the notion that benner has no skin in this game is just wrong.

    Aside from the industrial park, there has been no major development in South Bethlehem. I think that the success of this project will determine what goes on down the road. If it fails, it will be a long time before anyone tries again.

    I do agree with the traffic concerns raised by many people, which must and will be addressed. I completely reject the notion of shuttling people in from parking lots located far away. That is sheer lunacy and would never work.

  20. Traffic concerns? In a CITY! The shame!

  21. One thing about college professors. we as dim witted parents send our kids to a place of higher learning were the students are taught by people who have no practical experience in anything, let alone the subject they are teaching. most all have never had a job. they have spent there whole life in the academic system. Then as self proclaimed experts they demand some form of adoration or respect. they really have very little credibility in every day practical matters.

  22. I wonder what kind of entertainment clown they'll invite to speak at graduation? I suggest Bill Cosby. Lehigh used to be a proud engineering school. Now, it's just another 13th grade featuring scores of majors that are worthless.

  23. Yea, If Holland and Wurth are your average Lehigh professor, what a total waste of money!

  24. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  25. Fatterman looks like Gorilla Monsoon and thinks like "Feel the Bern" Socialist. Mayor of a Podunk town who isn't even qualified to run Bangor, let alone be a U.S Senator. Surprised the academic elite have found a champion with this clown.

  26. 2:41, drop the anonymous personal slurs please, as well as the vulgarity.

    SSI didn't invite Fetterman. I did. I posted the thing on Facebook & others got involved & found places for him to speak. We then sent the press release that he was coming to Bethlehem to ALL the news outlets. The Brown & White was one of them. They put it on their calendar as a general public relations notice to the student body & whoever else reads the Brown & White (I don't). How does a calendar event translate into an *endorsement* ??? It doesn't.

    - T o n y S i e n z a n t

  28. Allthough local colleges were once academically the top performers, today they have become circus advertismentalists agencies with vibrance of youth for those dead and dieing¿¡)$ Betting the pot on youth is like and similar too underacheving over inflated political parasitism at best, and that as we all see is nothing but a failing archaic institution too¿¡)$

  29. Tony, Letterhead! Do you really not understand? Can we suppose this sort of thinking is typical of Fettermen supporters? My guess, yes it is.

  30. "Inviting Fetterman, with no similar invitation to other candidates, is a violation of Lehigh's tax exempt status. I have advised Lehigh's General Counsel."

    1. Lehigh University, "The Birkenstocks" nor SSI "invited Fetterman." I did.
    2. Fetterman is appearing at two businesses, not affiliated with Lehigh University AT ALL.

    Do *YOU* not understand?

  31. Lehigh is just passing on information, as a public service announcement, the same way that any other newspaper would in their Calendar Section.

  32. Why don't you invite whatever politician you like & send the press release to Brown & White? It's a free country. Instead, you make accusations & create dissent without knowing all the facts. I invited Fetterman. Two businesses are hosting him. Brown & White as well as other news outlets, such as The Bucks County Herald last week, are reporting on his visit.

    End of Story. Non-issue.

  33. If you *believe* you have a legitimate complaint, you should call the IRS out on Lehigh University.

  34. Z Man or Tony Sienzant,

    1) I don't "feel" I have a legitimate complaint. The violation is obvious,and I have notified LU's Office of General Counsel.

    2) I have attached the SSI email to this blog. It is not signed Z-Man or Sienzant. It is signed "SSI Team." and went out under the University letterhead, using University resources. In order to give this event more prominence than it would receive under just your name, you spoke for the "SSI Team" and presumably did so with their approval.

    3) Under both IRS and even Lehigh guidelines, university resources may not be used in a way that favors one candidate to the detriment of others. That certainly is what happened here. Mayor Fetterman has been invited by the "SSI Team" to spread his gospel, but no similar invitation has been provided to Admiral sestak or Secretary McGinty.

    4) I question the wisdom of the university or its nutty professors allowing someone who is untrained like you, to speak on behalf of the university's SSI Team, as you did.

    5) Just like SSI, the Brown and White will be violating the political activity ban if it allows its resources to be used to promote one candidate to the exclusion of others.

  35. "Lehigh is just passing on information, as a public service announcement,"

    I thought you said it was all you. Now it is Lehigh,too, but they are just passing along the good word. That violates the political activity ban. What do they teach you there, anyway? I would think that all these political science gurus would know this is impermissible. I know they would be organizing riots in the streets if LU advertised a visit from Cruz, Trump or Kasich.

  36. Notice the bright light Lehigh's elites/our betters have associated themselves too.

  37. Maybe not Kasich. he gives good hugs.

  38. "This is beyond dispute."

    Only for rabid ill-informed teabaggers like yourself.

  39. Utilizing the University's letterhead definitely portrays approval!

  40. Al Wurth is a stand up guy by any standard.
    It's a pity so few men of his caliber exist in the region.

  41. LOLOLOLOL. Al Wurth is a "the sky is falling" guy 24/7. He wines so much about everything that no one listens to the guy or gives him any credibility.

  42. You've named your blog well. I see you are still "rambling" about this.

    #1 - I am not Lehigh Student & never was. They've "taught" me nothing.

    #2 - I am not speaking for SSI. Never was. I simply sent them a press release, as I did for other news outlets, such as the Morning Call.

    #3 - I have no control over what SSI or Lehigh University prints in any of their publications. I don't even know who these people are.

    #4 - If SSI is claiming they invited Fetterman, that's wrong. I invited him. And I just let them know that fact.

    Good luck with your complaint :-)

  43. Al Wurth is a voice of reason in a sea of lowest common denominator politics.
    Shame there's not a hundred more people like him in the region.
    Damn shame.

  44. Z-Man, My complaint was successful, SSI just sent out an email apologizing.

  45. Al Wurth is a 100% decent guy. A man who is not for sale in a Valley full of corruption.

  46. Three cheers for Citizen Wurth!!!

  47. Please post the apology email (screenshot) if possible. Thanks... I must ask you though: is that *all* you wanted? An apology?

  48. Z Man,I will be posting it tomorrow.I'm a little busy today with other things happening. So far as what I want is concerned, i wanted the law followed. It was not, contrary to your assertion. Breena Holland sent out a clarification and an apology and I am satisfied by her action.


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