Local Government TV

Thursday, April 21, 2016

131st Update: Coyle Fails To File Pre-Primary Finance Report

Bill Coyle
I've been highly critical of statewide candidates who still file paper reports instead of the electronic reports that can be seen immediately on the Internet. Though no law requires electronic report, candidates who choose to go the paper route know that voters will never see their finances until months after an election is over. This lack of transparency is a slap across the face of citizens these candidates claim they want to serve.

Usually, the biggest offenders are the very persons who pretend they're all about transparency and accountability. Take Bill Coyle, for example. He has repeatedly slammed Justin Simmons for seeking a fourth term, and has claimed that, unlike Justin, he's a man of his word. But Coyle completely failed to file his pre-primary finance report, which was due on Friday.

“It is absurd that a candidate who talks about integrity and transparency refuses to release campaign finance reports as required by law,” said Jason Ercole, a spokesman for the Simmons campaign. “For someone seeking to be an elected official, whose sworn duty is to uphold the law, to run his campaign this way is simply unforgivable and should cause great concern among voters.”

It does raise a red flag or two. I have seen candidates drag their feet on filing required reports precisely because they want to hide who is supporting their campaigns.

I contacted Coyle, who admitted that he has failed to file his report. He told me he had been "out of town." He indicated his report will be filed tomorrow, and vowed to do so electronically.


  1. All I seem to hear out of this guy is "SIMMONS LIED! SIMMONS IS RUNNING FOR TOO MANY TERMS!"

    Give it a break. I think Simmons does a fine job. He can run for as many terms as he wants, and if he wins, he wins. Stop hanging on something he said years ago when he was fresh in office.

  2. Andrew Lisicky, CPA, Treasurer must have been out of town too.
    What a joke.

  3. Bernie - wish you had asked him a follow-up because his excuse is simply untrue.

    Coyle should just own up that he screwed up and not use lame excuses like he was "out of town" when that is an even worse lie and shows even more how he doesn't know what he is doing.

    The fact is that Coyle could have been on the moon and this report could have been filed. The Treasurer is the one who signs and sends in the reports; the candidate doesn't have to be on them. The only form the candidate signs is one page that the state gives candidates ten days to notarize and send in.

    Coyle is either (a) hiding something or (b) doesn't even know the campaign finance rules. If it is the former, we can't trust him; if it is the latter, I think if you want to run for office and can't follow simple rules like campaign finance deadlines, you really aren't smart enough to serve.

  4. Does Kerr have a money back guarantee? This might be the worst run campaign I have ever seen.

  5. "Andrew Lisicky, CPA, Treasurer must have been out of town too.
    What a joke."

    I left a message with him, too.

  6. Son, why isn't your homework done? I was to busy posting on Face Book.

  7. As Coyle said " I'll figure it out when I get
    there ". Well folks ...he was right . Coyle isn't there yet and can't figure it out . He has no clue what ends up ! Coyle is an empty suit and doesn't have the qualifications to be a State Rep . His so called 20 years of business experience did not translate into on the job know how . Simmons made a fool of him publicly in the debates because he has ZERO legislative knowledge . The furniture flunkie has been exposed !

  8. I was wondering what wire service the Simmons "press release" went out on. Didn't see it in the WSJ, NYT, or heck even the Morning Call. Glad I found it.

  9. To Anon 7:53 - The Cindy Miller - Bob Kerr run campaign is right up there with the worst campaign ever!!!!!

  10. 9:44 you must be new in the Valley. ALWAYS go to Bernie first for political news.

  11. Out of town my ass. Coyle doesn't have a job. He's hiding all his liberal donors.

  12. Or maybe Daddy Coyle funded the whole campaign because he's been propping up little Billy his entire life.

    Daddy had to call all his Saucon Valley Country Club buddies to try and get them to float the campaign bill.

    Daddy ain't bailing you out this time Billy. Simmons 68 Coyle 32

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. It's just many of the deceptive practices of the Coyle campaign.

  14. @7:53...best line ever. DOES KERR HAVE A MONEY BACK GUARANTEE? He should! While the candidates are ultimately responsible for their own campaigns, they do put trust into their consultant/campaign mgr. Kerr has truly steered Coyle and Miller wrong! I'm still questioning where Coyle is working these days. Is it Henredon or is it Leathercraft? Who pays the fine, btw, for not filing on time. Let's face it, this is just a blatant attempt to hide something!

  15. It is now 1:25 pm. Coyle still hasn't filed his financials with the Department of State…..tick tock….tick tock…..!!!!!

  16. I thought Justin Simmons claimed to be against special interests? I went to the campaign finance website he promoted on FB and his declarations show donations accepted from every special interest PAC on the planet. What gives?

  17. It is now 2:55 PM and no report. Is Coyle still out of town?

  18. And, it's now 4:35pm and Coyle STILL hasn't filed his financials with the DOS.... is he still out of town????? TICK TOCK TICK TOCK!!!!!

  19. 11:48am deceptive practices like the alleged illegal political mailers and federal mail fraud Simmons' "spokesperson" was accused of previously? That kind of deceptive? See watchdog.com/pennsylvania/2014/05/29/pa-financial-backer-of-illegal-mailers-is-still-a-mystery/

  20. 7:06 Coyle campaign you really are The Gang that Couldn't Shoot Straight. That link doesn't go anywhere. Your mailer today might as well have been paid for by Simmons. The quote you used is exactly why we need Simmons for another term. Your stupid logo makes me think of Obama (hint not good for a Republican primary)
    You should change your campaign name from Friends of Bill Coyle to Bill and Bob's Stupid Adventure. At least you two will be able to keep each other company on the unemployment line!

  21. Heard Bob Kerr say he wanted to be the "Miked Fleck" (Bernie copyright pending) of the Republican party.
    Unfortunately for Bob. 1. Your candidates need to win and 2. Even though he is indited, He is still smarter then you.

  22. Hey Bill when are you coming home? It's 8:45 pm and your financials still aren't filed with the Department of State? Anyone tell you the election is on Tuesday? Tick tock...tick tock!!!!

  23. If Coyle failed to file today, he really should be ashamed of himself. Plus, if that is so, he is a liar bc he told me yesterday they would be filed today.

  24. 2:45am and still no report filed. I wonder if this means he's dropping out of the race? Hmmmm, inquiring minds want to know. He hasn't a snowballs chance in hell to win the primary. tick tock....tick tock.... tick tock......

  25. He shouldn't have a chance in hell, but he has much better than that for a real simple reason. No one except his tiny inside cult of followers thinks Simmons is worth a damn. His own party in Harrisburg can't stand him. That's why a 3 term incumbent is in panic mode for an April primary. All of the Simmons cool aid drinkers were picturing taking turns in the Lincoln bedroom by now, but unfortunately the prodigy hasn't delivered against the hype. Remember, only one vote each, and you don't even get that KR.

  26. It is now the day after the day that Coyle told me he would be filing his pre-primary report electronically, and it does not appear on the website.

  27. Congratulations Bill! You have now made the "Failed to File" list on the Pennsylvania Department of States Website! Way to go!!!!

  28. Good Morning KB 7:50 Wow your up early or haven't you been to bed yet?
    Don't forget to take your meds before you head over to the Sands!

  29. Looks like this filing must be a huge deal since there are only 150 PA legislators on that list. Interestingly includes John Morgane li too, but Bernie must have overlooked that or didn't have to stir up a blog on that.

  30. Hey Bill! You stated on Gunther that you went to Karen Beyer and Jennifer Mann for advice with regard to campaigns and not making any legal mistakes so that you would proceed correctly. I think you picked the wrong advisors, not to mention a pretty bad CPA for treasurer considering it's the first required filing and you didn't report on time. That's one CPA I wouldn't recommend and I would look for a better "advisory" group if you ever run for elected office again. If this is any indication of the kind of legislator you would be…..then don't quit your day job!!!!!!!

  31. 9:57 AM - Filing financial reports on time is a very big deal. It's required by law. No one running for office is above the law. The voters have a right to see these reports. Mr. Coyle is a fraud and lacks integrity!

  32. 7:50 - Karen Beyer, you're giving political advice? Really? The woman who lost to the 23 year old that lived in his Mom's basement and still can't get over it.

    I love how you act like you know the inner workings of the House Republican Caucus Nobody likes you in Harrisburg Karen. Why haven't you changed your party yet? You already embarrassed your son running him and endorsed Hillary Clinton. Just do it already and get the hell out of our party. We don't want you.

    And please stop embarrassing yourself with your drinking buddy, the other flunky, loser Sue Cornell. You guys look pathetic always going out to Harrisburg partying. And bringing your 30 year old son? You're irrelevant in Harrisburg and the people that remember you say you were one of the nastiest, craziest people in Harrisburg. And seriously, how much of a loser do you have to be not to make a connection to get a job out in Harrisburg when you lost? How's those xerox machines working out for you?

    Go away already.

    1. Not Karen Beyer dopey. Shouldn't you be trolling FB now, ducking every issue?

  33. WOW!Incredible three and a half months on the take for Justin Simmons. More than $27k in contributions he accepted in that period alone from special interest PACs in PA, DC, Illinois, Ohio, Texas, Delaware. This is all from the "conservative" who "stands up to special interests". Who comes first in that equation, constituent interests or special interests. What a BSer. Preaches one thing but is on his knees for anyone with a check.

  34. 11:12 If the special interest contributions aren't enough to make you vomit, the shady payments to his mother and father from Simmons campaign account should do it. Talk about ethically challenged. If that is even legal, it's just plain stupid.

  35. At 11:12 and 11:18 stop lying and talk about the issues. The lies are a desperate attempt by you and the Coyle campaign!

  36. Bernie, I have 2 questions. 1. How much is the fine, for failure to file? 2. What is the penalty, if the Coyle campaign doesn't pay the penalty? Thanks!

  37. Under our toothless campaign finance laws, the fine is $20 per day, to a maximum of $270, to be paid out of the candidate's own pocket.

  38. Just got a nice mailer about Coyle not paying his bills to a local small business.

    Guess he was out of town.

  39. And, sadly that's a small price to pay for the bigger issue which clearly is a cover-up for Dem donations! Does he think we are stupid? Hasn't Karen Beyer written you a check from her campaign account? Oh, wait a minute. You are hiding the fact that you have NO SUPPORTERS! Yeah, that's it! Either way you are still a loser!

  40. Check out Magisterial district judge 31-3-03 docket number MJ-31303-CV-0000077-2009, civil docket. Coyle was found guilty for not paying thousands of dollars, he owed a small local business. So, much for having integrity and being a small business advocate.

  41. Just got a pair of Simmons mailers. Seems bipolar, one attack mode and then one with him talking to some family who looks bored to death or almost like they are creeped out. Funny how he uses these old pictures. Guess more recent pictures wouldn't project a positive image since he's blown up like a tick. For crying out loud, the district authorizes you to take the per diem today and get yourself a salad and a new sport coat before that button gives way and someone gets hurt.

  42. Coyle was out of town? That is why he couldn't have his financials filed on time? Isn't he giving Simmons flack for missing votes for the birth of his child?

    It seems to me filing your financials could be done from any computer anywhere, you don't have to be home to do it. Or you know like others have said, maybe the treasurer would do that since that is their job. Bill if you are going to go after Simmons for not doing his job (again... Simmons missed those votes because of the birth of his first child) maybe you should make sure yours gets done. As someone running for office ensuring that your campaign financials are filed is part of your job.

  43. At 1:32 it seems desperate that you are attacking Simmons for his honest mailers and his appearance. Give me a break! How about filing your financial statements and stop giving people, the run around with your flimsy excuses. It's about time that the Coyle campaign acts with some maturity and integrity. But, I guess you have neither!

  44. 1:55 what a comedy. Since you are talking about integrity, you have your posts mixed up. 1:32 was actually another of Simmons attack ads. Easy to mix up since there are so many.

  45. Bernie, per the 1:40 post, whatever happened to that real deep dive you were going to do on Simmons voting record? It's been a month. Maybe some time after Tuesday I suppose???

  46. I did post about it. Coyle hass a history of not voting in primaries and only sporadically in general elections.

    1. That was your deep analysis of all of the candidates voting records in Harrisburg, a stump line for Simmons? I actually thought you took this seriously. You didn't research it because you knew what you'd find, that Simmons voting record was worse than 70% of the house. BTW, I saw that you conveniently skipped over Morganelli not filing his finances too. The things you conveniently look past expose your bias. You're entitled to be biased, it's your page, just don't try to pass it off like you aren't.

  47. At 1:36 and 2:12 you obviously don't have a job if, you keep trolling the internet for Coyle. It's the Coyle campaign that is a joke. So, when is Coyle going to file his financial report and stop the personal attacks on Simmons.

  48. Ok 3:34! Stop attacking Bernie!!!! You are just trying to bully him into your way of thinking. Oops! Sorry, Bernie actually has a brain and you don't!

  49. Robert Kerr just can't get over those PACs. How else are conservatives supposed to fight against the unlimited resources of public sector unions Robert? You really are becoming a liberal!!

    And Simmons wouldn't have to raise so much PAC money if idiot's like Coyle didn't run against him. I mean, Coyle is the same with Simmons on policy right?

    Or are you hiding something and that's why no finance report? Is this Bills pivot to the democratic write in? Can't wait to see this disaster!

  50. 11:18 I find it amusing that you would make a comment about the ethics of Simmons Financials. Did you ever look at Karen Beyer's Financials? She used to pay Michael out of her campaign account and not for reimbursements like the Simmons Campaign does. Or did you ever look at Kevin Deely's Financials? He withdrew $5000 in cash a couple of days before the election for "walking around money". Plus he never reported an "in kind" tv ad buy from the unions in the amount of $97,000 It's ironic that you would have anything to say about Simmons expenses. They are very detailed as is required by law and they file on time as is required by law. Once again you have to ask Mr. Coyle what he is trying to hide. This has been nothing but a smear campaign by Kerr and Coyle. It's very essence of "calling the kettle black! But I guess it takes a snake to know a snake!!!

    1. No and no, I have never reviewed Beyer's or Deely's filings. Not sure how that is relevant unless they are the bar the Simmons campaign has set for itself. Wouldn't be surprised. Sounds like where there is smoke there is fire. Paying your mom for food for your volunteers sounds like it would have a lot of leeway. I agree with you, Simmons is a snake.

  51. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  52. It's safe to assume at this point that the failure to file is ONLY because Coyle is hiding something. What that something is remains to be seen. How shameful an act. Kudos to the Simmons campaign for always being forthright and honest!

  53. 4:14 Simmons is a special interests whore. To answer your question, why couldn't he just raise his funds from other conservatives? Guess that's because those "real conservatives" don't feel that donating to Simmons is worth it. Simmons is supposed to be the fighter of special interests, but in reality, he never met a special interest PAC whose money he didn't love. He is a typical, entrenched, politician, say one thing and do another because you believe deep down you are smarter. I will vote against him for that reason alone.

    1. Found the Bernie Sanders supporter.

  54. 4:14 Why don't you go back and look at all of Simmons Financial Reports and you will see the vast amount of individuals that support him. It's seems to me you must be very jealous that so many people actually respect, like and and appreciate Representative Simmons. You can't have it both ways and say he isn't liked in Harrisburg or in the district when he draws support from his colleagues, constituents, and the business community. You have been talking to the wrong people if you think otherwise. I bet Rep. Simmons spends his time laughing at all of the haters because they are so ill informed and blinded by their bias. I for one will be voting for Representative Simmons because he is the most decent human being I know. I consider it an honor to call him my friend.

    1. You see vast amounts of individuals through your rose colored glasses. I and many others see vast amounts of PAC donations.

  55. 7:26 is Robert Kerr, Coyle's campaign manager. He is obsessed with PAC money. Surprised he thinks he can vote for Coyle though since he doesn't live in that district. Maybe that's why Marcia Hahn's district was getting Coyle mailers?

    All he cares about is money and that is why he helped Coyle. If he was so pure, he would take down his pictures on Facebook with Mario Scavello, Joe Emrick, Rosemarie Brown, Ryan Mackenzie and all the other public officials that take PAC money, some a lot more than Simmons.

    All Kerr cares about is his wallet.

  56. 7:55 You Simmons trollers are so small minded, cant thi k beyond ROber Kerror bease thats what your scriteria says. I live smack dab in 131, can vote for Coyle, and will vote for Coyle. The entire Simmons mafia acts entitled, it's a huge turnoff. What's next, Justin's dad going to curse me out at the poll? Simmons can't stomach that he committed to 3 terms because he thought he'd advance his career by then. He's got nowhere to go because he's known in Harrisburg to be lazy, absent and arrogant. Put that on your next mailer.

  57. At 7:55 you are a big fat liar. Simmons is a hard worker. He isn't looking for job like Coyle. The voters aren't looking to hire Coyle. The voters want someone with integrity.

  58. It's pretty bad when Coyle has to have his wife's boss come to a debate and make an ass of himself. Where's Coyle's boss and associates in the mattress industry? Why does Coyle need to bring his wife's boss to prop old Billy up?

    I can't wait for Coyle to go away in 4 days when he loses by over 30 points. Every time he opens his mouth he makes the 131st district seem more stupid.

    Just because Daddy pays for your Saucon membership doesn't mean you're ready for primetime. Must suck for Billy to be completely out schooled and embarrassed by a 29 year old.

    Frankly I'm proud Justin Simmons stood up to this arrogant man. A lot of people in the community can't stand Bill Coyle because he think his family and him are better. His arrogance finally did him in.

  59. 7:55 I don't think anyone from the Simmons campaign would waste their time on a guy who made an absolute fool of himself at the debate just as ill informed Coyle did. Also, I really hope for your sake that you purposely misspelled all of those words in your comment. If you did, trust me, it isn't funny. And if you didn't...well?????

  60. Since Bill's credentials for running for community mayor (sorry...I mean State Representative)are that he is a big sports jock let me talk in language that I think he should be able to understand. In the words of former wide receiver of the New York Jets..."Give me the damn ball". Well, Mr. Coyle..."Give us the damn financial report!!!" Seriously!!!!

  61. It saddens me that Coyle and his camp would scrutinize a true fiscal conservative. There aren't many left, especially in the Lehigh Valley. Representative Simmons has served me well in Harrisburg. The district wants and needs lower taxes, especially for our seniors. The district wants our 2nd amendment rights to remain intact. The district wants someone who is engaged in the community. That is why I am excited about pulling the lever for Representative Simmons on Tuesday and would ask all conservative to do the same!

  62. Coyle...Kerr....Ben Gleck....You have all turned into that annoying obnoxious person the day after the election that will complain about the results. But when pressed...you always find out that those people didn't vote! Well...it's the same principle here. Don't scrutinize one for actually following the guidelines issued by the Department of State and filing their report on time, when you haven't filed yourself!!!! #Demindisguise

  63. I am a Simmons supporter. Always have. Always will. It all started when then Justin Simmons first ran for office. I remember when he first knocked on my door. And I live out in the sticks in Lower Milford (which by the way I never heard of Coyle before this election) I was eating my chicken parmesan sandwhich after working in my farm all morning and I was so impressed by Justin's knowledge about the issues and his clear cut ideas and principles that he believed in. We in Lower Milford support you!!!!!!

  64. Eating your own words is the ultimate slap in the face. Andrew Lisicky, Coyle's University of Pennsylvania (Ivy School) CPA said recently that Representative Simmons "is not particularly qualified to do anything" Really?????? Yet, you Mr. CPA can't even figure out how to file a simple financial report. I am stunned. As a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania I am embarrassed to share the same alma mater as Mr. Lisicky.

  65. For those of us who live in Montgomery County you will get a kick out of this. Bill Coyle keeps saying over and over again that he knows this district like the back of his hand and he has "many" friends in the Pennsburg, Upper Hanover Township area. Anyone in Montgomery County who can read knows about the Town & Country newspaper. Yet, Mr. Coyle didn't submit anything to the paper on his candidacy???? I'm beyond stunned!!!

  66. And still no financials filed! Something is very fishy!

  67. 7:55 Has a lot of misspellings. It must be your dueling inner voices.

  68. We've reached the point of diminishing returns, and once agin, I must close comments in a story about the Simmons-Coyle race.

  69. tick tock...tick tock....tick tock!
