Local Government TV

Monday, February 29, 2016

Why I Oppose Trump

NPR and other media outlets are slamming Donald Trump for his refusal to disavow David Duke and the KKK on the Sunday talk show circuit. Since he previously did disavow the endorsement, I think he was honestly confused. But that's not my problem with him. David Brooks expresses my reservations.

People say that Trump is an unconventional candidate and that he represents a break from politics as usual. That’s not true. Trump is the culmination of the trends we have been seeing for the last 30 years: the desire for outsiders; the bashing style of rhetoric that makes conversation impossible; the decline of coherent political parties; the declining importance of policy; the tendency to fight cultural battles and identity wars through political means.


  1. Trump is a spoiled bully who is used to getting his way. When criticized, he attacks his critics with third-grade insults. His followers are lemmings who act like they are at a WWE event when he spews his ugly rhetoric. He is not fit to be Mayor of Bangor, let alone President of the USA.

    1. My girlfriend is from Bangor. I went to banger but she wasn't home. So I went to mount bethel.

  2. What other candidate in this pool can lead us? None of them are worth anything!

  3. Humpty Trumpty flat out lied when he claimed he didn't know who David Duke was, and was ignorant about white supremist groups. The fact that Duke, the KKK and other nut job groups support Trump proves how perverted his candidacy is.

  4. I don't think he lied. I think he was confused. But having said that, he certainly should have known who David Duke is. My real problem is precisely as summed up by Brooks. Trump will erode and perhaps eliminate democracy.

  5. Too bad. Better get used to saying, President Trump.

    David Eisenberg

  6. Donald Trump is the answer for America. the liberal progressive secularists and the Rhino's have destroyed this country. Make America Great Again. Trump is the "man". Neither MSNBC nor FOX will fool the people anymore!

    Get used to it. He will be the next President of the US.

    1. Thank you donald for destroying the republican party.

  7. If one can look past the juvenile accusations and distortions that infect modern elections, discount political party affiliations, a much different story emerges.

    America is in SERIOUS trouble. Our national sovereignty is being diminished in favor of forming a great North American Union by bridging together the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Creating a similar form to the currently failing European Union.

    If successful, the new conglomerate we live in will be governed in an entirely different way. The will of the people will be reduced in favor of trading pacts, environmental regulations as a means of new taxation and a more global form of governance.

    We ALREADY see this taking shape!

    If you are a member of the middle class, an actual working and productive citizen who pays taxes, you MUST carefully analyze how you vote. The future of your family will be determined by who becomes the next American president.

    Looking at all the current candidates, ONLY Donald Trump is bringing a firm "America First" message. Right now, I am planning to vote for Trump. But, it's early.

    This is an historic time in history. Do the research.

    Fred Windish

    1. Fred, allthough your statements are very long winded and uncomprhencible to me the in your first paragraphs ending word sums it up as a whole¿!)$ Allentowns OWN the Game Caining of the political parasitism¿!)$ The political parasites and there backers are the cancerious inFLAMED BoilZ and the caining is becomeing a not only local but a national past time HIT by the populous as a whole¿!)$ This advertismental circus with cath lines and all are in the scopes with the crosshairs Zeroed in on this arena circus agenda¿!)$ The rubber suits must be worn though or this cancerious infection obout to be poped will spred like many of the infections that are allowbly infecting the nation under cover under colur of the law of this tolerent land¿!)$
      redd for Republican
      patent pending

  8. I'm a little tea pot, old and stout. Open my mouth and lies come out.


    1. Hitting like button

    2. must be talking about hillary in that statement

  9. The choice this fall will be between bad and worse.

    Scott Armstrong

  10. Three most common phrases that will be said in the future:

    1. Donald Trump will never win this election for President
    2. President Trump will never start WWIII
    3. Get your stinking paws off me, you dirty ape!

  11. While Trump is inarticulate in his positions, it comes down to this, Bush is gone because no one thought he would change the direction of the country concerning foreign policy, trade or immigration, nor will Marco Rubio, Cruz has many good points, but lowered the standing of his campaign, has not committed to a change in foreign policy and is probably not electable. Kasich would do a good job of managing the decline of America in an orderly way, would not change the direction of the country. I do believe Trump will appoint and hire the very best people to manage and as advisers. I do believe he understands what things should cost and how to bring efficiency to the government, which has never been attempted. If he can overhaul and control immigration, re-negotiate a fair trade policy and bring a new view concerning our interventionist foreign policy in his first 4 years, I would consider him a success. I also believe he can get votes from police and fireman unions, many manufacturing unions, the democrats will become the party of government workers and the fringes of society. As for the David duke thing, This is a media driven attempt to force trump to keep talking about the Klan an duke, he has not record of any such association. said once he disavowed their support, they would like to keep him talking about it.

    1. Agree with this analysis. We can't really know what we'll get with Trump, but we DO know what we'll get with any of the other candidates. On that basis alone, I'm planning to vote for Trump.

      Considering Mexico and China want nothing to do with Trump, it should be obvious Trump represents a possible end to what makes those countries happy. That's a good thing.

      IF WE HAD a legitimate Congress, there will be nothing to fear going forward. There is a real need for new faces there, too.

      Fred Windish

    2. I suggest you and your fellow macroeconomics illiterates investigate what exactly will happen when Donald Trump goes to war with China and Mexico. Its tragic that xenophobia has "trumped"common sense economic policy. I personally don't care if prices of consumer goods double, but I'm sure the Walmart shoppers will.

  12. Every four years the "media" drags out David Duke. I'm sure a man of Trump,s stature must think of the Klan on a constant basis. I know they're very big in Mannhatten . The Cubans are dancing as instructed . Good stuff!

  13. David Brooks is the clown who told us all how Obama was so wonderful because of the crease in his pants.

    Absolutely NO way am I voting for Hillary or Bernie.

  14. Not a big fan of Trump by any stretch - but Clinton and Sanders and utter disasters, one that already has happened too many times and one that is just waiting for the chance to reach his full potential.

  15. I say this as someone who hopes Trump doesn't get the Republican nomination:

    No matter when Trump disavowed the endorsement, it will never be enough for liberal democrats.

    To bring fairness to the issue, could someone please tell me when Obama disavowed Racist Rev. Wright (whose church Obama sat in for two decades), or Domestic Terrorist Bill Ayers (who held a fundraiser for Obama at his house that Obama attended)?

    And maybe that's still not being fair. To my knowledge, nobody is alleging that Trump has a personal relationship with David Duke.

  16. If HRC gave a speech in a forest.... and the was no one to hear her, would she still lie?

  17. It is quite sad that Republicans see this country as one on decline, as one without innovation or a strong economy. They see us as "weak" because we are not sending in 100,000 troops (not their kids) into Syria. When they say "take America back" they are saying take it back from the African Americans, the gays and lesbians, the Latinos - anyone they see as threatening their white supremacy.

    Donald Trump has no clue and will quickly get us engulfed in international incidents and will destroy the economy with tariffs and other pissing matches. All of you people that shot at Walmart - get ready for big price increases. It's two choices: one, challenge China and pay much higher prices or two, keep buying cheap crap at Walmart.

    Trump's candidacy will grease the skids for a Hillary Rodham Clinton presidency. The country is just done with the conservative politics.

  18. 300 million people in this country and the best we can come up with is:

    A blowhard (trump)
    A crook (clinton)
    Out of touch socialist (sanders)

    God help us all....

  19. Hillary Clinton is a crook? Please elaborate, Mr. Einstein.

    1. How did she turn that $1,000 investment into a $100,000 payoff ?

    2. So she was arrested and convicted of some sort of investment fraud? Oooh, this is good. Details please.

    3. She and her husband did take, and were forced to return gifts from foreign dignitaries. That action was no mistake, it was criminal. Granted all they received was a hand slap, but it was still illegal.

    4. She had to return many items she took from the White House when Bill's term expired.


      Scott Armstrong

  20. I look forward to the day when the unemployment numbers start to rise. Start to rise for useless government employees. I look for the waste, fraud , mismanagement to be truly eliminated and people not rewarded with pensions . January 20 , 2017 PM.

    1. Because THAT is the problem. Quick, Judge Judy is on. You'll miss it and then what will you do with your unemployed day collecting government assistance?

  21. Going by what I see on the news, if the Republicans don't nominate Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton will become President.

    As a female, she is the worst representative of my sex that could possibly be elected. She lies constantly, she has been involved in scandals for decades of one kind or another, and now we are learning she's like Edward Snowden by letting our enemies steal our national secrets from her computer.

    She is not the kind of woman I would want my daughter to be, and don't get me started on her reprehensible husband, who treats women like dirt, is a rapist, and serial abuser. The worst thing is that she ignores all of what he does, and uses him as a way to get elected.


    1. Can you list the criminal convictions of either person? You can go around saying things about the Clintons or you can actually win one of these lawsuits. The only one you idiots won was catching Bill with his pants down. Nice job.

      HRC is EXACTLY what I want my daughter to be. A career woman who insisted on excellence in academia and private life. A Senator, a Secretary of State. A President.

    2. I will not vote for Monica's ex boyfriend's wife

    3. I'm a career woman, I worked in Advertising for several years in Philadelphia before I got married and had my daughter. I have a degree from Bryn Mawr and had an opportunity to work for David Ogilvy. I can see bullshit when it's in front of me and Hillary Clinton is simply full of it. Believe me, I'm good at it, as most advertising is creative copy to get people to buy things they otherwise wouldn't know about and believe they need.

      What other Presidential candidate lists as her greatest asset as being First Lady? She married into politics, and her major achievement was not to remember where her billing records were in the Whitewater Scandal, that were later found in her bedroom with her fingerprints on it?

      Now she's graduated into having to be investigated by hundreds of FBI agents because she's so arrogant as not follow the law that everyone else has to so our nation's secrets are protected.

      I don't know you so I can't comment on how you raise your children, but using Hillary Clinton as a role model tells me you're not a very intelligent person at best.

    4. United States Senator and Secretary of State came after First Lady, in case you were wondering. To belittle her by suggesting she did nothing but have intercourse with a Governor is insulting.

      Your need to reach into the Fox News archives and retrieve Whitewater nonsense tells me that Bryn Mawr didn't round out your critical thinking skills. You have spent too long trying to sell people widgets that you inject your cynicism (that you manufacture for clients) into others in the electorate. You are a self-professed bullshit artist and when you were learning the art of bullshit, Hillary Clinton was on the ground working for children's Defense Fund.

      I raise my daughters to be independent and powerful communicators.

    5. What did she accomplish other than breathe and run up large expense accounts as Secretary of State and United States Senator?

      As I do with mine. And also to make intelligent choices.

    6. Truth well told about products is what Advertisers do. And we make very good livings from it.

      Part of that is recognizing the manure, which Hillary Clinton is full of.

  22. Whitewater? Hahaha. Yeah, she killed Vince Foster too.

    1. I suppose it's normal in a suicide to have a large amount of carpet fibers on your person when your body is found.

    2. Sir, that is who brought the subject up in the first place.

  23. Refreshing? Donald Trump is a billionaire real estate developer. He is the DEFINITION of cronyism. My god, everyone has lost their minds.

    1. Minds were lost when people voted for Obama. Those same people are still dead from the neck up to support Hillary Clinton

    2. I could list a long list of Obama accomplishments, but there is no need. Killing Bin Laden and opening Cuba is more than any Republican has done since Eisenhower.

  24. Trump is a gas bag who is the Pied Piper for an army of angry minions. If he is the Republican nominee, get used to the nightmare of seeing President Hillary on the news every night for the next four to eight years.

  25. If you really want to know how the majority of people feel, and this applies to both Democrats and Republicans, read below. It says it all.


    You've been on vacation for two weeks, you come home, and your basement is infested with raccoons. Hundreds of rabid, messy, mean raccoons have overtaken your basement. You want them gone immediately… You call the city, 4 different exterminators but nobody could handle the job… But there is this one guy and he guarantees you to get rid of them, so you hire him. You don't care if the guy smells, you don't care if the guy swears, you don't care if he's an alcoholic, you don't care how many times he's been married, you don't care if he voted for Obama, you don't care if he has plumber's crack...you simply want those raccoons gone! You want your problem fixed! He's the guy. He's the best. Period.

    Here’s why we want Trump, yes he's a bit of an ass, yes he's an egomaniac, but we don't care. The country is a mess because politicians suck, the Republican Party is two-faced & gutless, and illegals are everywhere. We want it all fixed! We don't care that Trump is crude, we don't care that he insults people, we don't care that he had been friendly with Hillary, we don't care that he has changed positions, we don't care that he's been married 3 times, we don't care that he fights with Megan Kelly and Rosie O'Donnell, we don't care that he doesn't know the name of some Muslin terrorist. This country is weak, bankrupt, our enemies are making fun of us, we are being invaded by illegals, we are becoming a nation of victims where every Tom, Ricardo and Hasid is a special group with special rights to a point where we don't even recognize the country we were born and raised in; "AND WE JUST WANT IT FIXED" and Trump is the only guy who seems to understand what the people want. We're sick of politicians, sick of the Democratic Party, Republican Party, and sick of illegals. We just want this thing fixed. Trump may not be a saint, but doesn't have lobbyist money holding him, he doesn't have political correctness restraining him, all you know is that he has been very successful, a good negotiator, he has built a lot of things, and he's also not a politician, he's not a cowardly politician. And he says he'll fix it. And we believe him because he is too much of an egotist to be proven wrong or looked at and called a liar.

    Also we don't care if the guy has bad hair.

    We just want those raccoons gone.

    Out of your house.


    1. The problem with Trump is that he's the exterminator who will rid you of your raccoon problem by burning down your house, and making you believe that's what you wanted.

  26. We hear the politicians say they will get the invaders to learn English.pay taxes. My question, how do they avoid paying taxes? I would like to get in on this.

  27. Y'all have been marinating in right wing, Faux News bile for far too long to recognize how insane you are to believe some of the bat***t crazy stuff you are spewing. There is nothing wrong with this country -- except that there are too many willfully ignorant loons sounding off about everything they don't know.

  28. If Trump were President, I am convinced we would have 10 Navy persons sent home under different circumstances. I really find it interesting that a retire person collecting a pension and lifetime medical wants to impress austerity on the next generation of workers. I wonder what Trump's views are on pensions?

  29. 1142. If you need brain surgery, Trump is you man because he has the best rehtoric. This is not an audition for pro wrestling entertainment. Wait, Trump has experience there too.

    1. Better learn how to say, President Trump.

  30. We The People will vote in record numbers.

    1. Yes I can't wait. I'm pulling the Trump lever too. Democracy at work. So many people tired of Washington people telling us how to fix Washington people. HRC is a mess for so many reasons, Bernie the clueless clown who wants to give away free stuff while we sit 20 trillion in debt, goofy radical Cruz, and little Robo-Rubio.

  31. Damm Bernie,
    Contriversial to say the least it is noon coffee intake time and allready over 50comments¿!)$ Than what I have redd and comprehended with my limited ability¿!)$ Seems to me much like allentowns OWN Game Caining of the BoilZ is truely a nue nue nue national past time¿!)$ But speaking of political parisitism and inflamed boilZ on the spinkter epicentralized palumpasiZed, wasn't this eanelli working with fatfleck at the now defunct haldaman ford truck center in allentowns arts district were adolesent obeCity issues have a firm grasp¿!)$

    This locally home grown team of snake oil salesmen are all a cognazant team of complicite criminallity actors for the circus agenda war all laws are negated to propagate this reprehencible perpatration against all the good humans choosing innercity living to be part of the solution, not the pyroteqnically artificially inflamed boilZ these very cancerious infected gluttonous pigs truely are¿!)$

    1. This above post is one more reason why we need to defeat all the democrats and reopen the mental institutions.

    2. First of all, thank you 9:03AM.

      My fellow readers, the global governance I speak of doesn't care if you are a Democrat or Republican. The influence of a politic party within any one nation is subservient to rules and regulations developed by a new governmental body. One that places no preference on any particular nation. Like the current European Union, this is something more United Nations-like.

      The sovereignty of America must not be diminished, nor the voice of its legal citizenry.

      No matter how you vote, have confidence your choice places American interests FIRST. Choose someone who can't be bought by a moneyed special interest group, foreign or domestic.

      Fred Windish

    3. right on , fred

  32. I definitely don't care for Trump - but I'm just NOT voting for Monica's ex-boyfriend's wife or the tired old Socialist, period.

  33. I don't care if Madeleine Albright threatens me by saying I'm going to hell if I don't vote for Hillary Clinton. I voted for Obama the first time but his bullying tactics wore me out quick. Now, after all this Pawlowski NIZ scandal stuff, I really just don't feel comfortable at all voting for Democrats anymore.

  34. First The People will remove the anchor money.

  35. We reap what we sow!

    After the civil rights legislation of the 1960's the solid Democratic south became the solid Republican south built on racism. Then Richard Nixon wisely used the racial hate and divide politics to win with his "southern Strategy". Ronald Reagan came in and convinced "Americans that other struggling Americans were their enemies and succeeded in destroying the middle class with 'trickle down" economics. He stared the movement to destroy the middle class and got one group of poor Americans to blame the other group of poor Americans, all the while his wealthy benefactors became grossly wealthy on the backs of the working poor.
    Then we had over twenty-five years of right-wing fanatical hate radio and TV. The billionaire class created the "tea party" to further advance their agenda of wealth over society. After years of propaganda based in hate and fear, they succeeded in creating an angry and fearful group of Republican base voters.
    That was part of their problem. The baggers did as they were told but like Frankenstein they decided to not just carry the load but push on e of their own. Now you have candidates like Trump and Cruz.

    The circus of hate, ignorance and fear has taken over the show and now the Republican overlords are going wild. What to do?? Can Little Marco polo save us?? Does he have enough water and lifts in his boots?

    You reap what you sow!

    Liberty Lady

    1. whatever you say, Race-Baiter!

  36. Hey Bernie, I am more concerned why you oppose Hillary Clinton. Would love to hear that response or are you more concerned about protecting the party and your "job" with in the party?
    You can rip Trump all you want, but he has/had , very little to do with the mess a career politician like Clinton and her career politician friends, from both disgusting parties created over the last 40-50 years or so.
    So tell the people why you oppose Hillary. We already know you oppose Trump. You made that clear from day one. Even better, name something that Hillary brings to the table in regards to honesty, achievements and leadership? Come on BOH, who are you kidding here.

  37. Are you interested in arguing with me or commenting on the thread topic? Anyone who knows me knows very well that I have always been highly critical of the Democratic party. I am registered Democrat so I can vote in primaries but I am really an independent.

    I like neither of the Democratic candidates in contention. My chief objection to Hillary is my chief objection to Jeb Bush - I am tired of dynasty rule, whether it be the Bushes or Clintons. My chief objection to Bernie Sanders is not his ideology, which does not bother me a bit, but his weak stances on foreign policy. We need a strong and coherent foreign policy, not the mess that currently exists. Neither Clinton nor Sanders would command the respect of foreign leaders, while Trump's xenophobia and isolationism would hurt us more. Basically, I like none of the candidates.

  38. Trump is not only teabagger approved he is also the darling of the white supremacists. A marriage made in hell for those who love to hate.

    1. 3:49 AM's analysis of Trump is interesting.

      From my own research, MANY in the Republican party are skeptical of Trump because he's NOT conservative enough! They claim he is actually a Liberal Trojan Horse. A secret Hillary supporter, a big city Democratic Party financial contributor.

      At this time, the Republican Party bosses are preparing to defeat Trump at their national convention, and to introduce an alternative. One being Mitt Romney!

      Sounds to me, the regular Republican Party operatives don't want to risk losing what they have now, even if that means Hillary in the White House! Go figure.

      None of us can really know what a Trump as President will look like. All we can do at this point is make assumptions, even false charges.

      There's NO doubt, Trump would be something DIFFERENT in Washington. That's enough for me. What we have there now is a complete mess.

      Fred Windish

    2. why are you so sexually frustrated that you have to toss around that homosexual term?

  39. All Hail Trump!

    King of the boobs

  40. "Darling of the white supremacists"

    Yeah, sure. Whatever you say. Sorry the transformative Obama was such a failure for you.

    Better luck next time.

  41. We The People will vote in record numbers.

    Yes, we will. You will have every Democrat in the country voting for Hillary Clinton. Add to that half the Republicans who will either not vote at all or vote for Hillary Clinton. (See Christine Todd Whitman) Trump will lose in every significant state except Texas.

  42. Donald J Trump is the, "I no longer give a shit" vote. Which is why I support him.

    This country has been bought and sold long before any of us were born, the shit they shuffle around every four years means nothing.

    My hope is that a Trump presidency will make it apparent to everyone that this country is run by gangster and red squads organized by those that OWN us. They don't give a shit about you at all.

    But the truth is, nothing will change if the Donald is elected... confirming just like the "Change You can Believe in" Obama does, that if voting actually changed things it would be illegal.

    Watch the movie, "They live" and get yourself a pair of those sun glasses.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.