Local Government TV

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Why Fed Ed's Year-End Senate Report Still Unavailable

Of the five U.S. Senate candidates required to file a year-end report, only Allentown Mayor Edwin "Fed Ed" Pawlowski's report is still unavailable on the FEC webpage, ten days after the report was due. This utterly defeats the purpose of requiring these reports. So long as but so long as his quarterly was postmarked and sent by certified mail by January 31, the report is considered filed.

Because Fed Ed's now suspended race was for the U.S. Senate, his report had to be filed, with the Secretary of the Senate. From there it is forwarded to the FEC. As of yesterday morning, the Secretary of the Senate's office informed me there was no record of receiving the report, though it might be in the pipeline somewhere.

The FEC told me that an analyst is assigned to every candidate committee, and if the report is not received soon, he or she will make an inquiry. Those matters are treated on a case-by-case basis.

Over the weekend, I contacted Fed Ed's campaign treasurer and asked her to supply a copy of the report sent on to the Senate.

She refused.


  1. Bernie did you notice that an amendment was filed in January 2016 by pawlowski relating to a 76000 disbursement? It appears that fleck took it and pawlowski is claiming that he and his wife knew nothing of it.

  2. Yes, Just as he had to amend his July report, he had to amend his October report to explain the $76,500 disbursement that Fleck made to himself. In an explanatory letter, Lady MacBeth Pawlowski claims the payment was never authorized and essentially accused Fleck of embezzlement.

  3. Do you think that they are accusing fleck of embezzlement to attack his credibility in preparation for the trial?

  4. Whether he embezzled from them is irrelevant to whether Fed Ed engaged in a conspiracy, but the defense will certainly try to get that in if this case goes to trial. By himself, Fleck is unbelievable. That's why they needed to wire him and Fleck's associate as well. They will also be relying on the testimony of cooperating witnesses and defendants who pleaded guilty.

  5. Bernie what's your opinion do you think he will go to trial or will he plead?

  6. As long as he has money to pay lawyers, he'll hang tough.

  7. i don't think he has a lot of money to fight. Sooner or later he will run out of money. There is no way that the money on hand is enough to go through a trial with 2 expensive lawyers. So by waiting it appears that he is postponing the inevitable, except that he might get a bad deal from the Feds since he decided to waste their time and hold out.

  8. He has $80k in his state fund as of the end of the year and $100k in his senate fund as of the end of October. His most recent federal report should tell us whether he is using it to pay lawyers.

  9. Fed Ed will fight to the end because he is delusional.....

  10. Bernie as we slowly watch the sinking of he SS. FED ED..... taking on water......Your investigation was the reason this coruption was exposed. No doubt American Greed? or some other TV show ill air this or perhaps a made for TV movie could be in the future....... "The rise and fall of FED ED".
    Who would you like to play your character?

  11. Believe me, MM was onto Fed Ed long before any of us. The feds are who looked at this case, and I doubt that wither MM or I had anything to do with their thinking. A Morning Call reporter named Jarrett Renshaw is more responsible than anyone for the public spotlight. Fearless leaders like Jeanette Eichenwald and Michael Donovan helped expose him. I would be an extra in this affair, but thanks.

  12. The City of Allentown has hired Fox Rothschild, Marcel Groen's firm, to represent ANIZDA. ANIZDA will make the taxpayers pay for these high-priced attorneys. Woot!

    FBI expands Allentown investigation to controversial Delta Thermo Energy contract

    Groen and Delta Thermo Energy are being investigated by the FBI.

  13. Marcel Groen is a partner in Fox Rothchild and up to his "tookus" in the Allentown "pay to play" swamp. Can ANIZDA spell Delta Thermo? I am supposing there just aren't enough good litigation firms in Philadelphia willing to work for the government rate of $500 / hour.

  14. Groen's fingerprints are all over the rigged LCA water deal.

  15. Fed Ed has to keep working, he needs the cash flow and health benefits. He's not delusional, it's the right move from a very selfish perspective. He has never given a crap about anyone or anything, why would he start now?

    Regarding the ANIZDA board and Fox Rothschild / Marcel Groen, I've known Sy Traub for 20+ years. Never thought he was too bright, but this one takes the cake.

    The Banker

  16. You call his visits to the little people working?
    Even the ribbon cutting gigs have ended.

  17. After the ferret drains theOPM accounts, he does long time, the lawyers will barely have skimmed enough to buy a decent S class. The cool thing is, if you go 25 miles away, ask somebody about Pawlowski and get a blank stare. He is and was a nobody playing with people also unknown outside the 25 mile zone. The amazing thing is the lawyers are doing nothing to keep him on the outside. When they come for him-----the lawyers cannot stop it.

  18. At some point, the influence of the Philadelphia political machine on Allentown government, the NIZ, and who knows what else, will be discussed in detail. The ties are too many to overlook.

    Fred Windish

  19. @1;28 as a casting director for a local theatre troupe my choice to play Bernie would be a toss up between Jon Lovitz and Nathan Lane.

  20. Marcel is also the head of the Montgomery county dems. Might there be even more involvement outside of fed eds Allentown cake walks. Perhaps the fed is try to turn big ed? Thoughts?

  21. Marcel is also the head of the Montgomery county dems. Might there be even more involvement outside of fed eds Allentown castle walls. Perhaps the fed is try to turn big ed? Thoughts?

  22. Bernie,
    We all must never forget that political parasites involved have there criminality co-consperitors under there thumbs as ACTTORS in there circus upon the public as a browne hole awaiting sentencing while commiting crime against those that appose¿!)$ What is the perSENTile of the over run downtown hound from hell subsect imps of the soul sale subdiVISIONal tools implimented for the flooded LCB building now one in the same as built the hamilton and bank above¿!)$
    See here and abroad as there infectious tenicals spread out among many variables in public as well as private sectors creating a hamilton hanna herion herpie hookup circlejerk pool side¿!)$
    patent pending Republican with the finer educacies such as d rapp and flapp or chalk and paint to make a taint what it ain't gender specific and the more ReFined and nothing comparible, winsor knot¿!)$ My personal favorite is the pennsyltukkie bowtie¿!)$ shits and giggles on OZ's prop as a circus by itself¿!)$

  23. How are the lawyers keeping him on the street?


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