Local Government TV

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Opinions Online, 2/27/16

Blogger's Note:Opinions Online is a regular Saturday feature. If you'd like to express your opinion on any topic, click on the Opinions Online button on my left sidebar. You can also call 385-325-2564. In addition to these submissions, I sometimes highlight comments from throughout the week and re-publish them here.


Central boys basketball eliminated from District play awfully early this year.

How did your grandson's season play out? I hadn't seen them play since mid-Jan.

Blogger's Reply - They made it to both league and district playoffs, but were eliminated in the early going by Poconon Mountain West (league) and Becahi (district). My grandson goes from this right into AAU, so he will continue playing and work to make himself better. Unfortunately, I miss most of the AAU games bc they are not local and it is too expensive for us all to go.


So did anyone else get the nice fancy mailer inviting the public to a John Brown "I am so great" conversation on Tuesday? The one that says how he tripled the general fund, made changes to Gracedale that 'Really Paid off'? Seems like he forgot to mention the disaster his entire administration has been. The mass retirements that are still being felt by those who remained. Oh, yea, and I am not really sure what he did for Gracedale since the changes were made well before he took office. Will the County tax payers foot the bill for him to spread it on thick? I am sure this is just a stunt to get elected to the next office. Those of you who know should go and call him on it.


I talked to a woman in east allen twsp who when she moved into her husbands existing habitated house was forced to get an occupancy permit and allow them to inspect the house the occupancy permit code applies to business only there is not a resident code.


How about the whooping cough case at Spring Garden School? It was the Principal that had it. What an inconsiderate person to not have protection against that. You would think a person in his position would get shots for it. He was in contact with all principals in the school district who can conceivably spread it throughout the whole school district. What a jerk. There should be some kind of discipline for this inconsiderate behavior.


love the article in the Call re special court to help the mentally ill/ All courts should be trained to address issues-- 50% 0f immates are mentally ill-- the state legislation needs to adapt the law to swing back to the middle from the 70's to promote therapeutic medication & treatment for persons with chemistry inbalance. the state hospital should have become mental health wellness centers for each city. this would create a way to help/intervene homeless, family crisis, child behavior issues and elderly incompetency. I applaud you for initiating this court-- Promote improve care for the mentally ill--every one is a little off the chart at times.. Doris Farrar RN-- retired psychiatric nurse.. advocate for improving mental treatment-- this would prevent the shootings to a high percentage .


Interesting that the Lehigh county executive should mention fifty acres in west Bethlehem in his annual address and the downtowns, both of which are in Northampton county. Sounds like more political wagon circling.

Meanwhile, Honest Bob could not say what is going to happen to two other crucial properties, namely the land next to the casino complex, and the rail yard.

Despite periodic cries that Bethlehem needs to become an international port, where is the action? Or more specificsally, the leadership?

Similarly, there has been no announcement by the Sands about how it plans to rejuvenate the buildings and land adjacent to the casino. Is Adelson rethinking once again his most profitable casino? A preemptive strike against north Jersey hasn't materialized, and that worries me.


it is about time the Lehigh Valley Hospital enforces their no smoking on their property rules. Sickening to visit a family member and have to walk outside therough a giant gathering of cancer spewing jerkoffs on the sidewalk. The entire campus at Cedar Crest is no smoking, if these people want to kill themselves through addiction then they can get in their cars and puffs away. No reason to subject people to their cancer causing idiocy. Lehigh valley Hospital needs to enforce their own rules and get these people to stop being pigs and smoking then throwing their butts on the ground as well. I wonder if I started drinking a 30 pack of Pabts on one of the benches if someone would stop me... #StopSmokingAtTheHospitalJerkoffs


Why do people complain of recruiting when a Catholic high school sports team wins? Hows comes they never complain when they lose or post losing seasons one after another for several years (i.e. Notre Dame of Green Pond football program)? What is the status of Easton Area High School Red Rover's football coach, Steve Shiffert? Should Palmer football pee wee coach be hung and burned in effigy?


Are there any prerequisites needed to be a Tip Staff for a Commonwealth Judge in Northampton County? Are there any criminal background checks or anti-nepotism requirements?

Blogger's Reply: There are anti-nepotism rulesm, but they do not apply to tipsatffs who were working before the rules went into effect. I have no problem with nepotism in that category, incidentally. A judge is entitled to have one or two people around whom he can be himself.


Wonder why [Mayor Bob Donchez] didn't tell us about the new housing development along the Lehigh river in his state of the city address. (see the article and pictures on ET 2/22/16) Yet another embarrassment from this failed and tarnished administration for the city that until a couple of years ago was the jewel of the valley. His hand picked chief of police acknowledged the crimes of this debacle in the article by the ET. "It's crazy, he said. "I don't get it". (this so called administration doesn't get a lot of things.)

The chief went on to say that bad weather had kept him from looking into this. Message to criminals cops in [Bethlehem] don't work in bad weather.

Blogger's reply: I have edited the slurs by a person who obviously has an ax to grind, but let his opinions stand.


As reported in the ET and the MC the parking authority of [Bethlehem] has raised parking rates yet again. Reportedly this is so they can build a new parking lot on the south side further clogging up a already over used intersection. Just think, as soon as it is built they can raise fees again on any whim.

The parking authority is appointed by the mayor and approved by council. Thus they are just puppets of the administration. This demonstrates how woefully out of touch the current administration is with it's [sic] citizens and businesses. Or could this last increase be just another kick in the head to downtown merchants who oppose some of the mayor/dced goofy plans? At any rate the puppets strings have been pulled, the citizens and businesses screwed and the laughable business administrator gets to rape the authority (as they do every year) for even more money to try to balance their uncontrollable budget. Bend over and grab your ankles!!!


Who is the worst and best mayors to ever grace the position in the City of Easton?


"Abusing a drug is not a disease. I don’t care for how Doctor’s and the insurance industry have labeled it. It’s a choice. A disease is something that invades your body or something in your body that has started to malfunction causing undesirable health results.

Most people blaming the drug dealer, when there would be no drug dealers without willing clients. The drug dealers do not threaten these people to use the drugs. Where is the self-responsibility?"

In light of the uptick in drug casualties this past week, I read a LehighValleyLive article and came across this FIRST entry in the comment section; I found myself agreeing with it (for the most part - as there are a FEW exceptions).


I had a run in with one of the new city council persons at the City of Easton. I think he is quite unique. Does anyone else have this same problem? Also, I noticed that CHT seems to be doing a booming business on the poker machines. Since when are poker machines legal in bars? Isn't there a special resort liquor license needed to have those kind of machines? I think because the new council person and the owners of the CHT along with their connections in code enforcement and PA LCB get them special treatment?


Well, it looks like things are gonna start heating up in Ye Olde West Easton. Next council meeting should be verrry verrry intewesting,no?


Why doesn't the P.I.A.A. do something about the poor officiating at the local high school level especially in high school basketball? This is such a farce. My grandmother in a wheelchair can do better than these guys and way better than the women that go out there on the floor. If it isn't the coaches, it is the referees that lose the games for my kids. There ought to be some kind of law.


Will you ever post an updated version of "where are they now" article? You can start with the Gracedale gang: Rev. Mario, the Otter, All the boys love Maryann. the Mezz, and the rest of the gang. It could be a monthly feature of all the people that fell by the waist side after there short-lived 15 minutes of fame on this blog. Still wondering where that loud mouthed know-it-all Geeting guy ever got to.


  1. For anyone interested in high political drama and maneuvering on the national level, watch Super Tuesday's election aftermath.

    Career politicians, and their BIGGEST donors, are in a fight for their lives to continue their power and privilege. How underhanded and slimy will this cast of characters go?

    Again, I encourage everyone to sweep out incumbents next time you vote. A political structure needs regular housecleaning, even locally. Our Lehigh Valley elected offices have plenty of rot to address.

    Fred Windish

    1. Fred,

      Totally agree. Politicians and diapers need to be changed regularly for the same reason......

  2. When I see government offices move, I am always curious who the building owners are who hold the lease.

  3. When I see government offices move, I am always curious who the building owners are who hold the lease.

  4. The good Reverend Mario Martinez hasn't gone anywhere, after vanquishing the evil triumvirate of BOH, Ron "Dark" Angle, and John "Stoffagift" on the Gracedale referendum he went back to work spreading the word of God.

    Recently he went on WFMZ to verbally castrate the sludge lord of LMBT, it's online immortalized forever for those to see who is good and who is evil.


  5. Gotta love the Bethlehem parking scam. I parked at a meter spot and put two quarters in before I realized it only took cards. The week before it still took coins. It was dark and I didn't have my glasses on, but OK keep my quarters and then I paid for 90 minutes and it accepted my card. When I returned in less than an hour I received a ten dollar ticket. Bastards! To appeal you must show up in person and then show up at said date. So it takes gas for two trips to Bethlehem, an unpaid day off from work, and oh yeah, parking money. Guess I'll just pay the damn fine even though my bank statement confirmed my card payment! Thanks Bethlehem!

    1. And that's just how they want it. Make it inconvenient, and people will cave.

  6. Like hokey, and Allentown's OWN THE GAME, caining of the Boil'Z will become the nue nue nue National playtime hit with the populus much like running of the BULL'shit¿!)$ Once the Don gets in all Americans near and far will know the circus will be in play throughout the nation¿!)$ Damm, than the ticket takers yeast infected frenchfries will be in short supply for the unvertuios rustbelt wearers¿!)$

    The best thing I redd was the cigerette smokin at LVHN formally the great allentown hospital circus¿!)$ With the freeks and geeks mommas cigar surpriZe secret suace sale subsect set¿¡)$ Than there is the one about addiction, what about this pain management pill peddling gang o thugs that hook there clients for them only to need more and more, this is just another one of many circus trix for the reel campaign donors consessionars of the browne hole flipp flopp¿!)$ Once the shit infects your soul that is even more than just the cancerious statement made as to this shitstorm¿,)$
    Sounds like this one is comming from the boil, zit and cyst capitol of the spinkter and this shitstew spewwed is part of the anal canal put to print?!!)$
    One qwick, the deed searchers and allentown team hounds from hell striuck at two location locally as a circus collusional dillusional heating seasonal tool comes to an end¿!)$ Try as I might like the little redd engine that could, still verticle with ACTS of retribution ouch¿!)$


  7. Gracedale is still running and will stay in county hands. On Business Matters, the good Rev. Martinez embarrassed the loud mouth one who lost. The coalition is still around and will stay in the background unless the forces of evil and lies try to assert themselves again.
    There is a reason they are no longer in office.

    1. This is all church on the runs specifics not to do the work of god the alpha and omega but of man¿!)$ This numerical calculations are pre calculated and pre manipulated by said higherarchey and one must understand the dynamics of this archaic organization as a whole¿!)$ Most instead of studying the word of god have vast studies and positions in the broken American justice system that oversees all criminalities working¿!)$ Just like allentowns pay to play in the grant grab get to give back¿!)$ This particlar subsect set of the notorious hamilton street gang o thugs live by the same game¿!)$ The higherarcheys collaborate to get there specific dirty deeds done for a plea deal in charges for the criminal ACTS carried out upon the public that refuses to play in this national traveling circus¿!)$ There criminal ACTS ommited are limitless from petty crimes all the way up to but not limited to the most henous ACT of ending human lives¿!)$
      This hamilton hanna herion herpie hookup hotspot poolside is but a familia endvor that is now allowing the triboro posioning of many a child¿!)$ There has been no mention of palumpas party favor consessionairs compatician 50/50×about 10 to 15 campaign donors being allowable under cover under colur of local circus law under arena agenda umbrella of some of these OD's being from car batery acid
      corrosion and the ommitted investigation thereof¿!)$

      This all being for the real property flipp flopp chalk and paint to make the taint what it ain't gender specific gentrification transgretional transfomational regretion into the dark ages with the browne whole law creation dealeinasion of the human ASSpect of the triboro's third world nation unto itself¿!)$ The crystal ball sees this arena agenda as creating the nations cistern from the transeiant tranplants from the worlds cistern¿!)$

      Now being the day of god and this collectives collaborational day of deviance in the comming week this gang should go in peace and serve there dark underlords in the bewells of hell underneath the downtown palumpadome¿!)$
      Have you seen what I seen and redd what I have redd?

  8. God Bless Mayor Pawlowski!

  9. First East Allen has a resident code but that woman should not have had to get an inspection. There was no change of ownership.

  10. I do miss Geeting. It was always fun being lectured by a kid with no life experience at all.

    The Banker


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.