Local Government TV

Friday, February 19, 2016

LV State House Race Lowdown

Though an anti-incumbent sentiment is definitely on the rise, the following Lehigh Valley state house representatives are running unopposed: Steve Samuelson (135th); Bob Freeman (136th); Joe Emrick (137th); Marcia Hahn (138th); and Ryan MacKenzie.

Contested races are more fun.

Julie Harhart's seat in the 183rd is up for grabs. The Republican nomination is sought by Marc Grammes, Cynthia Miller and Zachary Mako. Democrat Phillips Armstrong, Jr.and Terri Powell are seeking their party's nod. There's blood in the water.

Justin Simmons is being challenged by fellow Republican Bill Coyle in the 131st. No Democrat has announced. Bill Coyle, who thinks he's more Republican than Simmons, can start by explaining why he only votes now and then, and never in primaries..

Gary Day is facing Democrat George Stephen Nicholas in the 187th. There are about three Democrats in that district, including Nicholas.

Peter Schweyer, who represents Allentown's new District for Latinos, the 22d, is facing an honest-to-goodness Latino. His name is Norberto Dominguez, Jr., and he's even a Democrat. And a community organizer! Schweyer better bone up on his Spanish lessons and start calling Schlossberg his esé.

Mike "Darth Voter" Schlossberg will square off against Republican Ben Long in the 132d.

Dan McNeill will face Republican Dave Molony in the 133rd. Dave has run about 7,000 times for this seat. I think he looks on it as a form of free advertising for his successful accupressure business.


  1. Gerrymandering, plain & simple.

  2. Bernie writes:
    "Gary Day is facing Democrat George Stephen Nicholas in the 187th. There are about three Democrats in that district, including Nicholas."

    The bottom line will be if the community thinks Day's been doing a good job. Maybe it's time for a new person to bring fresh ideas. How long has Day been in office?

    1. 8 years. Going for 9 and 10 and a state pension

  3. Steve George. State Rep CandidateFebruary 19, 2016 at 7:22 AM

    The beauty of having three first names is the fact that nobody knows which one is which.

    Maybe I need a Nickname for the election.

  4. As a Republican who lives and votes (occasionally, as well) in the 131st District I welcome the fact that Justin Simmons will have opposition. I can fully understand why Bill Coyle may not vote in Republican Primaries because, as your post points out, there is hardly ever any choice in either party. I will enjoy watching Simmons defend his decision to break his word about only serving three terms (which to me is the height of arrogance) and the thin record of accomplishments he has produced for this district in the lastr six years. By the way, five of those years were under a conservative Republican Governor (Corbett) and a fully Republican controlled House and Senate. How can we expect him to get anything for the 131st district with a liberal Democratic Governor when all Simmons does is vote no on everything. Simmons ran against a "career politician" but now he wants to be one.

  5. I agree with 8:02AM in that "career politicians" have not been good during recent times. Evidence is ALL around us, local, state, and national. A message must be sent.

    Fred Windish

  6. 8:02 that's a wimp answer. If you care you vote. There have been contested elections the have major impact on our lives other then in Presidential years. Your local school board and township supervisors have more direct impact on you then the President does. Also in this state with Philly voter fraud your vote actually means something in a local race. There is no excuse to not vote. Coyle is probably unemployed and thought he could get an easy paycheck.

  7. 9:47 I vote if there is a candidate who has earned my vote and I do vote in contested races. Far too many are not contested though and that was my point. Fail to see what "Philly vote fraud" has to do with local races in the 131st. As far as I know Bill Coyle is and has been employed for over twenty years as a sales rep. Justin, on the other hand, came out of college, worked as an intern for politicians and then ran for state house on a pledge, that he has since reneged, that he would only serve three terms. So who exactly is the one who is or was looking to "get an easy paycheck"?

  8. Coyle is known to be an extremely cocky and arrogant man in the community. Anybody whose kids are involved with his kids in sports can't stand him. His kids are the best at everything in his mind and he lets everybody know about it.

    This primary is just ridiculous. Why would the republican party want to get rid of a young, good looking rising star with a record of accomplishments in the legislature and a beautiful young family?

    We all know the republican party has an image problem. So we're going to try and replace someone who challenges that image problem with an old, balding, arrogant rich guy that golfs at Saucon Valley Country Club on his Daddy's membership? To me, that is the epitome of the republicans image problem today.

    Coyle has no chance in this one.

  9. Simmons worked since he was 15. He was not an intern out of college. He was the District office manager for Senator Rob Wonderling's Northampton County office for 1 year which was a paid position. He resigned to run for office and he told everyone that while running.

    Unlike Mr. Coyle who has clearly lost his job with all this time on his hands and is lying that he is still working.

  10. This is the problem with politics in general, and Justin Simmons in particular. If you oppose him or question him in any way he unleashes his attack dogs.He lies about his record, lies about his pledge and lies about his opponents. This is why we need to replace him with a more mature person who has real world experience and can get along with people, even if they don't agree with him.

  11. Why does Coyle not address not having a job? He has time to get all these signatures and talk on here. He's clearly not working. Just address it Coyle.

  12. Coyle doesn't have to address "not having a job" for one simple reason. He does have a job. Still has it. Has had it for over 20 years. Justin needs to stop lying.

  13. Coyle has been sent a list of numerous questions, and will be answering them. I've had enough of the anonymous shots and will delete additional personal attacks unless you ID yourself.

  14. Generally speaking, I am ok with petition signing events like announcement parties or general gatherings of supporter, family and friends. However, I feel a little uncomfortable with an electorate drawn to a business and promised an item of monetary value for a signature on a petition. Maybe others feel differently.

  15. Thank you Bernie! I'm looking forward to hear where Coyle stands on the issues rather than his vague platitudes of maturity, integrity, and being a member of the ymca.

  16. I don't think any of the LV state house candidates were buying signatures. If I am wrong, please correct me. I'd like to know who and how you know. Thanks.

  17. 3:26, I will try to be fair to one and all.

  18. Simmons represents about all that's wrong with PA politics--ideological and qualified only for one job--politics. Oh, did I mention that he claimed he would self-impose his own term limits when he ran, then when he was called out for going back on his promise by the Morning Call, blasted the newspaper and cited Wolfe and Democrats for his reason to run for a 4th term in an op-ed?

    I suppose we can add "liar" to that aforementioned list as well. We already have enough of them.

  19. I didn't write comment about paying for signatures but Coyle bribed people into coming to Taps Tavern to sign his petition. Just look at his Facebook. Totally unethical!

  20. Thought you said Coyle didn't have a job?

  21. It was suggested a GOP candidate put out calls for ice cream treat and another for slice of pizza/drink at different establishments and then boasted about number of signatures.

  22. Boom and with that Coyle is exposed. He has a lot of time to be on here for having a job.

  23. Pizza on Grammes at Mama's in Slatington is listed on his FB....sorry we missed it. Looks like there were other events too.

  24. Here's the thing that doesn't add up about the unemployed mattress salesman. He says that in 2010 "Simmons received his signature and his vote." I guess he didn't care about business experience then? Now all of a sudden, Coyle cares. It makes no sense. That's why it's so obvious he needs a job. He doesn't vote and has never been involved politically or with local government whatsoever.

    The snake oil salesman is an opportunist and sees a job opportunity. He is going to be exposed for the liberal he is.


  25. Wow. The 131st race (at least on one side) is already getting very nasty.

    I'll jump into this. But I'll opt to sign my name. First, I think Justin has done a good job. He shook things up when he beat an incumbent in 2005. That's always a good thing.

    My issue is I STRONGLY believe in term limits. And therefore also take term limit pledges very seriously. Going to Harrisburg is a calling not a career. Justin has done a good job but now it's time for someone else to do a good job. I don't even so much have an issue if someone like Justin ran for another public office. The problem as I see it is staying in one seat too long.

    That's why I think mandated term limits actually protect politicians from themselves, human nature and all kinds of convoluted justifications to make a career out of it. Personally, I think the limit should be two four year terms. But in this case Justin held himself (and let's be very clear - he won on that promise) to 6 years. That then became a pledge that can't be broken.

    I will also say this and it's isn't a criticism of Justin alone but rather the entire Republican delegation that when we had the Governors mansion, the Senate and the House we accomplished none of the critical reforms we so badly need. That's a reflection on the entire delegation.

  26. Karen is Karen "Bitter" Beyer. She's the leader of the anti-Simmons brigade and has been behind all of Simmons opponents including Horton, Deely, her son, and now the unemployed mattress salesman Coyle. Sue "I need to be committed" Arnold is the very liberal president of the East Penn Education Association.

  27. Ron - I'm a perfect voting republican in Simmons district. I think he's doing a great job and want him to keep running. Please keep your nose out of my district. If you're so concerned about all of the representatives, why don't you run against your representative, Ryan Mackenzie?

  28. 9:31 Great post. It always amazes me that politicians forget that businesses create jobs for people that buy houses and pay taxes. Lower Macungie has 9 million in reserve but we should tax the rich more. Sounds like Ron is feeling the Bern!

  29. I warned you. I just deleted a host of anonymous personal attacks. It's too early for this shit. I am more lax when it comes to an election, but hate these shots. Talk about issues, if you can.

  30. SO Ron Beitler raises taxes with 9 million in reserve? Where does he think that $9 million came from. refund it to the 6000 people he says he helped. that would be $1500 each. Who do you think could spend that money better? Ron or the tax payers?

  31. Ron Beitler is not the topic of this thread. Your criticism may or may not be entirely justified, but is is not relevant here. I have a weekly opinion online feature and you can post your complaints about Ron there.

  32. Comments complaining about my comment policy will be deleted. I have had enough of the personal attacks for one night. I warned you.

  33. First year I was in office 100% of residents who own a home got a tax bill reduction. Second year 50% more did. After the prior board instituted the first township millage tax in a decade we reduced it immediately for 90% of residents.

    The surplus is not 9 million unencumbered. We have a fund balance policy that requires X amount to be saved. The undesignated money is turf field that was killed. I have a post breaking it down on my blog.

    Mackenzie is doing a great job. He has only held the seat for 4 years I think. If he holds it more than 8 someone should challenge him.

    But this isn't about me. It's about breaking a term limit pledge. Does the anonymous troll have any thoughts on that at all?

  34. LOL @9:23 that's just silly.

    I've only served 2 years of a 4 year term? And municipal gov is an unpaid volunteer position basically. We get small stipends. About 138 dollars every 2 weeks. If I put in 20 hours a week at the township that means I get about 3 dollars an hour for my "career" as a township commissioner. :)
    My career is my small business.

    1. So you, Mr Beitler pledge to only serve 2 terms?

  35. Mr. Beitler -

    I must congratulate you for expressing yourself openly using a REAL name. As you probably know, many discussion boards have been destroyed by anonymous KOOKS with keyboard courage. You are to be admired. Most elected officials would be afraid to be so open. Geez, maybe THEY are the anonymous warriors!

    I will no longer post on the Morning Call. After making more than 700 posts there, in my real name, they have started to disable some of my contributions. I can only assume I was getting "off their (not-so-hidden) agenda." Another regular poster had an impostor using the poor guy's actual facial image the creep lifted from his Facebook account! This was done only when he commented on the NIZ. Hmmm.

    The Morning Call is a sorry, untrustworthy place these days. Add in the Bill White's curious political commentary of late, and I see no reason to participate there beyond casual reading.

    Yes, Bernie, you are making the right decision to tighten your grip here, before the "kids' mess things up.

    Fred Windish

  36. Any question directed to Beitler is Off TOPIC. The post here is the LV state house race, not Lower Mac. Stick to those races and the issues in those races


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.