Local Government TV

Tuesday, February 02, 2016

Feds Hit Lehigh County With Subpoena For Records

The FBI has expanded its inquiry pay-to-play into Lehigh County, and is seeking records between the County and tax farmer Northeast Revenue. I will update this post later, but want to include a memo that has been sent by the Solicitor's office to county employees. Lehigh County was apparently subpoenaed yesterday.


  1. FedEd, can I take you out for dinner tonight? It's on me. We could just sit and talk OK? You pick the place.

  2. http://www.timesherald.com/article/JR/20150304/NEWS/150309932

    Sean Kilkenny was a tax counsel for Allentown, and an attorney for Friedman Schuman, which is on that list. He is a former prosecutor who was just elected Sheriff of Montgomery County.

  3. Sean Shamany works for Northeast Revenue Service.

  4. Here's a couple google results when you type in "Daryl Boich"


    Daryl Boich, Owner, D. Boich & Co., Scranton, Pennsylvania Area
    Investment Banking

  5. http://www.mcall.com/news/local/eastpenn/mc-east-penn-delinquent-tax-fee-20150512-story.html

    This 2015 article says Daryl Boich was working for Northeast Revenue Service, which had a contract with Lehigh County, among other entities.

  6. http://www.mcall.com/news/local/allentown/mc-allentown-fbi-donation-northeast-revenue-friedman-schuman-20150805-story.html

    This article identified John Rodgers as president of Northeast Revenue Service.

  7. The vermin always start to scurry when their nests are exposed to the sunlight

  8. Musty Muller may lose his corvette over this. The slimy Lehigh County crew is finally in the news. If you enjoyed Allentown you will love the puppet show that is Lehigh County. Their motto has been money talks, no money walks.

  9. Muller is just following the script Don left him.

    Let's hope the FBI checks out the LCA/Allentowm Water "lease".
    Can you say bid rigging, kids?

  10. When is the STATE OF THE COUNTY speech? That should be a hoot. These assholes must feel so god like. What I find amusing is there is not a legit tough guy in the whole swamp. Each is a total soft slime. They're idea of a bad day is if it rains. They are squeling like a stuck pig.Sorry pigs no insult intended.

  11. The net widens again.

  12. Wonder if Musty Muller is next on the FBI hit list. They should really turn their attention to contract and purchasing violations in Norco under Brown the Clown and his corrupt administration.

  13. If you get your water from the LCA look to the average water bill in Flint Mich. 140 a month. It's coming people. You have no alternative if you live in the city. I'm using the same amount of water I used four years ago but now the bill is more than double. The LCA charges you a sewage fee for watering your grass. LCA they're coming. Maybe they''ve already arrived. Good luck

  14. OOOUCH,
    The pressure cooker is just begining to be filled with palumpas fermenting blue juice let lose from his anal canal as a sperm antibiotic¿!)$ Mr McKleen looked like death warmed over at the onnoiting of king mommas back midway cigar surprise sideways monday night¿!)$

    There is a shredding party, anyone care to partake of this double dip pension proCUREment at hamilton hannas herion herpie hookup surprise pool party for the full disclosure of all circus ACT participants¿!)$

    and i'll put it to print again, Ooooch
    nosigNUTureneeded 10/4 overandout

  15. remember one third of bedlum is in lehigh county. spreading east, baby, spreading east

  16. "Let's hope the FBI checks out the LCA/Allentowm Water "lease".
    Can you say bid rigging, kids?"

    Bingo. Musty was a key player here. Lots of connected attorneys and consultants involved in the deal.

  17. Next up...water lease. Council members, bend over, spread your ass cheaks and cough. That's what is awaiting your arrival at the fed penitentiary in Virginia or Texas. Maybe JG can offer insight on how to survive incarceration.

  18. Can you see mooolur as somebody's bitch. Disgusting.

  19. Can you see the ferret standing atop city hall, with his pants around his ankles, shouting "I'm the mayor of the 226th largest city in the United States" Ah aspirations.

  20. Virtually the entire cast of characters is involved in the LCA deal.
    GO FBI!

  21. All roads to the current Lehigh Co. administration lead through Don Cunningham.

    1. U have to mean cunnilingwist the speaker with forked tungue that twiZtZ both ways as to gender specifics appointed himself to head giving getter or taker to poverty pimp extraordinair, how does one skimm from the needy homelessness issues facing this modern model of AMERICA'S picture perfect ILLuZion of something that our forefathers created pefectly? Creating a new wheel is such a complicated multitasking manuver manipulated and consists of many players and fees paid to the same reciepiants to get a sum back to originator paper pusher and gagetry opperator? The posioning of America at a browne hole nue level uncomprehencible to anyone in the public sector as well as the private sector all one in the same opperating under a filloneious bellonious circus LLC twist to ReMove the Z from there maddoff spredsheets in there powerpoint snakoil salesmen twiZt for a easy theft of services as a public servant¿!)$

  22. Recently deposed LCA member Emrich Stellar dumped a check for $1000 in Muller's campaign in October 2013. just a coincidence

  23. The mayor of Allentown has declared a snow emergency effective Friday sometime during the afternoon

  24. I don't think Muller did anything wrong. If anything Fleck/Ruchlewicz were allowed to run the campaigns without adequate oversight, and may have played fast and loose with the money at hand from Pawlowski and Muller. If it comes out Muller was pay to play with Northeast, I will be greatly disappointed.

  25. Fed Ed has spent $80,000 of "campaign funds" on lawyers according to reports today.

    A week ago, his fundraising website looked for all the world like he is still running for Senator, and had the big 'Donate Now' button. What a travesty that doing this is legal.

    IMO, he should need to post a huge banner "Being investigated by the FBI" on his site, if he wants to continue to fund raise.

  26. Maybe the FBI is keeping the site up.

  27. Remember he suspend his senate bid . He didn't quit. In his mind after he clears up this misunderstanding he'll resume his quest.....

  28. You mention that the County was served on Monday or Tuesday. They were served last week. What happened?

    "He also expressed concern that the county received the subpoena Thursday but commissioners only learned of it Monday afternoon, about an hour before employees were alerted in a mass email."

    "I'm not sure why, as the second branch of government in Lehigh County, we weren't brought into the loop upon arrival," he said.

  29. My information that the subpoena came yesterday came from two county employees, and that is why I used the word "apparently" when I indicated that the County was hit. I wanted to get the word out that the inquiry has expanded to Lehigh County, and made no calls to County officials to learn precisely when the subpoena arrived. To me it was more important to disclose the inquiry than the exact date of the subpoena.

  30. Understood. Just wondering why there was a delay. Did they hope that this would go away?

    Lehigh County was also involved in the Delta Thermo Energy incinerator. The County stopped the Allentown Clean Air Ordinance in order to allow the incinerator project to proceed as planned by the "organization".

    Holy shit, how are these people able to sleep at night knowing that it is just a matter of time...

  31. How very unfortunate.

  32. So the Don gets the cushy DCED job from the Partnership, Musty Muller gets to run for Executive while he is Director of Admisntration, he wins and takes "care" of all the Cunningham insiders, McNeil is "appointed" to the House seat and life goes on and on?

    Follow the money and influence?

  33. I would love to know more about this issue.
    Would this not make Mrs. Fed Ed complicit in some of this mess?

    "The FEC asked questions in December about an un-itemized $76,500 payment to H Street Strategies the day of the FBI raid, labeled "purpose unknown."

    "This $76,500 payment was not authorized by the treasurer of the committee, either before or after it was made on July 2, 2015," Lisa Pawlowski wrote the FEC in response. "The purpose[s] are known only to the CEO of the payee, who is estranged from the committee and whose whereabouts are unknown to the committee."


  34. In the alphabet soup world of organizations that exsist in the region, it would be very interesting to see a flow chart of the people involved.It appears to be a very very close knit group. Only recently have I been paying some attention to the endless boards, authorities ,groups. They move from one useless group to the next. They seem to accomplish nothing. Lots of mixers,luncheons dinners,award ceremonies, press conferences . How do these people get paid? They show up with a hard hat and a gold shovel at the latest ground breaking. Useless people, useless .

  35. Mrs. Pawlowski may well be complicit in certain aspects of this unfortunate situation.
    Time will tell.

  36. 8:01: So in effect, Mike Fleck wrote his company a $76,500 check on the day of the FBI raid, minutes before he secretly ran to Georgia, with the funds coming from Pawlowski's campaign account?

    And there was no description of what it was for? And the Treasurer of the campaign didn't know anything about it? And no one tried to stop payment on the check?

  37. Until we get more information, let's give officials of Lehigh County some benefit of the doubt. If it turns out that the County's tax collection contract was improper, it is possible that the improprieties involved one or two mid-level employees. We should not automatically assume that the County Executive and the County Commissioners were involved.

  38. All the ROACHES are moving around. Must be a lot of encryption apps being loaded. Probably conversations in steam baths. This is good stuff. The old roaches have got theirs and will try to fade away. The younger group have not at this point been able to steal enough to see them thru to the gold watch. Imagine getting paid well for doing nothing, and then being a slime ball on top of that.

  39. Just spoke to the FBI . Told them the county said that there is nothing to see . They said ok never mind. tick tick.

  40. Don and Mueller have been playing pretty fast as loose for some time over in lehigh County.

  41. 857. Let's not forget predatory collection agencies were made possible by a near unanimous vote in Harrisburg. There were a total of 3 no votes between the House and Senate. I suspect another bastardized law that prevented government agencies from recouping expenses to recover delinquent taxes, however, made it a lucrative payday for private firms to tack on fees well above the original taxes owed.


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