Local Government TV

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Fed Ed Has $183K Left to Pay Lawyers

Allentown Mayor Edwin "Fed Ed" Pawlowski suspended his U.S. Senate campaign in the wake of a federal investigation into political corruption that is clearly aimed at him.  Three City officials, including a former cabinet official and the elected Controller, all have pleaded guilty to their participation in a conspiracy to deprive the public of their right to honest services. Fed Ed, described in federal papers as Public Official No. 3, has been portrayed as a scheming bid rigger with a penchant for burner phones.

How much money does he have for his legal defense?

Though his Senate campaign is suspended, Fed Ed must still account to the Federal Elections Commission for the money he raised. His year-end report had to be filed by January 31. As has been his habit with other reports, he waited until the due date to file. His campaign treasurer, who happens to be his wife, refused a request to turn over a copy, both to me and at least one real news outlet.  A summary of the report has finally appeared on the FEC webpage, 18 days after the due date.  Among four U.S. Senate candidates running in Pa., his is the last report to be posted. Right now, it's just in summary form.

As of the end of October, Fed Ed had a campaign treasury of $101,756.00. His year-end report, which covers the last quarter of 2015, shows that he received no money and spent just $1,500, This means he has about $100,000 in federal campaign funds with which to pay lawyers to defend him in federal investigation that is clearly aimed at him.

This, combined with $83,000 in his state campaign treasury, means that Fed Ed still has $183,000. As of the end of the year, he had spent $80,000 on lawyers.

The scanned report was still unavailable at the time I published this, so I am unable to tell you how the $1,500 was spent.


  1. Scheming Bid Riggers Anonymous

  2. How far does 183K go in tjhis game ?

  3. Freeze the dirty money.

  4. Although the present amount leads me to think Pawlowski's defense bankroll could last about another year, it seems likely, when SPECIFIC charges are made that include actual avenues to "sweep," his lawyers will be spending considerably more hours preparing to clear him. Thus, if actual charges DO come, I'll guess this well runs dry in 6 months, or less.

    Does anyone reading (who actually knows about these procedures) have a better estimate based on real experience?

    Fred Windish

  5. Allentown staggers on like The Night of the Living Dead.

  6. One would think that Ed could have found competent local criminal attorneys to hide behind.

    Money locally made, locally spent. Good for the City, Good for Ed, Good all around.

  7. How hard is it for Ed to have His lawyers overcharge and pay Them from His campaign bank and get a kickback on His fees

  8. Fred in my opinion he'll be lucky if it lasts a year. He's had at least 3 meetings with the FBI, and I'd have to think each of those cost $10-$15k in legal costs (prep, meeting and post meeting review). At least 2 of those were after December 31. So by my calculation, 20% or so of this pot of cash is already gone, plus the regular representation costs.

    It isn't cheap.

    Bernie, you think i'm in the ballpark?

    The Banker

  9. "One would think that Ed could have found competent local criminal attorneys to hide behind.
    Money locally made, locally spent. Good for the City, Good for Ed, Good all around."

    Dave: Why would you think that? After analyzing Fed Ed's campaign donor lists for years, I was able to conclude that upwards of 90% of his money comes from outside Allentown and upwards of 75% of his money comes from outside the Lehigh Valley. This isn't local money, its from New York, Washington and Philadelphia metros and suburban Lehigh Valley. The number of every day Allentown residents who actually donated to Fed Ed would be a very small number. His local campaign fundraisers were mostly attended by suburban residents with something to gain.

  10. One wonders if Mrs.Pawlowski won't be needing her own legal council?

  11. How long does said monies cover forced fictisious facts made to data put to print take to spend on jockeying said paperwork from shredder together again¿!)$ Ooops, let the lead in my pencil run dry¿!)$

    redd for Republican
    patent pendin

  12. @10:26

    I know that the puppet-masters behind Ed aren't in Allentown. Just was musing over my morning coffee how nice it COULD have been that as Mayor of Allentown, Ed could at least help out the citizens of his realm by investing in the city he rules.

    I knew John Karoly years ago, and he really is a crack criminal lawyer, the kind Ed could have used if he were still practicing. However, his law firm still has offices on Hamilton Street and although John's son is as crooked as his dad was, from what I am aware, he's very capable. Ed could have just gone a block or two up Hamilton Street and spent the money in the NIZ he's so proud of.

    But no, it's some Broad Street Attorney office in Philadelphia where he chooses to spend his money. What a louse you are Ed... You let down your people, the ones who supported you in no less than THREE elections.

    They must love you Ed for all that support they gave you at the ballot box.... but you don't love us.

  13. Jesus loves Ed, and Ed loves Jesus.

  14. Banker, From July until December, he spent $80k. I know that the scrutiny on him has intensified. His lawyers know how much $ he has. Given what has happened to the lawyers representing Chakka Fattah, who are stuck representing him with payment uncertain, these attorneys are going to require every penny Fed Ed has be deposited with them once charges are filed, and that is far from enough to cover the costs associated with a racketeering case that would last several weeks. He does not have the funds to go to trial, not with that team.

  15. "How hard is it for Ed to have His lawyers overcharge and pay Them from His campaign bank and get a kickback on His fees "

    These guys have absolutely no reason to kick back anything.

  16. I've always believed the Philadelphia connections to Allentown that increased significantly with the NIZ scheme are too significant to overlook. In terms of strong-arming, contracts confusion, and political corruption, Philadelphia is pretty advanced in reputation.

    The Philadelphia lawyer choice leads me to believe this matter is not just about saving Pawlowski's career, but maybe the careers of bigger fish to our south.

    This is a fascinating drama. One I believe will blossom into something reported on the national level. Maybe the Pawlowski defense fund will garner continuing donations actually intended to help protect others. The poor guy might have just been a pawn, hooked by his desire to advance up the ladder.

    I have no evidence to support this prediction, of course. Just plenty of time on my hands!

    Fred Windish

  17. My guess is that it stops with Fed Ed, who is the mastermind of a conspiracy to deprive people of their right to honest services. I think it's possible it might extend beyond him, but the people beyond him do not buy burner phones and know they can screw the public legally.

  18. F.Lee Bailey and Johnny Cochrane combined would not be able to keep this pathetic little worm out of the joint. At the end of the ride his family will be broke and he will be in prison. I don't envision a lucrative post incarceration speaking tour. I'm sure there must be some private money stashed, it will be found and confiscated under theRICO laws.

  19. Not one charge has been filed. The Mayor even if charged is innocent until proven guilty. Lets not have vigilante justice.

  20. Nobody has called for vigilante justice. The system is working just fine. Watching the noose tighten is refreshing, given the mayor's hubris.

  21. 2:47, if you feel that way, put your money where your anonymous mouth is and contribute to him. Since July, no one has given him a dime. And I know Fed Ed has
    Been whining about needing more money. The fact that he has raised no money for his defense speaks volumes.

  22. I wonder if any of these campaign funds could be required to be forfeited, considering they are a key part of the corruption allegations. I wonder if Pawlowski will try to pay his lawyers in advance so it is harder for the feds to grab these funds.

    I also wonder whether any of the contributors have any claim to ask for return of their contributions. I guess that is why campaigns are "suspended" and not ended - so it is easier to hold onto the money.

  23. I'd be afraid to ask for my campaign contribution back!! Wouldn't that be self incriminating?

  24. Knowing that the accounts would be scrutinized i bet that the lawyers held off on billing Fed Ed until the close of the quarter...

  25. I'd say it might be self-incriminatory NOT to ask for it to be returned!!

  26. Bernie,
    This dave is typing as if conflicts of intrests and peddling profiteers officially is considered an administrationally held position at city, county and state levels¿!)$ Influence peddling is a crime with sharks teeth to bite the circus ACTors in the ASS were the boil, cyst and Zit are located at the end of the anal canals spinkters¿!)$ This could be caused by the lead paint chips and dust flowing through the lead pipe TENTicles infastructure from mains to many side streets brought to the administrations attention when UGI lines were dug up and blacktop overlays done creating a issue with standirt rain water runoff at curbing¿!)$ This is not too mention the lead water pipes bursting and pussing up through macadam that had said 2yr moratorium placed on such ACTtivitieZ x2¿!)$
    A diversionary tactic of the notorious hamilton street gang o thugs arena agenda under an umberella at that point because ACTorZ were not properly trained to work said amenities creating the risk of life factor + neglegence, incompatence and as a general rule plain stupidity in there chalk and paint to make a taint what it ain't to this gender specific multifaceted malfunktioning democratical State Representaion tools implimented¿!)$ The great allentown hospital circus should be supplieing extra wide chairs for there carnival sideshow eggZibitZ¿!)$
    redd for Republican
    patent pending

  27. $80,000 and he hasn't even been charged yet. That's a lot of money spent on "nothing to worry about."

  28. Whenever there's money laying about we can count on this . . .

    Politicians will SPEND it.
    Lawyers will TAKE it.

    Fred Windish


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