Local Government TV

Monday, January 18, 2016

Fed Ed Thinks He's TR

As we all know, the mountain of evidence against Allentown Mayor Edwin "Fed Ed" Pawlowski grows larger every day. Three City officials and an entrepreneur have entered guilty pleas to bribery and bid-rigging in a criminal enterprise to which Fed Ed, identified by Feds as "Public Official No. 3," appears to be the mastermind. At least two people, including someone he considered his closest friend, wore wires. There is evidence that he even resorted to using burner phones and sweeping his office for bugs, like some Mafioso or drug kingpin.

This is organized crime. A racketeering indictment is looming for this Moody Bible Institute grad. Even his former supporters on City Council have agreed it's time for him to go. He simply has lost the moral authority to lead.

But he's in denial, and nowhere is that more evident than on his Facebook page. His Sunday inspiration this week was Theodore Roosevelt's "Man in the Arena" speech.

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better."

This speech was also quoted from by Richard Nixon when he resigned.

Miley Cyrus might even have a few words from it tattooed on her ass somewhere.

Both Nixon and Fed Ed make the same mistake. TR was defending those assailed for trying to make the world a better place, not criminals. . But I suppose criminals in their own way delude themselves they meant well, and maybe they did.


  1. Ed was not always this way. When he ran the Alliance for Community Programs he was well respected. I wonder what happened? Power? Greed? Grandiosity? Money? No matter how one looks at this it is a sad sad story.

  2. I would resign from office and make a public apology to my family and the residents of allentown. As an ex offender there is something called getting the roof and I think mr pawlowski will get roofed if he doesn't wise up. Just my honest opinion.

  3. Teddy Roosevelt was a rhino, so what difference does it make. A teabagger acquaintance of min told me he was almost as bad as Woodrow Wilson. He stated "new" history proves TR was a socialist progressive and a disgrace to the Republican party.

    The Real TEA Party states, no tea for you!

  4. @12:14
    At ABC the books were cooked.

  5. Ed is clearly a victim.

  6. Tony Rhodin maybe.

  7. Ed d suffers from the "Big man in a little town" syndrome. The fool has a spokesman for gods sake! The fool has appeared on msnbc!, Come on people help me out here. Ed d has a podium. The local TV stations interview him after their daily breaking news about sunrise! This is good stuff!,

  8. Just had the displeasure of viewing The Ferret's Facebook page. WOW This boy is Bat-Shit CRAZY. He's going on about how selling the water saved the city! No you asshole with teeth, it saved you! We must change the form of government in Allentown ,now.
    The little drummer boy is close . Look over the edge people,take your pensions,try to hide,watch the mail,they are coming for you!!

  9. I worked with Ed when he was at ABC. I liked his approach and considered him a friend
    . He even offered to help me when Afflerbach personally attacked me publicly. In time however a different Ed emerged and the rest is history. Scott Armstrong

  10. The real problem isn't Chicago Eddy Pawlowski.

    The real problem is forced redistribution. Forced redistribution is the reason there is such rampant corruption in the welfare industry. Forced redistribution is the reason the NIZ is rotten to the core.

    Left to his own devices, Chicago Eddy would have never managed to be more than the pettiest of petty crooks. But with millions upon millions of dollars of other people's money sluicing right by him, of course he's going to start grabbing some for himself. And so are the small town pols around him who have never made more than 100 grand a year in their entire life.

    You can always count on there being people of mediocre talent and questionable morals in small town government. DON'T let them near large amounts of money earned by other people and things will work out reasonably well.

    - Jeffrey Anthony

  11. Mr. Ohare, If you will please run a tutorial on the various alphabet soup of , what do we call them, government public/ private groups that exsist in the region. Abc lv----' . The number of people grabbing paychecks for useless jobs, the amount they receive, and of course where the money comes from. Perhaps this has been posted before but it would interesting to see it listed again. The number must be enormous!

  12. BE helpful, BO. send a copy of the speech to 10 E. Church St. Lots of people need it over there.

  13. @7:25 - I thought you had your mental health examination this morning?

  14. Wait a minute Bernie, "at least two people" wearing wires?

    How did I miss that - who is "wired" #2?

  15. 6:31,

    All you have to do is look at bedlum and your point is made

  16. Who was the other person wired?

  17. 8:10, You didn't miss it. Tis has not been reported, but I have information that Sam Ruchlewicz - Miked Fleck's partner - was also wired.

  18. "Mr. Ohare, If you will please run a tutorial on the various alphabet soup of , what do we call them, government public/ private groups that exsist in the region. Abc lv----' . The number of people grabbing paychecks for useless jobs, the amount they receive, and of course where the money comes from. Perhaps this has been posted before but it would interesting to see it listed again. The number must be enormous! "

    A request like that is asking for a lot of work and the reporting requirements for nonprofits are different, making it harder to get that information. When you ask for something like that, you should at least have the courtesy to say who you are.

  19. Is any data available about the retirement date of Allentown police in relation to the date of the Allentown Fair? They used the fair to spike their pension benefits thru the roof! Clawback Yeh!!!

  20. Gary W. Gorman writes:

    Not only were people wired, but so were their cars, their offices, their phones, their homes, etc...

    Feds don't f*ck around, for good reasons. Thanks goodness.

  21. http://www.readingeagle.com/news/article/sources-say-reading-officials-surprised-by-depth-of-information-fbi-has-in-city-hall-probe

    From today's Reading paper - Reading officials surprised the FBI has so much information on them.

    If the link doesn't give you the full text, just type the headline into google and the full text will appear.

    "Sources said Reading officials had expected the FBI to have their financial disclosure forms and campaign fund reports, all of them public information. But they said the officials were surprised to learn the FBI had so much personal, nonpublic information, such as the bank data and recorded conversations....
    Within a week, FBI agents were asking Acosta about the bribe. The sources said that's because by then the FBI had tapped City Hall phones and also was monitoring city emails."

  22. 9:06, The police contract under Afflerbach allowed retiring officers to use the Allentown Fair as a means to boost their retirement benefits and many did. The current contract thankfully does not.

  23. "Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Is any data available about the retirement date of Allentown police in relation to the date of the Allentown Fair? They used the fair to spike their pension benefits thru the roof! Clawback Yeh!!!

    Good question for Councilman Stehpens........." also wasn't he on some kind of special retainer for a couple of years to keep him from retiring?

  24. After the Afflerbach police retirement debacle, the City had the risk of all of its experienced commanders leaving at the same time to take advantage of the early retirement window. The City then did offer some incentives to keep some of those officers on the force. Those senior officers were critically important to rebuild the force. Fortunately, many of the new police hires were much more motivated and energetic than the ones who took advantage of the city with the Allentown Fair overtime scam.

  25. Who amongst the "experienced commanders" ok'd the overtime ?

  26. "...because there is no effort without error and shortcoming..."

    So, this is his "everybody makes mistakes" statement, huh? Pawlowski's Facebook posts, and this one in particular, make me realize that Pawlowski is probably not just greedy and immoral, but also delusional. I seriously think he's had some sort of psychotic event sometime in the last several years.

    Forcing contractors to bribe you is not just an error or shortcoming. It's illegal and dirty. Only a person who has totally lost touch with reality would dare say otherwise. At this point, it's way too late to say it isn't true - too many people have pled guilty to the charges for it to be a big misunderstanding.

    And too many other people have stood silently. I just do not believe that everyone in City Hall and City Council was oblivious to this state of of illegal affairs in Allentown. And nobody did anything. Only the Iron Lady said boo about it. It's embarrassing that it took the FBI to get this town to clean house.

  27. Also, for all his facebook updates, why have none of the references to his Senate campaign been removed from his profile picture and header? It's frankly absurd.

  28. With a guy like Schlossberg in office, Allentown has nothing to fear! A man of high moral standards who is ONLY out to help the citizens of Allentown....."one" vote at a time!

  29. Say what you will, the Great Allentown Fair has never been so safe, before or since, as when those 30 plus officers were clustered around their command trailer that glorious late summer.

  30. Those pensioners should be ashamed. Their family members should be ashamed of them for taking the Allentown Citizen's money month after month.

    Why is everyone afraid to expose these pension issues PUBLICLY? Why is no one putting the blame on the people who allowed these pension payments?

    I hope the FBI can expose all of this. At least they could send all of the corrupt people to jail.

    Was is acceptable that these men are receiving excess pension payments because they added the overtime to their calculation?

    Ghost voting is acceptable?

    Campaign "bribes" are acceptable as long as the FBI does not catch you?

    When a politician says they have "nothing to worry about", that seems to mean they don't feel that they will get caught by the FBI.

  31. Let's say I was an Allentown employee. Let's say I rented a city owned house for cheap money. Let's say I had two or more children attending public schools in Allentown. My question is: Does the city pay school property taxes on the house?

  32. Word on the street is Schlossberg will be appointed Mayor.

  33. Council President will be interim Mayor

    Glazier want to be controller

    Nothing changes

    Both owe everything to Eddie

  34. They all took Eddie's Pay to Play money and now are holier than now!

    Pass a resolution against Eddie -monday morning QB's, but no one cares in Allentown!

  35. I sure hope the LV meeting with Wolf and Pawlowski gang was recorded. Apparently, Wolf walked out of the meeting in disgust. It was suggested he remarked that he never wanted to meet with them again. Wolf must have cringed on Innaguration day when Fleck and FedEd walked out of the Capitol when the Senators were introduced. Good for Wolf for having a strong ethical compass.

  36. GOP has abandoned allentown. Cashed out on NIZ!

    Can;t win, don't care

    No strategy

    Jennifer Mann for Mayor

  37. 5:54, He deserves credit for that, but he gets an F for his first year in office. He needs to drop the ideologues and compromise.

  38. these criminals and most other political criminals could careless about their punishment for crimes against the tax paying community. as long as they all get their tax payer funded pensions , as promised to them , by law, just like Sandusky, they will happily do the time bc when the get out they will have a butt load of tax payer funded pension , benefits and healthcare benefits waiting for them.
    guess who set the rules up for this system...the same politicians who are screwing the tax payers on a daily basis.

  39. Fegley @3:00 PM absolutely hit the nail on the head !!
    Not only are crimes against the people accepted as typical , it is now expected.
    These hacks in govt do not fear the People bc they have loaded up the system with their criminal buddies to protect them. They have written laws to protect themselves. Guys like the pos ghost voting hypocrite , is a perfect example of this. he will continue to lie , cheat and scam the system and the people with no fear of ever having to pay the price for his crimes.

    Like Mr. Fegley said, expose those who made the rules, follow the money and lets look into this pension garbage now.

    in fact one good site I love to look at is called open the books. this site tells you all you need to know about any individual who receives /have received tax payer funded pay checks and or benefits.



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