Local Government TV

Friday, January 08, 2016

Dan McNeill Needs Your Help With "No Budget No Pay" Bill

One of the most disgusting things about the state budget impasse is that legislators are still being paid. Dan McNeill has gained some bi-partisan support for his "No Budget No Pay" bill, but as of Wednesday, not a single member of the Lehigh Valley delegation had signed on. In order to persuade his colleagues, McNeill is asking you to sign his petition to suspend pay until there is a complete budget. You can do so here.

As of Wednesday, he had support from Madeleine Dean (D) – 153 (Montgomery County), Stephen Kinsey (D) – 201 (Philadelphia County), Kristin Hill (R) – 93 (York County), Anthony DeLuca (D) – 32 (Allegheny County), William Kortz (D) – 38 (Allegheny County), and Dan Miller (D) – 42 (Allegheny County).


  1. I'm shocked not to see Joe Emrick's name on the list. I hope the democrats find a quality opponent to run against this feckless rep- not another "one vote joe" capozzolo!

  2. bernie, what we really need is a budget, not a bill about the budget. did you check mcneill's actual voting record on the budget proposals? has he ever voted outside the straight party line? do you remember those charlie tuna commercials?

    as a disclaimer, i'm a no nonsense candidate for the 183rd

  3. Dan should first offer a bill that cuts the country's worst legislature in half.

  4. Campaign mode. He never introduced the bill the first time around because he knew the budget would drag on. He does what leadership wants him to do and this is part of election propaganda as he knows the budget will get passed before this bill advances to a vote. One of FedEd's biggest supporters, side by side at every photo opportunity. Even more than Schlossberg.

  5. He never introduced it first time bc he got no support. Also, I do not generally hold someone's friends against him, assuming Fed Ed can be called a McNeill friend or anyone's friend.

  6. 5:47, Hopefully, not Joe Crapozzolo. But Emrick certainly needs to go.

  7. Banker, there are numerous excellent Mexican restaurants in the LV, and no NIZ or tax concessions were needed for them. Give Cactus Blue a try. In Easton, there is Mesa. There are also numerous latio eateries throughout Bethlehem and Allentown that are not fancy, but offer great foof.My favorite is in Freemansburg. Miriam's. Unfortunately, she is takeout only.

  8. i believe that dan mcneill appeared in so many photos with ed not because of friendship, but because of partisanship. partisanship seems to beat out good governance on every level, especially on the road to harrisburg.

  9. This union hack is a fraud. He knows this will never pass. Why doesn't he lead by example like other Lehigh Valley Representatives (Justin Simmons come to mind) and not take the pension, per diems, mileage, car, cell phone, COLA, etc.

    Oh wait. He has to pay for his shore house. I forgot.

  10. Oh please don't use Justin "I've changed my mind about Term limits" Simmons as an example of leading by example.

  11. Casey - Here's a list of what Lehigh Valley elected officials have done over the years....Multiple DUIs, beat wife, ran over girlfriend with a car, ghost voted, covered up something as chief of staff for a State Rep, more than likely getting indicted by FBI, had an election handed to them by party in a special....

    Yeah Simmons broke his pledge, but he sure as hell kept all of his other promises and has a lot more integrity than any of these other idiots in the Lehigh Valley.

  12. another pos union partisan hack makes a plea. maybe he should direct this to the corrupt unions he represents. he knows this will never pass , yet he want to deceive the people with his pathetic pos act. more useless political theater AGAIN. this is why people have had it with hack like this as well as the hacks on the other side. we have these guys go on radio shows in the valley and say one thing, but when they go on another show outside the valley they something completely contrary to their initial statement.

    just look at the list of accomplishments from the hacks from the valley and what they have done? crickets. Other than committing crimes, many of our reps have more than one dui charges, house voting fraud, pay to play, domestic abuse crimes, and best of all, each one of these hacks including McNeill , supported just about everything Pawlowski and his crime syndicate pulled off over the last decade. they attended fund raisers, offered to help in any other way possible, supported other dems with the democrat (D) knowing of the scandals in Allentown.

    once the shit hit the fan they all scattered like rats. freaking cowards including, the union hack McNeill.

  13. 11:55 AM---BOH shhhh- don't tell everyone about . Miriam's. I love that place.

  14. @12:43 PM "I believe that dan mcneill appeared in so many photos with ed not because of friendship, but because of partisanship. partisanship seems to beat out good governance on every level, especially on the road to Harrisburg"".


  15. I don't care about the reasons for Mcneil to put the bill forth. Why attack his reasons, let's attack the people who have not signed. This is good. Maybe if we push to pass it, we'll get a budget.


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