Local Government TV

Monday, December 07, 2015

Tora, Tora, Tora!

"Yesterday, Dec. 7, 1941 - a date which will live in infamy - the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan." - Franklin Delano Rooselvelt.

Now the attacks are coming from within from an enemy that is even more sinister. Yet I see no one in either party who comes even close to Roosevelt. Instead we have a sexist xenophobic racist like Donald Trump on one side and Hillary, who is waiting for a few more beheadings before she's willing to acknowledge there is such a thing as "radical Islam."


  1. God Bless the President of the United Sates. May he find the strength to continue to deal with the hate of so many vile Americans who are ignorant as to the real problems the nation faces. I would take ten of him over one of the clown car Republican candidates.

    The fact that fools like Trump and Cruz lead Republican polls not only shows how ignorant many are but just how pathetic and sad their hate is for this man and our country.

  2. President Obama's address to the nation last night actually reminded me of President Roosevelt.

    After all, when he simultaneously declared war on Japan and Germany, didn't Roosevelt spend half of his speech noting that the Nazis were only a small portion of the German people and that the actions of the Nazis weren't representative of the many contributions made by those of German heritage throughout history? I think he also mentioned how Americans shouldn't make any disparaging statements toward the Nazis for fear that others might be recruited to their cause.

    I'm sure that's in Roosevelt's speech. Please go check the transcript. People only seem to remember that "...date that will live in infamy..." line.

  3. Thank you to all the brave soldiers then and now for securing the freedoms of the citizens of the United States as well as around the globe. Hope one day this perpetual war will end and we can live in peace

  4. @6:45
    Not to ignore the fact that the German populace turned a blind eye to the anti-Semite attitude of the Hitler government and were pleased with Hitler's refusal to follow The Treaty of Versailles, there were many Germans who joined the Nazi Party out of necessity, not belief in Nazism. If you weren't a Nazi Party member you didn't find employment and would be subject to intense scrutiny by the SS.

  5. @6:54 this link claims it has full text of Roosevelt's speech to Congress.


    basically surmises the attack was premeditated act of war and "The people of the United States have already formed their opinions and well understand the implications to the very life and safety of our nation"

    nothing about the majority of..... are good people

  6. Imagine the fear that President Obama put into ISIS – and ISIS sympathizers in the US – last night when he made clear that as a result of their terrorist activities he would:

    1) Do everything he can to protect the one group of people (American Muslims) that ISIS might care about, and

    2) Push Congress to disarm the American people.

  7. @6:54 AM FDR asked Congress to declare war on the Japanese Empire.

    Hitler declared war on the United States on December 11th. The United States did not declare war on Nazi Germany.

  8. San Bernardino terrorists were not on no-fly list. Obama response: no guns to people on no-fly list.

    Obama also refers to ISIS as ISIL to avoid anything that contains the word Syria, where he drew a red line and did nothing; leading to a 4,400% grown by ISIS.

  9. The man in the White House is CLEARLY incompetent. He's also illogical and possibly deceptive. Didn't watch the event but read the transcript. My feeling of security was not enhanced.

    Maybe Hillary Clinton would be better!

    Fred Windish

  10. I deleted a number of xenophobic comments and personal attacks. If you cannot follow the rules, do nit post here. This is not Lehigh Valley Live.

  11. 8:30 -

    I believe that on December 9th, FDR gave a radio address detailing the connection between the Japanese attack and the connection to actions by Germany and Italy. There was also a declaration of war on both Germany and Italy on December 11th, which included a message from President Roosevelt requesting the declaration of war from Congress.

    I think the point is that in none of those messages did Roosevelt include statements about the Nazi's similar to the comments made by Obama made last night (as detailed in the 6:54 am comment above).

    Obama's remarks last night only reinforced that he does not understand (or doesn't care about) the enemy we currently face. His statements will surely be viewed as signs of weakness, by both our enemies and our allies.

  12. I am sure after over 12,000+ airstrikes on ISIS targets in Syria, he is perceived as weak. If only he would talk like Trump or Cruz then the bad guys would really be very, very scared. A brain is a terrible thing to waste or not even use.

  13. I can't stand Trump. But claiming 12,000+ airstrikes is a lie, according to the Pentagon. They report 8573 strikes in 477 days, or 18/day. Compare that to Clinton bombing Kosovo: 10,484 strikes, 78 days. 134/day. The Pentagon reported to Congress in October that 75% of aircraft return to base without having dropped a bomb. If Obama is perceived as weak or ineffectual, it's because he hasn't shown much resolve in battling ISIS. He's even lost the Washington Post editorial board.

  14. FDR is responsible for Japanese Internment Camps and summary executions of POWs following secret military tribunals. I want to defeat ISIS. But is this the way we want to do it? The closest to calling for these types of tactics is Trump. Perhaps that's why he's polling so well?

  15. Well I guess all the teabaggers must be swooning today. Trump won't let any Muslims in the country and Cruz wants to make the Syrian sand glow with his nuclear carpet bombing.

    Yeah! This is the ticket. The Republican Party is now certifiably crazy.

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. I''m not going to allow you to post racist or religiously intolerant remarks. If you want to be a bigot, go to Lehigh Valley Live. They love it.

  18. December 11th, the "AXIS POWERS" declared war on the United States of America. Do you realize the AXIS POWERS consisted of Germany, Japan, and Italy. That's right. El Duce was the king of Italy (better known as Mussolini).


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