Local Government TV

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Schlossberg Caught Ghost Voting For Missing State Rep

State Rep. Mike Schlossberg, whose mentor Fed Ed taught him everything he knows about honesty in government, has been caught red-handed casting a vote for a missing House member in yesterday's very tight 100-99 vote on the still unresolved state budget. State Rep. Daryl Metcalfe is calling for a House Ethics Committee investigation, according to The Patriot News.

This is a clear violation of a state House rule that provides, "No member shall be permitted to vote and have his or her vote recorded on the roll unless present in the hall of the House during the roll call vote."

The member for whom Schlossberg voted, Pete Daley, said he gave no authority to anyone else to vote on his behalf.

Schlossberg publishes a blog that chronicles political gaffes, usually by Republicans. Time for him to include himself.


  1. What a vile disgusting individual. When laws /procedures are broken, it seems that very few politicians and unelected govt bureaucrats are seldom held accountable.
    for some weird reason, their law breaking news is released and that is . no more news about actually paying a price for these violation.

    it is far pasty the time to hammer these vile pigs who abuse the system and abuse the tax payers on a daily basis.

  2. "Ghost" voting in the legislature? WTF? THIS is where voter ID is needed, because this is where a few votes matter - not for the public in their towns. Did this guy both press a button for someone else, and cast his own vote?

  3. He voted for John Daley as well as himself, according to The Patriot News. This incident is not being reported in the local papers, but should be.

  4. Thankful Mikey will be getting an actual opponent in 2016 and will have to answer to some of these things.

    -Concerned Allentown Voter

  5. That candidate should be knocking on doors NOW instead of having someone post comments anonymously. A-town is a one party town and part of the reason for that is shitty or no campaigns from the other party. He has become arrogant and is obviously ethically challenged, but you need to come out with a very strong and well-financed campaign to remove this servant of monied interests.

  6. His FB page provides a full and dramatic running account of his hard work, dedication, and courage in dealing with the clusterfuck in Harrisburg.
    Apparently the young man is a regular profile in courage.

  7. The Mayors number one boy.

  8. Say what you want about this guy, he has had the decency to remain by the mayors side and be a true and loyal friend when others have deserted the man.
    There's something to say for that kind of noble loyalty in a man.

  9. Mr Schlossberg seriously needs to be made unemployed at the next election.

  10. The ghost of Christmas present. He needs to be schlonged in the primary.

  11. Loyalty does not trump ethics.

  12. 2:06'
    Much like the Christmas city where the dem in breeding continues unabated

  13. Once again Bernie great job on your reporting.

  14. Once again, we all MUST set aside loyalty to political party and clean house. If ANY paid representative on the state or national level 'bends the rules,' to put it mildly, or has become lazy, GET THEM OUT OF OFFICE!

    The coming year needs to become an ANTI-INCUMBENT effort. Our politicians NEED a strong message of citizen control. Governance has been corrupted by action AND inaction. We need new faces!

    Fred Windish

  15. Schlossberg has always been a weirdo but now he is a scofflaw. Fed Ed should be proud that his limousine driver can do more than drive a car ! Schlossberg is a piece of shit and made the Democrats look like crooks .He needs to be primaried and taken out next year !

  16. This is just more of the same for Mike, he got to wear he's at by following orders, no questions asked. And since this is Allentown rest assured he will face no serious primary challenge and will be easily re-elected next November. In many respects he is the perfect representative for the Queen City, clueless and partisan.

    Scott Armstrong

  17. A 'scofflaw' is a guy who doesn't pay parking tickets. This guy corrupted the very essence of an open representative government. I can see his campaign advertising theme next year: "Schlossberg is such a good representative that he will even represent people he doesn't represent."
    Just wait for the medical excuse.
    Thanks for posting this story Bernie. I heard Gunther on the case this morning, too. Don't let the Christmas break make this go away.

  18. I'm sure there must be some mistake, Micheal is such a nice young man and his wife is a school teacher, she is nice too. I see him at the city functions and he's always friendly, so polite, asks me how I'm doing, I know he really cares.I have no doubt this is some sort of Republican trick, they are all totally nasty and hate people. I hate them.I would never vote for any of them.

    Allentown Democrat Voter

  19. Schlossberg & Paw'low'ski are having breakfast discussing the how to's of continuing on in the face of a prison sentence for the crimes they conspired to commit!

    Tweet that you twit...

  20. What a photo of Schlopsberg! Looks and acts like a cartoon character. He's one of many reasons why the PA. State legislature should be cut in half.

  21. Michael if he ever had has lost a level of the public's trust. Anyone who sells his book at a public event is pretty low but now ghost voting may be the icing on his cake. If it's illegal and some say it is, he should resign. Is there any level of embarrassment that he won't try? Who can believe anything he says.

  22. Michael was given his legislative seat. There's something to be said about working for reward versus being handed it.

  23. reported in the local papers, but should be.

    12:43 AM

    Why isn't it being reported. What local papers are there anymore anyway?
    Protect the Ds.

  24. We really need to learn why he dared to do this. Who told him to vote for someone else? A good investigation needs to start and certainly a change in House rules needs to be immediately approved and his votes removed too.

  25. "If it's illegal and some say it is, he should resign."

    It is a violation of House rules. It is not a specific violation of the state Crimes Code. It could be construed as a deprivation of the public's right to honest services, which would make it a federal violation. With the second highest paid legislature in the country and a state with no budget, no one should have been absent.


  26. Bernie O'Hare said...
    "If it's illegal and some say it is, he should resign."

    It is a violation of House rules. It is not a specific violation of the state Crimes Code. It could be construed as a deprivation of the public's right to honest services, which would make it a federal violation. With the second highest paid legislature in the country and a state with no budget, no one should have been absent.
    9:26 AM

    Agree but is it true another legislator voted from South America or is that

  27. Mike first worked for the local chamber.

  28. In his book "Tweets and Consequences," Schlossberg holds himself out as an expert who will teach less savvy pols how to avoid "career ending mistakes." The stunt he just pulled should be a career-ending mistake.

  29. He is no expert except in buffoonery!

    1. That makes up a whole in the childish gagetry used by the gang o thugs burner's¿!($
      patent pending

  30. Schlossberg should resign. Moved back to N.J.

  31. Anonymous said...
    Thankful Mikey will be getting an actual opponent in 2016 and will have to answer to some of these things.

    -Concerned Allentown Voter
    2:00 AM

    There's a small group that does call him this name, even in public!

  32. Courtesy: Patriot News:
    "As for Acosta, she is traveling out of the country this week and could not be reached. It was not immediately clear whether her leave request had been filed with the Democratic leadership, but her chief of staff Aissia Richardson, said Acosta is "vehemently opposed" to ghost voting. Democratic Whip Mike Hanna, D-Clinton, deflected questions about the matter Wednesday, saying he is focused on trying to resolve the budget impasse."

  33. Ghost voting used to be common in Harrisburg. However, it was typically done with permission of the absent legislator.

  34. This twitt'erer is a bought and paid for democratic politician backroom chamber boy toy that needs to be removed from office in the next election cycle!

  35. I wonder if Schlongburg pretends to be somebody else at the Stallions Club on 3rd St. in H'burg? C'mon by Mikey, you silly savage! Or was that you last night in the little black dress and FU pumps? Meowwwww!

  36. Ghost voting used to be common in Harrisburg. However, it was typically done with permission of the absent legislator

    People used to believe the Earth was flat too.

    "No member shall be permitted to vote and have his or her vote recorded on the roll unless present in the hall of the House during the roll call vote."

    This is 2015.

  37. I wanna be like Mike!

  38. Schlopsberg is a world-class political hack. The constituents in his district would elect John Paul Gacy if he was a Dem. He was the hand picked successor to Jen Mann, who continues to feed off the public trough. All these bums should be tossed out of office. Six months and still no state budget. All they do is collect their fat salaries and juicy expense accounts.

  39. Merry Christmas Benie.

  40. But it's just Metcalfe's word that Schlossberg hit the vote button? That's not very persuasive to me...I'm gonna need more evidence before I join the calls for Mike's head.

  41. Perhaps he should move to bedlam. He would do well there as they are political whores. hear booby d formed another sub committee of the citizens committee to make sure no one got more than 2 Christmas cookies from each other because that would be unethical and perhaps a bribe as he an the council reaps the benefits of so called developers. Burner phones are in the budget as the BA screws the citizens with increased taxes and fees as he unionizes more employees. the dced puts her fat feet on her desk as she phones her boy ronco. Very sick city.

    Bring back JC and Jk - at least you knew you were being screwed openly. Merry fuck you xmas from the dems of the present admin and council.

    Hows that tax and new increases as well as the Hirko tax working out for you?

  42. Anonymous Monkey Momma said...
    But it's just Metcalfe's word that Schlossberg hit the vote button? That's not very persuasive to me...I'm gonna need more evidence before I join the calls for Mike's head.

    3:35 PM

    Monkey Momma raises a good point. How does a state official vote? Did someone have to actually get up from his seat and walk over to the other representative's and cast a vote? More information is needed but if this is true it casts a dark light on Schlossberg.

  43. We have (1) the word of a state rep who saw Schlossberg do what he did; (2) the admission of a state rep who admitted he was absence and gave no one authority to vote in his absence; and (3) Schlossberg's failure to refute the accusation when I posted it on his state rep facebook page. Instead of responding, he went on to something else. That is a tacit admission on his part. I will save that Facebook page and sent it on to Metcalfe for his state ethics inquiry

  44. Jim Gregory would have a field day with this hot little choir boy-toy's keister

  45. Wait until the Fleck tapes get released.
    Little Mikie goes down.

  46. "The status quo is dangerous," Schlossberg said. "We have an opportunity here to not only get in on the ground floor, but to create jobs and save millions within the next 35 years. I think that's a pretty good deal."

    Allentown contract for waste-to-energy plant rejected by city council

    The FBI is now looking at this deal that would "save millions" for the City of Allentown.

    FBI expands Allentown investigation to controversial Delta Thermo Energy contract

    I agree @1:28, wait until the Fleck tapes get released.

    Merry Christmas!

  47. Bernie
    This should be a front page news story. Is it?
    Thank you for being the only news reporter we really have anymore.
    Merry Christmas to You Bernie. You allow the everyday joe to express our opinions.

  48. Here's a telling comment issued by the House Minority Leadership:
    "Democratic Whip Mike Hanna, D-Clinton, deflected questions about the matter Wednesday, saying he is focused on trying to resolve the budget impasse."
    Forget about integrity. Forget about House Regulations.
    As for "if" Schlossberg cast a ghost vote. There are video cameras that broadcast
    live TV. Those tapes should provide proof, either way.

  49. Paw'low'ski taught him how to lie, cheat & steal, it's God's will he said!

  50. To be a fly on the wall Monday when Schlossberg has to address his colleague.

  51. What is almost as troubling as Schlossberg casting two votes (he voted himself also), is that ghost voting appears to be common practice even though it isn't legal. Where is the investigation into THAT?

    This high profile bill apparently would not have passed if not for the ghost votes. The nads on Schlossberg are quite large - they should be put into a nutcracker.

  52. You got it all wrong. He is a courageous, hard working man of the people.
    See his Face Book page.

  53. The part that confuses me is why there are no controls on who is voting? Shouldn't you need an ID badge, or a key or something that activates the ability to vote at that station? Such technology would cost about $10 per station. Install that, and you have to have complicity in order for this to happen.

    The Banker

    1. Common sense says that we safeguard voting with things like identification but then this would diminish the ability to stack votes. Same goes for reps being held to account for ghost voting or better yet precluded from the act. It would diminish the ability to stack votes.

      I still laugh at the fact that there are elections that have a greater turnout than there are living registered voters.

  54. 12:43PM
    ca..Can you site a single verifiable case?

  55. I won't comment on guilt or innocence, but I work at Amazon, where every employee needs their badge just to activate the door to let you in. Not to mention to clock in and out. So why doesn't the most expensive legislature in the known Universe ($200, $300 million a year to operate) have a machine that they have to scan at their badge to verify their presence in chambers and also to cast a vote?
    I think we taxpayers should start demanding that representatives have to clock in and out in Harrisburg and post their timecards publicly.

  56. 7:10, Here's what is interesting. The newspaper in the geographic area of two of the state reps reported as having been ghost voted ran a story. But Schlossberg's ghost vote has not been reported in The Morning Call. Now it IS Christmas and the reporter who covers Harrisburg is a good guy and has not been shy about telling things as he sees them. He has reported on the ghost voting but has not named Schlossberg, likely bc he has no more evidence than Metcalfe and has not spoken to Schlossberg. I believe the evidence that exists is good enough.

    I'm not sure the video enables you to see every desk. I have confronted Schlossberg about this on his state rep page. He has gone on to talk about other things, but has been slent in the face of this accusation. That implies guilt.


  57. Chris, You must have been busy as hell. Merry Xmmas.

  58. BOH :
    Can you please post that link again?


  59. Bernie,
    Recent comments emphasize how easy it is to vote for someone else. Wouldn't this
    government body want accountability. Maybe not.

  60. Schlossberg's opponent should take this opportunity and begin a campaign. Honestly still counts. There are honorable men and women working in Harrisburg that would never consider a ghost vote. Schlossberg had all his jobs almost given to him. Has he ever worked for anything?

    Anonymous said...
    Thankful Mikey will be getting an actual opponent in 2016 and will have to answer to some of these things.

    -Concerned Allentown Voter
    2:00 AM

    Bernie O'Hare said...
    That candidate should be knocking on doors NOW instead of having someone post comments anonymously. A-town is a one party town and part of the reason for that is shitty or no campaigns from the other party. He has become arrogant and is obviously ethically challenged, but you need to come out with a very strong and well-financed campaign to remove this servant of monied interests.
    2:06 AM

  61. 1:15, If you're referring to Schlossberg's FB page, I just did.

  62. 1:23, I would hope a real Democrat, as opposed to a crony capitalist, would run. Of the Rs, I would hope a grown up and someone with life experience would run. I do not want to replace one partisan with another whose profile pic consists of him sitting between the GOP chair and his wife. If Ben Long is the best you can do, you will lose again.

  63. Maybe the Call is working on this story. For the most part the paper uses
    Dr. Christopher P. Borick, political scientist and Director of the Muhlenberg College Institute of Public Opinion, for almost all quotes political. Schlossberg graduated from Muhlenberg and may have even studied with Professor Borick.

  64. I would hope a real Democrat, as opposed to a crony capitalist, would run. Of the Rs, I would hope a grown up and someone with life experience would run. I do not want to replace one partisan with another whose profile pic consists of him sitting between the GOP chair and his wife. If Ben Long is the best you can do, you will lose again.

    1:35 PM

    Many agree with you.

  65. The visuals for a political campaign against Schlossberg have now been given a million dollar campaign, free.

  66. First off, Merry Christmas Bernie. Secondly, I am anything but a partisan hack. As you were the first to report a couple years back, I went against the establishment and endorsed a Democrat. As for the picture of me and Mayor Heydt, he is a personal friend. We rarely if ever talk politics when we get together. I look forward to proving myself as an honest and hard working individual.

  67. Ben, You have just been handed a Christmas present by Schlossberg. And though you did support Tom Muller over Scott Ott, like many other Republicans, you have for the most part been a cog in the party machine, including a stint as your local party's Exec Director. I think I can safely call you a partisan although I did not call you a partisan hack. Unless you give Democrats a reason to vote for you, you are going to lose. On your Facebook page, you claim to have studied "political science" at DeSales. Dis you graduate? Do you have a Master's degree, like Schlossberg? Do you have any real life's experience? Do you still live with your parents? What have you ever done about the lack of transparency in government? Did you advocate for campaign finance reform, like Fegley did? Did you speak out against the abuses of the Pawlowski administration, like Scott Armstron or Lou Hershman did? What exactly have you done except pose for pictures with people who are better known than you? Don't mistake my condemnation of Schlossberg, who like you never had to work for anything, as support for you. I'd much rather see someone run who could win. In that district, it would almost certainly have to be a Democrat. You are not quite ready for this leap and will just be wasting campaign money. Try to get someone in your party to run who can actually win. You should wait.

  68. @2pm...Dr. Christopher P. Borick is as much of a cheerleader than just about any other person the call or 69 news goes top for a short statement or clip.
    now lets see some real reporting. this guy taught at ghost voters college. lets hear a statement about that.

    I am sure it will go like this, ..ghost voting is a process that on the surface is wrong, but is a standard practice for decades. this goes on in every single state legislature in the country and it is acceptable and accepted by the voters, I think ?

    Here is a video from a Pennsylvania new station WGAL, about ghost voting. it is unbelievable..

    Ghost Voting Common Practice In Pa. House


    they literally rig their voting button. why? to cast a vote but even more important to collect a per diem ...they can collect every penny of their per diem with out being on Harrisburg. lets see if the two politicians who weren't there, were paid a per diem.

    a judge gets hammered for emails that are stupid and frat boyish, and he gets suspended. ok I get it...
    a state senator or congressman is on a plane to Florida , not only casting votes all day long but collecting a per diem . Basically saying FU tax payers , I will bill you for the 150.00 per day even though I am not on the floor or in Harrisburg. and not one thing happens to the crooked politician...something is very wrong with this system.

    lol ..make America great again is ringing loud and clear and each and every day scams like this come up, I see why...


  69. if Ben Long wants to compete for Schloss's seat he needs the swing voters who are easily targeted by 'UPAC 108, Do the smart thing and reach out.


  70. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  71. does Long even live in that district?

  72. I am sure it will go like this, ..ghost voting is a process that on the surface is wrong, but is a standard practice for decades. this goes on in every single state legislature in the country and it is acceptable and accepted by the voters, I think ?

    If this is true, and voters let this Schlossberg conduct go by the wayside, we all will get the dishonest representation we deserve!

  73. Anonymous said...
    @2pm...Dr. Christopher P. Borick is as much of a cheerleader than just about any other person the call or 69 news goes top for a short statement or clip.

    Reading multiple Borick quotes in multiple Call stories, wonder what other four year institutions of higher learning say behind closed doors. Why never a protest from any?

  74. Cannot believe Schlossberg would have ghost voted without higher ups approving. He's too new at the House to risk alienation.

  75. Schlossberg had said this publicly/-- he has mental health issues and relies on medication to stay balanced.
    It was courageous, if politically reckless to admit this publicly.
    It is worth consideration.

  76. Let us not forget that piece of political shit writ large----Jen Mann.

    1. Ya the wash machine is just about to get ready to rinse and spin, the new year will be bringing in a new political team¿!($ This with last years team as well as the backers of these political hacks being lead by Fed Ed in cuffs for a long dry out piriod¿!($
      This will be fitting with Church on the Run, but will they be able to partake in the Federal Pen¿!($
      Also will boy RePresentational tool RePete still be smarting as team eprentence team elder abuse of allentowns own soul sale sector from hiding under that skirt as the sneak that snuk the infamous piece of legislation into law on that hot july friday night¿!($ Does anyoneelse think the zits dripping puss from down below have a oder similar to a pussie boil popped too¿!($ This is no mention of the ticket tackers chessey yeat infected fries sold with a circus spin too¿!($
      Hard work and dedication on the reel by the Heada Harper of the city MMO suck ship lows yet to go¿!($

      How deep will allentowns big dig by the FBI be going¿!($
      Lets see what the local media outlet corrigraphere's spin will bring come through the local lame mentalists outlets wfmz/ moronic gag collaboration¿!($
      Bernie, it would be a big money maker with these edited out news reporters on the recieving end of Angles hos of human waste in the face in the palumpadome palumpasized, this entertainment extravaganza might even having me wanting to partake¿!($
      patent pending

  77. Bernie @ 4:34

    You have to admit, many people can be book smart, even smart enough to get a masters degree but not street smart

    we have a generation of millennials that are just not street smart...sadly they are becoming our leaders

  78. I agree that life experience might be even more important than education, but neither Schlossberg nor Long appear to possess much of it.

  79. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  80. Mayor Ed has taken this young man under his wing.This story has a happy ending.

  81. Same representative who's wife used the 'n' word in her classroom? What's going on inside their home and what sort of example are they setting for their own children in the future?

  82. Schlossberg now doing a TV commercial hawking mental health awareness ! Just saw it aired on TV Christmas Eve. There is no way the airing of that commercial was a coincidence!
    The commercial sucked but it was definitely aired to pull attention away from his ghost vote disaster. Thank you for bringing this to the forefront Mr. O'Hare and please keep busting Schlossbergs balls until we find out how deep into the Democratic Party this scandal reaches . Who was the guy who called for the ghost vote?

  83. I'll bet that the Sch'loss' is out in Harrisburg so he can collect his per diem while he attempts to figure out what to say or do regarding his cheating matter.

  84. Cant wait to hear how he explains this one, knowing the other dirt bag who was away from the capital , already made numerous statements that he gave no such permission to cast a vote either way. In the private sector this would be criminal.in govt this is standard practice. Nice job voters of the state allowing this to happen for decades..and I am one of those voters.

    It might be time this guy starts to hear from his real voting base, not the taker base, for his scam.

    Love the title of Honorable in front of this criminals name. Give him a buzz and let him know how you feel , that he is scamming the tax payers. BTW this info is public.

    Hon. Michael H. Schlossberg
    (610) 821-5577
    Fax: (610) 821-6325

  85. "Same representative who's wife used the 'n' word in her classroom?"

    She did so to make a point about disparaging terms with students. In other word=, she used it as a teacher would use it. It's ridiculous to bring that up here. All I am interested in are his own ethical lapses, not his wife. The person who posted this is the Blog mentor, who is trying to shove this teacher out of the way to make room for his Stepford wife.

  86. "Schlossberg now doing a TV commercial hawking mental health awareness !"

    Sclossberg's battles with depression, if real, are no basis for criticism. I am sticking to his ethical lapses.

    1. BOH... That commercial was taped long ago .
      Do you really think Mikey choose to run that commercial on Xmas Eve ? I don't believe it for a minute . I'm not disbarraging Schlossberg for suffering from depression but do believe he ran that commercial to take attention away from the ghost vote disaster .

  87. Can he buy an assault rifle or any gun if he is battling depression?

  88. You are contradicting yourself. Also, why would he need to deflect attention away from his ghost voting when no one knows about it aside from readers of The Patriot News and this blog?

  89. One is from Jersey. One is from Chicago ???

  90. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    BOH... That commercial was taped long ago .
    Do you really think Mikey choose to run that commercial on Xmas Eve ? I don't believe it for a minute . I'm not disbarraging Schlossberg for suffering from depression but do believe he ran that commercial to take attention away from the ghost vote disaster .

    3:00 PM

    Someone mentioned this commercial earlier today. Couldn't believe Schlossberg would run this now. Almost as if his chamber buddies got together for damage control. Whether it was produced now or months ago, timing matters. It is inappropriate at this time and should be removed. Mr. Schlossberg appears to have very little inner sense of propriety.

  91. Well we have one Republican stating he had just left the floor when another voted for him. Then the request was made for leave for the remainder of the day. Yeah, I buy that.

  92. Yikes, that picture of him is quite disturbing.

  93. LOL_ this pos is now engaging in total damage control. word is, he knows he is cooked on this issue. once again, lets see how pissed off people get with this guy, like they did with fed ed, and yet , they keep voting them into office.
    It is no wonder the countries biggest fear these is a corrupt and out of control govt, not ISIS.

  94. I sure hope he gets caught up in the whole Allentown corruption fiasco (after all he is a former Allentown city councilman) and now with this cheating while voting, judge sees a pattern and makes him share a cell w/Fed Ed.

  95. And now Mcall outs the expenses for 2014 and herrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs Mikey:

    District 132
    Lehigh (part) County

    Rep. Michael H. Schlossberg (D)
    Total expenses $60,856.87
    Avg. Expense $224.56
    Largest Expense $3,176.48
    Vouchers filed 271
    Rank for total exp. 47 out of 203

  96. The MCall story does not report how much he claimed in per diems.

  97. Someone above suggested a database be created of all the municipal boards, volunteer boards, charities etc. For example, there maybe elected officials from one entity actually working for another. Is this good government?

  98. I really cannot believe I haven't read about this anywhere besides here.

  99. I linked to The Patriot News article where this story first appeared. The MC did note ghost voting allegations, but stopped short of identifying Schlossberg.

  100. Schlossberg Expense Categories:

    Mileage $5,485.50
    Session per diem $10,186.00
    Office lease $2,200.00

    Remember, receipts not required...

  101. Back to ghost voting/ verification: I know that privacy advocates will have issues with this, but why couldn't state issue Drivers licenses/ID Cards with an RFID chip in it that not only allows police to check your driving/criminal record, but also your voting eligibility? We have the tech, why not avail it? Anything can be abused, but the prime users should be our representatives. If anyone should deserve to be tracked to prevent abuse of privilege, it is that GANG.
    As for spending, it galls me to no end that the legislature is still collecting their pay without doing the basic demands of their job, including passing a budget. And they are still getting all their benefits, while social services and schools suffer. Too bad we can't make them go hungry, without their medications, or sleep in rooms without heat.

  102. just read th\e facebook for M Molovonsky, he is running for 183rd district, the former Julie Harhart seat...this is VERY EXCITING

  103. @12:33

    Here's to his victory. Let's all pitch-in to elect a good man...

    -Jeffrey Anthony

  104. Correction: Schlossy is a fraud who violated ethics by 'Ghost Voting".

  105. 8:33 PM ..lol you are kidding with this post right? you pathetic attempt in defending a dirt bag, say very a lot about your character. NOT.

    do yourself a favor and read his pathetic blog, then tell us how we should appreciate his efforts. if you think Cunningham and Ianelli are super duper ethical , wake up. see the world as it is , not as you wish it would be.

    We don't need a Schlossberg's cheerleader or a Schlossberg family member, to lecture us on the warm and fuzzy side of this hack criminal.

    You are out of your mind. I know some of the people who post on here and I can tell you with out hesitation, they are disgusted by this guy and his antics including his pathetic biased blog. He is everything that is wrong in regards to politics.

    In fact you forgot to mention how he and Ed Pawlowski are very very very good friends. Based on your weird logic, that would put Schloss on the naughty list waiting for the feds and or the state to come knocking at his door soon.

    But hey, he is a great guy, who graduated from Muhlenberg. This is a very pathetic selfish individual who dislikes any and all opposition . This is a guy , based on his writings , might have some other issues, that need not be mentioned in this forum.

    In fact , he also uses good liberal Alinsky tactics when it comes to opposing views or opposing parties. no need to look any further than his blog to support this statement. just like he was taught by his good political buds in the city. He is not alone. He is as slimy as one can be with out going to jail. He will mess up and will be held responsible for his scams. It might start with his ghost voting. WE know for a fact, this was not his first time in doing this. This was the first time he was exposed\ bc his buddy was not even present, and did not give permission to the warm and fuzzy Schlossberg. This is going to get real hot , real fast , and Schlossberg and his minions in the party know that to be a fact.

    We will be sure to give him a call Monday morning or right after the new year.

    Hon. Michael H. Schlossberg
    610) 821-5577
    Fax: (610) 821-6325

    Rep. Michael H. Schlossberg (D)
    Total expenses $60,856.87
    Avg. Expense $224.56
    Largest Expense $3,176.48
    Vouchers filed 271
    Rank for total exp. 47 out of 203

  106. The comment at 8:33 has been deleted. The same or a similar comment has been posted and deleted about 30 times. My reason for deletion is it is a lie. Cunningham had nothing to do with Schlossberg, who actually got his start as a flunkie for Jenn Mann. I consider her ethically challenged as well. So the troll has been and will continue to be deleted. Your reference to Alinsky is misplaced. I believe people like you use that dishonest argument to justify your own personal attacks.

  107. Whatever entity created Schlossberg it really doesn't matter . He is here now and is the State Rep of record and needs to man up and answer for his misgivings . I don't care if he's depressed or handicapped .. Anybody that can falsify a vote for an absentee colleague that will affect the taxes that I pay needs to be ousted or resign whichever comes first . Schlossberg is a shill for all liberal politics therefore supports Wolf and his out of control taxation platform . Time for you to go Mikey . You can't be trusted !


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.