Local Government TV

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Pawlowski Meeting With Feds

Allentown Mayor Edwin "Fed Ed" Pawlowski likes to litter his Facebook page with numerous comments like "Have a great day!" On Sunday, the Moody Bible Institute grad even shares inspirational thoughts. Given what is going on in Allentown, his social media posts seem more like taunts than anything else. But his page was strangely silent last Monday. That's because he, along with his lawyers from Philly and D.C. were meeting with prosecutors in the City of Brotherly Love to discuss the case against him.

Federal investigators have laid out a road map showing what they have and where the case against him is going. There is no deal yet, and Fed Ed could decide to hold out until the last bitter moment, especially since he has no.job outside of Mayor. Another meeting has been scheduled in January, at which time I suspect Fed Ed will be offered a plea deal, if one has not already been made.

Will this case go beyond him? I suspect that will depend on what he tells them..


  1. Others have suggested the City Manager has rolled over. That would certainly bring matters to a conclusion, no?

  2. I'm not sure this is true. There are far too many other city officials left to fall before him. Why would the Feds offer up a plea until they all go down?

  3. Ed is, ultimately a coward---a coward without true friends.
    He will give up other dirty players to shorten jail time and help his family.
    He will roll to limit the pain to his children.
    He's a puffy dough boy who is terribly afraid of prison.
    He will sing like a bird when the time comes.
    He is a man without honor...
    A sanctimonious faker.
    A punk.
    A pussy.

  4. Even Pastor Randy is bad rapping the Mayor.
    The rats are leaving the sinking ship.
    You can smell the fear in city hall. The leg breakers in code enforcement are shitting bricks.

  5. Ring ring ring- hello , Allentown permits department.

    Caller- Yes I would like to set up an appointment to have my home inspected for a CO, a certificate of occupancy.

    PD- well you first have to make an appointment to make that appointment to get you CO. I have my first opening for that in two weeks. Can I pencil you in for January 14th at two.

    Caller- you mean I need an appointment to schedule and set up an appointment .

    PD - yes unless you have proof or receipt that you support our fine mayor, the we could schedule it now.

    Caller -yes yes I've been a supporter of Ed for years

    PD - well we will need proof of that, either a cancelled check or receipt will do. Can you bring that with you.?

    Caller - I'll bring that over now, goodbye!

    PD - no wait, you need an appointment to come in and show us proof , but now that I know that I can expedite the process. How about next Tuesday at 8:30.

    Caller- next Tuesday, a week from now , so I can schedule me coming in so we can schedule an appointment to get a CO.

    PD- yes

    Caller - Fine see you then, goodbye,

    PD- goodbye. .....

    Dummy, the caller still doesn't know where to go to set up this appointment. He can't go to city hall, they have to come down to 1234 Bullshit Street. By the time they figure to come down here their appointment time slot will be over and they will have to reschedule boy, that guy just wasted my time.

  6. Mayor Guridy will make certain that fundamental change does not occur and that he can prove their is a less intelligent alternative to the developmentally slow Pawlowski. There's a new day coming in Allentown. And it'll look like every other day before it. That's what one-party zombies get. Why is it that every Democrat-run city is a shitty hellhole of crime and violence and corruption? The PA AG should look into this. Oh wait; she's lost her law license under a cloud of grand jury testimony leaking and perjury. Never mind.

  7. I certainly don't know how these things play out, but I think Pawlowski was brought in now, not because the web is complete, but because there's more to build.

    Probably, Ed was brought in and 'officially' told "You WILL be charged with this, this, and this. If convicted, and we have sufficient evidence to make that happen, you will face 10-15 years in prison. Of course, direct cooperation from you, with additional details, could lead to a smaller penalty for your personal role."

    The FBI proposes a series of discussions over the coming weeks. Ed accepts, of course. Ed then opens up and involves others. Tensions rise throughout the region.

    There has been a huge Philadelphia connection throughout all of this, even before the NIZ and its obvious ties to the 'City of Brotherly Corruption.' Difficult to believe Pawlowski was the ultimate mastermind behind whatever the FBI finds troubling here, and in Reading.

    Whatever way this ends, Allentown and its citizens deserve a change to move on. I hope something definitive happens soon to allow this to begin.

    Fred Windish

  8. How do you know he met with the Feds, Bernie? Wouldn't this be a secret?

  9. Ed and F X D are link to the whales in Philly, private and unions and politicians...who are looped back to many NIZers in the valley, both private and politicians

    Ed grew up in Chicago, had seen this story play out before; a guy like Ed always has a trump card in his pocket, something to give the Feds when they come a knock'in...

    So, will be interesting to see if he exercises Omerta or gives the Feds a whale bone and ends up as Joe Smith in Idaho...along with Mike'd F.

  10. Could someone tell us what "Pete" said. Is it in the paper? Speaking of the paper, Day 7 and is there any Ghostly story? Actually, one media outlet yesterday even quoted Schlossberg. He acts like nothing's wrong.

  11. Anonymous said...
    Ring ring ring- hello , Allentown permits department.

    Caller- Yes I would like to set up an appointment to have my home inspected for a CO, a certificate of occupancy.

    PD- well you first have to make an appointment to make that appointment to get you CO. I have my first opening for that in two weeks. Can I pencil you in for January 14th at two.

    Caller- you mean I need an appointment to schedule and set up an appointment .

    PD - yes unless you have proof or receipt that you support our fine mayor, the we could schedule it now.

    Caller -yes yes I've been a supporter of Ed for years

    PD - well we will need proof of that, either a cancelled check or receipt will do. Can you bring that with you.?

    Caller - I'll bring that over now, goodbye!

    PD - no wait, you need an appointment to come in and show us proof , but now that I know that I can expedite the process. How about next Tuesday at 8:30.

    Caller- next Tuesday, a week from now , so I can schedule me coming in so we can schedule an appointment to get a CO.

    PD- yes

    Caller - Fine see you then, goodbye,

    Funny. Probably somewhat accurate.

  12. a lot of political shit will hit the fan when this octopus begins to spread his sucking arms. Look east, west, south and north and watch the dems and their puppet masters looking for shelter. Phone # for the philly FBI is 215 418 4000

  13. Part of the whole Allentown-Reading-McCord corruption investigation involves large amounts of construction union money. One of the main things the Unions wanted in return in Reading and Allentown was a requirement that large public contracts be structured so that most of the work would go to union contractors. That reduces the competition and increases costs.


    As part of that story, Reading is needing to re-bid their sewage plant work for a third time. The first two times, bidders were required to use 90% union workers. Only one general contractor bid was received. The latest bids were over-budget by $34 million. With a new Mayor in Reading, that union requirement will be removed for the third set of bids.

  14. The sad thing is that union requirements often harm city residents. Most of the members of the large construction unions do not live in Allentown or Reading, but live in suburban areas. Many travel tens of miles to work on union jobs. If there was not a union requirement, the contractors would be more likely to hire local people who live in the cities.

  15. I'm so bummed the Fleck Tapes weren't out for Christmas.

  16. The sad thing is without Union jobs the middle class continue to disappear, Anthony.

  17. Please tell me that sch'loss'berg will be brought up on charges in addition to his Ghost Voting incident. Not to take away from FedEd and his corruption involvement.

  18. Ed will give up his butt boy in a New York minute.

  19. Let us not forget the drunken king of the niz and his lobbyist wife

  20. "How do you know he met with the Feds, Bernie? Wouldn't this be a secret?"

    Not once I write about it. I am certainly not going to tell you how i know and give away sources that have been proven accurate.

  21. So disappointed we did not have the annual politically correct Holiday party for all the fine supporters. It used to be a jolly old time with loud people. What a nice way for others to contribute to a festive cause. I hope there will be the annual Valentines Day event. It is always great to get together with fine people.

  22. "I'm not sure this is true. There are far too many other city officials left to fall before him. Why would the Feds offer up a plea until they all go down? "

    I'm not telling this story as you anonymously think it should happen. I am telling it as it happens.

  23. "Others have suggested the City Manager has rolled over. That would certainly bring matters to a conclusion, no? "

    No. A lot of you don't understand that these things never end. This will go wherever the evidence takes it. My guess is he can give up a lot of people, and as someone noted, he has no friends so I consider that quite possible.

  24. Who is the drunken King of the NIZ?

  25. Skilled labor isn't cheap.
    Cheap labor isn't skilled...or safe.
    @9:20 AM

  26. Bernie, your personal vendetta against King Edwin must end. Make it your New Year's resolution. The King will remain on his throne in 2016, weakened but still with an army of elite shake-down artists at his disposal. You must learn to bow before this monarch and not ridicule him. The King will show mercy if you change your errant ways. He needs jesters in the court to amuse him. You would be a perfect candidate. All hail the mighty King!

  27. Someone said Fed Ed was in Philadelphia for meetings but it had nothing to do with the Feds. Do we know for sure it was with the Feds?

  28. "I'm so bummed the Fleck Tapes weren't out for Christmas."

    Same here. If the mayor's burner phone admonishment wasn't enough, those recordings are destined to be Hall of Fame classics.

  29. "The sad thing is that union requirements often harm city residents. Most of the members of the large construction unions do not live in Allentown or Reading, but live in suburban areas. Many travel tens of miles to work on union jobs. If there was not a union requirement, the contractors would be more likely to hire local people who live in the cities."

    Fair comment. I know a union guy who's made good coin on the Allentown jobs. He travels 27 miles each way and packs a lunch so not to incur high prices in Allentown. There's not a guy on his crew from Allentown.

  30. Edgar's sources are more tightly guarded than his "precious" IPad, Smeagol missed his calling as an FBI agent.

  31. The biggest fish is Marcel Groen. If Ed has someone to roll on, it's him. I seriously, seriously doubt this snares anyone involved with the NIZ, except maybe Pat Browne and Jennifer Mann.

  32. Bernie, if you start referring to Schlossberg as "Darth Voter," maybe you'll gain some traction. Catchy, right?

  33. 12:22, he was meeting with Feds. There is no doubt.

  34. Fed Ed is rolling on everyone. The people on "the list" should all be having sleepless nights. They better make their deals first before Edwin. I think there is potential to go "up the ladder" to JB Reilly and Pat Browne if Ed cooperates.

  35. It will soon be time to consider who the interim mayor will be.
    Will that person be able to run in the first open election?

    I fear the worst.....

  36. Will Allentown City Council remain silent? Will City Council President Ray O'Connell remain silent?

    Only Jeanette Eichenwald questioned the Mayor and his "deals". The rest of Council has been USELESS and remained silent. The only thing Council did was approve Mayor Pawlowski's 2016 budget. They didn't even question it. They rubber-stamped for Mayor Pawlowski once again.

    I've told them all that they AND their families should be ashamed about what they have been involved with. They chose to work with the Mayor.

    The internet has record of their support for the Mayor. Facebook has record of the citizens that continue to support Pawlowski.

    Pawlowski was the Chicago bible-toting, self-proclaimed savior of Allentown. Everyone was fooled by Pawlowski. I don't think most citizens realize what men like Pawlowski, Strathearn, Schweyer and now Glazier have done to the City's finances. They leased the water system for 50-years, why?

    Not one person can really say why we needed to lease the water system. There were other options but Pawlowski, Strathearn and Schweyer steered everyone away from any other options.

    We got fucked. Let's admit it now. Why do we need to wait for the FBI to point out the crimes our local politicians have committed?

  37. What about sch'loss'berg Mike? City council for how long and when most of the corruption occurred?

  38. Allentown will simply get another corrupt Democrat slob to be the new Mayor. There are so many to choose from. Because only Democrats care about people and, therefore, only Democrats can be trusted to keep the "benefits" coming to the local constituency.

  39. Schlossbile is a dishonest piece of human waste. He can't go to prison soon enough.

  40. Schlossberg is a rule breaker / cheater and that in itself makes him a dishonest person! Let's see what involvement he had in the Allentown corruption.

    I don't want him to represent me in any political office.

  41. I highly doubt Ed will throw in the towel. He is likely not going to a maximum penitentiary. So it's a matter of how long. I think he doesn't have anyone to give up beside Groen.

  42. Ed had a TON of people to give up,
    up the ladder and down the latter.
    The thugs in city hall are all sweating it out, and there's plenty of them.

  43. "Because only Democrats care about people"

    That is true. They are the only one between the people and the crazy teabagers.

  44. Mandatory ethic training for all City Hall workers. Each should sign an ethics statemwnt. Add a whistle blower hotline to a third party. Ever employee has the responsibility to expose unethical behavior without fear or retribution. It should be written into all contracts.

  45. You can smell the fear in City Hall.


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